DOWN TO: #1,
Overview #2, For Browsing: Timeline
or Down to a Specific War:

#2.1 Colonial Wars #2.2 War
of Independence #2.2.a War of 1812
#2.3 Early National Period #2.4 Continental
#2.5 Civil War #2.6.1 Indian
Wars #2.6.2 Spanish American War #2.6.3
Philippine-American War #2.6.4 Banana
#2.6.5 The Boxer Rebellion #2.7 World
War I #2.7.1 Russian Revolution #2.7.2
Neutrality Acts #2.8 World War
#2.9 Cold War #2.9.1 Postwar
Military Reorganization #2.9.2 Korean War
#2.9.3 Lebanon Crisis
#2.9.4 Dominican Intervention #2.9.5 Vietnam
War #2.
1 Overview:
The United States Armed Forces are the military forces of the United
States. They consist of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force,
and Coast Guard.
The United States has a strong tradition of civilian control of
the military. While the President is the overall head of the military,
the United States Department of Defense (DoD), a federal executive
department, is the principal organ by which military policy is carried
out. The DOD is headed by the Secretary of Defense, who is a civilian
and a member of the Cabinet, who also serves as the President's
second-in-command of the military. To coordinate military action
with diplomacy, the President has an advisory National Security
Council headed by a National Security Advisor. Both the President
and Secretary of Defense are advised by a six-member Joint Chiefs
of Staff, which includes the head of each of Department of Defense
service branches, led by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Commandant
of the Coast Guard is not a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
All of the branches are under the direction of the Department of
Defense, except the Coast Guard, which is an agency of the Department
of Homeland Security. The Coast Guard may be transferred to the
Department of the Navy by the President or Congress during a time
of war. All five armed services are among the seven uniformed services
of the United States; the others are the United States Public Health
Service Commissioned Corps and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Commissioned Corps.
From the time of its inception, the military played a decisive role
in the history of the United States. A sense of national unity and
identity was forged out of the victorious Barbary Wars, as well
as the War of 1812. Even so, the Founders were suspicious of a permanent
military force and not until the outbreak of World War II did a
large standing army become officially established.
The National Security Act of 1947, adopted following World War II
and during the onset of the Cold War, created the modern U.S. military
framework; the Act merged previously Cabinet-level Department of
War and the Department of the Navy into the National Military Establishment
(renamed the Department of Defense in 1949), headed by the Secretary
of Defense; and created the Department of the Air Force and National
Security Council.
The U.S. military is one of the largest militaries in terms of number
of personnel. It draws its manpower from a large pool of volunteers;
although conscription has been used in the past in various times
of both war and peace, it has not been used since 1972. As of 2010,
the United States spends about $692 billion annually to fund its
military forces, constituting approximately 43 percent of world
military expenditures (As of 2009). The U.S. armed forces as a whole
possess large quantities of advanced and powerful equipment, which
gives them significant capabilities in both defense and power projection. |
2 Timeline
2.1 Colonial wars (1620-1774) |
The beginning of the United States military lies
in civilian frontiersmen, armed for hunting and basic survival
in the wilderness. These were organized into local militias
for small military operations, mostly against Native American
tribes but also to resist possible raids by the small military
forces of neighboring European colonies. They relied on the
British regular army and navy for any serious military operation.
In major operations outside the locality involved, the
militia was not employed as a fighting force. Instead the
colony asked for (and paid) volunteers, many of whom were
also militia members.
In the early years of the British colonization of North
America, military action in the thirteen colonies that would
become United States were the result of conflicts with Native
Americans, such as in the Pequot War of 1637, King Philip's
War in 1675, and the Yamasee War in 1715.
Beginning in 1689, the colonies became involved in a series
of wars between Great Britain and France for control of
North America, the most important of which were Queen Anne's
War, in which the British annexed French Acadia, and the
final French and Indian War (1754–1763). This final war
was to give thousands of colonists, including Virginia colonel
George Washington, military experience which they put to
use during the American Revolution
2.2 War of Independence (1775-1783) |
Ongoing political tensions between Great Britain
and the thirteen colonies reached a crisis in 1774 when the
British placed the province of Massachusetts under martial
law. While shooting began at Lexington and Concord in 1775,
the Continental Congress appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief
of the newly created Continental Army, which was augmented
throughout the war by colonial militia. General Washington
was not the greatest battlefield tactician, but his overall
strategy proved to be sound: keep the army intact, wear down
British resolve, and avoid decisive battles except to exploit
enemy mistakes[6].
The British, for their part, lacked both a unified command
and a clear strategy for winning. With the use of the Royal
Navy, the British were able to capture coastal cities, but
control of the countryside eluded them. A British invasion
from Canada in 1777 ended with the disastrous surrender
of a British army at Saratoga. With the coming in 1777 of
General von Steuben, the training and discipline along Prussian
lines began, and the Continental Army became a modern force.
