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119 Will of WILLIAM KENDRICK (KENDRICK). Dated 12 Jan. 1776. Recorded May Court 1777. Wife mentioned but not named. Sons: JOHN, JAMES, JONES (to have land where JAMES formerly lived), ISHAM (to have plantation where I now live, after death of my wife). Daughters: MARY, SARAH, REBECCA, MARTHA. Grandson BENJAMIN THORNTON, underage. Executors: Friend CAPTAIN PHILIP BURFORD & wife SARAH KENDRICK. Witnesses: JOHN WHITE, DRURY JACKSON, BENJA. EDWARDS.

121 (A) Will of DAVID TOWNS. Dated 39 December 1769. Recorded May Court 1777. Bequests to wife PRISCILLA TOWNS, for life or widowhood, and then to be divided between all my children (not named or numbered), except for son RICHARD TOWNS, who is to have land to JOHN ELLIS' corner. Wife PRISCILLA TOWNS to be Executrix during her life or widowhood and then son DAVID TOWNS to be Executor. Witnesses: WM. EDWARDS, ALEXANDER BURNHAM, AGNES TOWNS.

122 (A) Will of BENJAMIN JONES. Dated 15 June 1776. Wife JOHANNAR to have land where I now live, to be in possession of JOHN GILREATH during her life & then divided between my two sons WILLIAM JONES & SAMUEL JONES. Goods & chattels to be divided between JOHN GILREATH & sons WILLIAM JONES & SAMUEL JONES after death or marriage of wife. Bequests to sons THOMAS JONES, JAMES JONES, & ADAM JONES and daughters ANN YOUNG, CATHERINE NOLES, ELIZABETH BEARD, JANE DARNALL, SERAHAM JONES, SUSANNAH JONES. Executors: JOHN GILREATH & JOHNNAR JONES. Wit: JOSEPH WRIGHT, BENJAMIN JONES. JOHN GILREATH qualified as executor and will proved by both witnesses, May Court 1777.

124 (A) Will of JOHN MASSEY, SR. Dated 11 March 1777. Wife FRANCIS MASSEY. Sons WILLIAM MASSEY & JOHN MASSEY. Daughters SARAH BIRD, AMEY MASSEY, FRANCIS MASSEY, ELIZABETH PERRY. Plantation bought from JOHN MASSEY to be sold. Executors: Son JOHN MASSEY & BURRELL PERRY. Witnesses: PATEWILLS MILNER, WILLIAM MAY, PATIENCE DENBY. John Massey qualified as executor and will proved by William May, May Court 1777.

125 Inventory of Estate of WILLIAM PIERCE, dec'd. Recorded May Court 1777. WILLIAM WOODWARD, Executor.

126 Inventory of Estate of BENJAMIN COOPER, dec'd. Taken 11 May 1777. Executors: CANNON COOPER & ANNE COOPER. Inventory includes money due Estate from WATERMAN BOATMAN & WILLIAM HALCOMB. Recorded May Court 1777.

127 WILLIAM DUKE to daughter NANCEY CHRISTMASS. Deed of Gift, dated 4 April 1777, of four negroes, for life, and then to her children by her husband JOHN CHRISTMASS "and them children only." Wit: THOMAS CHRISTMASS, JONATHAN DAVIS, ISAAC HOUSE. Recorded May Court 1777.

128 WILLIAM DUKE to JOHN CHRISTMASS. Sale of negro, dated 4 April 1777. Wit: THOMAS CHRISTMASS, JONATHAN DAVIS, ISAAC HOUSE. Recorded May Court 1777.

128 Will of JOHN CHRISTMASS, JR., of the Parish of Saint John's. Dated 7 April 1777. Recorded May Court 1777. Wife ANNE CHRISTMAS to bring up my children until the youngest arise to age of 14 years. Son HENRY. My three children: HENRY, MARY, & MARTHA. Executors: THOMAS CHRISTMAS & WILLIAM DUKE. Witnesses: WILLIAM KELLOW, THOMAS GREEN.

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