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The North Carolina Gazette

Excerpts from The North Carolina Gazette (Wilmington)
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, March 2011
The North Carolina Gazette
And Wilmington Weekly Post-Boy
July 10, 1765

For Philadelphia
(And will sail in about 14 days from this date;)
The schooner Industry, Thomas Fisher, Master.
For freight or passage, apply to said Master on board lying at Wilmington; who will agree on the most reasonable terms. She has good accommodations for passengers.
Wilmington, July 8th, 1765

Once More!
David Brown, of Wilmington, Taylor, begs of those who are indebted to him to make immediate payment. He hopes that common humanity will prompt them to comply with this his reasonable request; he now being at the Expense of a third advertisement, publickly to beg that which he is justly owed.

Stray'd away in the night on the 18th of May ? from the House of Evan Ellis, near Bladen Court House: a white horse, about 14 hands high, and branded on the thigh with an H. Whoever will take up the said horse and bring him to me the subscriber at Capt George Palmer's Plantation, on South River shall have twenty shillings reward, paid by me.
Daniel Clark
July 7th, 1765

Notice is hereby given, that I have two large black stray horses in my custody; each of them has a bel? on, one is three years old, and branded on the mounting Cheek thus, 2. The other is about twelve years old, and branded on the mounting thigh thus, 3. Whoever claims said horses may have them again, proving their property and paying expenses to
Thomas Robeson, Junior, living in Bladen County

June 23d 1765
Stray'd away from Samuel Strudwick, Esq of Wilmington; a bright bay horse, about 12 and ? high, a star in his forehead, with a Roach Mane and Tail; has no other brand than a small burts ? of his buttocks. Whoever brings the said Horse ? delivers him to Mr James Walker, shall have ? Twenty Shillings Proclamation Money.
Ran away from the said Strudwick, a Negro ? named Betty - Twenty Shillings and ? paid by Samuel Strudwick for lodging her in Gaol.

The subscribers to the Church in Wilmington, who have not already paid their several subscriptions to the former commissioners are desired immediately to discharge the same; otherwise they may depend on being noticed, according to law.
C Harnet
John Du Bois
G Wakeley
Wilmington, July 3, 1765

Wilmington, July 3d, 1765
Ran away on Thursday Night last, a Negroe fellow called Boston; about forty years of age, middle siz'd; and rather thin than corpulent; stoops a little in his walk and speaks fast. Had on when he run away, a blue Jacket, Oznabrigs Shirt, and black Breeches. Any person who apprehends said Negroe and brings him to the subscriber in Wilmington shall have twenty shillings reward.
George Parker

Wilmington, July 3, 1765
The vestry of St James Parish, New-Hanover, having agreed with John Du Bois, Esquire to employ workmen to finish the Church in Wilmington, the gentlemen who have lately subscribed to the same are desired to pay one third of their several subscriptions to Cornelius Harnet and Frederick Gregg or either of them on or before the 15th of this instant, it being proposed to collect the subscriptions at three different payments in order to make it as easy as possible.

Brunswick, July 2, 1765
To Be Sold at Brunswick, at Public Vendue, on the Third Tuesday in this present Month July, the Estate of Reven Munro, deceased; Viz.
A house and two lots of land, in the town of Brunswick, two negro boys, sundry household furniture, stores, &c. &c. &c. Six months cred ti buyers, giving security, if required. All persons indebted to the estate are desire to make immediate payment, if they would avoid a law suit; and those who have demands on the estate are requested to make them known as soon as may be to
William Hill, Executor

Just Imported in the Brigantine Anna, Capt Foster, from Bristol, and to be sold cheap by Alexander Ross, at his store in Wilmington;
Variety of dry goods; such as superfine and fine broadcloths, with proper trimmings, double mill'd drab cloth, gold and silver Mecklenburg and Prussian binding, gold and silver fring'd and scallop'd lace, gold & silver knee-garters of all sorts, men's crimson Genoa velvet. Manchester ditto of all colours, silk and worsted breeches-patterns, silk knee-garters of all sorts, Irish linens, white sheeting, Barcelona, neglegee, & check handkerchiefs, durants, shalloca, sewing-silk, gilt and twist buttons of all sorts, cambricks, muslins, lawns capuchins, ladies hats, bonnets, & miss Fisher's flying hats, cottons callicoes oznabrighs, threads, best pewter and may other articles too tedious to mention.

Just imported and to be sold by John Burgwin & Co
At their store in Wilmington, very cheap for cash or country produce.
A fine assortment of Oznabrigs, checks; white Linens, cambricks; chintz and callicoes:  A few sets of fine table linen; some pieces of handsome silks; men and women's shoes; thread; cotton, and silk stockings; ladies capuchins; broadcloths, with trimmings; the best Glasgow Saddles; Wool and Cotton Cards; Knives and Forks; with a variety of other goods suitable for the season and country: Also the best London new Cordage, some of which is of a proper size of Mill Ropes. West India and Northward Rum and Muscavado Sugar.
N.B. They give Twelve Shillings Cash for Tar.