France and Spain then entered the war against Great Britain,
ending its naval advantage and creating a world war.
A shift in focus to the southern American states resulted
in a string of victories for the British, but guerrilla
warfare and the tenacity of General Nathanael Greene's army
prevented the British from making strategic headway. The
main British army was surrounded by Washington's American
and French forces at Yorktown in 1781, as the French fleet
blocked a rescue by the Royal Navy. The American victory
forced the British to sue for peace.
Since many Americans of the revolutionary generation had
strong distrust of permanent (or “standing”) armies, the
Continental Army was quickly disbanded after the Revolution.
General Washington, who throughout the war deferred to elected
officials, averted a potential crisis and resigned as commander-in-chief
to Congress after the war, establishing a tradition of civil
control of the U.S. military. BACK TO THE
2.2.a War of 1812 |
The War of 1812 was an indecisive military conflict fought
between the forces of the United States of America and those
of the British Empire. It was fought between 1812 and 1815,
and started over a multitude of reasons, including trade restrictions,
impressment of United States Navy personnel into the Royal
Navy, alleged British support of American Indian tribes against
American expansion, and the humiliation of American honor.
Until 1814 with the defeat of Napoleon I of France on the
European continent, the British Empire adopted a defensive
strategy, repelling multiple American invasions of the provinces
of Upper and Lower Canada.
With the defeat of Napoleon, the British launched several
invasions into the United States. British forces were occupying
parts of the American south-west in modern day Louisiana
when news of the Treaty of Ghent, which had been under talks
for months, arrived, facilitating the end of the war. The
end of the war led to a renewed sense of nationalism in
the United States and Canada, who had both repulsed invasions
of their adversaries. Britain, which had regarded the war
as a sideshow to the Napoleonic Wars raging in Europe, welcomed
an era of peaceful relations and trade with the U.S.
2.3 Early national period (1783-1815) |
Following the American Revolution, the United States faced
potential military conflict on the high seas as well as on
the western frontier. The United States was a minor military
power during this time, having only a modest army and navy.
A traditional distrust of standing armies, combined with faith
in the abilities of local militia, precluded the development
of well-trained units and a professional officer corps. Jeffersonian
leaders preferred a small army and navy, fearing that a large
military establishment would involve the United States in
excessive foreign wars, and potentially allow a domestic tyrant
to seize power.
In the Treaty of Paris after the Revolution, the British
had ceded the lands between the Appalachian Mountains and
the Mississippi River to the United States, without consulting
the Shawnee, Cherokee, Choctaw[7] and other smaller tribes
who lived there. Because many of the tribes had fought as
allies of the British, the United States compelled tribal
leaders to sign away lands in postwar treaties, and began
dividing up these lands for settlement. This provoked a
war in the Northwest Territory in which the U.S. forces
performed poorly; the Battle of the Wabash in 1791 was the
most severe defeat ever suffered by the United States at
the hands of American Indians. President Washington dispatched
a newly trained army to the region, which decisively defeated
the Indian confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in
When revolutionary France declared war on Great Britain
in 1793, the United States sought to remain neutral, but
the Jay Treaty, which was favorable to Great Britain, angered
the French government, which viewed it as a violation of
the 1778 Treaty of Alliance. French privateers began to
seize U.S. vessels, which led to an undeclared "Quasi-War"
between the two nations. Fought at sea from 1798 to 1800,
the United States won a string of victories in the Caribbean.
George Washington was called out of retirement to head a
"provisional army" in case of invasion by France,
but President John Adams managed to negotiate a truce, in
which France agreed to terminate the prior alliance and
cease its piracy.
In 1801, the United States fought another undeclared war,
this time with the city-state of Tripoli. When President
Thomas Jefferson discontinued the custom of paying tribute
to the Barbary States, the First Barbary War followed. After
the U.S.S. Philadelphia was captured in 1803, Lieutenant
Stephen Decatur led a raid which successfully burned the
captured ship, preventing Tripoli from using or selling
it. In 1805, after William Eaton captured the city of Derna,
Tripoli agreed to a peace treaty. The other Barbary states
continued to raid U.S. shipping, until the Second Barbary
War in 1815 ended the practice.
By far the largest military action in which the United
States engaged during this era was the War of 1812. When
the United Kingdom and France went to war again in 1803
with renewed vigor, the United States sought to remain neutral
while pursuing overseas trade. This proved difficult, and
the United States finally declared war on the United Kingdom
in 1812, the first time the U.S. had officially declared
war. Not hopeful of defeating the Royal Navy, the U.S. attacked
the British Empire by invading British Canada, hoping to
use captured territory as a bargaining chip. The invasion
of Canada was a debacle, though concurrent wars with Native
Americans on the western front (Tecumseh's War and the Creek
War) were more successful. After defeating Napoleon in 1814,
the United Kingdom was able to send troops from Europe to
America, leading to the burning of Washington on 25 August
1814, although the Chesapeake Bay Campaign was thwarted
at the Battle of Baltimore. A second British offensive was
defeated by Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans.
