Will of



In the name of God amen. I William Wright of the county of Pasquotank and state of North Carolina being of sound mind and perfect memory bless God do this 23rd day of May in the year of our Lord 1797 make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form as followith that is to say.

First: I give to well beloved wife Lydia Wright one negro man named Davis, one negro woman named Cherry, one negro boy George, one negro girl named Anney, one negro boy named Charles, one mare and colt called fanny, one fether bed and furniture, one set chainey, one half of all the negroes that is to fall to me at the death of my sister Esther Vaughan, six falg bottom chairs, two cases of knives and forks and silver tea spoons, all the pottery in my yard, one iron pot the best I have, one skillet, one creaper, one cow and calf her choice of my stock, one sow and six shoats, one blue chest, one seal skin trunk to her and her heirs forever. I also leave to her the said Lydia Wright the use of my land and plantation that I bought of John Browning during her natural life and after her death to go to my son James Wright and his heirs forever and if he the said James Wright should die under the age of twenty years my will and desire is that my said wife Lydia Wright should have one half of the said land and my nephew George Callis the other half they and their heirs forever. I also give to sd wife all the porke corn and bacon I have now by me.

Item:  I give and bequeath unto my son James Wright all the remainder of my estate whatsoever both indoors and outdoors after my just debts are paid to him and his heirs forever.

I also nominate and appoint my trusty friend John Lane my whole and sole executor to this my last will and testament in witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written in the presents of us.
                                                                                              William E. Wright    (seal)
Jehu Cartwright
John Smithson jun.   Jurat

Pasquotank county June term 1797
Presents the worshipful justices
These may certify that the last will and testament of William E. Wright dec’d was exhibited in open court by John Lane the sole executor therein named and proved by the oath of John Smithson one of the subscribing evidences thereto and at the same time the said executor appeared and was qualifyed by taking the oath by law presented. Ordered that the will be recorded and letters testamentory aforesaid.

                                                                                             test,  Enoch Relfe CC

Contributed by Harry Schoettle



Will of



In the name of God amen.
The seventeenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and seventy two I Charles Wright of the county of Pasquotank and province of North Carolina planter, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory God be thanked and calling to mind the frailty and mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed once for all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament and as touching this worly estate whence with it hath pleased God to bless me within this life I give and dispose of in the manner and form following.

Item: I give and bequeath to my loving wife Anna Wright two negroes to wit F__ and Genne, also two good feather beds and furniture, one fifteen bottle case and one safe and one bead chest and one looking glass, one ball faced mare and one rone horse and one young halton named Jockey and all my hogs and two cows and calves, four ewes, one large puter dish and one half gallon bason and one small quart bason and all at he earthen ware and all my chairs and one small oval table and one eight gallon pot and one four gallon pot, one tea kettle and one baking kettle and one dutch wheel and one great wheel and pr cards and one dozen spoons. Also I leave to my beloved wife Anna the use of my houses and plantation whereon I live and timber to support it during her widowhood. Also I leave to my said wife the use of my negro boy Lemeck during her wodowhood.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Auguston Wright on condition he shall make over all his right in the land I shall mention and I give to his other brothers, to each one he shall make a title and also to make over his right in that part I give to his sister he compling with the above conditions. Then I give to my said son Auguston Wright and his heirs forever one hundred acres of land be the same more or less buted and bounded by a ditch across the plantation and a branch to the beaver dam and from the ditch down chesnut oak glade to Smiths line and if my sd son Auguston Wright shall refuse to comply with the above condition. Then I give and bequeath the aforesaid land to be equally divided between his other brothers born of Mary my first wife. Also I give to my sd son Auguston Wright one bay mare and several other things he has all ready in his possession.

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Cartwright a piece of land called Sattle neck binding on the beaver dam and across the mouth for fifty acres of land be the same more or less to her and her heirs forever and one cow and calf and all that I have given her in possession. Also I give to my Dughter Elizabeth one negro girl named Dol.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Levy Wright one young sarrol horse. Also I leave to my aforesaid son Levy the use of fifty acres of land lying in Richneck binging on the beaver dam during his natural life and after his decease to my son Auguston Wright to him and his heirs forever. Also I give to my sd son Levy one feather bed and furniture and one small gun.

