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The Wilmington Gazette

Excerpts from The Wilmington Gazette 1802
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, March 2011
The Wilmington Gazette
March 18, 1802

One Hundred & Fifty Dollars Reward
Run away from the subscribers three Negro men, viz.
Primus, belonging to Dr DeRosset, aged 25 years, about 5 feet 1 or 2 inches high, bushy hair, the skin of one hand much shriveled from having been scalded in infancy - a Carpenter by trade.
Tom or Tom Boots, the property of John M Gabie, 22 or 23 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, well made, of a pleasant countenance, with a large mouth, broad nostrils, and eyes inclined to red, and talks rather thick and surly - has worked 12 months at the Carpenter's trade.
Charles, a Cooper by trade, also the property of said Gabie, about 26 years of age, and about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, with bushy hair, thin visage, stammers in his speech, and is a little bandy legged.
Thirty dollars will be paid on delivery of each or either of said Negroes in Wilmington, if taken on board of any vessel in this port or in any county of this state other than New-Hanover or Brunswick, and if taken in either of said counties, a reward of Ten Dollars for each or either of them will be paid. If taken without the state, a reward of fifty dollars for each or either of them will be paid on their being secured in any gaol or otherwise so that we get them again.
Captains of vessels and others are hereby warned not to harbour nor carry off said Negro men at their peril, as they will certainly be prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the law.
N.B. The punishment is death.
A J De Rosset
J Mercer Gabie
Wilmington, March 4

The copartnership of Nutt and M Levy being dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st day of the present month. All persons having unsettled accounts will apply to William Nutt, who is authorized to settle the same.
Wm Nutt
Mears Levy
Wilmington, March 4th, 1802

The vendue and commission business will be continued and carried on, at the store lately occupied by Messrs Nutt and M Levy by the subscribers under the firm of Jocelin, Gautier, & Co.
A Jocelin
Thos N Gautier
Mears Levy
Wilmington, March 4th, 1802

Married on Thursday evening last, Capt Thomas Hunter to Miss Mary Muter, both of this town.
On Tuesday evening last, Mr Mears Levy to Miss Fanny Eastwood.

The Wilmington Gazette
March 25, 1802

The subscriber obtained letters of administration at the late March term of the court of this county, upon the estate of John Atkins, deceased, and likewise upon the estate of John Nelson, deceased. He requests all persons indebted to either of said estates to make immediate payment, and he requires all who have demands against the same to exhibit them within the time limited by an act of the General Assembly, in such case made and provided. In failure whereof the said act will be plead in bar to the recovery of any such debt or demand.
David Davidson
March 25

Fifty Dollars Reward
The negro fellow named Telemachus, advertised in this paper some weeks ago, has been lately seen with a gang of Run-aways at a camp in a Swamp on one of the branches of Smith's creek, from whence they were routed, two of them taken, the rest got off; and are supposed to be harboured between the Sound and the North-East river. Telemachus has a wife at Thomas Hill's Esq and near his plantation has been lately seen.
Whoever apprehends the said fellow and brings him to me at the Hermitage or delivers him to the gaoler at Wilmington so that I get him, shall have the above reward paid by
J Burgwin
March 11

The Wilmington Gazette
April 1, 1802

That the subscriber at March term, 1802, of New Hanover county court obtained letters of administration upon the estate of Ann Sophia Hazell, dec. All persons indebted thereto are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands of whatever kind and denomination, against said estate, are hereby noticed to bring them forward within the time prescribed by an act of the General Assembly, passed in the year 1789, entitled, "An act concerning proving of wills and granting letters of administration, and to prevent frauds in the management of intestate's estates," or they will be barred of a recovery.
Mary A Walker, Adm'x
March 25

On Wednesday the 14th day of April next, will be sold at the plantation of the late Ann Sophia Hazell, on the Sound.
Sundry articles of Household furniture &c and at the same time will be hired out the negroes of the estate of said Mrs Hazell, till the first of January next, and the plantation and buildings will be rented out til said first of January. The terms will be cash for all sums under 10 pounds, and bond and approved security for all sums over, payable in six months.
By order of
Mary A Walker, Adm'x
David Jones, Shff
March 25