By this time, diplomats in Europe had worked out a peace
treaty, restoring the status quo ante bellum.
2.4 Continental expansion (1816-1860) |
With very rapid population growth, the nation looked to
the west for new lands, an idea which became known as "Manifest
Destiny". In the Texas Revolution (1835–36), the settlers
declared independence and defeated the Mexican army, but Mexico
was determined to reconquer the lost province sooner or later,
and threatened war with the U.S. if it annexed Texas. The
U.S., much larger and more powerful, did annex Texas in 1845
and war broke out in 1846 over boundary issues. In the Mexican-American
War 1846-48, the U.S. invaded and after a series of victorious
battles (and no major defeats) seized New Mexico and California,
and also blockaded the coast, invaded northern Mexico, and
invaded central Mexico, capturing the national capital. The
peace terms involved American purchase of the area from California
to New Mexico for $10 million. |
2.5 American Civil War (1861-1865) |
Sectional tensions had long existed between the states located
north of the Mason-Dixon Line and those south of it, primarily
centered on the "peculiar institution" of slavery
and the ability of states to overrule the decisions of the
national government. During the 1840s and 1850s, conflicts
between the two sides became progressively more violent. After
the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 (who southerners thought
would work to end slavery) states in the South seceded from
the United States, beginning with South Carolina in late 1860.
On April 12, 1861, forces of the South (known as the Confederate
States of America or simply the Confederacy) opened fire on
Fort Sumter, whose garrison was loyal to the forces of the
North (who represented the United States or simply the Union).
The American Civil War caught both sides unprepared. Both
the Union and the Confederacy had to build their armies
practically from scratch. Both sides sought a quick victory
focused on the respective nearby capitals of Washington,
D.C. and Richmond, Virginia, but neither side would surrender
their national identity cheaply. Even after the First Battle
of Bull Run, many were slow to accept that war would last
much longer than a single campaign. However, it spilled
across the continent, and even to the high seas. Much of
the vast resources of America would be consumed before it
would be resolved.
The American Civil War is sometimes called the "first
modern war" due to the use of mass conscription, military
railroads, trench warfare, submarines, ironclads, aerial
reconnaissance, modern cartridge firearms, rifles, and machine
guns. It introduced the modern world to the horrors of total
2.6 Post-Civil War era (1865-1917)
2.6.1 Indian Wars (1865-1870)
(Also see: NCGenWeb Native American) |
After the Civil War, population expansion, railroad construction,
and the disappearance of the buffalo herds, heightened military
tensions on the Great Plains. Several tribes, especially the
Sioux and Comanche, fiercely resisted confinement to reservations.
The main role of the Army was to keep the Indians on the reservations,
and force them to return if they left on raiding parties.
William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Sheridan were in charge.
The most dramatic episode was the Battle of the Little Big
Horn in 1876, when Col. George Armstrong Custer and his regiment
were all killed when they attacked a much larger Indian force
in eastern Montana. After 1890 there were no more serious
episodes. |
2.6.2 Spanish-American War (1898) |
The Spanish-American War was a short decisive war marked
by quick American victories at sea and on land against Spain.
The United States purchased the former Spanish colonies in
the Caribbean and Pacific, most notably Cuba, Puerto Rico,
Guam and the Philippines. An insurgency in the Philippines
was a carry-over from Filipino attacks on Spain; it was resolved
by 1901 with the capture of the insurgent leader. BACK
2.6.3 Philippine-American War (1899-1913) |
The Philippine–American War, also known as the Philippine
War of Independence or the Philippine Insurrection (1899–1902),[12]
was an armed military conflict between the Philippines and
the United States which arose from the struggle of the First
Philippine Republic to gain independence following annexation
by the United States.[13][14] The war was part of a series
of conflicts in the Philippine struggle for independence,
preceded by the Philippine Revolution and the Spanish-American
The conflict began officially on June 2, 1899, when the
Philippines declared war against the United States and it
officially ended on July 4, 1902, after President Emilio
Aguinaldo's surrender.[10][15] However, members of the Katipunan
society continued to battle the American forces. Among them
was General Macario Sacay, a veteran Katipunan member who
assumed the presidency of the proclaimed Tagalog Republic,
formed on 1902 after the capture of President Aguinaldo.
