The Last Will and Testament of


November 26, 1780-March 1781

In the name of God amen the Twenty Sixth day of November 1780 I WILLIAM SEXTON of the County Pasquotank being very weak in body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given unto God. Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it appointed for all men once to dye do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say Principally & first of all I give & recommend my soul into the hands of almighty God that gave it & my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the descreation of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same a gain by the mighty power of God.

And as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless in this life I give demise & dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

Impermise: I lend the use of all my land & moveable estate to my dearly beloved wif LURAINEY during her natural life.

Impermise: I give L& bequeath to my well beloved Daughter PETHIAR PR—ARD (page torn) one chse of drawes together with what she has before received sd. chest to be recd. After her Mothers death.

Impermise: I give & bequeath to my well beloved Daughter MIRIAM PRICHAR one feathe bed together with what she has before recd. Said bed to be recd. After her Mothers death.

Impermise: I give & bequeath to my well beloved Son MALACHI SEXTON my gray horse.

Impermise: I give & bequeath to the heirs of my well beloved Daughter SARAH SCOTT One lawful shilling for her share of my estate.

Impermise: the remaining part of my estate I give & bequeath to my Three youngest children viz. MALACHI RHODA & NANIE SEXTON after their Mother death.

I do hereby revoke & disallow every other Testament ratifying this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament in writing in Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal the day year first above written. I likewise constitute & appoint David Prichard MALACHI SEXTON & my dearly beloved Wife LURAINEY executors & executrix to this my Last Will & Testament

                                                                                                    WILLIAM SEXTON  seal

                                                                                                      His x mark 

Jos. Madren jurat

Arthur Jennings

Thos. Prichard

And Exe. Qualify

State of N. Carolina

Pasquotank County

March Inferior Court of Pleas & S 1781

Present the Worshipfull Justices

Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM SEXTON was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of Joseph Madren a subscribing evidence thereto who was present & saw the testator sign seal & acknowledge the within to be and contain his Last Will and Testament and at the same time appeared David Pritchard executor therein named and was Qualifyd according to Law ???? for Letters. Orders for to record

Test: Enoch Relfe CCC

Recorded in Book K page 56

This 8th day of August 1783

By Enoch Relfe CC 

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



 The Last Will and Testament of


May 22, 1882-November 28, 1890

In the name of God Amen.

I WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD and being at this time of sound and disposing mind and memory do make publish and declare the following to be my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all Wills heretofore made by me.

1: I give and devise to my son W.F. PRITCHARD and his heirs subject to the charges hereinafter set out all that part of my home tract of land in this County that lies on the North side of the following line to wit, beginning at a small ditch on the road near to and South of the house now occupied as a residence by the said W.F. PRITCHARD, and running from thence a due West course to the direct line. I also give and devise to said W.F. PRITCHARD and his heirs subject to charges as aforesaid, all that part of my Isaac Pritchard tract of land that lies on the Eastward side of the following line, to wit, beginning at the James B. Pritchard line at the end of the lead ditch, at the path near the corner of the fence to the Westward of W.N. Perkins present residence and running from thence Southwardly to the main road not far to the Eastward of Turnpike? Bridge.

II: I give and devise to my Son HENRY PRITCHARD and to his heirs subject to the charges hereinafter set out (subject also to the contingency of his dieing without lawful issue) all the rest and residue of my said home tract of land, to wit, all that part of the same that lies on the South end of the dividing line aforesaid that begins at the small ditch near W.F. PRITCHARD residence. Also I give and devise to said HENRY PRITCHARD and his heirs subject to charges and contingencies as aforesaid all the rest and residue of my said Isaac Pritchard tract of land, to wit, all that part of the same that lies on the West of the said binding line extending by the lead ditch from the J.B. Pritchard line to the main road, near Turnpike? Bridge: (but it is my will that if my said Son HENRY should die without having lawful issue, then, the lands hereinbefore willed to him shall go in fee simple, One half of the same to my Son W.F. PRITCHARD and his heirs, the other half of the same to my Three Daughters MARY, ELIZABETH and RUTH and their heris & to the survivors of them.

III: I give and devise to my Daughter MARY the Wife of MALICHI SAWYER and her heirs subject to the charge of Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars to be paid over by her in reasonable time to my executors my tract of land in Providence Township containing about 41 acres which I purchased from Griffin Pritchard, the same known as the Philip Pritchard tract.

IV: I give and devise to my Daughter ELIZABETH the Wife of W.N. PARKER and her heirs subject to the charge of One Hundred Dollars to be paid over in reasonable time by her to my executor my tract of land in said Providence Township containing about 26 acres which I purchased from Cader Perry Trustee, the same being known as the Thorton tract.

