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The Fayetteville Gazette

Excerpts from The Fayetteville Gazette 1790-1795
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, March 2011
North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, May 31, 1790

Lost, in Wilmington, about four weeks ago, a Silver Watch, made by William Robertson, Greenock, No. 301. Any person delivering said watch to Mr John Brown, Wilmington, or the subscriber, in this town, shall receive four pounds reward.
A Ferguson
Fayetteville, April 3, 1790

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, June 7, 1790

The copartnership of Donald M'Nicoll & Co. of Fayetteville, as also that of Henry Urquhart, & Co. of Wilmington, being dissolved by the death of Mr Donald M'Nicoll, one of the partners of the subscriber, one of the surviving partners, being duly qualified to settle all the company's business, requests all persons having demands against either firm to render in their accounts for settlement (those against Donald M'Nicoll, & Co attested, otherwise they cannot be admitted.) He also requests all persons indebted to either firm to settle and discharge their accounts, that he may be enabled as soon as possible, to discharge all debts due by the company. He has, in his absence, for the purpose of a more speedy close of the company's business, authorized Mr Robert MacFarlane at his store in Fayetteville to settle all accounts, make and receive payments, and grant discharges for all matters relating to the firm of Donald M'Nicoll, & Co. and has, in like manner, authorized Mr Alexander Urquhart to settle all matters relating to the firm of Henry Urquhart, & Co in Wilmington.
The remaining stock of goods, formerly belonging to the company, being purchased by the subscriber, will be sold by him, for cash or produce, at his stores in Fayetteville and Wilmington, on as reasonable terms as can be afforded by any person, at either place.
Henry Urquhart
Fayetteville, April 27, 1790

All persons having any demands against the estate of the late Mr Donald M'Nicoll, deceased, are requested to render in their accounts attested, and those who are indebted to said estate are directed to make payments to
Henry Urquhart, Administrator
Fayetteville, April 27, 1790

Those who have any demands against the estate of the late Austin Cicaty, deceased, are hereby required to render their claims, attested, to Francis Fontaine, who was appointed administrator to the same, by the worshipful court of Cumberland, at their last sessions. And those who stand indebted to that estate, are desired to make payment to the subscriber only.
Francis Fontaine, Administrator
Wilmington, May 22

To Be Sold, At Public Vendue, in Wilmington, on the 9th day of June next,
A valuable Water Lot in the said town, lately part of the estate of William Wilkinson, esquire, deceased, conveniently situated for a merchant's business, containing about 75 feet on Front-Street; on which there are several valuable warehouses, a good wharf, and next the street, stone foundations, for three tenements of 25 feet front each, with an alley to the water, on each side of the lot, six feet wide.
An indisputable title will be given, and credit for part of the purchase money.
Further particulars and conditions will be made known on the day of sale, or by previous application to the subscriber.
John Wilkinson
Wilmington, May 1, 1790

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, July 19, 1790

All persons having any demands against the estate of Alexander Hostler, deceased, are hereby noticed to render them in to the subscribers, properly attested, that they may be settled; and those who are indebted to said estate, either by bond, note, or open account, are requested to call and settle them, on or before the next superior court at Wilmington, as all demands unsettled at that time will be placed in the hands of an attorney, without distinction.
William Green, Adm'r
Mary Hostler, Adm'x
Wilmington, June 20, 1790

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, September 27, 1790

On Friday, the third instant, I delivered a letter to Mr Jonathan Tomkins, of Wilmington, directed to Mr John Blakely, in which was enclosed seventeen pounds; also one other letter, directed to Mr William Milne, at Mr M'Naughton's, Wilmington, containing twelve pounds paper currency of this state - since which I am advised by letter from Mr Tomkins, that he supposes he lost said letters on the road from this place to Wilmington, between Mr Miller's and Mr Gautier's. Any person finding said letters, and delivering them to me, or leaving them with some reputable person on the North West River, so that I get them again, shall have one half their contents as a reward.
William Sanderson
Elizabeth-Town, Bladen county, Sept 6 1790

