No. Names and Rank By Whom Received Remarks
88 Robert Edwards Ab. Thomas
105 John English do
132 George Elmore Robert Fenner
158 Brown Edwards
177 Joel Edwards H. Montfort for J. Edwards
217 Francis Endeakin William King
223 James Elmore do
253 William Eldear Alexander Brevard
263 Michal Ewalt John Nelson
281 Morgan Elmore H. Montfort for M. Elmore
289 Zachariah Elliott Ab. Thomas
369 John Earnhart Philip Fishburn
427 George Ewing Alex. Brevard
482 Joseph Evans Selby Harney
513 Edward Earp J. Craven
596 Samuel Estes Charles Dixon
664 Stephen Edwards William Sanders
675 Richard Earp do
718 James Elms do
739 Edward Everton H. Montfort for Everton
898 John Egerton, Sergt. J. Craven
936 Ephraim Etheridge Arch. Lytle
973 James Earl do
978 Robert Eccard, F.M. Ab. Thomas
1009 Nathan Ewell Robt. Fenner
1051 Thomas Endless J. Craven for Hance Bond
1165 Ackes Ellison do for Robt. Hulme
1206 Robert Edwards John Price
1228 Daniel Elmore J. Sheppard
1283 Daniel Ellis H. Montfort for Ellis
1303 Absalom Elist B. McCulloch
1348 Burwell Evans John Jones
1373 John Elliott Charles Dixon
7 Lemuel Ely, Captain H. Montfort
12 Eli Ely, Captain no receipt
1466 William Evans William Faircloth
1691 Caleb Estwood John Price
1821 Josiah Ebb William Faircloth
1828 Philip Evans do
2011 Edmund Everitt do
2042 Samuel Etheridge B. McCulloch for Selby Harney
2240 John Elliott William Lytle
2268 Charles Evans Will. Sanders
2347 Frederick Exell Philip Fishburn
2353 Peter Egnor do
2362 John Earnhart do
2451 George Eagle assig'd to J. Misinhina
2503 Stephen Emmery John Daves
2506 Abel Edmunds do
2561 William Elliott B. McCulloch
2616 Isaac Etheridge William Sanders
2672 Moses Estes John Macon
2677 Morris Evans Dan Hunter
2752 Ralph Edmundson John Price
2934 Lemuel Edwards Richd. Ship
3082 John Edwards Isaac Gregory
3089 James Ellis Curtis Ivey
3184 James Edwards J. Marshall for C. Dixon
3189 Jesse Evars do do
3267 Jacob Eason
3268 Thomas Everitt James Armstrong
3292 Reuben Edwards J. Marshall for Sanders
3301 Shadrach Elkins, M. do do
3337 Josiah Ellis Timo McCarthy
3353 Josiah Eumor do
3369 John Evans do
3372 Benjamin Eavin do