JOHN ARMOUR (1728 Will)




March 21, 1728

In the name of God Amen.

The Twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight Nine. I JOHN ARMOUR of the precinct of Pasquotank and provence of North Carolina. ????being very sick & weak in body but perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God for the same. Therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian (rest of page torn)

Item.  I give and bequith unto JOHN DAVIS my former Wifes Brother twenty five acres of land held by aplot to him and his heirs for ever proved that if it should ?? that my Daughter MARY shall have the refusall of it

Item.  I give and bequoth unto my Loving Wife two negroe men named Dick and Tom to her and her heirs for ever Likwise Little Sarah and Hannah as afore said for ever.

Item.  I give and bequoth unto my Son(?torn) ARMOUR one negroe boy named Perry, one negroe garl named Silive as also one negroe girl named Amo to him and his heirs for ever.

Item.  I give and bequoth unto my Daughter ANN one negroe boy named Harry one negroe boy named Jack and one negroe girl named Jane to her and her heirs for ever.

Item.  I give and bequeath to my Daughter MARY one negroe boy named Stephen two negroe girls named Frank and Rase to her and her heirs for ever.

Item.  I give and bequeath to my Wife one negroe woman named Great Sarah and all her children that which she shall bare hearafor I give to my Son I give her also three horses named Jocky Trip & Capor as also one mare branded with “DB” and her increase to her and her heirs for ever.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Son a young mare of a dark bay as also a yong horse with a bold face and branded with my brand on the rear side with my with my brand.

Item.  I give to my Daughter ANN one horse named Durgin as also one black mare brand on the far butock with an “ “ sid Wife a the spade mare.

Item.  I give to my Daughter MARY one ???? horse named Jerky one old mare named Bony branded with “IA” and one black mare of four years old and their increase for ever.

Item.  I give to my Wife one flone(?) horse named Pot(?)

Item.  I to WILLIAM DAVIS my former Wifes Brother old est heffer at Griffin Swamp mark with  a peak in right ear and crop in the left to him with her increase

Item.  I give unto my two Daughters ANN and MARY all the rest of the cattle of the above said mark that can be found viz. a peek in the right ear & a crop in the left both them and their increase to be equally divided at the time of mariage.

Item.  I give unto my Wife three yoke of oxen ——-(smudged) the hears(?) weth a crop affixt one on Rool(?) nick right ear and a crop and an und or Rool in the left to her own proper use and I give rest of my cattle to my Wife and Son to be divided at her discretion.

Item.  I give to my two Daughters ANN and MARY each four ewes and a ram to be delivered  to them at the time of marriage and the remainder of the sheep I give to my Wife.

Item.  I give unto my two Daughters each of them a bead and furniture to be delivered to them at their marriage.

Item.  I give my Son one bead and furniture to be delivered to him at the age of eighteen years.

Item.  I give to each of my Daughters a two gallon pot.

Item.  I give to my Son a Cullos and a gun.

Item.  I give my Daughter ANN a trunk and a small bose.

Item.  I give to my Daughter MARY a small chest.

I give and bequeath all the rest of my estate to my true and loving Wife whom I appoint and nominat to be my executor  together with her Father Mr. DAVID BAILY my ???? of this my Last Will and Testament containing three sides of paper and I doe hereby utterly disalow revoke and disannull all and every other former wills to??? By me ??? before made. Ratifying & confirming this and only this to be my Last Will and Testament in witness I have now unto set my hand and seal the day and year before mentioned.



Signed sealed and Delivered published Pronounced by


His Last Will and Testament

In presence of

–Transcriber’s Note: This part of page seems to be missing there are no witnesses nor is there a probate date only that it was in March Court.

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)






December 12, 1719

In the name of God Amon Decemb. 13th 1719

I WILLIAM ARMOR of the procint of Pasquotank in No. Carolina being sick and weak of body but of sound & perfect memory (praise be givon to God for the same) and knowing to uncertinly of this life and being desirous to take(?) things in ford or doe make this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following that is to say first & principally I commend my Soul to Almighty God my Creator assurodly believing that I shall receive pardon & free reminision of all my sins of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ and my body to the earth from whence it was taken in a Christian like and decent mannor by executors hereafter named and as touching such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath ???? me the same shall be ?????as hereafter by this my will is expressed ???? pronouncing ????? and making void all wills and Testaments by me heretofore.

