The Wilmington Gazette
January 2, 1810
Whereas since the death of mr Thomas Jennings, I have been duly
appointed Guardian to the estate of the late mr George Jennings, Notice
is hereby given that the houses and negroes of the said estate will be
rented and hired out on the 1st of January next at Public auction, if
not previously disposed of by private contract.
John Nelson
December 1?
For Sale by the Subscriber
Maderia, Sherry & Malaga Wines of a superior quality, Hats,
Wrapping Paper, Cassia, Mackrel and Apples, all of which will be sold
low for cash.
Oliver Parmlee
Who has on hand some United States Bank Notes which he will dispose of
at a moderate premium.
Dec 19
For sale by the subscriber,
Fresh hyson tea, by the chest, loaf & lump sugar, by the hoghead or
bbl a few cases assorted hats; 2 cases assorted cambricks; superfine
cloths and casimeres, with a variety of Fancy Goods.
All of which he will sell low for cash or on approved short credit.
James Dickson
Nov 28
To Rent
About one hundred acres of Tide Swamp situated immediately below Mount
Misery Bluff, on the North West River, enclosed within a tolerable good
bank and ditch, with an excellent barn and thrashing machine upon the
premises. Apply to
Wm B Meares
December 12
Stop the Runaway!
Twenty Dollars Reward
Run away from the subscriber a negro fellow named Ephraim, the property
of the late William G Berry, was purchased by Thomas Hill of William
Petty of Chatham county, near Pittsborough; into which neighbourhood
the varlet Ephraim had himself conveyed by an imposing story on some
waggoner, and in which place or vicinity he is doubtless lurking.
The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid on delivery of
the said runaway to the subscriber.
By order of the Administrator
Hanson Kelly
December 5
The subscriber having qualified as Administratrix to the estate of
Henry Watters, senr. deceased, requests all persons having demands
against said deceased to present them to Wm B Mears, who is fully
authorized to transact and settle the business.
Elizabeth Waters
June 2
Dancing School
Will commence again on Wednesday the 24th of this month, continuing
throughout the winter session, hoping that the parents of children and
those who have a wish to become subscribers will not delay any time in
forwarding them if they wish them to be put in the first class with
those who are already students. N.B. The evening school for young men
will be kept also. Private lessons will be given.
W H Clay
Jun 2
For Sale
Three hundred and twenty acres of land on Lord's Creek, about 15 miles
below Wilmington - A part of it is fertile low grounds. The range for
stock is equal to any in the state. For terms apply to
Ann McRee
August 8
In consequence of the death of Mr John McKellah which renders a close
of the business of the firm of McKellar & McKay necessary, all
persons indebted to the said firm are requested to call and settle
their accounts, and those to whom the said firm may be indebted are
requested to hand in their accounts for settlement.
William McKay
Surviving Co-partner
Just received from New-York and now opening at the store formerly
occupied by McKellar and McKay in Market street,
A General Assortment of Fresh Goods,
Consisting of Superfine and Fine Cloths, ditto Casimeres and Common
ditto, ditto fancy goods also.
Hardware, Groceries &c. &c. which will be disposed of low for
cash or produce.
William McKay
November 14
Ran Away from the subscriber on the 15th Sept last a Negro fellow named
Harry about five feet eight inches high, stout built, coarse
complexion, and large teeth in the fore part of his mouth, plausible in
his conversation. A liberal reward will be given to whoever will
deliver the said negro to the subscriber in Wilmington, or lodge him in
some jail where he may be got.
James Usher
October 31
To Rent
A Wharf and Ware Houses,
On Orange and Front Streets, possession given immediately.
