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DB-3, page 276. 14 May 1768. DANIEL BALL to PHILEMON HAWKINS, both of Bute Co. 67 Pds:8 Sh:l/2d. for 480 A. in Bute Co. where sd. BALL now lives, on BS Martins Creek, bought from THOMAS FUSSELL 1 June 1762 (deed recorded in Granville Co. June 1763). Wit: ANSIL PARRISH, PHILL. HAWKINS, JR. Proved by PHILEMON HAWKINS, JR., 3 Nov. 1769, before RICHARD HENDERSON, Esq., A.J. Reg: 3 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 278. 12 June 1771. WILLIAM GIBBONS, of Orange Co., to PHILEMON HAWKINS, of Bute Co. 25 Pds:8 Sh:11d. for 199 A. in Bute Co. adj. ELLIS MARQUIS (MERQUIS) & GOVERNOR JOHNSON. Wit: LEN H. BULLOCK, PHIL HAWKINS,JR., JAMES GIBBONS. Proved by LENNARD HENDLEY BULLOCK, 21 June 1771, before RICHD. HENDERSON, Esq., A.J. Reg: 6 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 279. 27 February 1769. WILLIAM HOLL(E)Y to THOMAS HASWELL, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Procl. money for 236 A. in Bute Co. on BS Buffloe Creek, adj. JONES, BIRD, PARK & KIMBRO. Wit: HENRY COOPER, GEORGE BUSHOP, JOHN ROACHEL. Proved by HENRY COOPER, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 9 September 1771, by WM. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 280. 3 June 1771. WILLIAM MASSEY (MASSIE) to VINCENT BODINE, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 300 A. in Bute Co. on SS Tar River, adj. WHITE, HAWOOD & BURT. Wit: JOHN GOLDIN, JOURGE BUSHOP, JOHN MOSELY. Proved by JOHN GOLDIN, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: l0 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 282. 9 October 1770. THOMAS LAZWELL (NASWELL) to JOHN GOLDIN, both of Bute Co. 106 Pds:6 Sh: Sd. Procl. money for 236 A. in Bute Co. on BS Buffulow (Buffello) Creek, adj. JONES, BIRD, PARK & KIMBRO (CIMBRO). Wit: BENJAMIN MOSLEY, HENRAY COOPER, JOHN BLAKE. Proved by HENRY COOPER, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 14 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 283. 26 February 1771. JOHN BASKETT, of Orange Co., to JAMES BASKETT, of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money (& payment of Quitrents) for 100 A. in Bute Co. on BS Fishing Creek, head of Old Spring Branch, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant, 8 Feb. 1760, to WILLM. BASKETT. Wit: THOMAS CATE, ELIZABETH CATE. Proved by THOMAS CATE, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 15 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 12th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to JAS. BASKETT.

DB-3, page 284. 29 March 1771. WILLIAM SANDERS, Planter, to KIRBY SANDERS, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. on Crooked Creek, adj. WILLIAM FREEMAN, across Kirby Sanders Spring Branch, adj. JOHN SANDERS. Wit: JACOB HEARTSFIELD, WILLIAM SANDERS,JR. Proved by WILLIAM SANDERS, JR., Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg:16 Sept.1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 286. 25 April 1771. JOHN HAWKINS to his Son PHILEMON HAWKINS, both of Bute Co. "For tender love & affection", Gift of 300 A. in Bute Co., part of a 590 A. EARL GRANVILLE grant to WILLIAM EATON 25 March 1749, on NS Deep Creek, from mouth of Kirldheads Branch. Wit: JNO. TWITTY. Proved by JOHN TWITTY, Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 17 Sept.1771, WILLIAM JOHNSON,P.R.

