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The Wilmington Gazette

Excerpts from The Wilmington Gazette 1812
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, March 2011
The Wilmington Gazette
May 12, 1812

Died - On the 11th inst. William Campbell Esq. a native of this town, at the advanced age of 78 years, being the first white male born in this place. He was a man of enlarged benevolence, and sustained through a long life, a character of the strictest uprightness and integrity.

Marine Hotel!
That very excellent stand for a Marine Hotel, formerly occupied by capt. Bill and last by Mrs McDonald, is offered for rent on very reasonable terms. It is perhaps the best calculated for a place of public entertainment of any house in this town. It is convenient to business and contains every requisite to render it a desirable object to whoever may be desirous of undertaking a change of that nature. For further particulars apply to James Frederick or to the subscriber.
George Tipler
April 28
N.B. The store below last occupied by the late capt Bill, being very well fitted for a store and having a good back room will be also rented on moderate terms. Apply as above.
A note of hand signed by Alexander Hatridge, for $175 24-100 dated the 22d April, 60 days, and made payable and negotiable to the subscribers at the Bank of Cape Fear and the State Bank. The note may be identified by the endorsation by Edward Winslow and Stephen W Eddy. The first endorsement being a mistake, renders the note not negotiable therefore can be of no advantage to the finder.
All persons are cautioned against purchasing the above mentioned note, as the payment is stopped at the Banks, and whoever will produce the same, shall receive a proportionate reward.
Winslow & Blagge
May 5
100 Dollars Reward
Eloped from the service of the subscriber without any provocation, a negro man named March, by trade a carpenter, twenty-five years old, and about 5 feet and 7 inches high. The teeth of his lower jaw project a little beyond the upper. Is smooth spoken and not deficient in art. The above reward of one hundred dollars will be given to any person who will deliver him to me and on conviction prove that he has been seduced from his duty and harbored by a white person, or Fifty Dollars to any one who will apprehend and secure him in jail.
A F MacNeill
April 28
Lodged in Jail
On the 22nd inst a negro boy who appears to be ? years old, was taken on the Newbern Road by the subscriber. He calls himself Sampson, says that he is a New Negro, that his master Mr John McLaurin lives in Marion district, South Carolina, between the two PeeDees. He had on when he ran away a striped homespun coat and pantaloons. That he was brought from Newbern and ran away to return thither, that he had been at work some days in Wilmington; he passed himself as being owned by a Mr Duncan. His colour is a palish black; is marked with two large scars, one on each cheek, owing to strokes he received in his own country. He measures 5 feet 6 1/2 inches.
April 26
Stop Thief!
A copper-coloured fellow, named Isaac Murphy, last a cook on board the schooner Sally and Betsy, stole from the subscriber on Sunday evening last, six shirts, a new surtout, a black silk vest and black cloth vest, a blue coat and pantaloons, and many other articles, and made his escape of them.  It is supposed to use concealing himself about the Sound.  A reward of ten dollars will be given to whoever will arrest the said rogue, put him in jail, or deliver him to Capt Golding. The said fellow has a scar on one side of his face, about the size of a quarter of a dollar.
Wm May
May 12
The Copartnership of Wilkinson & Gilpin will commence on the 1st May next, at the yard now occupied by Wilkinson & Gillbanks. In the commission and lumber business they will use every exertion to render pleasant sales to such friends as may put property into their hands.
Anthony Wilkinson
William Gilpin
Kingston, Jamaica March 25, 1812
The copartnership of Burgwin & Orme is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.  The settlement of the affairs of said firm is committed to James Orme, who is exclusively entitled to and authorized to receive whatever is due having assumed upon an arrangement with Mr Burgwin, the discharge of the debts of said firm.
Geo W B Burgwin
James Orme
April 10
All persons indebted to the estate of the late George McDonald are informed that the notes and accounts belonging to the said estate are left in the hands of the subscriber for collection.  They are therefore requested to call and discharge the same to prevent prosecution.
Wm H Halsky
April 12
The subscriber having qualified as administrator to the estate of Hugh MacPherson, deceased, gives notice to all persons having demands against the estate of the said Hugh MacPherson, deceased, to present them for payment within the time required by the act of assembly, otherwise they will be barred of recovery by the operation of the said act.  Those who are indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.
April 9, 1812
Martin MacPherson
Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber on the 18th instant in Negro man named Dick, about 24 years of age, yellow complexion, nearly 6 feet high, tolerable stout made and has had his left eye hurt which occasions him to look very bad out of it.  When examined tells a very plausible straight tale; he has a small knot on the top part of his right hand near his wrist.  I suppose he is lurking about Wilmington, or will try to get to Jones County on Trent where he was raised.  I forewarn all masters of vessels and others from employing him or carrying him off under the penalty of the law.  I will give the above reward to any person who will secure him in jail so that I get him again.
W L Bush
April 21
Take notice
The subscriber intending to leave this place shortly requests all those indebted to him by note or account to call and settle the same.  And also those indebted to the late James Perin are solicited to close their accounts, he being duly authorized by law to liquidate the same.
Henry Perin
April 12
The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, August 25, 1812