Other groups, including the Moro people and Pulahanes, continued
hostilities until their defeat at the Battle of Bud Bagsak
on June 15, 1913
2.6.4 Banana Wars (1898-1935) |
The Banana Wars is a term used to describe US intervention
in Latin America from the end of the Spanish American War
in 1898 until 1935. These wars include involvement in Cuba,
Mexico, Panama with the Panama Canal Zone, Haiti (1915–1935),
Dominican Republic (1916–1924) and Nicaragua (1912–1925) &
(1926–1933). The U.S. Marine Corps began to specialize in
long-term military occupation of these countries.
Most notable of these conflicts was when U.S. forces occupied
the Mexican city of Veracruz for over six months in 1914,
in response to the April 9, 1914 "Tampico Affair",
which involved the brief arrest of U.S. sailors by soldiers
of the regime of Mexican President Victoriano Huerta. The
incident came in the midst of poor diplomatic relations
with the United States, related to the ongoing Mexican Revolution
2.6.5 The Boxer Rebellion |
The Boxer Rebellion, also called The Boxer Uprising, by
some historians or the Righteous Harmony Society Movement
in northern China, was an anti-colonialist, anti-Christian
movement by the "Righteous Harmony Society" (Yìhétuán),[1]
or "Righteous Fists of Harmony" or "Society
of Righteous and Harmonious Fists" (known as "Boxers"
in English), in China between 1898 and 1901. The uprising
took place in response to imperialist expansion involving
European opium traders, political invasion, economic manipulation,
and missionary evangelism. In 1898 local organizations emerged
in Shandong as the result of the imperialist expansion, as
well as other internal issues such as the state fiscal crisis
and natural disasters. Initially they were suppressed by the
Qing Dynasty of China. Later, the Qing Dynasty attempted to
expel Foreign influence from China. Under the slogan "????"
("Support Qing, destroy the Western"), Boxers across
North China attacked mission compounds.
In June 1900 Boxer fighters, lightly armed or unarmed,
gathered in Beijing to besiege the foreign embassies. On
21 June the conservative faction of the Imperial Court induced
the Empress Dowager Cixi, who ruled in the emperor’s name,
to declare war on the foreign powers that had diplomatic
representation in Beijing. Diplomats, foreign civilians,
soldiers and some Chinese Christians retreated to the Legation
Quarter where they stayed for 55 days until the Eight-Nation
Alliance brought 20,000 armed troops, to defeat the Boxers.
The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 ended the uprising
and provided for severe punishments, including an indemnity
of 67-million pounds[2] (450 million taels of silver, to
be paid as indemnity over a course of 39 years) to the eight
nations involved.
The Qing Dynasty was greatly weakened, and was eventually
overthrown, by the 1911 revolution which led to the establishment
of the Chinese Republic.
2.7 World War I (1917-1918)
The United States originally wished to remain neutral when
World War I broke out in August 1914. However, it insisted
on its right as a neutral party to immunity from German submarine
attack. The ships carried food and raw materials to Britain.
In 1917 the Germans resumed submarine attacks, knowing that
it would lead to American entry. However the U.S. had deliberately
kept its army small and mobilization took a year. Meanwhile
the U.S. sent more supplies and money to Britain and France,
and started the first peacetime draft. Economic mobilization
was much slower than expected, so the decision was made to
send divisions to Europe without their equipment, relying
instead on British and French supplies.
By summer 1918, a million American soldiers, or "doughboys"
as they were often called, of the American Expeditionary
Force were in Europe under the command of John J. Pershing,
with 25,000 more arriving every week. The failure of Germany's
spring offensive meant they had exhausted their manpower
reserves and were unable to launch attacks or even defend
their lines. Meanwhile, the German home front revolted and
a new German government signed a conditional surrender,
the Armistice, ending the war on November 11, 1918. BACK
2.7.1 Russian Revolution |
The so-called Polar Bear Expedition was the involvement
of U.S. troops, during the tail end of World War I and the
Russian Revolution, in fighting the Bolsheviks in Arkhangelsk,
Russia in 1918 and 1919. |
2.7.2 Neutrality Acts |
After the costly US involvement in World War I, isolationism
grew in the U.S. Congress refused membership in the League
of Nations, and in response to the growing turmoil in Europe
and Asia, the gradually more restrictive Neutrality Acts were
passed, which were intended to prevent the U.S. from supporting
either side in a war. The size of the U.S. military declined
greatly, with the loss of many senior officers. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to support Britain, however,
and in 1940 passed the Lend-Lease Act, which permitted an
expansion of the "cash and carry" arms trade to
develop with the United Kingdom, which controlled the Atlantic
sea lanes. |
2.8 World War II (1939-1945) |
During the interwar period the United States again reduced
its military, but mobilized to its largest levels in history
during World War II. The global conflict started on 1 September
1939 and raged until 2 September 1945, involving most of the
peoples of the world. It was the most extensive and costly
war in history as well as the history of the United States
(excepting personnel).