Item: I give and bequeath to my two sons Charles Wright and Lot Wright the remainder of my land that is not given away to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever. Lot having his part in the plantation that I have reserved to my wife. Also I give to my sd two sons each of them a feather bed and same furniture. Also I give to my son Charles Wright two three year old heifers. Also I give to my son Lot Wright two two year old heifers. Also I give after my wifes decease or marriage one negro boy named Lemeck equally to my two aforesaid sons Charles and Lot Wright. Also I give to my son Charles one large gun.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Zecekiah Wright one negro boy named Luke.

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughters Alameth Wright, Anna Wright and Miriam Wright one negro girl named Hagan and her increase to be equally divided among the aforesaid girls when the youngest comes to age of twenty one or would have come to that age.

Item: I leave the remainder of my estate to my wife Anna Wright in consideration for her to raise my five youngest children and pay all my just debts and also constitute and appoint my loving wife and John Squires executor and executrix to this my last will and testament. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to contain my last will and testament and I do disanul and revoak other will or wills made by me in witness here of I have here unto set my hand and seal.
                                                                                          Charles Wright  (seal)

Signed, sealed, published and declared by me Charles Wright to be my last will and testament in presence of:
Isaac Gilford, jurat
William Wright jur.
Asa Burgess

Contributed by Harry Schoettle 


JOHN WRIGHT (1772 Will)

Will of



In the name of God amen. The 32 June 1772 I John Wright being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory that is be given unto the Almighty God for it and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally. First of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my executors hereafter mentioned and touching my worldly estate wherewith it has been pleasing God to bless me with in this life I give and bequeath in the manner and form following.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son John Wright one hundred and fifty acres of land that I bought of John Forbes and Barbasa Blo___ to him and his heirs forever. I also give to my said son one negro boy, six cows and calves and nine sheep and one young horse for his part of my estate in as much as I have given him considerable before.

Item: I give unto my two sons Cornelius Wright and Barnaba Wright my plantation and land hereunto belonging whereon I now live to be equally divided I give to them and their heirs forever but in case either of them should die without an heir lawfully begotten of their body his part I give to my son Wm. Wright to him and his heirs forever and in case both sons die in like manner I give the other part to my son Peter Wright to him and his heirs forever. I also give to my sd two sone Cornelius and Barnaba Wright each of them a young negro and to each of them two feather beds.

Item: I give and bequeath my son William Wright fifty acres of land know by the name Great Island to him and his heirs forever and two likely young negroes and two feather beds.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my three sons Peter Wright, Gamiel Wright and Mathias Wright one negro woman named Venus and her increase and a negro woman Rachael and her increase. Excepting Eastys and Judah is left out. I also so give to each of afsd three sons two good feather beds to each of them and the afsd negroes and their increase as aforesaid to be equally divided to my afsd three sons (camed over first time, brought over first time) Peter Wright, Gamiel Wright and Mathias Wright, when the youngest comes to age or marriage.

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Lydia Gilford seventy shillings proclamation money for her part in so much as I have given her considerable before.

Item: I reserve the use of my negro woman named Nevda and her increase to my daughter Pussa Lindsay which said negro I have had lent to my said daughter and do reserve the one of the aforesaid negro and her increase to my daughter Pussa during her natural life. At her decease I give the afsd negro woman and her increase to be divided equally amongst all the children of my said daughter and for want of such children I give the afsd negroes to be equally divided amongst my six
children to wit: Cornelius Wright, Barnaba Wright, William Wright, Peter Wright, Gamiel Wright and Matthew Wright.

Item: I reserve the use of my negro girl named Till and her increase to my daughter Nancy Morgan which said negro I have had lent to my said daughter and do now reserve the use of the said negro girl and her increase to my said daughter during her natural life and her decease I give the afsd negro to be equally divided amongst all my said daughters children and for want of such children then I give the afsd negroes to be equally divided between my six children to wit: Cornelius Wright,
Barnaba Wright, William Wright, Peter Wright, Gamiel Wright and Mathias

Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Jean Wright one third part of my plantation and land I live on and one third of my movable estate during her natural life and at her decease my will and desire is to be equally divided amongst my six sons to wit: Cornelius Wright, Barnabas Wright, William Wright, Peter Wright, Gamiel Wright and Mathias Wright.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my six sons the rest of my estate to wit: Cornelius Wright, Barnaba Wright, William Wright, Peter Wright, Gamiel Wright and Mathias Wright to be equally divided between them my said six sons (camed over second time, brought over second time)

I nominate and appoint my four sons Cornelius Wright, Barnaba Wright, William Wright and Peter Wright executors to this my last will and testament and I do utterly revoke and disannul every other will and testament retifying and confirming this and no other to contain my last will and testament.

Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and delivered by the said John Wright as his last will and testament in presence of us the day and date first written.
William Wright (jurat)                                                               John Wright   (seal)
Mary (mark) Wright
John Squires

North Carolina
Pasquotank county
Sept court of Pleas and Quarters Session 1772
Presents his majesties justices
The last will and testament of John Wright was exhibited by Barnaba Wright one of the executors thereto proved in due form of law by the oath of Wm. Wright at the same time the said executor qualified by taking the oath by law appointed. Ordered to be registered, ordered that the secty have notice.
                                                                                            test Frederick Blount

Contributed by Harry Schoettle


Will of



NORTH CAROLINA, the Fifteenth day of March, 1753.

I, Edmund Chancey, of Pasquotank County, and province aforsaid, being in perfect mind and memory, thanks be Given to god, and Calling to mind the mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for man to die I do here make and ordain this my Last will and Testament, that is first of all, I will that all my Just debts and funeral Expences be well and Truly paid by my Executor and Executrix hereafter named.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Stephen Chancey, the Easternmost part of my Plantation and for a Division to begin in and by the Southeast Side of the Branch which Runs through Laurance Retons pattent then Runing north fifteen degrees west through the middle of an Island that Lies in an Elbow of the Said Branch four hundred and Ten yards then north thirty five degrees west through my Land Granted to me in two pattents and a Convayance from Laurance Retons pattent and a Deed from nathinel martin according to the Divison aforsaid Give to my Grand Son Edmund Chancey Son of Stephen Chancey to him his heirs and assigns.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, the middle most part of my plantation adjoining to the Eastermost part begining at the Divison aforsaid, then Runing down the Branch to the mouth of it with a Streight Corse to the main Swamp of newbegun Creek, then Runing up and Joyning to the said Swamp Various Corses to the mouth of a Cypruss Branch which Runs out of the main Swamp, aforsaid, Just below the narrow Sandhills, then Runing up and Joining to the middle of the main fork of it then north Six Degrees west through my Land I Give to my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, to him his heirs and assigns.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, my Sandhills Land adjoining to the west Side of my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, begining at the mouth of the Cypruss branch aforsaid, then Runing up and Joining to the East Side of the main Swamp, I Give to my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, to him his heirs and assigns, but if my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, Should die without Esue, then it is my will that the Land Should fall to my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Stephen Chancey, to him, his heirs and assigns; and it is my will that my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, Shall have the Liberty to Dwell on the Eastermost part of my plantation, and to Enjoy the benefits of it with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, untel my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Stephen Chancey, doth Come to the age of Twenty one years, and for her to pay the yearly Quitrents for the Same, and it is my will also, that my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, Shall have full previlleg and use of the middlemost part of my plantation, and for her to pay the yearly Quitrente for the Same, untill my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, doth Come to the age of Twenty one years.