The subscriber returns his grateful thanks to his customers and the public in general for the encouragement he has met with in the line of his profession, during his residence in this town, and informs them that he intends to remove to St Domingo, the latter end of May next. He requests all persons having demands against him to bring forward their accounts and receive payment, and those who are indebted to him, to make immediate payment.
Peter Wiss
Wilmington, March 17th, 1802

The Wilmington Gazette
April 15, 1802

List of dead letters remaining in the Post-Office at Wilmington, which if not taken out before the 1st of July next, will be sent to the General Post-Office.
A: John Atkins 2, Milly Allen, John Atkinson, Mrs Mary Anthony, Major Samuel Ashe, Samuel Edwards Axon.
B: Forquil Bowir 2, Samuel Black 2, Sarah Black, Capt Thomas Boardman 2, Isaac Bell, junr, Nancy Bartram, Thomas Baynor.
C: Thomas Cowan 2, Captain John Cuss, Joseph M Cox, Richard Clayton, Roger Cutlar, captain John Clarke, James Campbell, Isaac Cautian, Oliver L Cozine, Miss Betty Cutlar, Doctor Roger Cutlar, David Chappell, captain Isaac Corry, Scott Cray, Stephen Cruis, Aaron Cowan, Charles Carrol, Solomon Cambo, Town-creek, Fristiana Cla?k, Obediah Covel, John Curdy, Black-river, Litolus Collins, captain John Clarke, James Gold Cochran, care of Robert Harley.
D: George Duncan, David Davidson 2, Citizen Deviu, Monsieur Davandick.
E: Captain James Eastwood, Patrick E?essu.
F: Uriah Folger 3, Francis Foster, Thomas Farrell, William Foster, John Frye, captain Gilbert B Fish 2.
G: William Gibbons 6, captain John Green 2, Peter Gordon, Harriet Gibbs, Joseph Grear.
H: Lieutenant James Heath 2, capt William Hall, William Hooper, Ann Sophia Hazell, Nehemiah Harris, captain James Humphrey, Maiters Hankins Bru, R. county, Francis W Van dur Huvit.
I: Captain Enoch Jewitt 2, Dominic Jordan, John James, New-Hanover, John Jonson.
K: John Kalm, Peter Kennedy, Richard Kelly.
L: Nancy Levingston, James Larde, captain Edward Lussen, Mrs Elizabeth Lack, Miss Levingston, Mrs Aaron Loeven, Thomas Lovett.
M: James McCalpin, South-river, Michael Molton, captain WIlliam McCarol, George Merrick 2, Peter Mallett 3, John Mayhan, Luther Martin, Mr M McKay, captain Joseph Millett, captain John Millet, captain Clement Miner, Archibald McNeil, Waney McClammy, New-Hanover, John Minto?h Widow, Benjamin Mills, Brunswick county 2, captain Richard Mansen, Samuel Morgan, Thomas Munro, Miss Molle, Topsail Sound.
N: Richard Nixon 3, Robert Nixon, Thomas Nixon, Samuel Nobles, Monsieur John Nelson, Ozion Nettleton, care of Ephraim Pabodie.
P: Samuel Potter, pilot, Thomas Parnell, William Peacock, Miss Peggy Provous, captain Gad Peck, James Parriss, Mrs S Plince.
R: Thomas Robeson, deputy collector, Mrs Margaret Richard, Mrs Nelly Roland.
S: Dr John Sibley 2, captain David G Shaler 2, Mary Sessions, John William Soals, captain Simeon Soal, captain Francis Sailard, captain Elias Smith, Michael Sampson 2, John Sample, captain John Smith 2, Mrs Fanny Stymire, Jason Smith, James Smith, the Sheriff of New-Hanover.
T: Captain Samuel Tuck, care of William Campbell 2, Mr H Toomer, John Henry, taylor 2, Captain Enoch Toby, John Taylor, captain Jesse Towns, Henry Taylor, Philip Tuley.
U: Captain John Underwood 2, Andrew Ure, Burrel Vick.
W: Henry Watters, William Wilkinson, Daniel Wheaton 2, Mrs Jane Williams, Mrs Elizabeth Watters, Jesse Wingate, captain William Williams, Charles Wheelor, Daniel B Wheaton.
Y: Miss C Young.
John Lord
April 25