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, November 1, 1790

To Be Sold, by Public Auction, on Monday, the first day of November next, on the spot,
A valuable tract of land, containing 358 acres, part of which is supposed to be excellent for the culture of rice, situate on Old Town Creek, near Wilmington, joining Old Town plantation, and lands of captain Thomas Withers and Mr John McKenzie.
Conditions - Twelve months credit with interest from the day of sale, and a mortgage of the premises. Any person inclining to purchase at private sale may in the mean time apply to
William H Crouch
Fayetteville, September 27, 1790

For Sale
The subscriber's plantation in Bladen county called Summerton, on the West side of the Waccamaw Lake, containing about five hundred acres, whereon is a good two-story dwelling-house, kitchen, and other out-houses. Cash, negroes, or merchantable produce, delivered at Wilmington, will be received in payment.
George Gibbs
If the said plantation is not sold by the first of December next, it will be rented out yearly.

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, November 22, 1790

John Johnston & Co
Have imported in the late arrived vessels from London and New York a neat and general assortment of Dry Goods, suitable to the approaching season - among which are -
Superfine and second cloths, coatings, flannels, baizes, and upwards of four hundred pieces of Negro cloths, &c. different colours - Comprehending a variety of Manchester, linen and woolen drapery, and silk mercery goods.
Jamaica Spirits.
West-India and New York Rum by the hogshead.
Brandy and Molasses by ditto.
Maderia, Sherry, Lisbon, Teneriffe, and Malaga Wines.
Loaf and Muscovado Sugars.
Hyson, Souchong, Congo, and Bohe? Teas.
8 by 10 Window Glass.
German Steel.
Refined Iron, and Nails of different sizes, &c.
The major part of these goods being laid in low for cash, (and of superior fresh qualities) those disposed to purchase wholesale or retail, by applying to the above firm will undoubtedly find it to their advantage.
Cash and country produce taken in payment.
Wilmington, Sept 27, 1790

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, December 20, 1790

To Be Leased
For the term of four years, from the first day of January next ensuing,
A Plantation on the north-west river, about six miles from Wilmington, late the residence of Robert Schaw, esquire, deceased, on which there is a dwelling-house, kitchen, and other buildings. Upwards of one hundred acres of the high land cleared and under fence; also about fifty acres rice land, twenty of which have been ditched, and may with a small expense be put in order for planting the ensuing year. For terms apply to the subscriber in Wilmington.
Thomas Wright
December 6, 1790

To Be Sold
By public auction, on the fourth day of January next, before Mr Toomer's Vendue-Store in Wilmington, the following valuable lands.
1251 acres, by three patents situate in Bladen county, on both sides of the north-west branch of Cape-Fear river, containing a very handsome situation for a settlement on the south side of the river, and on the north side a large body of valuable well timbered swamp, besides a good Mill-Seat -- bounded on both sides by the river of lands belonging to Arthur Howe, esquire, below and by those of the estate of Goodwin Elletson, esquire, deceased, above.
1000 acres, being in two patents of 500 each, in Brunswick county on Allegator branch, between the main road near Mrs Mill's (on Wood's creek) and the river, containing some good swamp. The rest well timbered high land.
1568 acres, beginning on Wood's creek, and running down the same and the north-west river, to the plantation formerly of William Watters, esq. but now belonging to the estate of Thomas Neale, jun. and back for compliment. Upon this tract is a very handsome and convenient situation for a settlement on the river, and a great quantity of valuable timber.
350 acres on the north side of Black river, beginning at the mouth thereof and running up for compliment. It is computed that one third of this tract is of valuable tide swamp, or cane marsh and meadow. The high land well timbered and in an excellent range for cattle.
One year's credit. Bond, with such security as may be required to bear interest, or receipts upon any allowed claim against the estate of John Rowan, esquire, deceased. The patents, deed, &c. may be seen at any time, by those inclined to purchase, and good titles will be made for such of the lands as will be sold by
Mary Rowan
Fayetteville, 9th December.