John Hogg
September 12
Was Committed to Jail
A handsome negro boy named Robert or Rob about four feet high and
probably about 12 or 13 years old. He was brought from Posetaligo SC
six or seven years ago by a negro fellow named John Spaulding - he says
his mother belonged to or lived with Dr James of that place. The owner
is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him
Henry Wright, Jailor
October 19
The Wilmington Gazette
June 19, 1810
Fort Johnston, 11th May 1810
40 Dollars Reward
Deserted from this post this morning, Daniel Squires a private of
artillerists belonging to capt C Mulford's company. Said Squires is 35
years old, five feet 7 1/2 inches high, swarthy complexion, light brown
hair, grey eyes, has lost one of his front upper teeth, born in Craven
county, NC by occupation a Hatter - has been at sea and may offer
himself as a sailor; he has taken with him many clothes and about 100
dollars in money. Whoever will apprehend said Squires and secure him in
any jail in this State and give information thereof to the subscriber,
or deliver him to any officer of the United States Army, shall receive
the above reward and all reasonable expenses paid.
J G Swift
Major Commanding
Ten Dollars Reward
Run-away from the subscriber a negro fellow named Toney, about 30 or 35
years of age, by trade a Ship-Carpenter, and from 5 feet 10 inches to 6
feet high, formerly belonged to Mr John Henderson, deceased. He took
with him a grey jacket and blue pair of trousers. As he has a wife at
Mr Hooper's bluff, it is probable he may be lurking about in that
neighbourhood. All persons and particularly masters of vessels are
warned not to harbour the said runaway or carry him off, as the
severest penalties of the law will be enforced against them on proof of
the fact.
George Cameron
April 17
Ten Dollars Reward
Ran-away from the subscriber about the 20th ultimo, a negro boy named
John, about 18 or 19 years of age, of a very dark complexion and very
spare built. He is either lurking about Wilmington or is endeavoring to
make his way to Hillsborough. The above reward will be given to any one
who will deliver him to me or secure him in any jail so that I get him.
Elizabeth Watters
June 19
Ten Dollars Reward
Ran-away from the subscriber on the 17th instant, a negro fellow named
Billy, about three or four and twenty years of age, about five feet
nine or ten inches high, well made and of a very black complexion. He
had on when he went away a drab colored broad cloth coat and a pair of
striped homespun trousers. It is supposed he is at present in Brunswick
County, in the neighbourhood of Hood's Creek, but will probably
endeavor to get up to Orange county. The above reward will be given to
any person who will deliver him to me in Wilmington, or secure him in
any jail so that I get him.
Wm B Mears
June 19
Forty Dollars Reward
A reward of forty dollars will be given to any one who will apprehend
and secure in the Wilmington jail the following Negro women: Harriet,
Bella, Elsey and Milly. Harriet is a tall thin wench of a yellowish
complexion about thirty two or thirty three years of age, well known in
Wilmington, where her parents are and supposed to be harboured in the
neighbourhood of Town Creek Bridge. Bella a short wench - her
complexion similar to that of Harriet, who I have reason to believe is
secreted in town. Elsey is also a short wench, her complexion deeper
than either of the others, has remarkable white teeth and speaks quick.
She is supposed to be frequently in town and at Mr George MacKenzie's
plantation, (Lilliput) where she has a husband. She is about twenty
five years of age. Milly is a slender wench of the common height, her
complexion very much of the mulatto; she is about three and twenty
years of age and may be found either in town or at Mr George
MacKenzie's plantation. Forty dollars will be given for their delivery
in the Wilmington jail or ten for either of them.
William M Mackenzie
April 1
Twenty Dollars Reward
Run-away from the subscriber about the 1st of November last a negro man
named Scipio between 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet high, of a yellow
complexion, impudent in speech, and well known about Wilmington. I will
give the above reward to whoever will secure him in any jail so that I
may get him again or I will give one hundred dollars reward to whoever
will convict any captain, master or owner of any vessel, who has taken
him off, as I am told is the case. I hereby warn all captains, masters
and owners of vessels or others from harboring or taking him out of the
state or employing him in any way.
W F Strudwick
April 17
10 Dollars Reward
Runaway a negro fellow named Robert, belonging to C Schaw. Near 6 feet
high, black and sleek, well made and erect and very plausible. He is
probably about Wilmington, or if not, may be harbored at or near the
plantation of the late Mr Merrick, on the Sound. Ten dollars reward
will be given to any person who will apprehend the said runaway,
deliver him to the subscriber, or lodge him in some jail.