US involvement in World War II was initially limited to
providing war material and financial support to the United
Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and Republic of China. The US
entered officially on 8 December 1941 following the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii the previous day. This attack
was followed by attacks on US, Dutch and British possessions
across the Pacific. On 11 December, the remaining Axis powers,
Germany and Italy, declared war on the US, drawing the US
firmly into the war and removing all doubts about the global
nature of the conflict.
The loss of 8 battleships and 2000 sailors and airmen at
Pearl Harbor forced the US to rely on its remaining aircraft
carriers, which won a major victory over Japan at Midway
just 6 months into the war, and its growing submarine fleet.
The Navy and Marine Corps followed this up with an island
hopping campaign across the central and South Pacific in
1943-45, reaching the outskirts of Japan in the Battle of
Okinawa. During 1942 and 1943, the US deployed millions
of men and thousands of planes and tanks to the UK, beginning
with the strategic bombing of Nazi Germany and occupied
Europe and leading up to the Allied invasions of occupied
North Africa in November, 1942, Sicily and Italy in 1943,
France in 1944, and the invasion of Germany in 1945, parallel
with the Soviet invasion from the east. That led to the
surrender of Nazi Germany in May 1945. In the Pacific, the
US experienced much success in naval campaigns during 1944,
but bloody battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa in 1945 led the
US to look for a way to end the war with minimal loss of
lives. The U.S. used atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
to shock the Japanese leadership, which (combined with the
Soviet invasion of Manchuria) quickly caused the surrender
of Japan.
Despite the crippling effects of the Great Depression,
the United States was able to mobilize quickly, eventually
becoming the dominant military power in most theaters of
the war (excepting only eastern Europe and mainland China),
and the industrial might of the US economy is widely cited
as a major factor in the Allies' eventual victory in the
war. Early in the war, the US military was perceived by
some observers to be too "green" and untested
to be of much use other than cannon fodder against experienced
German and Japanese troops (especially as their first major
action against German forces resulted in the humiliating
defeat at the Battle of the Kasserine Pass), but the US
eventually acquitted itself well and established a modern
military tradition. Strategic and tactical lessons learned
by the US, such as the importance of air superiority and
the dominance of the aircraft carrier in naval actions,
continue to guide US military doctrine more than 60 years
World War II holds a special place in the American psyche
as the country's greatest triumph, and the soldiers of World
War II are frequently referred to as "the greatest
generation" for their sacrifices in the name of liberty.
Over 16 million served (about 13% of the population), and
over 400,000 were killed during the war; only the American
Civil War saw more Americans killed (although the majority
of soldier deaths that were directly caused by the war were
the result of disease). The US entered the war, like many
other nations, as a country struggling with economic and
social problems and unsure of its identity. It emerged as
one of the two undisputed superpowers along with the Soviet
Union, and unlike the Soviet Union, the US homeland was
virtually untouched by the ravages of war. The importance
of US military and political power in world affairs since
1945 cannot be overstated; the outcome of the war and the
fortunes of the victors have shaped world events to this
During and following World War II, the United States and
United Kingdom developed an increasingly strong defense
and intelligence relationship. Manifestations of this include
extensive basing of US forces in the UK, shared intelligence,
shared military technology (e.g. nuclear technology) and
shared procurement. BACK TO THE TOP
2.9 Cold War (1945-1991) |
Following the Second World War, the United States emerged
as a global superpower vis-a-vis the Soviet Union in the Cold
War. In this period of some forty years, the United States
provided foreign military aid and direct involvement in proxy
wars against the Soviet Union. It was the principal foreign
actor in the Korean War and Vietnam War during this era. Nuclear
weapons were held in ready by the United States under a concept
of mutually assured destruction with the Soviet Union |
2.9.1 Postwar Military Reorganization
(1947) |
The National Security Act of 1947, meeting the need for
a military reorganization to complement the U.S. superpower
role, combined and replaced the former Department of the Navy
and War Department with a single cabinet-level Department
of Defense. The act also created the National Security Council,
the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Air Force. |
2.9.2 Korean War |
The Korean War was a conflict between the United
States and its United Nations allies and the communist powers
under influence of the Soviet Union (also a UN member nation)
and the People's Republic of China (which later also gained
UN membership). The principal combatants were North and South
Korea. Principal allies of South Korea included the United
States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, although many
other nations sent troops under the aegis of the United Nations.
Allies of North Korea included the People's Republic of China,
which supplied military forces, and the Soviet Union, which
supplied combat advisors and aircraft pilots, as well as arms,
for the Chinese and North Korean troops. In the United States,
the conflict was termed a police action under the aegis of
the United Nations rather than a war, largely to remove the
necessity of a Congressional declaration of war.