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, December 27, 1790

L A Dorsey
Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from the house he occupied, belonging to Mr Toomer, to that convenient house belonging to Mr Hill, in Market Street, opposite the Naval-Office, where his usual exertions shall be continued to accomodate those who may favour him with their commands.
Wilmington, Dec 1, 1790

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
January 10, 1791

For Sale
Five hundred acres of land on Lake Waccamaw, adjoining to Mr Dupre's Plantation, with a small house thereon. For terms apply to the subscriber or to Mr Severin Erichson in Wilmington.
William Meng
Fayetteville, Nov 15

For Private Sale
Pursuant to the last will of Francis Clayton, Esq, deceased,
That well known valuable plantation and parcel of land, called Rocky Point, on the North-East river in New Hanover county, containing by the original grants, 1920 acres, with a large brick house and other buildings. One hundred and ninety acres of this has been under crop this year, and is enclosed with new fence, and there are several hundreds of acres clear, and fit for immediate cultivation. These lands are some of the best in the state, both for tillage and pasture.
Also, the plantation and lands on the Sound, where Mr Clayton usually resided (formerly Mr Harnett's) containing about 800 acres, with a commodious dwelling house and other necessary buildings. A considerable part of this is clear and under good fences, having been planted this present year, and is excellent for corn and indigo: with this, or separate, will be sold an extensive range of banks, between the Sound and the Sea, esteemed valuable for stock and the timber, and on which is some good plantable land.
Credit will be given and the payments received by installments; but in addition to personal security, mortgages on the premises will be required.
Proposals will be received in Wilmington by Archibald Maclaine, Henry Urquhart, or Henry Toomer, the acting executors, to whom the lands are devised for sale.
N.B. On the first of January next, the negroes, consisting of above forty workers, will be hired in families for one year.
Wilmington, Oct 14

Five Pounds Reward
Ran away from the subscriber living in Iredell county, North Carolina, on the first day of July last, a negro fellow named Frank; he is of a yellow complexion, shews some marks of the small pox, is about 5 feet 8 inches high, has by running away before and getting frost bitten, lost two of the little toes on his left foot, and part of the third one; I expect he will change his cloaths and name, and pass for a freeman as he has done before, and endeavour to make his way to Fayetteville or Wilmington, and get on board some vessel, as he has often threatened so to do. Captains of vessels and others are cautioned on their peril not to harbour said fellow. Any person who will take up said fellow and bring him to me, or secure him so that I get him again,k shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges.
John Work
October 18, 1790
The above mentioned fellow was taken and confined in Robinson County gaol, from which he made his escape on or about the 10th instant. Should he be taken again, it is particularly requested he may be so ironed as to prevent him again getting away.

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, January 3, 1791

Fayetteville, December 13, 1790
As Timothy Bloodworth, esquire, was last February elected a member of the house of representatives in the Congress of the United States, and he being now in Philadelphia, on that important trust: We, the subscribers, members of the general assembly from the counties of Onslow, New-Hanover, Duplin, Bladen, Brunswick, Sampson and Moore, in the Cape-Fear division, having the firmest reliance on his ability, experience and integrity, and being fully sensible of his having faithfully discharged the many and important stations which he has filled, do recommend to our constituents to re-elect him their representative in Congress for the division aforesaid, which trust we are assured he will accept of, and serve accordingly.
Robert W Snead
John Spicer
John A Campbell
John G Scull
Joseph Dickson
Shadrach Stallings
Duncan Stewart
William E Lord
Richard Clinton
James Thomson
Thomas Tyson

At a meeting of the Trustees of the University of the State of North Carolina, at Fayetteville, the 24th of November, 1790, it was unanimously agreed, that the following resolution of thanks be given to Benjamin Smith, esquire:
Whereas Colonel Benjamin Smith, of Belvidere, in the county of Brunswick and State of North Carolina was pleased benevolently to grant, and hath by instrument of writing, under his hand and seal, bearing date the 18th day of December, 1789, made a donation and conveyance, to the trustees of the university of said state, of certain valuable lands, amounting to 20,000 acres, to be applied to the use and disposal of the said institution, agreeably to the law in such case made and provided.
Resolved, that this board do accept the said grant of lands, and that they entertain a proper impression of the public spirit and liberality manifested by Colonel Smith, in this his early and valuable donation.
Resolved, that the secretary of the board be directed to order these resolutions to be published in all the gazettes of the state, for the space of four weeks.
Alex. Martin, President
By Order, James Taylor, Secretary

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, January 31, 1791

Died - Lately at Wilmington, Mrs Hill, consort of W H Hill, Esq.