Imprimis.  I give and bequith to THOMAS ARMOR Ye Son of ELIZABETH one negro man named Harry to him and his but if the said THOMAS should die without issue that the negro shall fall to the name of ???? ARMORS again and his Wife, a bed??? a wisted  (?) ?? Rug and a pair of sheets as agoe four now pewtor basons four now dishes and six plate likewise one negro boy called Sampson bought of my Wife ELIZABETH by vortue of a letter of morny from ASHLY EUNIS as alloe(?)

Itom.  I give unto my Son THEOPHILOS ARMOR thirty pounds

Itom.  I give unto my Mother ???? clothes

Itom.  I give the remainder part of my mony to be divided between ROBT. ARMOR, JNO. ARMOR, and ANN MEAIDS

Itom.  I give unto WILLIAM BROTHERS one white horse with a black main and tale.

Itom.  I give unto the yongest child that my Wife brought one shilling

In witness I have hearunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written and I doe acknowledge this to be my Last Will and Testament.

WILLIAM ARMOR     (His “A” mark)

Signed sealed Delivered in the Presence of us

WILL. JAMES    (His mark)

THO. CRANK     (His “Tc” mark) 

I the above subscrib & doe make JOHN ARMOR to be my sole Executor of my goods and chattles

The Subscribor doe in ye ???? of God & under ye penalty of jorjury declare that I saw ye Test. WM. ARMOR sign seal & declare the above writton to be his Last Will & Testament and that I sett my mark as ????? and thereunto & saw the above named THO. CRENK do ye same


The mark of

Jan.y. 25th 1719. 

The above Will was proved by the oath of  THOS. CRANK before me taken on ye Holy Evangiliest and the above subscriptions of ????? before me taken in Testimony whereof I have hearunto sett my hand ye day & year afore mentioned


The same day also came JOHN ARMOR the Ext. above mentioned to ye Will of WILLIAM ARMUR & before me made oath on ye Holy Evangilos that to ye best of his power he will duely preform the will of the said Testator according as he has therein declared.

Certified this 25th Day of Jan.Y. 1719



Letters granted Feby. 5, 1719

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)






Febuary 12, 1759

In the name of God Amen. This Twelueth Day of Febuary One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine. I ISAAC ALBERTSON of the Precsents of Pasquotank In North Carolina Planter being very sick & weeke in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to almighty God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body. Knowing that it is appoynted for all men Once to Die I doe make and ordain this my Last Will & Testament that is to say Principly and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that give it and for my body I commend to the earth to be burried in a Christain like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the Genrel Resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldy estates where wills it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give device and dispose of the same in the form & following manner.  Imprimiss.

Item.  My will is that my well beloved Wife JEMIMA ALBERTSON should have the use of all my Land and Premissarys and like wise of the mills, my Land begins near my Spring on the swamp side and runing with a streight line along my ditch and soe to the back line soe to take in one hundred and fifty acres and likewise the use of my negros and my cattle & my hogs & my horses & my sheep & all my housel good & every thing that are min during her Natrel Life Only.

Item.  I give to my Daughter RUTH when she comes to the age of twenty one the half of all that remains if required  (Note: this part is either marked through or creased and hard to make out)  

Item.  Likewise I give to my Daughter RUTH the other halfe of mine after her Mothers decease remains if required

Item.  I make my well beloved Wife my hole & sole Executor of all my good and Chattles.

Where unto I have set my hand and fixt my seal. The Day and Date above mentioned.


 Executor Qualified

 In the presents of us




North Carolina

Pasquotenk County

March Court A D 1759

Present his Majesties Justices

These may Certify that THOMAS CRAGHILL appeared in open Court and under oath on the Holy Evangelast that he was present and saw ISAAC ALBERTSON sign seal publish and declare the within to be and contain his Last Will and Testament and that he also saw ISAAC LITTEN and SARAH MARTIN the other two Evidences sign their names thereto at the same. Then appeared JEMIMA ALBERTSON and was duly qualified & ordered that the Honorable RICHARD SPAIGHT Esq. Secretary. Have notice that Letter may issued



Letters issued

5coppey sheets

Recorded in Test. Office

Booke No. 5 page 179

Pasquotank County

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)