V: I give and devise to my Daughter RUTH PRITCHARD in fee subject to the contingency that she leaves lawful issue at her death my canal tract of land containing about 20 acres which I purchased from Arthur Pritchard, but it is my will that if she said RUTH shall die leaving no lawful issue, then, I give two thirds of the tract that adjoins W.N. PARKERS land being Daughter ELIZABETH PARKER & her heirs in fee, the other third of it I give in such case to my said Son W.F. PRITCHARD & his heirs.

VI: I give and bequeath to each of my Daughters MARY ELIZABETH and RUTH one bed, bedstead, bed furniture.

       I give to my said Daughter RUTH my bureau. I give to my said Son HENRY one bed bedstead, and bed furniture.

       I give to my said Son W.F. PRITCHARD my surveyor compass & plotting instruments.

VII: I give and bequeath to my said Sons W.F. PRITCHARD and HENRY PRITCHARD, equally and share and share alike subject to the charges hereinafter set out, all the rest and residue of my personal property of every kind and nature whatsoever including my furniture not hereinbefore disposed of. Also my notes and money also live stock, farm implements, vehicles crop provision on hand and all crops that may the time of my death be in process of cultivation by myself or tenants or renters on any and all of my several tracts of land above mentioned.

But as in all probability my indebtness at the time of my death will be considerable I have charged hereinbefore and do hereby charge the devises and bequeaths made hereinto as follows:

1st: the said devise of land to MARY with Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars as aforesaid.

2nd: The said devise of land to ELIZABETH with One Hundred Dollars as aforesaid.

3rd: All the devises of land aforesaid to my Sons W.F. & HENRY and the bequests of the personal property aforesaid to them I charge with the full and entire payment of all the rest of the debts that I may owe at my death, also with all the charges and expenses of settling my estate.

VIII: It is my will and desire that my Daughters MARY and ELIZABETH shall pay over to my executor the sum charged to them aforesaid soon after my death as they can conveniently do so and that the yearly rents and profits of the land devised to them be applied to that purpose.

IX: I desire that my said Sons W.F. and HENRY PRITCHARD shall at all time have special charges and care of their Sister RUTH and that they be kind and affectionate to her.

I hereby nominate and appoint my Two Sons W.F. PRITCHARD and HENRY PRITCHARD the executors of this my Last Will and Testament May 22, 1882.


Witnessed by the ????

Signed at the request of WM. B. PRITCHARD in his presence & the presence of each other May 22, 1884

Frank Vaughan

James Vaughan


I hereby change my foregoing Will in the following particular to wit: Omit of item ”II” at the bottom of the first page the words “subject also to the contingency of his dieing without lawful issue.” Also omit all the last part of item “II” near the middle of page two to wit: but it is my will that if my said Son HENRY should die without leaving lawful issue then the lands hereinbefore willed to him shall go in fee simple One half of the same to my Son W.F. PRITCHARD and his heirs, the other half of the same to my Three Daughters MARY, ELIZABETH and RUTH and their heirs or to the survivors of them” I make no further alteration in my foregoing Will except such as are expressed in this Codicil and I hereby declare the same to be my Will. Oct. 11, 1884.

                                                                                 WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD

Witnessed by the undersigned at the request of WM. B. PRITCHARD and in the presence and at his request and in the presence of each other. Oct. 11, 1884.

Frank Vaughan

James Vaughan

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

In the Superior Court

A paper purporting to be the Last Will and Testament and Codicil thereto of WM. B. PRITCHARD deceased is exhibited before me the undersigned Clerk Superior Court for the said County, by HENRY M. PRITCHARD one of the executors therein mentioned and the due execution thereof by the said WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD proven on oath and examination of Frank Vaughan and James Vaughan the subscribing witnesses thereto who being duly sworn doth depose and say and each for himself deposeth and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the paper writing now shown herein purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD: that the said WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD in the presence of these deponent, subscribed his name at the end of Said paper writing, which is now shown as foresaid, and which bears date of the 22nd day of May 1884. And the Codicil bearing date Oct. 11, 1884. And the deponent further saith, that the said WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD the testator aforesaid declared the said paper writing so subscribed by him and exhibited and the Codicil thereto to be his Last Will and Testament and this deponent did thereupon subscribe his name at the end of said Will and Codicil as an ???????? thereto and at the request and in the presence of the said testator. And this deponent further saith that at the time when said testator subscribed his name to the said Last Will and Codicil as aforesaid and at the time of the deponent subscribing his name as an attesting witness thereto as aforesaid the said WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD was of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a Will and was not under any restraint to the knowledge information or belief of this deponent further this deponent saith not.