Captain Bruff being about to leave the state of North Carolina, wishes to dispose of the following articles of fashionable furniture which he will sell cheap, viz. a mahogany side board, a set of dining tables, a large single ditto, two tea tables, a breakfast ditto, a stand, a bureau, a toilet, a bedstead - also a dozen windsor chairs, a set of brass andirons, china, French plate, kitchen furniture and a variety of other articles.
Fort Johnston, April 13

Howard's Tavern
The subscriber informs her friends and the public in general that she purposes to continue the Tavern and Boarding House as usual and will be thankful for the custom of those who may make choice of her House for Entertainment. She has good stables, is well supplied with excellent servants, provender &c. and no exertions shall be wanted to give every satisfaction.
Mary Howard
Wilmington, March 8

The Wilmington Gazette
May 20, 1802

One Hundred Dollars Reward
A young fellow belonging to me named John, sometimes called Johnson, and at times calling himself John Hill, went off from this place about three or four weeks since. John is about five feet five inches high, twenty-three years old tho' he appears much younger. He is somewhat of a copper colour, being the son of a mulatto man and negro woman. His features are generally ugly, his eyes remarkably large and prominent - he is sensible and shrewd, civil in his manners and plausible in conversation - he served his time with a Cabinet-maker, and understands the business of the Windsor Chair-maker - he is very ingenious and well acquainted with the use of the Joiner's tools. John reads, and I believe can write a little. What induced him to go off, or where will be his destination, is not known, but it is expected he has gone in some vessel to some of the Northern ports, or perhaps to Charleston.
I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver John to me, if he is taken out of the state, or if taken in the state, will give Twenty-Five dollars on his being delivered to me.
W H Hall
N.B. The fellow Balaam, a limping fellow, very tall and very black, advertised some time since, who ranaway winter before last, is not yet taken. I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will deliver him to me. Balaam is probably either in this neighbourhood or on the Northwest.
Wilmington, NC May 4th, 1802

On Thursday the sixth instant was married near Elizabethtown the beautiful and amiable Miss Saul?er a lady of considerable fortune to the polite and accomplished Mr William Marks formerly overseer to Mr George Lucas and Miss Spendlove.
May the 11th 1802
Faithfully copied from the original.

Mr Thomas Petty, formerly from England, Brough county, Westmore, and supposing to be now in North Carolina, on the river Cape Fear, if living, or his heirs, by applying to Mr R Richardson, in New Providence, Bahama Islands, or to Mr Fitzgerald, may hear of something to his advantage.
April 15

Ran away from the subscriber on the 1st inst, a mulatto boy named Tom, about 15 years old, but small to his age. He was formerly the property of Mr John Levingston, dec - had on when he went away a green great coat, striped homespun pantaloons and jacket, and white hat. He is well known in Town and the neighbourhood, which renders a further description unnecessary.
I will give a generous reward to any person who will bring him to me.
Masters of vessels and others are cautioned against harbouring, employing or carrying said boy away at their peril.
Peter Carpenter
N.B. Also ranaway a few weeks past, my negro fellow King, well known between Wilmington and Fayetteville.
May 13