Item. I Give and bequeath unto my Son, Daniel Chancey, five pounds, Virginia money, and my Two Servants, Jack Spanyerd boe and Spanyoll Boe, During the time of their Servitud, by their Indenters, and Two feather Beds and Bolsters, and and Two Ruggs, and all my wearing Cloths, and my Riding Saddle and Bridle, and Sorrel mair, and Three young horses, and Two Large pewter Dishes, and Two Small ones, and Two Large pewter Basons and one Small one, and one Dozn. of Spoons, and Two milling Iron pots, and a full pot, an one aim, and my Large Bible, and a pair of Brass Scales, and five weights, and one Iron Skillet, and Ten pounds of woll.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Son, Zachariah Chancey, one Shilling, Sterling money, to Cut him off from my Raiel and personal Estate, because of the wickedness that he Committed in my house in the time of my absence.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, my white mair, and yearling horse named Trip and go, and my mair named Trim and her Encreas, and a Spice morter and pestel, and Currying knife, and all my Coopers and Carpenters and Shoe makers Tools, and my Stakle, and Three Iron weges, and all my home Spun Linning, and welling Cloth, and all my Thread thereunto Relating, and one Brass Candle Stick, and one box Iron, and Two heters, and Three Supe plates, and all my Sifters, Three Iron pots, one Large and Two midling and a brass kittle, and a Iron Skillet, and one frying pan, Two pair of pot hooks, and Two pair of Tongs and one pair of Stilerds, and a TM funnel, and Three Vhests Two in the outward Room and one heigh Chest, and half my Leather, and Two feather beds, and Two Bolsters, Two Ruggs and one pair of Blankets, one pair of Sheets, and Two Bedsteads and Cords, and a Large Dish and Two middling ones, and one Lare pewter Bason, and a midling one, and one Small one, and Six pewter plates, and one full pot, and a par of Talers Shears, and a Looking glass, and one Dozn. of Spoons, and one pewter Chamber pot, and all my Chears, and Two Juggs, and all my Round Bottles, and a Gun, and my welling and Linning wheals, and Sixteen Barrels of Corn, and four hundred and fifty pounds of Dryed Meat, and Three Gallons of fatt, and Two Bushels of Salt, and my Sope, and one Quarter part of my Sweetning, and my work horses Named Rone and Roney, and Baul and Huzzes Two year old horse, and all my Plows, hoes and axes, with the gears, and on grind Stone, one pair of mill Stones, and my woll Cards and Eight Cows and Calves or yerlings, and four Stears, one Quarter part of my hoggs, and my wheat patch, and all my black peper and all my flax and woll and Sheep, and also my Servants bob boe, and Rachel boe, and frank boe, and her Two Children, Durin the time of their Indenters.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Daughter, Mary Chancey, Daughter of Jacob Chancey, one feather bed and a Bolster, and a Rug, and a blanket and a Sheet and Six Spoons, and Two Iron pots, and a full pot, and a brass Candle Stick, andThree pewter plates, and a pewter Bason, and a frying pan, and Three Sheep and Two Cows and Calves, Two Saws and Six Shotes, and one dish.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, Two Cows and Calves, and Two Sows and Six Shotes and Three Sheep, Two pots and a Pewter Bason, a Dish and Three plates, & two Razors and a hone.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Daughter, hannah Chancey, Daughter of Zachariah Chancey, one yearling mair Colt and one Iron pot.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, one Cow and Calf, and Two Iron pots, and my will is that my grand Daughter, mary Chancey, and my grand Son, Edmund Chancey, and my grand Daughter, Hannah Chancey, and my grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, Shall have their Legacies which I have Given them Delivered to them within Three months after my Deceas, and they Shall Run all Resks and
hazards of Loses of whr I have given them.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto James Furbish, my Book no Cross no Crown.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, John Bakor, all the Remainder part of my Books.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto mulato Jack Ten Shillings Cash.

Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Daughter Ruths Children, viz : John Bakor, mary Degrafenred, Blake Bakor, Sarah Bakor, Ruth Bakor, and Zadock Bakor, all the Remainder part of my personal Estate to be Eaqually Divided among them.

Item. I do hereby Constitute, make and ordain my Grand Son, John Bakor, to be my Executor, and my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, to be my Executrix to this my Last will and Testament and I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disarm all and Every other former will by me in any wise made Ratifieing and Constituteing this to be my Last will & Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, the day and date above Ritten.

Sined and Sealed by the Said Edmund
Chancey, as his Last will and Testament
in the presents of us the Subscribers:


Present His Majesties Justices.

These may Certifie that Jonathan Reding and Robert Hall, Two of the Evidences to the within Will, appeared in open Court and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist that they ware present and Saw Edmund Chancey Sign, Seal, publish and declare the within to be and Contain his last will and Testament, And that he, the said Edmund Chancey, was Att that time of sound and disposeing Memory. And that they also Saw William Swann, the other Evidence Sign his Name thereto att the same time.
Then appeared Rachel Chancey, Executrix, and was duly Qualified as

Ordered that the Honorable James Murray Esqr Sec. have Notice that
Letters Testamentory issue &c. dated att the Clarks office the 18nth day of July, Annoq. Dom., 1753.


Contributed by Nola Duffy

Copied from Original Will filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Source: NC Wills & Inventories – Grimes