The war started badly for the US and UN. North Korean forces
struck massively in the summer of 1950 and nearly drove
the outnumbered US and ROK defenders into the sea. However
the United Nations intervened, naming Douglas MacArthur
commander of its forces, and US-ROK forces acting under
the UN auspices held a perimeter around Pusan, gaining time
for reinforcement. MacArthur, in a bold but risky move,
ordered an amphibious invasion well behind the front lines
at Inchon, cutting off and routing the North Koreans and
quickly crossing the 38th Parallel into North Korea. As
UN forces continued to advance toward the Yalu River on
the border with Communist China, the Chinese crossed the
the Yalu River in October and launched a series of surprise
attacks that sent the UN forces reeling back across the
38th Parallel.[12] The UN leaders feared that the conflict
would escalate into another world war, while MacArthur and
U.S. President Harry Truman came into serious disagreement
about military objectives and resolution of the conflict.
MacArthur was later relieved of his command by Truman for
insubordination, and negotiations beginning shortly after
MacArthur's dismissal eventually resulted in a stalemate
and armistice in 1953, with the two Koreas remaining divided
at the 38th parallel. North and South Korea are still today
in a state of war, having never signed a peace treaty, and
US forces remain stationed in South Korea as part of US
foreign policy.
2.9.3 Lebanon crisis of 1958 |
In the Lebanon crisis of 1958 that threatened civil war,
Operation Blue Bat deployed several hundred Marines to bolster
the pro-Western Lebanese government from July 15 to October
25, 1958 BACK TO THE TOP |
2.9.4 Dominican Intervention |
On April 28, 1965, 400 Marines were landed in Santo Domingo
to evacuate the American Embassy and foreign nationals after
dissident Dominican armed forces attempted to overthrow the
ruling civilian junta. By mid-May, peak strength of 23,850
U.S. soldiers, Marines, and Airmen were in the Dominican Republic
and some 38 naval ships were positioned offshore. They evacuated
nearly 6,500 men, women, and children of 46 nations, and distributed
more than 8 million tons of food. |
2.9.5 Vietnam War |
The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War,
was a war fought between 1957 and 1975 on the ground in South
Vietnam and bordering areas of Cambodia and Laos (see Secret
War) and in the strategic bombing (see Operation Rolling Thunder)
of North Vietnam. In Vietnam, the conflict is known as the
"American War." Although a small US presence had
existed in Vietnam since the late 1950s, major US involvement
is generally considered to have begun in 1964, after the Gulf
of Tonkin Incident.
Fighting on one side was a coalition of forces including
the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam or the "RVN"),
the United States, South Korea, Thailand, Australia, New
Zealand, and the Philippines. Participation by the South
Korean military was financed by the United States, but Australia
and New Zealand fully funded their own involvement. Other
countries normally allied with the United States in the
Cold War, including the United Kingdom and Canada, refused
to participate in the coalition, although a few of their
citizens volunteered to join the U.S. forces. The U.S. and
its allies fought against the North Vietnamese Army (NVA)
as well as the National Liberation Front (NLF, also known
as Viet communists Viet Cong), or "VC", a guerrilla
force within South Vietnam. The NVA received substantial
military and economic aid from the Soviet Union, turning
Vietnam into a proxy war.
The U.S. framed the war as part of its policy of containment
of Communism in south Asia, but American forces were frustrated
by an inability to engage the enemy in decisive battles,
corruption and incompetence in the Army of the Republic
of Vietnam, and ever increasing protests at home. The Tet
Offensive in 1968, although a major military defeat for
the NLF with half their forces eliminated, marked the psychological
turning point in the war. NLF forces appeared to be everywhere
at once, even penetrating the US Embassy, Saigon, supposedly
one of the most secure places in the country, and news anchor
Walter Cronkite, in a famous broadcast from the battlefield,
pronounced the war "unwinnable." After more than
57,000 dead and many more wounded, US forces withdrew in
1973 with no clear victory, and in 1975 South Vietnam was
finally conquered by communist North Vietnam and unified.
The chaotic evacuation of the US embassy in April 1975,
as NVA forces closed in on the city, made for enduring images
of desperate souls clinging to helicopter skids, trying
to escape Communist rule. The war left Vietnam with many
mines yet to be disarmed and many parts of the jungle destroyed
by napalm and many civilians died with casualties in the
millions and 800,000 dead for the NVN/Viet Cong. Even though
the US is said to have won every major battle and killed
up to thirteen times as many enemy combatants, many consider
the war a defeat for America.
