Page Three

Nash-Hooper-Graham house, built by Gen. Francis Nash in 1772; the home of William Hooper from 1782-1789; the home of William A. Graham during the 1860; later, the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown..
Ice Wagon, Chapel Hill, 1927
Churton Street, Hillsboro, abt. 1914.
Unloading tobacco from trailer into baskets according to the grade, the night before auction sale, in warehouse; 1939; Orange County.
New York Public Library Digital Library
Main Street, Carrboro; 1920.
Herndon's Hardware Store, Chapel Hill, 1904
Skimming the boiling cane juice to make sorghum syrup at cane mill  near Carr, NC; 1939. 
New York Public Library Digital Library
Hillsboro Military Academy; 1860
Hillsboro Military Academy
Moorefields, in Orange County,built by Alfred Moore of Wilmington as his summer home in 1785.

Colonial Inn, Hillsboro, erected in the 1780's.


Except where noted, the photos on this page came from the book, "Orange County, 1752-1952"
edited by Hugh Lefler and Paul Wager.

Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, abt. 19

Orange County Photos Page 1       Orange County Photos Page 2