I forewarn all persons from trading for a note of hand given by me to John D. Bloodworth of New Hanover County North Carolina on or about the 6th or 9th instant, payable in 15 days for three hundred dollars, in part pay of a negro that I purchased from said John D Bloodworth, as I am determined not to pay the same as the said negro has not proved to be according to contract.
A F Bowell
Fayetteville, July 30
A runaway
New Negro was lately taken up by the subscriber and lodged in the jail in this town.  He speaks very broken English but the following is the best account which can be got from him - that his name is George, but in his own country (Congo) he was called Meeandee - that his master is a Mr. Peter McLeod who lives in South Carolina not far from Charleston - that he raises corn, peas and potatoes, that he ran away more than two months ago.  His height is about 5 Feet 6 inches, has a full face, pockmarked about the nose, has a variety of curious devices and marks on his breast, stomach and on his left side three marks of the whip, he appears to be about 30 years old.  The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges and a reasonable reward and take him.
Peleg Gardner
Fifty Dollars Reward
Escaped from on board a Fayetteville boat at Elizabethtown in irons my negro March, lately apprehended and confined in Hillsborough jail.  He is by trade a carpenter; can read and write; pretends to be a great religionist which he uses as a cloak to his designs; says he is a free man; is about 5 feet 7 inches high, and his lower teeth project beyond the upper.  The above reward will be given to any person who apprehend the said March and deliver him to me in Wilmington, together with all reasonable expenses of traveling paid.
A F MacNeill
August 23
A reward of fifty dollars will be paid for a Negro woman called Sally belonging to Mrs. Heron if taken and lodged in jail within 10 days from this and twenty five if taken and secured after 10 days.
John R London
May 18
20 Dollars Reward
Deserted from my company of drafted militia stationed at Smithville on the night of the fourth instant two men viz:
William Branch, drafted from the Long Creek Company of New Hanover and as near as can be described is 5 feet 7 1/4 inches in height, light complexion, light hair, blue eyes, was dressed in dark mixed homespun and check shirt; appears to be about 32 years of age.
James Goff is 5 feet 7 inches in height, dark complexion, blue eyes, black hair, large whiskers, of the age of 22 years or thereabouts, was dressed in the brown stuff coat, striped homespun pantaloons, and very long boots.  He was a volunteer from Black river where he resides, and near which is supposed he may be lurking.  All persons in the service of their country or well disposed toward it are requested to use their exertions to secure the above deserters.
A reward of ten dollars with all reasonable expenses will be paid for the delivery of each or either of them to General William W. Jones in Wilmington or to the subscriber at Smithville.
John Mitchell, Captain of New Hanover D Militia
August 11
The subscriber having been appointed Administrator to the states of Amos Perry, deceased by the court of Pleas and quarter sessions of the county of Brunswick at July term 1812 give notice to all persons having demands against the estate of the said Amos Perry to present them for payment within the time required by the acts of the general assembly in such cases made and provided, or they will be barred of recovery by the operation of said acts.
John Hall, Administrator
Wilmington July 31
On the 31st day of August next will be sold at Smithville Brunswick County all the personal property of the late Amos Perry, deceased.  Six months credit will be given notes with approved security will be required.
John Hall, Administrator
Wilmington, July 31st, 1812
On the 20th of May last, the copartnership of Chittenden & Bishop was dissolved by mutual consent. Joseph Bishop is authorized to settle the accounts of the firm; he therefore notifies to debtors to said firm either by note or open account, that immediate payment must be made, or their notes and accounts will without discrimination be put in the hands of an officer for collection.
Wm Chittenden
Joseph Bishop
N. B. The Watch-Making and Jewelery business is still carried on by Joseph Bishop.
July 31

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