The Wilmington Gazette
January 3, 1809
Married. On Sunday evening last, by Hanson Kelly, Esq. Capt. James T
Gibson, of the English schooner Dolphin, to Mrs Eleanor Creighton, of
this town.
Died lately, in Jamaica, Mrs Muter, relict of Mr Robert Muter,
merchant, formerly a resident in this town.
The Wilmington Gazette
March 14, 1809
Will be sold on Saturday the first day of April next, in Duplin county,
at the late dwelling house of Auston Bryant, dec. all the perishable
property of the said Bryant, yet unsold, consistent of a good horse, a
yoke of oxen and cart, some hoggs, cattle and sheep, and household
furniture, beds, &c. Six months credit for good notes with approved
security to the administrator who once more beggs all those having any
demands against the estate to come forward on or before that day to
Israel Judge, Adm'r
March 14, 1809
For Sale
Sugar of an excellent quality in barrels, and a few bags coffee.
Also to Rent
A shop and bake house in Dock-street near Mr Dana's lately in the
occupation of Mr Jacob Hartman. Enquire of
John London
March 14
To Rent
And possession given immediately that commodious House in Orange
Street, lately occupied by Mr John MacAuslan. For terms apply to
Wm Hattridge
Feb 21
Taken up by the subscriber on the 1st March 1809, on the Sound near
Wilmington, NC and committed to jail, a Mulatto fellow who says his
name is Ravis, and belongs to Mr John Jeffry, Union county SC on
Gilkings Creek. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges, and take him away.
Thomas Jennings
March 7
Five Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber living in Wilmington, a Negro Woman named
Lucy of a yellowish complexion, about 23 years of age, remarkable for
her loquacity. Any person delivering said negro to the subscriber or
securing her in Wilmington jail shall be entitled to the above reward.
Alice Heron
Feb 21
All persons indebted to the estate of William Grave Berry, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment, and those to whom the said
estate is indebted are desired to render in their accounts attested to
Hanson Kelly, who is authorized to settle all affairs of said estate.
James H Ancrum, Adm'r
Nov 22
The subscriber being about leaving town requests all persons having
demands against him to present their accounts for settlement.
Clement Starr
March 14
In Onslow county on the 6th inst Mr William Hill of Duplin to Miss Ann
Dudley, daughter of Colonel Christopher Dudley of the former place.
Cyprus Wreath
On Tuesday last the friends and relations of Mrs Elizabeth Hill, wife
of John Hill Esq. assembled at Fairfield Plantation to perform to her
the last sad duties of humanity by attending her obsequies. Not one who
followed to the grave the mournful bier, but grieved in unaffected
sorrow for the loss of which society had sustained and which to her
husband and children can never be made up.She doubtless partook of
those imperfections to which human nature, in its most perfect state,
is doomed to be subject; but with as little doubt may the belief be
cherished and laid as a "flattering unction to the hearts" of her
dearest and most afflicted friends, that perfection is now her state,
that cloathed in angelic brightness, she now participates in the joys
of the virtuous in Heaven.
In Duplin county, on the 24th February Mrs Elizabeth Beck, in the 80th
year of her age. In the death of this elderly lady society has
sustained a considerable loss, her deportment through life was marked
with the strictest propriety, and her pious examples were eminently
calculated to her own esteem. She possessed the friendship and
confidence of all who knew her, for it may in truth be said in her
heart dwelt no deceitful thing, and her tongue spoke the law of
kindness. She has left a numerous progeny to regret her death.
Taken up and now in my possession, an African man about twenty-five
years of age, five feet eight or nine inches high, spare made, has on a
pair of plain blue trousers, a blanket & common blue negro cap; he
can scarcely be understood, from which I infer that he has been but a
short time in this country; he says his name is Will, that his masters
name is Pee, (being now dead) by signs he conveys the idea his master
planted cotton and corn, and that he had a cotton machine. The owner of
said negro is requested to come forward, prove his property and take
him away, reasons to be assigned to the owner why the subscriber has
not committed the said negro to jail.
Jacob Leonard
Brunswick County, January 17
Fifteen Dollars Reward!
