Documents pertaining to Clarendon Co. |
Commission to appoint Robert Samford as Secretary of Clarendon County -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B. P. R. O. Col: Ent: Book. No. 20. P. 17.] Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Cartret, Vice Chamberline of his Majestie's household, Sir William Berkeley knight and Sir John Colleton knight and Barronet, The trew and absolute Lords Propryators of all the Province of Carrolina; To our Trusty & well beloved Robt Samford Greeting: Wee being well assured of your wisdome prudence and integrity, have thought fitt, and doe by these presents nominate, constitute and appoint you our Secrytary and Chiefe Register for our County of Clarendon in the Province aforesaid hereby authorizing you and giving you full power to be present at all meetings, of our Governor and Privy Councell, of the said County, and to take and keepe, an exact register, of all there acts, orders and constitutions, as alsoe to receave from our Surveyor Generall of the County aforesaid all certificates of Lands, by him leyed out and surveyed, either for us in particcular, or for any other persons according to warrants from our Governor and Councell or the Major parte of them; and the same certifficates carefully to register and fyle in your office, and there upon by virtue of such warrant as you shall receave, from our said Governor and Councell or the Major parte of them; to draw up such lease or leases, conveyance or assurances of Land from us and in our name, as shall accord with the said Certificate, and the forme of Assurances by us prescribed, which being syned by our Governor and Councell or Major parte of them, and sealed with our Seale of the said County, according to our said Prescriptions, you shall carefully inroll the same, in your said office, that recourse may be there unto had on all occasions, and these and all other act and acts, thinge and things, which doe and shalbe longe and appertayne to the office of our Secretary and register within our said County, you are faithfully to doe and performe, according to such orders and constitutions as you shall receave from us, or our Governor, or our Governor and Councell or the Major parte of them, to the best of your judgement and skill, and for your doeing the same, or any of them, you shall receave such salleryes, fees and perquisites, as by us and our Generall Assembly of the said County shalbe appointed and none other. Given under our greate Seale of our said Province, the fowerteenth day of November in the yeare of our Lord, one thousand, six hundred, sixty and fower. Commission to appoint John Vassall as Surveyor General of Clarendon County Carolina. Lords Proprietors. November 24, 1664 Volume 01, Page 73 [B. P. R. O. Col: Ent: Book. No. 20. P. 17. 18.] To our Trusty and well beloved John Vassall, Greeting; Wee being well assured of your wisdome, prudence and integrity, have thought fitt and doe by these presents nominate, constitute and appoint you our Surveyor Generall of our County of Clarendon in the Province aforesaid by yourselfe or such as you shall depute and appoint to ley out, bound and survey all allotments of Land, Generall or particuler, publicke or private, wheather relateing to us particculerly or to other persons per graunte from us, according to such warrants and directions as you shall from time to time receave from our Governor and Councell of our said County or the major parte of them, as alsoe trew certificates to make of the scituations, bounds, quantities and Lines of all Lands soe leyd out mentioning the persons for whome, and the order you receaved for your soe doeing, which Certificate you shall direct to our Secrytary, and register of the said County for the time being that he may enter and fyle the same, and these and all other act and acts, thinge and things which doe or shall belong and appertayne to the office of our Surveyor Generall, within the said County, you are faithfully to doe and performe (according to such orders and Instructions as you shall receave from us, or our Governor, or our Governor and Councell, or the major parte of them) to the best of your Judgement and skill and for your doeing the same or any of them, you shall receave such salleryes, fees and perquisites as by us and our Generall Assembly of the said County shalbe appointed and none other. Given under our Greate Seale of our said Province, the fower and twentith day of November, in the yeare of our Lord 1664.
