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162 Inventory of Estate of WILLIAM KENDRICK, dec'd. Recorded November Court 1777. Executors: PHILIP BURFORD, Esq., & MRS. KENDRICK.

163 Estate Account in Estate of WILLIAM KENDRICK, dec'd. Recorded November Court 1777. PHIL BURFORD, Esq., one of the Executors. Mentions: Funeral sermon by MR. PATILLO, PHIL BURFORD, DAVID TANNER, THOMAS THORNTON, ROBERT JONES ALLEN, MARTIN DYE.

164 ROBERT WYNNE to THOMAS KNIBB WYNNE, Soldier. Dated 27 September 1777. For £88 proclamation money. Sale of all my part of the negros as willed to me by my father, now in possession of JOHN HIGHT, JOHN KIRBY, JOHN WYNNE, & BURRELL DUKE. Wit: JOHN HIGHT. Recorded November Court 1777.

164 (A) Will of DANIEL COLEMAN. Dated 17 July 1777. Recorded November Court 1777. Wife UNITY COLEMAN. Sons: JAMES, DANIEL, JOHN, SAMUEL, EDEN, JACOB, & DAVIS, the last two to have land on Ready Branch. Daughters: FRANCES HICKS, SARAH WRIGHT, MARY ANN COLEMAN, RACHEL COLEMAN, & PATTY COLEMAN. At the death of Wife, her part to be divided between five sons: JOHN, SAMUEL, EDEN, JACOB, & DAVIS COLEMAN. Executrix: Wife UNITY COLEMAN. Witnesses: CHA. JAMES, DAVID SAYERS, SALLY LONG.

167 WILLIAM WILLIAMS of Goochland Co., Va., to daughter FANNEY HALL, wife of THOMAS HALL & her children. Deed of Gift, of three negro slaves, in trust to THOS. HALL, for daughter & to go to her children, born to her & THOS. HALL. Dated 4 November 1777. Wit: JOHN MOSELEY, SOLO. HIGGINS, WILLIAM BALTHROPE. Recorded November Court 1777.

169 Administrator's Bond in Estate of RICHARD MASSEY, dec'd., dated 12 November 1777, to Governor RICHARD CASWELL. JOSIAH REDDICK, Administrator. Security: GARRATT GODDLOE. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Recorded November Court 1777.

170(A) Will of DANIEL PEGRAM. Dated 15 November 1776. Recorded November Court 1777. Son DANIEL PEGRAM to have land on Hobb Quarter Creek, adjoining FRANCIS RIGGIN & CHARLES JOHNSTON, dec'd., and what was given him at marriage is confirmed. Son GEORGE PEGRAM to have land on Hobb Quarter Creek, adjoining FRANCIS RIGGIN, from Rico Road to the creek & Miry Branch, and what was given him at marriage is confirmed. Son EDWARD PEGRAM to have land on SS Hico Road, adjoining ROBERT HARRIS, JAMES NICHOLSON, FRANCIS RIGGIN, & GEORGE PEGRAM. Son GEDION PEGRAM to have land where I now live, adjoining GEORGE PEGRAM, SARAH JOHNSTON, & Hobb Quarter Creek. Daughter MARY RIGGIN to have what was given her at marriage. Daughters SALLY & PATTEY PEGRAM to have land taken up & surveyed with JOSEPH RIGGIN, adjoining THOMAS BELL & Little Creek. Executors: Sons DANIEL & GEORGE. Wit: JOHN BAXTER, THOS. HARTON, JOHN RODWELL. Legacies to Wife, but she is not named.

173 Administrator's Bond in Estate of THOMAS DICKERSON, dec'd., dated 12 Nov. 1777, to Governor RICHARD CASWELL. MARY DICKERSON, Administratrix. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Securities: JOHN DICKERSON, MICHAEL DENT. Recorded November Court 1777.

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