DB-3, page 287. 14 August 1771. JAMES RANSOM, Sheriff, to JOHN DUKE, both of Bute Co. 37 Pds. Procl. money, highest bid at public Auction of land belonging to SAMUEL DUKE ( a grant to him 26 Aug. 1760), 156 A. on SS Reedy Creek, adj. BOBBIT(T), WILLIAM DUKE & GOVERNOR JOHNSTON, sold by WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esq., late Sheriff, for debt due JOHN THOMPSON & CO. (28 Pds:l0 Sh: Procl. money plus interest & costs & fees) & by court Order in name of THE KING in 4th. year of his reign, from Superior Court for District of Halifax at Courthouse in Town of Halifax in March, WILLIAM BERRY, C.J. Sale held in August of that year. Ack: by JAMES RANSOM, Sheriff, no date given, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 20 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 13th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to JNO. DUKE.

DB-3, page 289. 10 May 1771. THOMAS PROSSER, of Henrico Co., Va., to JOHN MOSELEY, of Bute Co. l00 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on SS Roanoake River, adj. WALKER & sd. MOSELEY, to the River bank. Wit: JOHN GORDON, ALLAN LOVE, ALEX TROTTER. Proved by JOHN GORDON, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 26 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 291. 20 June 1771. JOSEPH MERRITT (MERRET(T)), SR. & WILLIAM HILL, SR. to EDWARD JONES, all of Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on SS Great Shocco Creek adj. EDWD. JONES to head of Lick Branch & adj. BENJAMIN WARD, crossing a ledge of rocks. Wit: JULIAN KING, MATHEY MILLS. Proved by JULIAN KING, Bute August Court   1771. BEN McCULLOCH. C.C. Reg: 27 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 14th. Novr. 1771 Deld. to E. J.

DB-3, page 292. 17 December 1770. ELEY ELEY & MART, his wife, to WILLIAM JACKSON, both of Bute Co. 70 Pds. Va. money for 400 A. in Bute Co. on Mill Stone Creek, from Sliding Rock Branch, adj. GREEN HILL. Wit: GREEN MILL, JAMES YARBROUGH, EDWARD CARLILE. Ack: by ELEY ELEY & MARY, his wife, she first consenting in private examination. Bute August Court 1771. BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 28 September 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 20th.(?) Day of Octr. 1772 Deld. to GREEN HILL.

DB-3, page 293. 8 April 1771. THOMAS COOK, Planter, to ENOS BIRD, Planter, both of Bute Co. 100 Pds. Va. money for 320 A. in Bute Co. on NS Tar River along Jumping Run Swamp, adj. old line of MOODY, East part of tract bought from ROBERT MOODY 21 Oct. 1754, a patent to him 28 April 1753.Wit: SAMPSON MOUNGER, GEORGE HUNT, RICHD. TIMBERLAKE. Proved by SAMPSON MOUNGER, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 2 October 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 14th. Novr. 1771 Deld. to JNO. BIRD

DB-3, page 295. 12 August 1771. WILLIAM BURROW (BORROW, BOROUGH),JR. to CHARLES JAMES, both of Bute Co. 50 Pds. Va. money for 250 A. in Bute Co. on Fishing Creek adj. OZBOURN, JOHN ROBERSON, WILLIAM DAVIS, GEORGE HAZLEWOOD, Thompsons Spring Branch & sd. Burrow's corn field. Wit: JAMES DARDEN, FRANCIS PATTERSON. Ack: by WILLIAM BURROW,JR., Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 October 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 296. 25 January 1771. WILLIAM GANT to ISOM GANT, both of Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. on BS Mill Stone Branch & Sliding Rock, part of a 638 A. grant to DANIEL BUTS. Wit: WILLIAM JACKSON, WILLIAM WOOD. Proved by WILLIAM JACKSON, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 October 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 12th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to ANDREW GANT.

DB-3, page 298. 25 January 1771. WILLIAM GANT to WILLIAM WOOD, both of Bute Co. 30 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. from ES the Mill Stone to the Sliding Rock, adj. WOOD, part of a grant to JOSEPH FAIR. Wit: WILLIAM JACKSON, ISOM GANT. Proved by WILLIAM JACKSON, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 October 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 300. 15 August 1770. NATHANIEL PEEBLES & MILLY PEEBLES to SAMUEL DUKE. 60 Pds. Va. money for 270 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek, Waterses Branch, adj. HENRY THORNTON. Wit: ISAAC ACREE, THOS. NORMENT, STEPHEN BECKUM. Ack: by NATHANIEL PEEBLES, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 7 October 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.In Margin: 12th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to SAML. DUKE