The Wilmington Gazette
June 3, 1802

Run Away
Last night, the subscriber's waiting man Mercury, generally well known about Wilmington and down the river, as an artful, roguish, drunken fellow. To strangers the following description may be necessary: Mercury is a dark mulatto of thin visage and make, about five feet ten inches high and twenty-eight years of age, he is hardy and expert about house, kitchen, garden, stable, carpenter's tools, painting and glazing, very civil and mannerly when sober, but insolent and quarrelsome when intoxicated, which is nearly as often as he can get at liquor, so that no dependence is to be place on him. Had on when he went away, grey coating jacket and pantaloons, but carried off with him other clothes amongst which are blue cloth pantaloons and coatee. In a former attempt to escape from service, he shipped himself on board a vessel as a cook, and passed as a freeman by the name of Jack, it is therefore probable he will alter his name & endeavor to leave the state by water. A very generous reward will be paid for delivering him at Belvedere or lodging him in jail, and One Hundred Dollars on conviction of any person harbouring him on board a vessel, with intent to carry him out of the state or port. If he be harboured on shore the offender will be  prosecuted with the utmost severity, and an handsome reward paid on proof being made of the offense.
Benja. Smith
Wilmington, June 3

At Fayetteville, on Monday the 24th ult. John Winslow Esq to Miss Caroline DeKeyfer, both of that town.

The subscriber having qualified as Executor to the estate of John Hall, deceased, late of Brunswick county, requests all persons indebted thereto to make immediate payment; and those having demands thereon are hereby notified to exhibit the same properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred of recovery.
William Hall
May 20

The subscriber notifies all persons that she has obtained letters of administration on the estate of George Morrisey, late of Sampson county, deceased, and requests all persons indebted thereto to make immediate payment. Those who have demands against the estate of said deceased, are also desired to present their accounts properly attested conformably to the act of the general assembly in such case made and provided otherwise they will be barred of recovery.
Jane Morisey, Adm'x
May 20

The Wilmington Gazette
December 2, 1802

Will Be Sold
On Thursday the second day of December next, at the Big Bridge
The perishable property of Benjamin Morgan, deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, corn, household furniture, plantation utensils, &c &c. At the same time and place will be hired out for one year, the negroes belonging to said estate.
James Bludworth, Ex'r
November 18

Ran away from the subscriber on or about the 1st inst a negro man named James, known by the name of James Keddie. Whoever will take up the said fellow and deliver him to me in Wilmington, shall receive a reward of Two Dollars.
Masters of vessels and all other persons are hereby forbid harbouring, concealing, or carrying him away at their peril.
Thomas Hunter
November 11

On the 19th ultimo, in this town, Mrs Polly Torrance, consort of Mr Walter Torrance of Fayetteville.
On Monday last, Miss Susannah Weathers, the youngest daughter of Mrs T Walker.

Taken up and committed to jail in this town, on the 25th day of August last, a negro man named Billy, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high and stout made, says he is upwards of 40 years old, but looks very young; has a mark under and at the corner of his left eye, and another above the right eye. He says that he belongs to Mrs Mary Rice, living in Savannah, Georgia, who gave him a pass to come to Wilmington, and on his way hither, met with a Doctor Congrove, who carried him to Charleston and sold him to Dr F Moser, of that place, from whom he soon after run away.
His owner is requested to come, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with as the law direct.
Wm Bloodworth, Shff
September 1

The Wilmington Gazette
December 9, 1802

Fort Johnston, NC
Dec 9, 1802
Ten Dollars Reward
Deserted on the night of the 5th instant, James McConnell, a private in the Corps of Artillerists. He is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 and three quarters of an inch high; has brown hair, grey eyes, rudy complexion, his dress a round blue jacket and overalls, a white westcoat with yellow buttons.
The above reward will be given for apprehending the said McConnell and delivering him to the commanding officer of any military post in the United States.
John F Powell
Lieutenant of Artillerists

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from on board the Schooner Magnet, now lying in this port, last Sunday morning, an apprentice boy named Alexander Folker. He is a mulatto, about 5 feet 4 inches high, about 20 years of age, and well made, has short black hair, and has lost the end of three of his toes on the left foot.
All masters of vessels and others are hereby forewarned against harbouring, concealing or carrying said apprentice away, at their peril.
Jonathan Young
Wilmington, December 9

North Carolina
Duplin County
Taken up and committed to jail in this county, a negro man named Roger, about 40 or 45 years of age. He was some time ago carried to the state of South Carolina, by a Mr John Hunter of the county aforesaid. Roger confesses that he made his escape from South-Carolina and returned to this state; and says that he does not know his right owner as his master died a few days before he came away. The person to whom he belongs is therefore requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away.
Hugh McCanne, Shff
October 21st
N.B. The printers in South Carolina will please insert the above in their papers for two months.

