Legal Notes


F N W Burtons note 150 $ & David Graves of 60 $ &Int on

Both if Morris don’t Receive to day he will leave with

You should they not pay today to Maurice you must

Press them & let them I did not expect to have went away

without it

Robert Ag--ens Bond ₤ 400. Must be had at court if the suit

should be called ~

John Brodies Note ₤  5 . 9 . 6

do Agreement  ~   4 . 15 . 0  ₤  10 . 5 . 0  If I dont return to Aug. Court

by & Collect ale with this # make?


T. . W Burtons Bond ₤  148.  14.  5 pra—if he dont agree to confer judgment

at Aug. Court with seay(sp?) if E—til Novr he must be sued


Lem. Aurys bond ₤  29.  4.  0 due next xmas


Thos. Vasser  ~ 78.  3 ~


F N W Burtons 2 small notes ₤  12. 13 ~ Aply for pay at Aug Court


H Yancey Bond ₤  90 not yet due


R Fenstatts(sp?) -- ₤  45 ~ if not rd before Court JWS will direct


Excution vs Wood must be renewed


John Graves Bond ₤10.10.0 if collected either keep or pay Col. Eaton


look there is some other papers in the Bundle not here

mentioned view them and attend to my Jul as you think



I have a Judgment vs Jno Kicks(sp?) & Duly if they

Don’t pay at Augt. Court. Exr Must Issue after that

For abt  ₤70 Odd proch(sp) as the records will there? (show?)


 I expect to get judgement vs R Tally at Court for

120 $ & Int. have execution Immediately Issued


(Note: Apparently Wm B. SMITH was an Attorney with a thriving business at this time)


Paulette Smith