DB-3, Page 301. 29 January 1771. WILLIAM WOOD to BRIT(T)AIN (BRITON) WOOD, both of Bate Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 1OO A. in Bute Co. on Mill Stone Branch to Slideing Rock, bought from JOHN WOOLBANKS. Wit: ISNAM GANT, WILLIAM JACKSON. Proved by WILLIAM JACKSON, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 7 Oct.1771, WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. In Margin: 13th. Feby.1772 Deld. to B.WOOD

DB-3, page 303. JOHN WOOD to THOMAS THORNTON, both of Bute Co. 25 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. on Curl Head Branch adj. CAPTAIN JOHN HAWKINS, where sd. THORNTON now lives, part of 200 A. bought from his brother BENNETT WOOD.Wit: BENNETT WOOD, WILLIAM WOOD. Proved by BENNETT WOOD, Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 October 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB3, page 304. 15 October 1770. PENUWELL WOOD to BENNETT WOOD, both of Bate Co. 30 Pds. for 100 A. in Bute Co. at Cuntry (Cuntre) Line, adj. WILLIAM WOOD & sd. BENNETT WOOD. Wit: DANIEL COLLSON, GEORGE KING, GEORGE TUCKER. Proved by GEORGE KING, Bate August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 6 November 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R.

DB3, page 306. 14 August 1771. JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax, to JAMES RANSOM, JR., Esq., of Bute Co. 200 Pds. Procl. money for 700 A. in Bute Co. on SS Fishing Creek, from mouth of Richneck Creek to Poor Creek Run, adj. JOHN MARSHALL, ALEXANDER McCULLOCH, Esq., SOLOMON ALSTON, SR,, part of Clun Seat Tract formerly patented to EDWARD MOSELEY, Esq. Wit: THOMAS ROBERSON. Ack: by JOSEPH MONTFORT, Esq., Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 6 November 1771, by WILLIAM JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 13th. Novr. 1771 Deld. to JAS. RANSOM

( Refer to Volume I, page 31:
WB-A, page 203. Commission appointing JAMES JOHNSON, Esq. County Register, from Gov. JOSIAH MARTIN. Dated Newbern 23 August 1771. /s/ JOHN ALLGEO, P.S., by his Excellency's Command. Recorded November Court 1771. WB-A, page 204. Bond from JAMES JOHNSON as Register. Dated 14 November 1771. To his Excellency JOSIAH MARTIN. Refers to Commission dated 23 August last past. Securities: JAMES RANSOM, DANIEL SLEDGE, CHARLES ALLEN. Wit: B. McCULLOCH. Recorded November Court 1771. )

DB-3, page 307. 22 June 1766. WILLIAM PATTERHALL, SR. to THOMAS PATTERHALL & JOHN PATTERHALL, all of Bute Co. 210 Pds. Va. money for 344 A. in Bute Co. adj. WM. JOHNSTON, JOHN HICKS, JOHN ELLIS, DAVID TOWNS, WORRING & ROBBERT, on Duggers Spring Branch. Also 20 head of cattle, 2 beds & my goods & chattles. Wit: DAVID YOUNG, THOMAS JONES, DWELLE DARNAL. Proved by DAVIS YOUNG, Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 18 Nov. 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 308. 20 May 1771. BENJAMIN PERSON to BRYAN FERRELL, son of JOHN FERRELL, all of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Va. money for 622 A. in Bute Co. on BS Crooked Creek, adj. ARENDELL & sd. FERRELL & including Ferrell's Mill, the same land which was deeded to JOHN FERRELL in 1763 but the deed was 1ost or mislaid & does not appear on record. Wit: JOS. MONTFORT, HENRY PATTILLO. Ack: by BENJAMIN PERSON, Esq., Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: l8 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 11th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to JOHN FERRELL.