A M Hooper
May 22
Thirty Dollars Reward
For the recovery of a negro name named Barney, about 45 years of age, 5
feet 6 inches high, stout made, of a good appearing countenance, speaks
plain, has long hair, somewhat of a dark mustee kind, one of his
legs is much larger than the other. The said Barney eloped from my
plantation on Coopers River, near Charleston, South Carolina in May
1807, and from information made his way for North Carolina. As his
former owner resided near Wilmington, in said state and on his way was
apprehended, but afterwards made his escape, and is supposed to be in
or near Wilmington. If apprehended and sent on to Charleston, South
Carolina, all reasonable expenses together with the above reward will
be paid on delivery of said negro to
Thomas Baldwick
Feb 13
Ten Dollars Reward
Absconded on Saturday the twenty-first of October last, my negro fellow
named Charleston or Charlton. He is well known about Augusta as a
drummer; is slight and well made, of very black complexion, about 5
feet nine inches high and years of age. He has a deep mark or cut on
one of his eye-brows (which not recollected.) The above reward will be
paid on his apprehension and delivery to me, or on his being lodge in
James Cormick
December 9
Valuable Lands!
For sale, low for cash or young Negroes, the following valuable
property, viz:
That well known plantation, formerly the residence of my father, lying
on the stage road to Fayetteville, between the 37 and 38 miles posts.
It is well covered with Cypress and Pine trees and lightwood. Also
another place of 550 acres on the west side of the river, back of Mr
William Sutton's. It is allowed to have the best timber and lightwood
to that part of the country and the whole of it lies handy to the
river. Also several other tracts of land in Bladen County. Likewise a
Mill Seat with a good Corn Mill, on an excellent stream, within a
quarter of a mile of the above plantation, lying in New-Hanover County.
All the property now offered for sale is situated in a healthy part of
the country and is well worth the attention of any one desirous of
purchasing valuable country property.
Evan Andres
May 8
The Wilmington Gazette
June 26, 1810
Married on Thursday evening last by the Rev Mr Robert Tate of South
Washington, Mr William I Love of this town to Miss Theresa Maria Greer
of Rockfish.
Died Lately in Charleston SC Mrs Sarah Smith, aged 81, respected
through life for her many virtues and amiable qualities. This venerable
lady was the daughter of one of the first settlers on Cape-Fear River
and the founder of the town of Brunswick. From her were descended 113
persons, of whom 4 children, 34 grandchildren and 26 great grand
children were living at the time of her decease.
The Wilmington Gazette
July 24, 1810
List of Letters
Remaining in the Wilmington Post-Office, July 12th 1810
A: Benjamin Aikin - Paoli Ashe - Isaac Arnold - Thomas Archibald - John
Allen - A S Allen - Capt Bara Allen - Capt William Anderson - Charles
Allen - David Allemand.
B: Mr Barley - R W Brown, 2 - Sarah Bowdish, Benjamin Blaney - Mrs
Bradley - Mr Joseph Baker - Mr Bowman - Lewis Bloodworth - James Byrns
- F T Bludworth, 3 - John Brown - Messrs Daniel & Richard Bordeaux
- James Bull - Anthony Bordeaux - William Bludworth - James Blanks -
Cyrus Bryan - Mrs Susannah Baldwin - James Brownlow - Mrs Mary
Bludworth - Daniel Bellune.
C: Capt Abraham Crapo - Owen Clinton - Miss Hannah Corner - Joseph
Cauldin - Capt Ephraim Corning - William Campbell - Thomas P Carsey -
Freegift Coggelhall - John B Cowan - Thomas Clayton - Stephen Copes -
Obid W Coxe - Capt J Cox.
D: Mr D F - Monsieur Danmar - George Duncan - Thomas Devane - Mr Downin
- Ephraim Dennett - Ann Dudley - Ann J Devaun - Zachariah Dutton -
Joseph Dyer - Robert Dorsey, 2.
