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No. | 1 |
NAME | James Wilkins |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Aug 29/1864 |
WHERE | Base Hosptl 18 ac. at Point of Rock Va. |
CAUSE | Gun shot wound. |
REMARKS | From wounds recd in action before Petersburgh Va. Aug 18/64. Final statements & Des. List sent May 12/65. Resent July 23/65. Resent March. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 2 |
NAME | Stephen Spruel |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Sept. 23/1864 |
WHERE | Summit House Hospth Philada. Penn. |
CAUSE | Gun shot wound. |
REMARKS | Final Statements & Des List sent May 12/65. Resent July 23/65. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 3 |
NAME | William Etheredge |
RANK | Sgt. |
WHEN | Sept. 29/1864 |
WHERE | In action near Deep Bottom Va. |
CAUSE | Struck by a shell |
REMARKS | Killed in action. Final Statements & I of Eff. sent May 25/65. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 4 |
NAME | Abraham Blango |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Sept. 29/1864 |
WHERE | In action near Deep Bottom Va. |
CAUSE | Minie Ball |
REMARKS | F. Statements & I. of Eff. sent May 25/65. Last pd. by Maj. Dodge to April 30/64. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 5 |
NAME | Quince Odin |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Sept. 29/1864 |
WHERE | In action near Deep Bottom Va. |
CAUSE | Minie Ball |
REMARKS | F. Statements & I. of Eff. sent May 25/65. Last pd. by Maj. Dodge to April 30/64. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 6 |
NAME | William Redding |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Sept. 29/1864 |
WHERE | In action near Deep Bottom Va. |
CAUSE | Minie Ball |
REMARKS | F. Statements & I. of Eff. sent May 25/65. Last pd. by Maj. Dodge to April 30/64. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 7 |
NAME | William Sharpless |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Sept. 29/1864 |
WHERE | In action near Deep Bottom Va. |
CAUSE | Minie Ball |
REMARKS | F. Statements & I. of Eff. sent May 25/65. Last pd. by Maj. Dodge to April 30/64. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 8 |
NAME | Moses Brown |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Oct. 1/1864 |
WHERE | Base Hosptl 18ac at Point of Rocks Va. |
CAUSE | Disease of the Bowels |
REMARKS | Sent to the Div. Hosptl. Sept. 27/64. F. Statements & I. of Eff. sent May 25/65. F. Statement resent March 1/66. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 9 |
NAME | Frank Satchen |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Dec. 21/1864 |
WHERE | (Balfour) Portsmouth Va. Base Hosptl |
CAUSE | Gun shot wound |
REMARKS | Of wounds rec'd in action near Deep Bottom Va. Final Statements & Des. List sent May 12/65. Resent July 23/65. $100 bounty claimed. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 10 |
NAME | Hilliard Everett |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | Feby 3/65 |
WHERE | Base Hosptl at Point of Rocks Va. |
CAUSE | Typhoid Fever |
REMARKS | Final Statements & Des. List forwarded May 8/65. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 11 |
NAME | James Tankard |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | July 11/1865 |
WHERE | Corps DeAfrique US.G.Hosp New Orleans La |
CAUSE | Congestive Fever |
REMARKS | Final Statements sent--July 23/65. Inventory of Effects rec'd (no effects)--forwarded to Regt. Hd Qrs July 23/65. $100 bounty claimed. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 12 |
NAME | Benjamin Holly |
RANK | Pvt. |
WHEN | July 20/1865 |
WHERE | Post Hospital Brownsville Texas |
CAUSE | Diarrhoea |
REMARKS | In.of Eff. rec'd to Regt Hd.Qrs. Aug.5/65. Final Statements and In. of Eff sent Nov 13/65. $100 bounty claimed. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 13 |
NAME | Toney Wilson |
RANK | Muscn |
WHEN | Aug.25/1865 |
WHERE | Post Hospital Brazos Santiago Texas |
CAUSE | Pneumonia |
REMARKS | I.of Eff rec'd from Hosp & forwarded to Regt Hd.Qrs. Final Statements sent Nov 13/65. $100 bounty claimed. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 14 |
NAME | Henry Coonce |
RANK | Private |
WHEN | Sept. 6/1865 |
WHERE | On board Steamer St. Mary |
CAUSE | Pneumonia |
REMARKS | On passage from Brazos Santiago Texas to New Orleans La. Notice rec'd Sept 24/65 from Sug. M.M. Manly--2nd U.S.C.C. in charge of Sick. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 15 |
NAME | Henry Brown |
RANK | Private |
WHEN | Nov 9/65 |
WHERE | Post USAG Hospital Brazos Santiago Texas |
CAUSE | Acute Pleuritis |
REMARKS | I.of E.(no eff.) rec'd from Hosp & forw'd to R. H.Q. Notice rec'd Nov. 11/65 from Surg. B.G. Manly U.S.C.C. in ch. of Hosp. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 16 |
NAME | Andrew Swan |
RANK | Corporal |
WHEN | March 6/1864 |
WHERE | In Regt. Hospital Pt.Lookout Md. |
CAUSE | Disease |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 17 |
NAME | Jerry Blunt |
RANK | Private |
WHEN | March 20/1864 |
WHERE | At Post Hospital Pt Lookout Md. |
CAUSE | Small Pox |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 18 |
NAME | Samuel Tamiage |
RANK | Private |
WHEN | March 25/1864 |
WHERE | Camp 36th USCT Pt.Lookout Md. |
CAUSE | Disease |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 19 |
NAME | Cicero Rue |
RANK | Pvt |
WHEN | Feby 2/1866 |
WHERE | Post Hospital Brazos Santiago Texas |
CAUSE | Phthisis Pulmonalis |
REMARKS | I.of E. sent R. H. Qrs--Feby 3/66. F. Statements sent March 1/66. |
*********************RECORD BREAK******************* | |
No. | 20 |
NAME | James Bell |
RANK | Pvt |
WHEN | July 3/66 |
WHERE | Post Hospital Brazos Santiago Texas |
CAUSE | Cerebral Apoplexy |
REMARKS | Des. list requested and sent to Hospital July 4/66. |
NCGenWeb Military Project: U.S. Colored Troops