DB-3, page 309. 5 July 1771. HENRY HILL to WILLIAM HILL, both of Bute Co. 137 Pds:l0 Sh: Va. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on Soatherlands Mill Swamp, bought from KEDAR BEST. Wit: THOMAS SHERROD, JAMES BARROW. Ack: by HENRY HILL, Esq., Bate August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: l8 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 311. 30 March 1771. BENJAMIN THOMPSON & ELIZA. THOMPSON, of Bute Co., to JOSEPH MONTFORD, of Halifax. 212 Pds:l0 Sh: Procl. money for 240 A. where BENJAMIN THOMPSON & his son DRURY new live, the remaining part of a patent, on SS Great Shocco Creek adj. THOMAS ROBERTSON, lands bought from JOHN GIBBS & land sd. MONTFORD sold to ZACKARIAH THOMPSON. Wit: JOHN BROWN, ELIJAH JARMAN, GEDION THOMPSON. Proved by ELIJAH JARMAN, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 18 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 312. 15 August 1771. WILLIAM DUKE to BENJAMIN PRITCHET(T), both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 400 A. in Bute Ce. down Owens Creek to mouth of Stonecuting Branch & along Laughters Old Path, adj. JOHN JACKSON, HOUSE, JAS. LAUGHTER, JONATNAN JOHNSON & FRANCIS HOGWOOD. Wit: THOMAS CHRISTMASS, ISAAC HOUSE. Ack: by WILLIAM DUKE, Bate August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 19 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 313. 26 January 1771. WILLIAM GANT to BRITAIN WOOD, both of Bate Ce. l0 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Ce. en the Mill Branch to the Slideing Rock, adj. WOOLBANK & ISOM GANT. Wit: ISHAM GANT, WILLIAM JACKSON. Proved by WILLIAM JACKSON, Bate August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 20 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 315. 25 March 1770. WILLIAM SMITH, Planter, to CHRISTOPHER STROTHER, both of Bute Ce. 200 Pds. for 200 A. on SS Tar River & on the River. Wit: WILLIAM TABB, HUMPNREY BALLARD, THOS. BELL. Proved by THOMAS BELL, Esq., Bute Aug. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 Nov.1771, JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 316. 11 December 1770. CHARLES WOOD to SAMSON BOBO, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Va. money for 1OO A. in Bate Co. on NS Izinglass Creek, adj. MARTIN, being part of a 315 A. grant to DANIEL BUTTS, Dec'd. Wit: BEN HILL, JINKINS DEVANEY. Proved by BENJAMIN MILL, Bate August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 12th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to NICHOLAS MURPHEY.

DB-3, page 318. 19 July 1771. PHILEMON HAWKINS & DILLE, his wife, to DANIEL SLEDGE, all of Bute Co. 70 Pds. Procl. money for 385 A. in Bate Co. on NS Stone House Creek, the Watery Ran, adj. PERSON. Wit: ROBERT BIRD, JOHN TWITTY, PHIL. HAWKINS,JR. Ack: by PHILEMON HAWKINS & DILLE!, his wife, she having been first privately examined & consenting, Bute August Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 20 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 13th. Augst. 1772 Deld. to THOS. PERSON.

DB-3, page 319. 11 December 1769. JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax, to SOLOMON WILLIAMS, of same. 550 Pds. Va. money for 1,100 A. on Shocco Creek named Rasberry Neck, from mouth of Midle Branch to mouth of Woods Branch, adj. JOHN BROWN & JOSEPH JNO. ALSTON. Wit: NATH. BROWN, RICHARD BURT. Ack: by JOSEPH MONTFORD, 11   October 1771, before M. MOORE, Esq., A.J. Reg: 20 November 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 19th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to SOLOMON WILLIAMS.

