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201 Inventory of Estate of BENJAMIN BROWN PERSON, dated 11 February 1778. Taken by THOS. PERSON, Administrator. Recorded February Court 1778.

202 Agreement between WILLIAM JOHNSON & JOHN WILLIS. Dated 12 February 1778. In exchange for 250 acres of land, JOHN WILLIS insures right to raise his mill pond dam on Fishing Creek to its former height. Both sign these articles of agree ment & deed of covenant. Wit: THOS. MACHEN, JAS. JOHNSON. Recorded February Court 1778.

205 WILLIAM WILLIAMS of Goochland Co., Va., and THOMAS HALL to JAMES PAINE, JR. Bill of Sale, for three negroes, dated 13 December 1777. Witnesses: DRURY WILLIAMS, WILLIAM WARRELL. Recorded May Court 1778.

206 MATTHEW STURDIVANT to HENRY STURDIVANT. Sale of household goods & negroes, dated 20 August 1777. Wit: WILL. MURPHEY, ELIZA. JENNINGS MURPHEY. Recorded February Court 1778.

207 Administrator's Bond in Estate of MOSES MADDREY, dec'd., will annexed. WILLIAM MADDREY, Administrator. Bond, dated 12 February 1778, to his Excellency RICHARD CASWELL, Esq. Security: STERLING HARRIS. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Recorded February Court 1778.

209 BETSY MEWSHAW, five year old base born child of ELIZABETH MEWSHAW, apprenticed to GEORGE SOLOMON who signs agreement with OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esq., Presiding Justice, on behalf of Justices, pursuant to Court Order 13 May 1777, same date as Indenture. She is to be taught business of housewifery. Wit: JACOB COOPER. Recorded February Court 1778.

210 SARAH DUDLEY, about five years old & orphan of AMBROSE DUDLEY, dec' d., apprenticed to the REVD. CHARLES CUPPLES & ANNE his wife, who both sign agreement with OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esq., Presiding Justice, pursuant to Court Order 13 May 1777, same date as Agreement. She is to be taught the business of housewifery. Wit: MATHEW THOMAS. Recorded February Court 1778.

211 MILL(I)AN MERRIAN (MERRYAN), orphan of BARTHOLEMEW MERRIAN, about 12 years old at time of Court Order 13 May 1777, apprenticed to REVD. CHARLES CUPPLES & ANNE, his wife, who both sign agreement, dated 13 May 1777, with OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esq., Presiding Justice, on behalf of Justices. Wit: MATHEW THOMAS. Recorded February Court 1778. She is to be taught business of housewifery.

212 WADDINGTON ABBOTT to HENRY GASTER of Cumberland Co., N.C. Mortgage on two ne gros, to secure debt, dated 17 May 1775. Witness: WILLIAM HILL. Recorded May Court 1778.

214 FANNY MILLS to STEPHEN SHELL. Sale of cattle & household goods, dated 7 February 1778. Wit: EDWARD CLANTON, JAMES CHEATHAM. Recorded May Court 1778.

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