Even today, "Vietnam" is a politically divisive
subject in the U.S. Some Americans view the Second Indochina
War as a noble, if flawed, cause which limited and delayed
communist expansion and conquest of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Others see the conflict as a quagmire; a waste of American
blood and treasure in a conflict that did not concern US
interests. Military service during Vietnam is still an issue
in U.S. presidential campaigns, more than 30 years after
US troops left the country, and fears of another "quagmire"
have been major factors in U.S. military planning since
2.9.6 Tehran hostage rescue |
During and Iran hostage crisis, Operation Eagle Claw was
an attempt to rescue the hostages. It failed because of inappropriate
equipment, incomplete and unrealistic planning, and the lack
of joint service training. The fiasco led directly to the
creation of SOCOM. BACK TO THE TOP |
2.9.7 Grenada |
In October, 1983, alarmed by a violent power struggle in
Grenada, the U.S. dispatched paratroopers, Marines, Rangers,
and special operations forces to the island in Operation Urgent
Fury. Over a thousand Americans were on the island. The invasion
force quickly moved to seize the entire island, eventually
taking hundreds of military and civilian prisoners from a
variety of East Bloc nations |
2.9.8 Beirut |
In 1983 fighting between Palestinian refugees and Lebanese
factions reignited that nation's long-running civil war. A
UN agreement brought an international force of peacekeepers
to occupy Beirut and guarantee security. US Marines landed
in August 1982 along with Italian and French forces. On October
23, 1983, a suicide bomber driving a truck filled with 6 tons
of TNT crashed through a fence and destroyed the Marine barracks,
killing 241 Marines; seconds later, a second bomber leveled
a French barracks, killing 58. Subsequently the US Navy engaged
in bombing of militia positions inside Lebanon. While US President
Ronald Reagan was initially defiant, political pressure at
home eventually forced the withdrawal of the Marines in February
The attack on the US Marine barracks resulted in the single
largest loss of life for the USMC since World War II.[citation
In 2003, a judge for the United States District Court for
the District of Columbia ruled that the Islamic Republic
of Iran was responsible for the attack.
2.9.9 Panama |
On December 20, 1989 the United States invaded Panama, mainly
from U.S. bases within the then-Canal Zone, to oust dictator
and international drug trafficker Manuel Noriega. American
forces quickly overwhelmed the Panamanian Defense Forces,
Noriega was captured on January 3, 1990 and a new government
was installed. BACK TO THE TOP |
2.10 Post-Cold War era (1991-2001) |
2.10.1 Gulf War |
The Persian Gulf War was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition
force of 34 nations led by the United States. The lead up
to the war began with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August
1990 which was met with immediate economic sanctions by the
United Nations against Iraq. The coalition commenced hostilities
in January 1991, resulting in a decisive victory for the U.S.
led coalition forces, which drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait
with minimal coalition deaths. Despite the low death toll,
over 180,000 US veterans would later be classified as "permanently
disabled" according to the US Department of Veterans
Affairs (National Gulf War Resource Center; see also Gulf
War Syndrome). The main battles were aerial and ground combat
within Iraq, Kuwait and bordering areas of Saudi Arabia. Land
combat did not expand outside of the immediate Iraq/Kuwait/Saudi
border region, although the coalition bombed cities and strategic
targets across Iraq, and Iraq fired missiles on Israeli and
Saudi cities.
Before the war, many observers believed the US and its
allies could win but might suffer substantial casualties
(certainly more than any conflict since Vietnam), and that
the tank battles across the harsh desert might rival those
of North Africa during World War II. After nearly 50 years
of proxy wars, and constant fears of another war in Europe
between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, some thought the Gulf
War might finally answer the question of which military
philosophy would have reigned supreme. Iraqi forces were
battle-hardened after 8 years of war with Iran, and they
were well-equipped with late model Soviet tanks and jet
fighters, but the anti-aircraft weapons were crippled; in
comparison, the US had no large-scale combat experience
since its withdrawal from Vietnam nearly 20 years earlier,
and major changes in US doctrine, equipment and technology
since then had never been tested under fire.
However, the battle was one-sided almost from the beginning.
The reasons for this are the subject of continuing study
by military strategists and academics. There is general
agreement that US technological superiority was a crucial
factor but the speed and scale of the Iraqi collapse has
also been attributed to poor strategic and tactical leadership
and low morale among Iraqi troops, which resulted from a
history of incompetent leadership. After devastating initial
strikes against Iraqi air defenses and command and control
facilities on 17 January 1991, coalition forces achieved
total air superiority almost immediately. The Iraqi air
force was destroyed within a few days, with some planes
fleeing to Iran where they were interned for the duration
of the conflict. The overwhelming technological advantages
of the US, such as stealth aircraft and infrared sights,
quickly turned the air war into a "turkey shoot".
The heat signature of any tank which started its engine
made an easy target. Air defense radars were quickly destroyed
by radar-seeking missiles fired from wild weasel aircraft.