DB-3, page 321. 13 November 1771. JAMES RANSOM, JR., Sheriff of Bute Co., to PHILLIP PERSON, of So. Hampton Co., Va. l0 Pds. Procl. money for 230 A. in Bute Co. on branch of Stonehouse Creek, adj. COL. PERSON, dec'd., MYRICK & SIMONS, land sold pursuant to Judgment obtained in Superior Court of Halifax at the instance of JOHN PERSON, dec'd, against JOHN MYRICK. Wit: WILLIAM PERSON. Ack: by JAMES RANSOM, JR., Esq., Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: l0 December 1771, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 10th. Decr. 1771 Deld. to DANIEL SLEDGE

DB-3, page 322. 18 December 1770. GREEN HILL to ELET ELEY, both of Bute Co.20 Pds. Va. money for 120 A. on the Sliding Rock Branch, adj. MICAJAH YARBROUGN& sd. ELEY, where JOSHUA YARBROUGR now lives. Wit: WILLIAM GANT, SAML. ELEY .Ack: by GREEN HILL, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 20 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3. page 324. 5 October 1771. JOHN DINKINS, Taylor, to MILES BOBBITT, both to the Ridge & down the Great Branch, adj. JOHN GREEN. Wit: JAB. JOHNSON, JAMES McINVAILL. Proved by JAMES JOHNSON, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Res: 29 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 325. 26 August 1771. JOHN LANGSTON & ELIZABETH (ELISABETH), his wife, of Orange Co., to RANDOLPH MAZLEWOOD, of Bute Co. 300 Pds:l0 Sh: Procl. money for two tracts of land in Bute Co., a total of 590 A.: 1.) on SS Reedy Creek, from month of Fannys Delight; 2.) between Reedy Creek & Great Fishing Creek, adj. MADRY & FINNEY. Wit: JAMES LANGSTON, WILLIAM MADDRAY. Proved by WILLIAM MADRY, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 29 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 327. 9 September 1771. CHARLES KIMBALL (KIMBELL) & DINAH, his wife, to AMASA PALMER, all of Bute Co. 60 Pds. Va. money for 250 A. in Bute Co. where sd. KIMBELL now lives, adj. JOHN COLEMAN, SAML. JONES, JOHN SHEARIN, CEARLES WHITE & COL. PHILLOM. HAWKINS. Wit: JOHN MOSELEY, DAN PEGRAM, JR., MARY PHILLIPS. Proved by JOHN MOSELEY, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 29 January 1772, by JAS. JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 13th. May 1772 Deld. to AMASA PALMER.

DB-3, page 328. 30 November 1770. REUBIN BALLARD E APCILLA BALLARD tŪ JOHN HACKNEY, both of Bate Co. 25 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Ce. em SS Sandy Creek, from Lick Branch to Waters Spring Branch. Wit: ALEXR. MUIRNEAD, JOSEPH HACKNEY, WILLIAM DEUTY. Proved by JOSEPH HACKNEY, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, CC. Reg: 29 January 1772, by JAS. JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 12th. Augst. 1772 Deld. to JNO. HACKNEY.

DB-3, page 329. 7 November 1770. JESSE ROWLAND to JOSIAE GREEN, both of Bute Co. l0 Sh: Sterling money of Great Britain for 64 A. in Bute Co. adj. sd. GREEN - to Brinkleys Road, part of a survey of WILLIAM MANGUM. Wit: JESSE PERSON, WILLOUGHBY SELF. Ack.: by JESSE ROWLAND, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 29 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 331. 12 November 1771. THOMAS PATTE(R)SNALL to JOHN ELLIS, both of Bute Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 57 A. in Bute Co. on WS Hawtree Creek, adj. sd. ELLIS & DAVID TOWNS. Wit: HARDIGE WALKER, RICHARD ELLIS, JOHN HICKS. Proved by JOHN HICKS, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 29 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3! page 333. 13 November 1771. HENRY COOKE to JAMES BAGLEY, both of Bute Co. 127 Pds:l0 Sh: Va. money for 420 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek adj. HESTIS (WESTIS?). her right of dower in sd. lands, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Res: 29 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 334. 4 March 1771. BENJAMIN LIND(S)EY (LENDSEY) to ADAM PARDUE. 35 Pds. Va. money (E payment of Quitrents) for 200 A. in Bute Co. on SS Sandy Creek, from mouth of Waterses Branch & along the Creek except for 1 acre at Mill on sd. Branch. Wit: WILLIAM GREEN, JOHN BALLARD. Proved by JOHN BALLARD, JR., Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg. 30 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3 page 336 6 November 1771. BENJAMIN WARD to his sea RICHARD WARD. For 5 Sh: Procl. money, affection, etc., Gift of two tracts of land: 1.) 200 A. on SS Shocce Creek, adj. EDWARD JONES & bought from MOSLY & ROBERT WALTON, known as St.Johns Church Land & where RICHARD WARD now lives. 2.) 600 A. on SS Shocco Creek adj. UNDERWOOD, LYLES & sd. WARD, a GRANVILLE grant, by FRANS. CORBIN & JOSEPH BODLEY & wit: by JNO. & CHARLES LYLES, SR., Chn. Carreirs. Wit: WILLIAM PARK, WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Proved by WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Bute Nov. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 Jan. 1772, JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 13th. May 1772 Deld. R. WARD

