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Justice, on behalf of Justices, dated 14 February 1775. Wit: DANIEL WILLIAMS. Recorded February Court 1776.

(The preceding is the last document recorded at the February Court 1776. All documents in these abstracts, from the first recorded for BUTE COUNTY to this point, were recorded by BENJAMIN McCULLOCH, County Clerk, and all dates given for recording of wills were date of probate, unless otherwise stated. There are no missing documents, but, as you will see below, there were none recorded between February Court 1776, above, and February Court 177?, below, at which court bond for Thomas Machen as County Clerk is recorded and Thomas Machen continues as Clerk of Court throughout the existence of Bute County and after the formation of Warren County, remaining in office until 1782.)

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100 (A) Will of FRANCIS MYRICK. Dated 3 June 1775. Recorded February Court 1777. Wife REBECCA, land on Lizard Creek where I now live, including the mill. To son FRANCIS MYRICK. To grandson FRANCIS MYRICK, son of FRANCIS MYRICK, and then to his brother JOHN MYRICK, if he has no issue. To son JOHN MYRICK. Daughter MARY EDWARDS. Son MOSES MYRICK. Son OWEN MYRICK to maintain daughter MARY EDWARDS & her children and divide trust between MARY EDWARD's children. Son WILLIAM MYRICK. Son MATTHEW MYRICK, to maintain son JOHN & his wife and children and give what is in trust to JOHN's children, and to have land on North Side of Roanoke River. Daughter MIBELTON FLETCHER & her daughter MARY. Residue of Estate is to be divided equally between all children except that OWEN & MATTHEW are to have two parts each, to be used for JOHN & MARY. Executors: Sons OWIN MYRICK & MATTHEW MYRICK. Wit: THOMAS PARHAM, TABITHA PARHAM, and AVRY PARHAM.

193 (A) Will of WILLIAM BAKER. Dated 24 April 1776. Recorded February Court 1777. Land in Nansemond Co., Va., to my son JAMES BAKER, after my father's death, & land in this county. Daughters CHARATY BAKER, ALICE BAKER, & MARY BAKER. Executors: Friends JAMES DENBY & WILLIAM ANDRESS, SR. Wit: WILLIAM DENSON, THOMAS HUNT, HINDE HILSMAN. (When probate was granted, February court 1777, MARY BAKER, the widow, objected.) Proved by WILLIAM DENSON and HINDE HILSMAN, February Court 1777.

194 Inventory of Estate of WILLIAM BAKER, dec'd. Recorded February Court 1777. WILLIAM DENBY, one of the Executors.

196 (A) Will of BENJAMIN COOPER. Dated 11 December 1776. Recorded February Court 1777. Wife ANN COOPER, to raise and support my five children. Son MARTIN COOPER. My four children: BECKEY, DENE(?), TABBY, &  WILAX(?). Mentions bond due from WILLIAM HALCOMBE & WATERMAN BOATMAN. Executors: Brother CANNON COOPER and Wife ANN COOPER. Wit: MATHEW THOMAS, STEPHEN GUPTON.

197 (A) Will of GEORGE BLEDSOE. Dated 2 August 1776. Recorded February Court 1777. Bequest to Wife JANE and at her marriage or death to the boys, excepting only RUSH BLEDSOE, "one of my sons," the others not named or numbered. Daughters JANE, EUPHAMA, & "the rest of my girls" are mentioned as already having had their portions. Executors: Son RUSH & wife JANE. Witnesses: BENJAMIN RUSH, SARAH RUSH, WILLIAM RUSH.

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