North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette
Monday, February 7, 1791

Public Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers have taken that commodious and pleasantly situated house in this town, lately occupied by Mr Dorsey, and improve the same as a Coffee-House and Tavern;
and for the accommodation of travelers, have provided a good set of stables. Those ladies and gentlemen who favour them with their company, may depend on their utmost exertions to give satisfaction.
They also carry on their vendue and Commission business as usual, in which they proffer their services to such gentlemen as may have business to transact in this town.
Jocelin & D'Herbe
Wilmington, November 22, 1790

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, October 2, 1792

Lands for Sale
To be sold at public vendue, in the town of Wilmington, for six months credit in the first week of March next the following tracts of land, belonging to the estate of Parker Quince Esq deceased, (unless disposed of before at Private Sale.)
Fourteen hundred acres on Town Creek in Brunswick County, with two mill seats on said tract.
Six hundred and fifty acres in Brunswick County between Lockwood's Folly and Cape Fear.
Four hundred and forty acres on the North West Branch of Cape Fear River, in Bladen County, joining Virginia Porter's Neck.
Three hundred and fifty acres on Town Creek formerly belonging to Mr John Potter.
A tract with a Mill Seat, formerly the property of William Mosely, Esq on Hollyshelter, containing six hundred and forty acres.
Two vacant lots of land in the Town of Brunswick.
Eleven hundred and forty acres on the Hawfields, near Hillsborough.
Four hundred acres called Catfish on the NorthWest Branch of Cape Fear River, about 8 miles from Wilmington.
One tract on the head of Elizabeth River, containing six hundred and forty acres.
At the same time and place will be sold for ready money, thirteen prime slaves, belonging to the same estate, among which are several valuable tradesmen.
Any person desirous of purchasing any of the before mentioned land or negroes may know the terms by applying at Wilmington to
Thomas Callender, Executor
Susannah Quince, Executrix
or Richard Quince, jun.
Wilmington, August 17, 1792

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, October 16, 1792

Died - On Wednesday last, at Wilmington, Mr Alexander S Urquhart, Merchant of that place.

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, January 2, 1793

To Be Sold at Public Vendue, In the town of Wilmington.
At the superior court, the first week in March next, unless disposed of before at private sale.
Five valuable lots in the said town, with their improvements, situated on the north side of Dock-street, from the corner to the river, with a good Wharf, two commodious three story Dwelling Houses with stores and cellars; a large Ware House, Blacksmith's shop, stable, and every necessary out building; said lots will be sold separately or together, the conditions will be made known on the day of sale.
E Dewey

Ran Away
From the subscriber's plantation about the fifteenth of August, two negroes. Man, named Natt, who is very black, and rather tall, well known by the name of Cooper Natt. A woman, not quite so black as the man, of a low stature, lusty, of the name of Lusey. They appear to be about forty years of age, are country born, and speak good English. They have been hired in Fayetteville some time past. It is supposed by their being long accustomed to live in that place, that they are lucking about it, or somewhere between there and the subscriber's plantation. Natt formerly belonged to William Hill, Esq near Wilmington, and is well known there.
Any person apprehending the said Negroes, and securing them so as the subscriber may get them, shall receive ample satisfaction, adequate to their service from
James Jackson
Gray's Creek, 12 miles below Fayetteville

Wilmington District
In Equity.
Sept Term 1792.
Robert Barnes versus Richard Jones.
Ordered in this case that unless answer be filed at, or before next March term, Complainants Bill will be taken pro confesso.
Thomas Davis
C. & M. E. W. D.

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, April 30, 1793

Taken up on Friday morning last by Mr Wilson and committed to gaol, a stout young Negro Boy, appears to be from 12 to 15 years of age. Says his name is Gabriel, belonging to Col Benjamin Smith, near Wilmington. He is now in my possession and will be delivered to the owner, on paying charges.
William Vann, Jailor
Fayetteville, April 2, 1793

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, July 16, 1793

State of North Carolina
New Hanover County, May Term, 1793
Agreeable to an Act of Assembly of this state, passed at Fayetteville session, 1789, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act concerning proving Wills and granting letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates' estates" wherein it is enacted, "that all the creditors of any person deceased, if he or they reside within this state, shall within two years, and if they reside without the limits of this state, shall within three years, from the qualification of the Executors or Administrators exhibit and make demand of their respective accounts, debts and claims of every kind whatever, to such executors or administrators, or otherwise to be barred of their recovery, &c.
Notice is hereby given,
Agreeable to the directions of the said act, to all the creditors of Isaac Golding, late of Wilmington, merchant, deceased, also to those of Golding and Stodard, that the said Isaac Golding is dead, and the subscribers have been qualified as Executors to his last Will and Testament at the above term, and they request that those indebted to said estate will make payment without delay, and the creditors thereof to make known their demands within the time limited by law.
Samuel Lowder
Henry Hoskins
Wilmington, June, 1793

