Will of



Book K, Page 629

In the name of God, amen, May the 4th, 1791 —-

I, Thomas Russell of Pasquotank County State of No. Carolina being very sick and weak of body but of Perfect mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say Principally and fist of all I give and Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it for my body I Recomend it to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian like manner at the Discretion of my Executor here-after mentioned and as Touching Such Worldly Goods Where-with it hat Pleased God to Bless me with in this life. I give Divise and Despose of the Same in Manner and form following that is to Say, —–

In the first place my will and desire is that the land and plantation whereon I now live, Should be Sold into Publick Venue(?) for Six months Credett to pay my Just Debts and after all my Just Debts be paid, my will is all the Remainder of my Estate of what Nature or Kind Forever be Equally Divided Between my Beloved wife Elizabeth Russell and my two Children, John Russell and Mary Russell to them and their Heirs forever. ——-

And Lastly I do Nominate and appoint Joseph Rolfe my whole & Sole Executor to this my Last will & Testament in Witness Whereof I have hereunto Let my hand
& Seal the day & Year above mentioned. ———–

                                                                                         Thomas Russell
                                                                                          his seal and signature
Signed in presents of:

Jos. Reding   Joseph
Thos. Rolfe
Vilater(?) Glassco__ (his mark)

Pasquotank County June ____ 1791


The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Russell decd. was Exhibited in open Court by Joseph Rolfe the Executor ____ named and proved by the oath of Joseph ReddingEsq. asubscribing witness is thereto who said Thomas Russell and Vititer Galioco(?) signed as concerning xxxxxx witness and at the same time appeared tis Executor and was qualified agreeable to Law, ordered to be recorded ______ ____ — Jos. (Mark?) Rolfe, Clerk

Recorded June 10, 1791 in Book K (?), file 218.

[The remainder is not legible, or is “bleed-through” from the next page.]

Contributed to NCGENWEB Sept. 1997 by Linda Russell Lewis

Transcribed from copy obtained by Carol A. Morrison



Will of


19 November 1694


In the Name of God Amen. I John Phillpott of the Precinct of Pasquotank in the County afore said being Sick & weak in body but Sound in mind & understanding doe make this my Last will & Testament hereby Revoking all other will or wills at any time howsoever by me made and doe constitute and appoint this to be my Last will & Testament in maner and form following.

Imprimis. I Give & bequeath my Soule to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to be decently Interred according to the discression of Executors hereafter to be named.

Imprimis. I Give and bequeath my Plantation I now dwell on I give and bequeath to John Lawson sonn of Nathaniel Lawson to him & his heirs for ever.

Imprimis. I Give & bequeath tenn Cows & Calves to the Said John Lawson with all their increase for ever as allso Six thousand pounds of Good merchantable porke(?) to buy him a negroe. And my desire is that the Said Child shall be brought up on the Said Plantation and to live with his Grandmother as long as she shall Live or shall he come to the age of twenty one years and then my Executors to possess him with it and in the mean time to continue in the hands of my Executors.

Imprimis. I allso give and bequeath to the said John Lawson one breeding mare with her increase to be delivered(?) to him when he comes to age.

Imprimis. I also give and bequeath to my loving wife Mary Philpott a decent and competent maintenance out of my affares to her yearly payed and allowed to her yearly on every year all long as she shall live to be payed to her by my said Executionery.

Imprimis. My other Plantation aioyning on the Land of Jno. Griffen on the south east and on the Plantation of Jno. Hawkins on the north west I give and bequeath to my Sonn in Law William Woolwood to him and his heirs for ever. And all other my estate reall & personall and all my rights & credits after my just debts are payed and ….. such Legacy as and before bequeathed and hereafter to be bequeathed I doe give and bequeath to my sonn in Law William Woolwood.

Imprimis. My will and mind is that if the above said John Lawson should dye before he comes of age that then the Plantation bequeathed to him and the other Legacies by me above given shall fall to my sonn in law Wm. Woolwood to him and his heirs for ever.

Imprimis. I doe appoint and constitute my loving friends Daniel Alehurst & John Hawkens my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament to whom I give five pounds a peace.

                                                                                                  John Philpott

Signed & Sealed & Declared to be the Last will and Testament by the said John Phillpott in the presence of us the 19th of Nov. 1694.

Thos. Rolfe Daniel Howel (his mark) John Cabe(?)

Transcribed by Mary Maarbjerg and contributed to NCGENWEB Sept. 5, 2008.