For Sale
On Monday the 13th inst at the plantation of Thomas Simmons, deceased, on Holly Shelter.
The perishable property of the late Thomas and Mary Simmons, consisting of Cattle, hogs, and one horse, plantation utensils and household and kitchen furniture - six months credit will be given for all sums above twenty shillings, the purchasers giving bond and security.
David Williams, Ex'r
December 2, 1802

Ran Away
The subscriber's boy Sparrow, who took with him a musket, pair of pistols and brass handled sword, shortened to represent a dagger. Twenty dollars reward is offered for Sparrow, and Ten Dollars for Hally, a negro man who ran away from the subscriber 2 or 3 months ago.
All persons are cautioned against harbouring, employing or carrying off the above named runaways at their peril.
Anthony B Toomer
Belair, Nov 25, 1802

The Wilmington Gazette
December 23, 1802

On Tuesday last, Mr Gilbert Geer, Merchant of the town, to Miss Sarah Kemp, and
Dr Richard Eagles to Miss Margaret Jones.

The Wilmington Gazette
December 30, 1802

To Let
And entered upon the 1st of January 1803
The subscriber's Dwelling House, with a kitchen, smoke house and garden, all in complete order; the situation is pleasant and healthy & would answer extremely well for a Public House. Also two other tenements suitable for small families.
Peter Carpenter
Who again offers for sale his plantation in Bladen county, containing 533 acres of good land, situated on the river about 30 miles from Wilmington.
240 acres of land near the Chivo-de-Frize, joining Mr James Larkin's land in New Hanover county.
200 acres of back land, joining James Foy, Esq in said county.
300 acres of land below the Sugar Loaf, in said county, running from the River to the Sea.
200 acres of back land in Brunswick county.
December 23

Run away from the subscriber the first day of January last, a negro fellow by the name of Jacob called by some Bell. I bought said fellow from Mr William Hobbs, of Sampson county, which place said Jacob was seen a few days ago. It is needless to offer a description, as he is well known in that county, and has a wife belonging to Michael Sampson, Esq, and is harboured by her much against the will of Mr Sampson, to my knowledge.
I will give a reward of twenty dollars for the delivery of Jacob to me in Wilmington, and all reasonable expenses paid by
John Blanks

United States of America
Cape-Fear District
District Court
Dec term 1802
Upon the petition of John Barclay of the Town of Wilmington, Bankrupt, praying that he might receive a certificate of discharge - Ordered that unless the creditors of said John Barclay or some of them shew to the Judge of said Court, on the 8th day of January next, sufficient cause to the contrary - that a certificate of discharge will then be granted to said Bankrupt, pursuant to an act of Congress, in that case made and provided.
Carleton Walker, Clk
December 16

Ran away from the subscriber on or about the 1st inst, two negro men, James & Ephraim, the property of James Keddie. Whoever will take up the said fellows and deliver them to me in Wilmington, shall receive a reward of ten dollars. Masters of vessels and all other persons are hereby forbid harbouring, concealing or carrying him away at their peril.
Thomas Hunter
November 11

All persons indebted to the estates of the late Mary Messick and Zilpha Hynes, deceased, are again noticed to make immediate payment, as no longer indulgence can be given. The accounts of those who do not come forward and pay will be indiscriminately sued for.
White Barwick, Adm'r
December 23

To Rent
On the 1st of January next, at Public Auction on the premises.
A plantation and Saw-Mill on the North-west River, twenty-five miles below Fayetteville, belonging to the estate of Peter Robeson, dec. Possession will be given immediately.
Thomas J Robeson
For the Executors
December 9

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