Grainy video clips, shot from the nose cameras of missiles
as they zeroed in on impossibly small targets, were a staple
of US news coverage and revealed to the world a new kind
of war, compared by some to a video game. Over 6 weeks of
relentless pounding by planes and helicopters, the Iraqi
army was almost completely beaten but did not retreat, under
orders from Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, and by the time
the ground forces invaded on 24 February, many Iraqi troops
quickly surrendered to forces much smaller than their own;
in one instance, Iraqi forces attempted to surrender to
a television camera crew that was advancing with coalition
After just 100 hours of ground combat, and with all of
Kuwait and much of southern Iraq under coalition control,
US President George H. W. Bush ordered a cease-fire and
negotiations began resulting in an agreement for cessation
of hostilities. Some US politicians were disappointed by
this move, believing Bush should have pressed on to Baghdad
and removed Hussein from power; there is little doubt that
coalition forces could have accomplished this if they had
desired. Still, the political ramifications of removing
Hussein would have broadened the scope of the conflict greatly,
and many coalition nations refused to participate in such
an action, believing it would create a power vacuum and
destabilize the region.
Following the Gulf War, to protect minority populations,
the US, Britain, and France declared and maintained no-fly
zones in northern and southern Iraq, which the Iraqi military
frequently tested. The no-fly zones persisted until the
2003 invasion of Iraq, although France withdrew from participation
in patrolling the no-fly zones in 1996, citing a lack of
humanitarian purpose for the operation.
Additionally, following the discovery of an aborted assassination
plot aimed at former President George H.W. Bush, Navy ships
bombed Iraqi intelligence facilities with cruise missiles
in June 1993. BACK TO THE TOP
2.10.2 Somalia |
US troops participated in a UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia
beginning in 1992. By 1993 the US troops were augmented with
Rangers and special forces with the aim of capturing warlord
Mohamed Farrah Aidid, whose forces had massacred peacekeepers
from Pakistan. During a raid in downtown Mogadishu, US troops
became trapped overnight by a general uprising in the Battle
of Mogadishu. 18 American soldiers were killed, and a US television
crew filmed graphic images of the body of one soldier being
dragged through the streets by an angry mob. Somali guerrillas
paid a staggering toll at an estimated 1,000-5,000 total casualties
during the conflict. After much public disapproval, American
forces were quickly withdrawn by President Bill Clinton. The
incident profoundly affected US thinking about peacekeeping
and intervention. The book Black Hawk Down was written about
the battle, and was the basis for the later movie of the same
name |
2.10.3 Yugoslavia |
During the war in Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, the US
operated in Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the NATO-led
multinational implementation force (IFOR) in Operation Joint
Endeavour . The USA was one of the NATO member countries who
bombed Yugoslavia between March 24 and June 9, 1999 during
the Kosovo War and later contributed to the multinational
force KFOR |
2.11 War on Terrorism (2001-present)
The War on Terrorism is a global effort by the governments
of several countries (primarily the United States and its
principal allies) to neutralize international terrorist groups
(primarily radical Islamist terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda)
and ensure that rogue nations no longer support terrorist
activities. It has been adopted as a response to the September
11, 2001 attacks on the United States. |
2.11.1 Afghanistan |
The invasion of Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom
- Afghanistan) to depose that country's Taliban government
and destroy training camps associated with al-Qaida is understood
to have been the opening, and in many ways defining, campaign
of the broader War on Terrorism. The emphasis on Special Operations
Forces (SOF), political negotiation with autonomous military
units, and the use of proxy militaries marked a significant
change from prior U.S. military approaches. |
2.11.2 Philippines |
In January 2002, the U.S. sent more than 1,200 troops (later
raised to 2,000) to assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines
in combating terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida, such as
Abu Sayyaf, under Operation Enduring Freedom - Philippines.
Operations are taking place mostly in the Sulu Archipelago,
where terrorists and other groups are active. The majority
of troops provide logistics; however, a sizable portion are
Special Forces troops that are training and assisting in combat
operations against the terrorist groups. BACK
2.11.3 Liberia |
On August 6, 1990, President Bush reported that a
reinforced rifle company had been sent to provide additional
security to the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia, and that
helicopter teams had evacuated U.S. citizens from Liberia. |
2.11.4 Iraq |
After the lengthy Iraq disarmament crisis culminated with
an American demand that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein leave
Iraq, which was refused, a coalition led by the United States
and the United Kingdom fought the Iraqi army in the 2003 invasion
of Iraq. Approximately 250,000 United States troops, with
support from 45,000 British, 2,000 Australian and 200 Polish
combat forces, entered Iraq primarily through their staging
area in Kuwait. (Turkey had refused to permit its territory
to be used for an invasion from the north.) Coalition forces
also supported Iraqi Kurdish militia, estimated to number
upwards of 50,000. After approximately three weeks of fighting,
Hussein and the Ba'ath Party were forcibly removed, followed
by an extended period of military occupation [Source:
Wikipedia] |