E: Edward Ellis - Capt Ephraim Ellis.
F: Henry Ferran - James Foy - Myadget Fooshee - John Freeborn.
G: Gilbert Geer - David Greer - Robert Gibbs - Thomas R Green - Mrs
Hannah Green, 2 - Mrs Abraham Golden, 2.
H: ... ? ... Henry B Howard - Mr Joel E Hobbs - A Hall - Solomon
Halling - Nathaniel Howe - Messrs Howard & Stewart - capt William
hall - John Harriss, Sen'r - Captain John Hay, 2 - John Hunter -
Captain Thomas Hunter - John P Maslice - capt Bartlett Holmes - Wm
Henry - Captain Josiah Hammon - James M Horton - Cornelius Hurst.
J: Rev Allbrittias Jones 2 - Miss Nancy Jenning - Hinton James -
Benjamin Jacob - John Jones - Edw'd Jones - H Jinkens.
K: Captain George Kuhn, 2 - James King - Joseph Kellogg - Samuel Betts,
care of H Kelly - Capt Sam'l Kelly, 2 - Keeper of the Gaol - John
L: Richard Langdon - Ezekiel Lane - John Litchfield - Monsieur V Lobre
- Anthony Lamby - Mrs Lallersteadt, 2 - Capt William Lapham - James B
Laroque - George D Ludlow - Captain Luther Lincoln.
M: W B Meares - Mrs Jane McLeod - Joseph Mumford - Duncan Morrison -
capt Allen McLean - George W Marshall - Miss van Moore - John
McAllester - Robert McKenzie - John Miller.
N: Richard Nixon - Exum Newby - George W Noble - Z B Nettles.
O: Silas Oviatt - Mrs Sarah Osborne.
P: Joshua Potts - Alexander Peden - Monsieur Picard - J Parham - John
Pollock - Edward Parish - Amos Perry - Thomas Pitchell - John Plumley -
Elisha Perry - Joel Parrish.
R: Neil Roberson - Monsieur P K Robeson, Joshua C Rhodes - ... ? ... -
John Rogers - John P Redbrook - Nathaniel W Ruggles 2 - Ephraim Robbins.
S: Mr Lias Sneed - Thomas Sneed, 2 - John ?, 10 - Samuel Swann, 2 -
Miss Susan M Smith 2 - John G Scull - Robert Smith - Esther Spicey -
Jos. Simpson - Isaac Stow - Wm Shepperd - Mrs Margaret Stanly - Mrs
John Smith - Knott, Esq - Samuel Sexton, 2 - Mrs Mary Sampson - W F
Strudwick, 2 - Thomas Swann - Captain J Stephens - R G Swain - John B
Sabeston - Stokely Sidbury - Wm Starrate.
T: Edward K Timpany - Richard Taylor - Enoch Titcomb - Isaac S Tobey -
David Tuman - Nathaniel Tupper.
V: Monsieur Leonard Valbrane - captain William Vaughn.
W: Wm Wilkes - Carleton Walker - Hans H Wilson - Mrs Wate - Edward
Ward, jun'r - Major John Walker - William Wingate - capt Halbert
Wattson - W Wilkeson, 3 - Asa Westow, Junr - George Webb - Samuel
Winship - Mrs E Willkings - Messrs Thomas Williams & Co - John
Wayne - Samuel Winslow - Christopher Wallace - Miss Watters, 2 - Moses
Waddle - William Walker - John Walker - Watson (printer) - Mrs Jane
Williams - Mary Wilson, John Wilkes.
Y: Miss Younger - Henry Young.
July 17
For Sale
On very reasonable and accommodating terms, An excellent light London
built Coach & an handsome Phaeton.
I am also disposed to sell a very convenient Jersey Waggon - A boat
just finished that will carry from 60 to 70,000 Shingles, built of the
best materials and to draw but little water.
Several young women, with families of promising children. Apply to
Benjamin Smith
June 25
At Fayetteville, on Thursday last, Mr James Neate, Merchant of this
town, to Miss Eliza Dick of that place.
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