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239 MARY MOREY, about 9 years old & Orphan of JOHN MOREY, dec'd, apprenticed to EDWARD DAVIS and to be taught the business of housewifery. Agreement, the same date as Court Order 11 May 1778, between EDWARD DAVIS & OSBORN JEFFREYS, Pre siding Justice, on behalf of Justices. Wit: THOS. MACHEN.. Recorded May Ct. 1778.

240 DANIEL McINSTOCH, about 13 years old, apprenticed to GEORGE TASSIE, pursuant to Court Order 11 November 1777, and to be instructed in plantation business. Same date, agreement between GEORGE TASSIE & OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esqr., Presiding Justice, in behalf of Justices. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Recorded May Court 1778.

243 (Erroneously numbered, but nothing missing)

JAMES MILLES, 8-year-old Orphan of FRANCIS MILLS, dec'd., apprenticed to RICHARD SHERRY, pursuant to Court Order 9 August 1774. Agreement with OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esq., Presiding Justice, in behalf of Justices, 14 February 1775, signed by WILLIAM SHERRY. He is to be taught the business of a planter. Wit: DANIEL WILLIAMS. Recorded May Court 1778.

243 NANCY PAGE BALLARD, about 2 1/2 years old & base-born child of PAMELIA BALLARD, apprenticed to ROBERT CHILDERS, pursuant to Court Order 12 May 1778 and to be taught the business of housewifery. Agreement, same date, with OSBORN JEFFREYS, Esq., Presiding Justice, in behalf of Justices. Recorded May Court 1778. Witnesses: WILLIAM GREEN, WILLIAM CHRISTMASS.

244 Account of Sale of remainder of perishable Estate of BENJAMIN BROWN PERSON, decd. HENRY HILL, Esq., Sheriff. Horses sold to THOMAS PERSON & HERBERT HAYNES. Recorded May Court 1778.

245 JORDAN TOMPKINS, 15-year-old Orphan, apprenticed to JOHN SMITH, pursuant to Court Order 12 August, and to be taught the business of leather breeches making. Agreement, dated 12 August 1777, with OSBORNE JEFFREYS, Esq., Presiding Justice, in behalf of Justices. Wit: THOMAS H. HALL. Recorded Aug. Court 1777.

246 (A) Will of DRURY LONG. Dated 5 December 1776. Recorded August Court 1778. Brother JOHN LONG to execute deed for land sold to NATHAN BARNES. Legacy to daughter BETSY. Land where I live to child if wife is with child and it is a son. Re mainder to wife SALLY and, at her death or marriage, then to daughters BETSY & NANCY and Child in esse, if any. Executors: Wife SALLY & Friend JOSIAH GREEN. Witnesses: CHARLES JAMES, DANIEL COLEMAN, DAVID FLUKER.

247 (A) Will of GEORGE ROSE. Dated 26 February 1777. Recorded August Court 1778. Sons: WILLIAM (underage), JAMES, BENJAMIN, GEORGE (next oldest to WILLIAM). Wife named as Executrix, designated only as "Wife," but named as ANNE at the time the will was probated, August Court 1778. Witnesses: THOMAS NEWMAN, THOMAS WILSON, MATTHEW BANKS, JOHN HAWKINS.

249 Inventory of Estate of GEORGE ROSE, dec'd. ANN ROSE, Executrix. Recorded August Court 1778.

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