Will of Lewis Goodwin

Mar. 18, 1908 / June 27, 1908

I, Lewis Goodwin, of the county of Pamlico State of N.C. declare this to be my last will and testament.

1st I wish to have a decent burial of my body in a plain coffin without a box.

2nd I give and devise to my daughter Julia F. Ireland all my land lying to the south of public road beginning 20 feet from J. T. Clark Line and running to Henry Williamsons Line and with his line to the waters of Jones Bay and with the waters Eastwardly to within 20 feet of said Clark line to the beginning, which 20 feet I devise for church purposes.  I devise the above described land to my daughter Julia F. Ireland to her and her children and childrens children and if none, then the land to East of my Lead Ditch to my son Theodore and on west side to my daughter Besse Stanton and my son Peleg, the east half of said Land to Besse Stanton the west half to said Peleg Goodwin.

3rd I devise to my son Theodore Goodwin all my land to the east side of Lead Ditch to the R. L. Ireland Line to Lead ditch in branch the above described land I devise to the said Theodore Goodwin his children and childrens children said land lying to North of Main or public road.

4th I give and devise to my daughter Bessie Stanton all my land to the east of the W. T. Emery Line and with said Emery line to within 20 feet of Henry Williamson’s corner then with said Williamson line, half way to my Lead ditch running parallel with said Williamson Line to the public road to the said Besse Stanton and her children and childrens children.

5th I give and devise to my son Peleg Goodwin a certain piece of land lying to North of public road containing one half of tract of [land] lying between my Lead Ditch and Williamson Line then parallel with Bessie Stanton’s line to Williamson corner with Williamson line one third the distance to the Goose Creek road thence to back line or lead Ditch in branch to the said Peleg Goodwin, his children and children’s children.

6th I give and devise to my daughter Jane L. Lupton a certain piece of land, beginning at Peleg Goodwins corner, running westwardly with Henry Williamson line to main road, then with main road northwardly 40 yds. thence Eastwardly, parallel with said Williamson Line one half the distance from main road, to Peleg Goodwins Westward Line, thence parallel with Peleg Goodwin line to Branch ditch to said Jane L. Lupton her children and childrens children.

7th I give and devise to my son Denard Goodwin, a certain piece of Land containing all land not devised of the W. L. Emery tract to said Denard Goodwin his children and childrens children.

8  My Land below Drum Creek I devise as follows, To my son Peleg Goodwin and daughter Julia F. Ireland, I devise all my land on South side of public road known as the Bateman Land, To Julia F. Ireland the Northward half of said Land making the public road the line.

8 To my children Denard Goodwin, Theodore Goodwin, Jane L. Lupton and Besse Stanton I devise a certain tract lying on North side main road known as the Lupton Land.  Commencing on J. E. Swindells Westward line.

To my son Theodore, I devise and give the first fourth from said Swindells line running parallel with Swindell’s line to the Cordon Line.  To Besse Stantons I devise and give the second fourth running parallel with Theodore Goodwins Line to Cordon line.  To Jane L. Luptons, I devise and give the third fourth running parallel with Besse Stantons line to the Cordon Line.  To Denard Goodwin I devise the remainder of said tract of land said land to border on public road.  To them and their children and childrens children.

9th To my son Theodore Goodwin I bequeath my house and six barrels of corn and forrage sufficient to cultivate a crop at end of crop season said house to be sold and equally divided among the several heirs also I bequeath to said Teodore Goodwin, 1 bed and 1 clock.

10th To my daughter Julia F. Ireland I bequeath my bed and all other property I may leave at her home.

11th  All meat meat which I may own at my decease to be equally divided among my several heirs all my other property to be sold for settlement of claims if any.

12  I appoint my son Peleg Goodwin Executor of this my will and desire that he shall not be required to give any security for the performance of his duties.

In witness whereof I Lewis Goodwin have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of March 1908.

                                                                                    Lewis   x   Goodwin

Subscribed by the testator in the presence of each of us and declared by him to be his last will and testament.  Witness our hands this 18th day of March 1908

E. W. Spain
Simeon Sadler

State of North Carolina}                In the Superior Court
     Pamlico County     }
     A paper purporting to be the last Will of Lewis Goodwin deceased, is exhibited before me, the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, by Peleg Goodwin the executor therein mentioned and the due execution thereof by the said Lewis Goodwin by the oath and examination of E. W. Spain and Simeon Sadler the subscribing witness thereto:  who being duly sworn, doth depose and say, and each for himself deposeth and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Lewis Goodwin that the said Lewis Goodwin in the presence of this deponent subscribed his name at the end of said paper-writing, which is now showing as aforesaid, and which bears date of the 18th day of March 1908.
     And the Deponent further saith that the said Lewis Goodwin the testator aforesaid did at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid declare the said paper-writing so subscribed by him and exhibited to be his last Will and Testament and this deponent did thereupon subscribe his name at the end of said Will as an attesting witness thereto, and at the request and in the presence of said testator, and this deponent further saith that at the same time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said last Will as aforesaid and at the time of the deponent’s subscribing his name as an attesting witness thereto as aforesaid, the said Lewis Goodwin was of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a will and was not under any restraint to the knowledge, information or belief of this deponent and further these deponents say not.
E. W. Spain
Simeon Sadler

Severally subscribed this 27 day of June 1908 before me.
D. B. Hooker Debt.
    Clerk Superior Court

North Carolina}            In the Superior Court
      Pamlico   }
     It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last Will and Testament of Lewis Goodwin deceased.  Let the said Will together with the probate be recorded and filed.  This 27 day of June 1908.
D. B. Hooker Debt.
    Clerk Superior Court

Note:  Lewis Goodwin (1840-1908), son of Thomas Goodwin & Jeannette Grace Simmons, husband of Julia Frances Spain (1846-1883), daughter of Daniel A. Spain & Rheca G. Lupton.

(Source: Pamlico Record of Wills Book 1, pgs. 274-278 - from the private collection of William Odell Spain held by Jan Orndorff)

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