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, July 23, 1793

Ran away from the subscriber about the 14th ult a Negro Fellow named Frank, of a very black complexion, about thirty years of age, five feet nine or ten inches high, and well made, he lately belonged to Macnaughton and Co of Wilmington, and it is supposed he may lurk about that place, and endeavor to pass as a free fellow; or perhaps try to get on board some vessel bound to some of the French Islands, as he speaks a little of the French language. All masters of vessels and others are hereby forewarned from harboring or carrying the said fellow away.
John Kennedy
The person apprehending the above fellow will be entitled to a liberal reward on giving notice to
J McFedrian
Fayetteville, July 23

Fayetteville Gazette
Tuesday, August 6, 1793

Agreeable to an ordinance of the Board of the Trustees of the University of North Carolina, will be offered for sale, on the third day of the ensuing Term of the Superior Court for Wilmington District, at Wilmington, the following tracts and parcels of land situate in the county of New-Hanover viz.
640 acres situate on the west side of the northeast branch of Cape Fear River, back of Nathaniel John's, John Williams's, and Mr Walker's lines; granted by patent dated Nov 15, 1753 to Alexander Singleton, and by deed of bargain and sale conveyed by him on the 5th of May 1764, to Solomon Hewett, deceased who left no lawful heirs.
640 acres situate on the east side of Black River, granted by patent dated October 24, 1767 to the said Hewett.
560 acres situate on the drains of Long Creek, and the widow Moore's Creek, including the Cypress Savannah and the fork of the road, on the head of the Beaver-dam Branch, beginning at Arthur Sluckey's corner; granted the said Hewett by patent, dated July 21, 1774.
335 Acres situate on the west side of Long Creek, granted the said Hewett by patent dated July 21st 1774.
100 acres situate on the west side of Long Creek, near James Fortivint's land; granted by patent dated November 25, 1771, to Anthony du Boise, and on the 26th day of March 1778, conveyed by Jacob du Boise, by bargain and sale to the said Hewett.
300 acres on the west side of Long Creek, granted by patent, April 20th 1745, to Joseph Portivant, and conveyed by him to Anthony du Boise who conveyed the same to Thomas Corbet, who, with his wife, conveyed the same by deed, dated October 2d, 1762 to the said Hewett, and to one Nicholas Tontel, whose moiety thereof was afterwards sold upon execution and purchased by the said Hewett, to whom the sheriff conveyed them.
300 acres on the west side of Long Creek; between Indian Bluff, and the above described 300 acres granted by patent, September 27, 1756 to Anthony du Boise, and by him and his wife, afterwards conveyed to the said Hewett and to the said Tourtel, whose moiety thereof was sold and conveyed by the Sheriff of New Hanover to Solomons Hewett, aforesaid.
The aforesaid lands having become escheat, were granted by the Legislature of this state to the Trustees of the University.
Purchasers may have possession on the execution of deeds, (at their own expense) which will be done on their executing bonds, with two good securities for the payment of the purchase money, in three years, by yearly installments, together with a mortgage of the estate so purchased, as a further security for the payment of the debt.
By direction of a majority of the Trustees in Wilmington District.
W H Hill
Attorney for the Board of Trustees
Wilmington, June 10, 1792

North Carolina Centinel and Fayetteville Gazette
Saturday, August 29, 1795

Just received and for sale by the subscriber in Wilmington, the following goods, which he will dispose of on moderate terms for cash or country produce:
Two boxes Irish Linens,
Two ditto Plattilles or Dutch Linens,
One bale Raven's Duck,
One cafe Fowling pieces,
Twenty cases of Holland Gin,
Thirteen barrels apple Brandy,
An Invoice of Queens Ware with two boxes of Glass.
I am willing to contract for produce in payment, to be delivered in Wilmington by the 15th of August next.
Jeremiah Donovan
Wilmington, June 28, 1795

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