
Names of Lawyers and Post Offices

Cook, Charles A., Littleton
Eaton, [Wm.] & Montgomery [W.A.] Warrenton
Foote, Henry A., Warrenton
Long, Benj. F.        do.
Plummer, Ed H.        do.


Manufactorier, Post Offices and Proprietors

Saddle and Harness, Warrenton, Thomas W. Rowlett
Saddle and Harness, Warrenton, Richard Rowlett [col.]
Coach and Wagon, Warrenton, J. W. Williams
Coach and Wagon, Warrenton, Harper [H.H.] & Ransom [James]
Cabinet, Warrenton, Jerry Draper
Foundry, Blacksmith, Ploughs
     and Wagons
Warrenton, John Collins & Co.[L. B. Collins]
Barrel Staves, Ridgeway, W. B. Huey & Hicks [Edward]
Spokes, Ridgeway , J. D. North & Co.
Tin and Sheet Iron, Warrenton, Edward S. Shroyer
Smoking Tobacco, Manson, Thomas T. Twitty
Smoking Tobacco, Manson, R. A. Jenkins & [L. W.] Springs


Names, Post Offices and Line of Business

Alston G. Branch, LIttleton GS
Alston, Chas., Jr. Warrenton, Boots and Shoes
Bullock, J. H., Manson GS
Best (Ed. W.) & Powell (Wm. M.) Littleton GS
Clanton [R. K.] & Co.
       [A. D. Stallings]
Macon Depot GS
Church, C. B. Brookston GS
Davis, Wm. F. Warrenton, GS
Davis Geo. W. Littleton GS
Drake J. O. & Co., J. Watson,
     W.P. Watson and J. Parker, 
Warren Plains GS
Egerton, R. J. Macon, GS
Egerton, Jas. A Warrenton, Dry Goods
Flanagan, Mrs. E. F. Warrenton, Confec. and Gro.
Harris B. R. Warrenton, GS
Johnson, John R. Warrenton, GS
Kimball, D. B. Manson, GS
Laughlin, J. J. Warrenton, Confec. etc.
Martin H. W. Warrenton, Confect. & Gro
Miles, A. M. Warrenton, Baker & Confec
McCraw [J. C.] & Co., Warrenton, GS
Norwood [W. J.] & Co. Warrenton, GS
Powell [J. B.] & Son [B.J. Powell] Warrenton, GS
Plummer, John S. [col.] Warrenton, Confec. & Liq.
Perkinson, L. C. Warren Plains GS
Parker, [J] Watson [John] & Co.    
 [Watson, W. P.], Warrenton, GS
Ridgeway Company Ridgeway Nursery & Horticulture
Southerland, Mrs. C. A. Brookston, GS
Shearin, Wm. H. Warrenton Confec. etc.
Sledge, Geo. R., Warrenton GS
Turner, Daniel J. Macon Depot, GS
Turnbull, John R. Warrenton GS
Thomas [C. A] & Bobbitt [A. E.]   Drugs
White [Thos. H.] & Co., Warren Plains GS
Waddill [J. M.] & Plummer [W.G] Warrenton, GS
White, [John] & Son [W. J.] Warrenton GS
Webb, A. S. Ridgeway GS

Ministers, Resident

Names, Post Office and Denominations

Adams, S. D. Warrenton Meth
Cook, C. M. Warrenton Meth
Joyner, P. H. Henderson Meth
Moore, J. D. Ridgeway Meth
Long, B. F. Warrenton Meth
Jones, Turner M. [D.D.] Warrenton Meth
Willis, R. A. Warrenton Meth
Gibbons, H. H. Ridgeway Meth
Reeks, Thos. B. Warren Plains Meth
Bailey, C. T. Warrenton Bap
Purefoy, N. A. Warren Plains Bap
Perkinson, L. C. Warren Plains Bap
Marshall, M. M. Warrenton Epis


Kind, Post Office, Proprietor

Gold Mine Ransom's Bridge     W. R. Sturgiss


Kinds, Post Office and Proprietors

Flour, Corn and Saw, Warrenton, William S. Davis
Flour and Corn, Macon Depot Robt. K. Clanton
Flour and Corn, Warrenton, Est. Thos. E. Green
Flour, Corn and Saw, Warrenton, Hugh J. Jones
Flour and Corn, Warrenton, Solon Southerland
Flour, Corn and Saw, Warrenton, Wm. J. White
Saw Mill Warrenton, Henry B.  Hunter
Saw Mill  [Steam] Ridgeway W. B.  Huey & Hicks [Edward]
Grist and Saw, Macon Depot Palmer [H. Jr.] & Peete [R.S.F]
Flour and Corn, Warrenton, John M. Wilson
Flour and Corn, Manson Jenkins R. A., & Springs L.
Flour and Corn, Ridgeway Benj. M. Collins
Grist Mill, Warrenton, Simon T. Green
Saw Mill, Warren Plains, F. M. Tucker


Names and Post Offices

Brown Ridley Littleton  
Cook Joseph H. Warrenton  
Clark Wm. M. Warren Plains  
Foster Earnest Ridgeway  
Field George Warrenton  
Foote Geo. A. Warrenton  
Jerman Thos. P. Ridgeway  
King Joel Warrenton  
Perry, M. P. Littleton  
Pitchford T. J. Sr. Warrenton  
Plummer Alfred Manson  
Peete R. S. F. Warren Plains  
Thompson V. O. Henderson  
Williams R. E. Warrenton  
Wilson T. E. Warrenton  

Post Offices

Brookston, Ridgeway
Macon Depot, Warren Plains
Manson Warrenton [c.h.]


Female Collegiate Institute Mrs. M. J. Wilcox Warrenton
Warrenton Male Academy John D. Dugger Warrenton
Warrenton Female College Turner M. Jones, D.D. Warrenton
Graham Institute John W. Graham Warrenton
Mrs. Jones' School Mrs. V. L. Jones Warrenton

Local Corporations

Old North State Insurance Company,  Warrenton, William S. Davis, Pres.,
  B. F. Long, Sec.; $100,000 - capital.
Warrenton Savings Bank, Warrenton, Ed. H. Plummer, Pres.;
  John C. M. Crow, Cashier.

This is the end of Part I.  Part 2 containing names of local farmers will be next.

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