Roll of Captain Bynum's Company of Militia
Taken from the 7th of April, 1781
Turner Bynum, Capt.
Isaac Rowell, Lieut.
Wm. Sykes, Ensign
Nich's Lane, Sergt.
Jno. Londay, Ser't.
Seth Harrison, Corp'l
Nath'l Woodroof, Corp'l
Nath'l Tatem, Serg't Major
Wm. McKendree, Q.M. Serg't
Cordell Dupree, Serg't
John Blick, Serg't
Thos. Yeargin, Corp'l
Frs. Foggerson, Corp'l
Thomas Garris
Peter Smith
James Londay
Elijah Harrison
James Going
Rich'd Mason (Deserted)
John Hamour
Anth'y Sweet
Jno. Williamson
George Graham
Joseph Graham
Hugh Lambert
Charles Bailey
Jno. Singleton
Rabon Ingall
Alex'r Stewart
John White
Lewis Williams
John Jordan (Disch'd)
Michael Gwaltney (Disch'd)
Lewis Brewer
John Rivers (Deserted)
Clifton Harrison
John Thompson
Wm Dupree
Arch'd Wood
Avent Massey
Peter Avent
Robert Hill
Dan'l Harrison
Jno. Edwards
Henry Jones
Thos. Goin
Benj. Harris
Thos. Johnson
Wm. Wright
Charles Avery
Answorth Harrison
Rice Rollins (Discharged)
Peter Williams (Do)
Edw'd Wallis
Peter Willis
Britain Bynum
Drury Bynum
Peter Wyche (Discharged)
Peter Clark
James Thompson
Burwell Jordan
Rich'd Mason (Deserted)
From the State Records
of North Carolina, Vol. XVII, 1781-1785, pub. 1899, p. 1042.