Ran away on the 2d instant, a likely negro fellow named Jacob, formerly
the property of Joshua Bradley deceased, quite black about six feet
high, plausible in conversation and very artful. He has a down look, is
well known about the plantation of Joshua Bradey's called Indian-Creek,
? miles from Wilmington on the North-west river. A more particular
description of him will be given the next week. Whoever will apprehend
the said fellow and lodge him in jail so that I can get him, or deliver
him to me in Wilmington shall receive the above reward.
Hillory Moore, Ex'r
January 31
A Theft Detected
And the owner called for.
From a negro Woman named Momlly I stopt about a fortnight since, 21 lbs
of Tallow. As the wench has not returned to claim it, it is probable
she stole it. The person to whom it belongs, on proving his property
and paying for the advertisement, shall have it restored by calling on
Thomas Grandy
February 28
P Benjamin
Has the honor to inform his patrons and the public that he has removed
to the house in Market Street, lately occupied by Edwin J Osborne, Esq.
Where he will be ready and happy to attend any of their orders in the
musical line. Having now a commodious room for the purpose, he will
give lessons on the instruments he has advertised to teach, at his own
house, to those who may prefer receiving them there, and he will attend
those who desire it at the places they may appoint.
Feb 28
The Wilmington Gazette
May 23, 1809
Run away a Mulatto boy named George, belonging to the subscriber - As
it is probably he is gone to Wilmington, all masters of vessels and
other persons are cautioned, at the peril of the law, which shall be
strictly enforced against them, not to harbour or carry him away. Any
person who shall deliver the said boy to Messr John Mitchell at
Wilmington or Duncan McRae of Fayetteville, shall be entitled to a
handsome reward.
William Duffy
Chatham Court-House
Peter, a Mulatto boy, belonging to A J DeRosset, about 18 or 19 years
of age, low of stature, but sturdy made, bushy hair seldom combed, and
inclined generally to be dirty - dressed in striped cotton homespun,
tho he may have other clothes.
Bryant Sullivan, belonging to James Telfair, about 16 years old, also a
Mulatto, stutters when questioned, a scar across his nose, habited in
homespun, but also has other clothes.
Both these boys have worked several years at the Brick-Laying business.
A reward of ten dollars will be paid by the owners of the above boys
respectively, if taken within the state, and thirty if without the
same, and all charges paid on delivery in Wilmington on their being so
secured as that the owners shall get them.
Masters of vessels are particularly cautioned against taking them off
or harbouring them under the penalty of the law, which will be rigidly
A J De Rosset
James Telfair
May 13
30 Dollars Reward
Run away from the subscriber on the eleventh instant Three Negro Men,
belonging to the estate of Capt John Green, named Moses, Harry, and
Carolina. Moses is a stout, able and likely fellow, about five feet ten
inches high, very large eyes, about 22 years of age and speaks very
distinct, not very dark; had on blue dyed homespun pantaloons, blue
negro cloth jacket. Harry is a very likely fellow, about 21 years of
age, five feet 8 inches high, very dark skin, pleasing countenance, had
on a glossed servant's hat, dressed in blue negro cloth, wears his hair
platted before and behind. Carolina is about 28 years old, slender
made, narrow long face, swings himself very much when he walks, about
five feet seven inches high and homely.
Thirty dollars will be paid for apprehending said negroes and securing
them in any gaol, or ten dollars for each, and if delivered to the
subscriber in addition all necessary expenses paid.
All persons are forewarned from harbouring said negroes or masters of
vessels from carrying them off under the penalty of the law.
John Grange
Brunswick County, NC
Town Creek, May 13, 1809
Ran away, a likely young negro fellow, named Tom, formerly owned by Mr
Lucas, at the White Marsh. he is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high and
well made. Having a wife here and a mother on Town-Creek, he may
probably be lurking about Town. All masters of vessels and other
persons are therefore cautioned at the peril of the law (which shall be
strictly enforced against them) not to harbor or carry him away.
Whoever shall deliver the said Fellow to the subscriber, or lodge him
in jail, shall receive 15 dollars.
Henry Young
May 9
Court of Hymen
On Thursday evening last, at Cedar Grove, on the Sound, by the Rev S
Halling, Mr Samuel C Mabson to Miss Elizabeth Moore.
One Hundred Cents Reward
Absconded from the subscriber an apprentice boy named Larkins Rowe,
about nineteen years of age, (as may be ? by his indentures.) All
persons are forbid harboring or employing the said runaway.
John MacColl
May 23
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