Will Of



Know all men by these present that I, Lemuel Pendleton, do make and ordain the following instriment of wrighting to be my last will and testament respecting the little property I have. First I give unto George Pendleton’s children Samuel, Angelica, Nansey and Morandy one Dollar Each, I give unto John Hollowell my grandson on dollar My will is that Negro Cate and child Sillen Fan Harret, Cherry and Sarah be sold to Pay Mrs. Muse. My will is that my wife Anne Pendleton have the servce and use of the following Property during her widowhood or natural life, my part of the Scott Negros Thomas and Rubin, one _____, one clock, one fine case, one fine table, six flag chears, eight winsors chears, one linnin wheal loome and winders, one_____dogs, two feather beds and furiture one chist, my top chear, my chear horse solom and yoek, one cart and oxen, one half of the plantation and all the bildens where I now live. The following is given unto my wife forever, all the furniture that she brought into my family, all the cattle she brought hear, two sows fifteen any hogs, six sheep two plows two hoes, two axes, one flax brake, likewise what cornflower bacone pork and all she may want for the year also the corn crops now planted, oats, flax, and one half of wheat, now growing, if there is any book she wants let her take them, also I give unto Joseph P Davis my granson one chist, six silver teaspoons i give unto Ambrose Hollowell my granson one chist, one feather bed and furniture, also I give unto Joseph P Davis one feather bed and furniture The property intended in this will for my daughter Anne Pendleton is as followeth, the plantation and track of land whereon I now live Negro man Robert and Benjamin Six large Silver Spoons and five tea silver spoons forty Silver dollars now counted, four half Eagles now in hand, and all the property that Anned Pendleton her mother has the use of during her widowhood or natural life, is intended to go to lille Anne my daughter, if she, the aforesaid Anne should live to have a lawfull heire bornd of her own body then all the above property to be hers and her heires forever, but in case of my daughters death before she has an heir as above, then and in that case the property intended for her is to return to my family to wit Penny Snowden, Ambrose Hollowell and Joseph Davis my gransons that lives with me_____I give Penny Snowden the little property she has in posesion Sarah exsepted, what obligation I have I with Mr. Muse to take, all the remainder of my Property not mentiond above to be sold for the benefitt of my hiers as above after Mr. Muse is paid and Henry P Overman Exector and lastly, I nominate and apoynt William T Muse to execute this my last will and Testament in witness hereof I have set my hnad seal this 5th day of May 1821 Signed and acknowledged as the last will and testamint of Lemuel Pendleton before on this 29th day of July, 1821 Lemuel Pendleton Leonard Martin Governor

State of North Carolina Probate Court Pasquotank County January Term 1822 The last will and testament of Lemuel Pendleton sent Dec having been ____ at the last term of G P Overman the executor that then qulified having since died of these Yellad the other executor now being to qualify, it is ordered that A Knox Esq. have administration on his estate with the will annexed who appeared, qualified and entered into bonds in the sum of six thousand dollars with Mile H Davis of N C George as securities__

Contributed by Robert Pendleton to NCGENWEB August 2006.



Will of



….George Pendleton of Pasquotank County…
First: …Debts be paid…
Secondly: I give to my Nephew George Pendleton Junior my Plantation whereon I now live, my Negro Man Jack all my Household Furniture, two mares and one coalt, my saddle and bridle, all of my hogs except fivesows & twenty pigs, and half of my sheep, my ( ), three barrels pork and all my corn, one barrel hams, one half barrel fat, one cow and yearling which he choose, all my cattle that are at Thomas Boyd’s except two cows and calves, all my bees, all the money that is due me except a bond due from Elizabeth Boyd, and half the money that shall be raised at the sale of my Estate which in this will is not given in Legacies, and the other half I give and bequeathe to my Nephew Lemuel Pendleton, I also give to my said Nephew Lemuel Pendleton a Bond due me from Elisabeth Boyd, Five sows, and twenty Pigs and half my sheet and my old Horse, I give unto my three Nephews Zachariah, Joshua and Andrew Pendleton, sons of my deceased Brother Timothy Pendleton all my cattle (that are at the Plantation where my said deceased Brother lived except a cow and yearling already given to George Pendleton) they and their increase to be equally divided amongst the said three children at the time of the Eldest arriving to full age (added by Tamara: document includes three blank short lines)

I give and bequeath unto grezil george two Cow and Calfs that are at Thomas Boyd’s her choice of all that are there.

Lastly: I constitute and appoint my trusty friend Thomas Boyd and my Nephew george Pendleton whole and sole Executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disannulling all former Wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 15th day of February 1774.

Signed sealed published                                        George Pendleton     SEAL
…presence of
(Tom A.) Banks
Rob. Jordan
Thomas Boyd

North Carolina
Pasquotank County…Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1774
Present His Majesty’s Justices
The said Will and Testament of George Pendleton was Exhibited by Thomas
Boyd executor…Oath of Robert Jordan…recorded…

Contributed by Robert Pendleton to NCGENWEB August 2006.