Frank Vaughan  seal

James Vaughan  seal

Severely sworn to and

Subscribed before me this 28th day of November 1890.

J.P. Overman C.S.C.

Therefore it is adjudged and considered by the Court that the foregoing paper writing and every part thereof is the Last Will and Testament of WILLIAM B. PRITCHARD including the Codicil thereto attached. Let the same together with this order of Probate and the affidavit of the witnesses be recorded in the office Clerk  Superior Court of Pasquotank County N.C. This 28th day of November 1890

J.P. Overman

Clerk Superior Court

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Last Will and Testament of


July 11, 1879-June 13, 1882

In the name of God Amen!

I MILES R. PRITCHARD, being of sound and disposing mind do make publish and declare the following to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all wills herebefore made by me.

Item 1: I give and bequeathe to my Daughter ALICE MORGAN Twenty Five Dollars to be paid to her out of any notes or money that may belong to my estate.

Item 2: I give and bequeathe to my Daughter MARY FRANCES RUSSELL Twenty Five Dollars to be paid to her out of any notes or money that may belong to my estate.

Item 3: I give and bequeathe to my Daughter CLARA CARMINIS Twenty Five Dollars to be paid to her out of any notes or money that may belong to my estate.

Item 4: I give and devise to my Son CHARLES MARTIN PRITCHARD the tract of land given to me by my Uncle LEMUEL PRITCHARD in his Last Will, but should my said Son die without leaving lawful issue of his body then and in that case I give the said tract of land to my Son MILES RUFUS PRITCHARD in fee.

Item 5: It is my desire and I hereby request of my Son said CHARLES MARTIN, that, if the land that my Father ISAAC PRITCHARD willed to him in case of the death of his Grand Son MARTIN PRITCHARD without lawful issue of his body should eventually come to him, he will divide the same with his Brother MILES RUFUS by giving to him that part of it known as the Emily Albertson land; but I merely share this as my desire and not in any manner to affect this my Will whether my Son CHARLES M. shall act in account to my wishes in this respect or not.

Item 6: I give and devise to my Son MILES RUFUS PRITCHARD the tract of land that my Father ISAAC PRITCHARD devised to me in his Last Will, the same adjoining the said tract left to me by my Uncle LEMUEL, but if my Son MILES R. PRITCHARD should die without lawful issue of his body then and in that case I give the said land to my Son CHARLES MARTIN PRITCHARD in fee.

Item 7: I give and bequeathe and devise all the rest and residue of my estate of whatever kind to my Two Sons the said CHARLES M. & MILES R. PRITCHARD to be equally divided between them share and share alike, first charging the same with the payment of all my just debts & funeral expenses.

Item 8: I hereby constitute and appoint my Two Sons said CHARLES M. and MILES R. PRITCHARD to be the executors of this my Last Will and Testament. This the 11th day of July, A.D. 1879.

                                                                                       MILES R. PRITCHARD 

The foregoing instrument was this day declared by MILES R. PRITCHARD, whose signature is attached to it, to be his Last Will and Testament and at his request and in his presence we hereby sign our names as witnesses to it.

Seth N. Morgan

Asa Jennings

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

In the Probate Court

June the 13th AD 1882 

Before me the undersigned Judge of Probate for Pasquotank County in the said State of North Carolina, this day personally appeared Seth N. Morgan whose name is subscribed to an instrument of writing, as a witness, this day purported as the Last Will and Testament of MILES R. PRITCHARD, decd. Who on oath and examination says that of the request of the testator, MILES R. PRITCHARD and in his presence he and one Asa Jennings, who is now dead, subscribed their names as witness to the said paper writing, he having first signed the same and then and there declaring the same to be his Last Will and Testament for the purposes therein set forth. Further that at the aforesaid time of signing the said paper writing the said Testator was of sound mind and disposing memory. The said Seth N. Morgan further says that he verily believes the name of Asa Jennings subscribed to the said Will is genuine and in his own hand writing he having seen him write his name, and the said signature was written by him in his presence. Also appeared Frank Vaughan, who being duly sworn says that he was well acquainted with the hand writing of the said MILES R. PRITCHARD, from having frequently seen him sign his name and that he has examined the paper writing propounded and verily believes that the signature of MILES R. PRITCHARD thereto attached is in his own hand writing and genuine.

Wherefore, it is considered in the Court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the Last Will and Testament of MILES R. PRITCHARD, deceased, and the same is hereby ordered to be recorded in Pasquotank County

John Heywood Sawyer

Judge of Probate for

Pasquotank County, N.C.

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)