To Be Sold by the Subscriber, the pleasant Plantation called Providence, situate on the North-East about ten miles from Wilmington; whereon is two houses with five rooms, in pretty good order; a good convenient double Store, a new House clos'd in and shingled, has a good frame, and may be easily finished at a small expense, a dairy house, kitchen, poultry-house, chaise house, stable, mill-house, and sundry good negro houses, Smoak-house &c. a good garden, an orchard with 200 bearing Apple-Trees, Peach-Trees, &c. a very fine Mineral Spring and other good Springs. The subscriber will sell with said plantation (which contains near 1300 Acres some part of which is good Rice-Land, a stock of cattle that have had the Distemper, and are mostly young, some horses, hogs, plantation-tools, &c. Also some Negroes will be sold with said plantation if wanted by the purchaser.
William Mouat
N.B. If the above mention'd plantation, with is appurtenances is not sold in a short time, the whole will be rented for a term of years, reasonably.
N.B. Any vessels that come to Wilmington, may safely go up and load at said plantation.

Brunswick Ferry, June 25th 1765
Whereas Elizabeth Eagen, in order that Gentlemen and others traveling to and from Brunswick, may be properly accommodated at, and speedily transported over the Ferry of Brunswick, has removed ? Brunswick to the Ferry-house herself; and intends to make it her sole business to conduct the same in a proper manner. New boats are already provided, and proper hands to manage them so that now travelers will never be at a loss for a quick passage and good entertainment for themselves and horses at the said ferry.

Cross-Creek, June the 30th, 1765
Whereas the partnership of Hadly and Wilcox is almost expir'd; and as there are many outstanding debts which must necessarily be collected before their accounts can be regularly clos'd; this is therefore to inform all and every of those concerned, that they must immediately pay off their respective accounts; otherwise there will be an absolute necessity of putting the same into the hands of a lawyer. As they are now quitting trade, the goods they have on hand will be sold at the most reasonable rates either for cash or merchantable produce. They consist of the following articles, viz. Fine and coarse salt, rum, sugar, molasses, iron, and a general assortment of dry goods.
To Be Sold by said Hadly and Wilcox, or rented for a number of years, on reasonable terms, the following tracts, messauges, lands &c. Viz. A good dwelling ? situate in the town of Cross-Creek; with a premises on ? a good merchant grist-mill, a saw-mill, store-house, ? house and various other improvements. Also a ? of land well timber'd lying on both sides of ? Creek, in Bladen County, containing 1700 acres, on which may be erected a good saw mill; the stream will work ? in the driest season; and lies but three miles from the ? river. For terms, apply to the subscribers on the above mention'd premises at Cross-Creek.
Thomas Hadly
John Wilcox

The North Carolina Gazette, Wilmington
February 26, 1766

For Bristol
The Brig Nancy
William Fuller, Master
Has good accommodations for Passengers; and will sail in ten days. For particulars enquire of Alexander Duncan, Esq; or of said Master on board the Vessel at Duncan's Wharf.

To Be Sold by the subscriber, or Mr Anthony Ward, at Wilmington; the best white-cedar shingles; which kind has been found by experience to be the most lasting and durable; they are therefore recommended to all builders in this Province. Any person or persons may be supply'd with large & small quantities for these twelve months to come.
Samuel Watters

About fifty cords of Oak Bark. Any person or persons who will furnish that quantity, or part thereof, may treat with
John Lyon
Said Lyon continues to buy Hides, Skins, &c.

Just imported in the Snow Mary, Captain Corkie from Leith; and the Ship Ceasar, Captain Hume, from Glasgow; and To Be Sold by William Watkins at his store in Wilmington:
Very good oznabrigs at 1s. & 6 d. per yard a complete assortment of checks, striped linens, check handkerchiefs, Irish linens, Fife and other Scotch linens, Irish sheeting, bed ticken, threads of all sorts, pistol lawns, plain and flower'd lawns, plain figur'd and striped gauze, gauze aprons handkerchiefs and ruffles, ladies new fashion'd loom stays, tick and ?bby stays, silk durant calamancoe and russet petticoats, satin hats cloaks and bonnets, satin and calamancoe shoes, linseys, Scotch plaid and plaid stockings, men's neat shoes and pumps, coarse shoes, gentlemen's neat saddles saddle cloths &c. An assortment of very handsome paper hanging, one set of maps, choice hyson green and oolea teas, a few coils of cordage, a few pair of double and single jack screws, iron pots, frying pans and skillets.

See the North Carolina Newspaper Digitization Project for Newspaper Images