No. Names and Rank By Whom Received Remarks
48 Dem'y Gregory, Capt. Selby Harney
59 Isaac Guion, P.M. John Daves
68 Thomas Gibson, Lieut. Thos Pasteur
80 Elisha Grant H. Montfort
85 John Gooden, St. do
91 William Gouch Ab. Thomas
155 Isaac Griffith Elisha Foot
201 John Gunn, Drum. Alexander Gunn
250 Hosea Gregory J. Craven for R. Hulme
254 Jos. Graham, Q.M.S. J. Nelson
262 George Goodman do
276 Lewis Goodrich H. Montfort for L. Goodrich
308 Sylvanus Gray J. McNees
378 Thomas Garland H. Montfort for Garland
405 Henry Griffin Arch. Lytle
426 Nicholas Grindstaff A. Brevard
458 William Grant William Grant
543 William Goin H. Montfort for W. Goan
544 Samuel Garrett J. Craven for R. Hulme
565 Christopher Grantz A. Lytle
570 Conrad Goodner do
588 Zachariah Goforth C. Dixon
590 William Guttery do
603 Adam Gregory do
609 John Gibbs do
670 John Glover William Sanders
680 William Gail do
692 Michael Goin do
713 John Glaze do
715 William Gray do
721 Joshua Greenage do
777 James Gilbert J. Sheppard
784 Sikes Garris Ben Manatkins
786 Isaac Gaskin Charles Dixon
789 John Guttery do
863 George Gardiner John Sheppard
877 Peter Graham Wynn Dixon
880 John Graham do
934 Simon Gauslin Archd. Lytle
955 Daniel Gale, Corpl A. Lytle
976 Ephraim Grant Ab. Thomas
990 Benjamin German James Armstrong
997 George Garey Thomas Evans
1010 William Gray Jesse Read
1011 Samuel Gray do
1020 Boble Gay H. Murfree
1041 Robert Guest Thomas Person
1086 John Gouthrop B. McCulloch
1101 Abram Gamelion do
1106 Archibald Gray, St. H. Montfort for A. Gray
1159 Joel Gunter Charles Dixon
1161 Elisha Gibson do
1233 John Grant John Sheppard
1260 William Grimes John Grimes
1263 Richard Gardner H. Montfort for R. Gardner
1275 William Good do for W. Good
1287 Jones Glover do for Glover
1310 Thoams Green B. McCulloch
1314 William Grimes C. Dixon
1317 Jenkins Goin do
1378 Willis Gray do
1380 Joseph Gollehorn do
1388 Henry Guthrie T. Dixon
1393 Alexander Gunn
1397 William Goldsbury H. Montfort for Goldsbury
1135 William Gay J. Bonds
593 James Guttery C. Dixon
27 John Gist, M. Lt. Thomas Donoho
1467 Gilbert Grant William Faircloth
1498 John Giles, Q.M.S. John McNees
1537 Anthony Griss John Price
1543 Joab Green do
1549 Peter Giles do
1562 Josiah Grimes do
1627 William Goodman do
1646 Francis Good do
1675 George Greenwood do
1706 Solomon Griffin William Faircloth
1731 Thomas George do
1732 Willis Griffith do
1752 Thomas Green, C. do
1763 Henry Griffith do
1795 Daniel Gaugh do
1834 Patrick Gaul do
1838 Jonathan Gray do
1938 Arandall Grant do
1942 Richard Gideon do
1976 Matthew Gillespie do
1996 Moses Greerson do
1997 Simon Gibson do
2030 Isaac Gollip B. McCulloch for Selby Harney
2031 Thoams Garrett, St. do do
2046 John Gilbert do do
2076 James Goodson John Sheppard
2102 John Garvis Sherd. Barrow
2126 Dempsey Green do
2131 Abraham Green do
2150 Randall Green Thos. Butcher
2162 Jacob Griffin do
2174 Joshua Garvis Sherd. Barrow
2209 George Griffin Thomas Butcher
2241 William Gwinn William Lytle
2250 John Gibson do
2238 Martin Griffin William Sanders
2316 Joel Gibs John Macon
2321 Willis Gregory Griffith Dauge
2322 Clement Godfrey do
2344 John Gerritt Philip Fishburn
2352 John Goose do
2377 Ephraim Gurley Burwell Mourning
2393 Charles Greggs Griffith Dauge
2443 Peter Grover Will Lytle
2466 William Graham, S. T. Dixon
2476 Jesse Goldsmith, M. do
2480 John Griffis do
2489 James Gifford, Lt. John Daves
2501 Robert Grissum, M. do
2504 Ambrose Goslin do
2532 Arthur Glesson Joshua Davis
2536 James Greenlaw J. Craven for J. Ingles
2553 James Glasco William Sanders
2572 Charles Grimsley John Price
2587 Robert Greer do
2604 George Gilhampton John McNees
2614 Isaac Gately William Sanders
2623 Thomas Garrott do
2625 James Garrott do
2626 Samuel Goodman, C. do
2638 James Gutray William Sanders
2711 Hyman Gardner John Price
2748 Simon Giles do
2770 Daivd Gillaspie James Pearl
2844 John Gallimore, C. Thomas Person
2870 Arthur Groves William Faircloth
2911 Anthony Garrett William Lytle
2912 James Gunn do
2954 Sherrod Granger James Holmes
2961 Reading Gamble do
2962 Lawrence Graddy do
2994 Thomas Green Hardy Murfree
3014 William Gamewell Benjamin Easman
3030 David Grant
3050 William Green, St. "paid to J. Macon"
no receipt
3056 John Griffis William (X) Griffis his mark
3090 Thomas Gregory Curtis Ivey
3104 Lawrence Griffin Nathan (X) Harris his mark
3178 Daniel Gunn J. Marshall for C. Dixon
3185 Peter Gates do do
3188 Joseph Gardner do do
3203 Arthur Graham do do
3221 James Gaylor do do
3303 John Griffin, Lt. do for Wm. Sanders
2648 George Glenn William Sanders
2652 James Gregory do