DB-3, page 338. 28 March 1771. STEPHEN LOWE, Bricklayer, to JOHN BAGGOT(T), Planter, both uf Bute Co. 70 Pds. Procl. money for 370 A. on BS Mill Creek, to Townsends Spring Branch em WS. Wit: JOHN ROBINSON, WM. SMITH. Ack: by STEPHEN LOWE, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3 page 339. 6 April 1771. JAMES DOZER to BENNET WOOD, both of Bute Ce. 20 Pds. Va. money for l00 A. in Bute Co. from ES the Rockey Branch, adj. WILLIAM SMITH, ROBERT KING, GEORGE ROSE & SHIPPI ALLEN PUCKETT. Wit: PETER TWITTY, CHRISTOPHER HINTON, PHILEMON HAWKINS, JR. Proved by PETER TWITTY, Bute Nov. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 Feb. 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 341. 1 January 1771. WILLIAM SMITH, of Tryon Co., to THOMAS BONNER, of Bute Co. 25 Pds. Va. money for 357 A. in Bute Co. on NS Crooked Creek, adj. ALFORD, HICKS & TANT, part of am EARL GRANVILLE grant 5 Dec.1761. Wit: THOMAS SHERROD, PATEWILLS MILNER, JOHN MASSEY, JR. Proved by THOMAS SHERROD, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 2 February 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 342. 2 October 1771. THOMAS BONNER to ROGER WILLIAMS, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 357 A. ia Bute Co. on NS Crooked Creek, adj. ALFORD, HICKS & TANT, part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant, 5 Dec. 1761, to WILLIAM SMITH from whom it was bought. Wit: THOS. SHERROD, BEN COOK. Proved by THOS. SHERROD, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 3 February 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 344. 26 July 1770. WILLIAM RUSSEL(L) & SARAN RUSSELL to THOMAS HUCKEB(A)Y, all of Bute Co. 25 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. in Bute Co., part of an EARL GRANVILLE grant 6 February 1762, Wit: JAMES RUSSELL, WILLIAM GARRIETT, B. WARD. Proved by BANJAMIN WARD, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 February 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 12th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to THOS. HUCKABEY.

DB-3, page 345. 1 June 1771. JULIUS NICHOLS (JULIAS NICHOLDS) & ELIZABETH, his wife, of Bute Co., to ROBERT HICKS, of Brunswick Co., Va. 500 Pds. for two tracts of land, 475 A., in Bute Co.: 1.) SS Fishing Creek, from mouth of Long Branch along original line of MOSELEY, bought from JOSEPH MONTFORT; 2.) on NS Fishing Creek where I formerly lived & bought from KIMBAL, from mouth of Little Creek to the Old Line & to the Great Creek. Wit: WILLIAM MOORE, JOHN CHRISTMAS. Ack. by JULIUS NICHOLS & his wife ELIZABETH, she being first privately examined & consenting, Bute Nov. Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 February 1772, by JAS. JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-3, page 346. 3 November 1764. THOMAS PENIAL (PINNALL, PINNELL) to JERIMIAH WOOTEN, both Planters of Bute Co. l0 Pds. Current Money for 292 A. being 1/2 of tract taken up 1 Dec. 1760. Wit: THOMAS BELL, JOHN BURT. Ack: by THOMAS PINNELL, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 February 1772, JAS. JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 13th. Feby. 1772 Deld. to GEORGE BLEDSOE.

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