Instructions to John Yeamans concerning the
settlement of Carolina by inhabitants of Barbados [B. P. R. O. Col: Ent: Book. No. 30. P. 19.] To our trusty and well beloved Sir John Yeamans Barronet Governor of our County of Clarendon neare Cape Faire and of all that tract of ground which lyeth southerly as farr as the river St Mathias which bordereth upon the Coast of Florida within 31. degrees northerne lattitude and soe west as farr as the South Seas as alsoe of all Islands and Islets, Rivers and Seas within the said bounds and our said Province of Carolina, And to our trusty and well beloved our Councellors and assistants to our said Governor, Greeting; Bee it knowne unto all men that we the said Lords and absolute propryators of the said County and tract of ground within the province aforesaid for divers good causes and considerations but more especially out of the trust and confidence reposed by us in you our said Governor and Councellors for the faithfull management of the powers and authorityes by us to you given to the best avayle and improvement of our Interest and Dominion in the said County of Clarendon, and all the tract of ground aforesaid; within our said Province and for the best avayle and improvement of the Interest, Liberty, propryetey and defence of all such as shall plant and inhabit there Land given, graunted and by these presents doe give and graunt (during our pleasure) unto you our said Governor by and with the advice and consent of our Councell or any 3. or more of the 6. or 4. or more of a greater number full and absolute power and authority for us and in our Names to lett sell convey and assure such lands in our said County and tract of ground aforesaid to such person and persons and for such estate and estates, and with such provisoes conditions and limitations as we by our concessions and agreement under our greate seale bareing date with thes presents to and with the adventurers of the Island of Barbados and there Assotiates of England Newengland the Carribbia Islands and Barmothos are obliged to graunt, and as you shalbe directed by such other instructions and Rules as from time to time you shall receave from us and not otherwayes, thereby rattyfying and confirming whatsoever you shall Lawfully doe pursuant to the Concessions and Agreement and to such instructions rules and directions as aforesaid; as alsoe to make doe performe and execute all and singuler act and acts thing and things powers and authorityes whatsoever, which we ourselves may can might or could doe in for concerning or relateing unto the Government both civill and millitary of the said County and tract of ground aforesaid by virtue of the Letters pattents of his most excellent Majtie Charles the Second by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith beareing date at Westminster the twenty fourth of March in the 15 yeare of his Reigne to be exercised neavertheless according to such Instructions or with such Limitations restrictions conditions and provisoes as in these presents are hereafter conteyned, hereby rattyfying confirmeing and allowing all and eavery such act and acts thing and things which our said Governor and our said Councellors in our names shall doe in the premises pursuant to the authority hereby comitted, Provided and it is hereby declared that this present deede or any thing therein conteyned, doth not extend nor shall it be deemed or taken to extend to give up to our said Governor or our said Councellors or either or any of them any power or authority to make any maner of graunt conveyance demise or other like disposition of any lands lyeing within or being parte of the said County and tract of ground aforesaid, but according to our Concessions and Instructions and reserveing for every acre English measure which by virtue of this authority we shall graunt to any person or persons one halfe penny of Lawfull money of England yearely rent to be paid to us our heirs or Assignes on every 25 day of March according to the English accompt the first payment whereof to begin on the 25 day of March which shalbe according to the English accompt in the yeare of our Lord God 1670 provided alsoe that noe order or Lawes made or to be made by virtue of this our Authority shalbe in force as Lawes for any longer tearme then one yeare and a halfe within one yeare of which time they shalbe transmitted and presented to us for our assent which being given they shalbe in continewall force till expired by there owne limitation or by act repealed to be confirmed as aforesaid Provided alsoe that the executive parte of all the said powers hereby given shalbe made and exercised by you our said Governor by or with the advice and consent of the Major parte of our Councell, and if it shall happen that our said Governor or any of our said Councell shall departe or be absent any time from our said County and tract of ground aforesaid unless other provision be by us made that then it shall and may be Lawfull to and for our said Governor and Councell or the Major parte of them resident in our said County and tract of ground aforesaid to nominate elect and appoint any such able person or persons as in there Discretion to them shall seeme most fitt to serve in and supply the place of such of the said persons respectively during there absence from our said County and tract of ground aforesaid Giveing and granting unto him or them soe chosen during the absence of our saaid Governor or Councellors as full large and ample powers as we by these presents to our said Governor or Councillors have given any thing in this present Comission in any wise to the contrary notwithstanding And also in case of death of any Governor or death or removall of any member of our said Councell from time to time to nominate and elect fitt and able persons in there steads or places respectively which persons so nominated and choasen shall exercise all powers to there said offices respectively belonging till our pleasure be signified to the Contrary. Source: Colonial and State Records of North Carolina |
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