The Last Will and Testament of


March 26, 1867-June 1867 

In the name of God Man.

I PETER PRITCHARD of the County of Pasquotank and State of North Carolina being of sound and disposing mind do make publish & declare the following as my Last Will and Testament to wit:

Item 1st: It is my desire that my executor hereinafter named shall first pay all my just debts in manner as I hereinafter direct.

Item 2nd: I give and bequeath to my Sons PHILLIP PRITCHARD and RICHARD PRITCHARD Two Hundred Dollars each to be paid by my executor hereinafter named, out of the proceeds of the sale of my corn now on hand at the Weeks farm.

Item 3rd: I give to my beloved Wife OLLEY PRITCHARD during the term of her natural life all my land except the PRITCHARD tract formerly owned by PHILLIP PRITCHARD decd. And the Jamima Thornton tract. I also give to my Wife OLLEY during the term of her natural life all my household and kitchen furniture and all my cattle & stock of whatever kind and all the balance of my corn not given away in Item No. 2, and all my crop of wheat now growing together with all the balance of my property of whatever kind and description.

Item 4th: I give and bequeath to my Sons JOSIAH PRITCHARD, ELIAS PRITCHARD, PETER PRITCHARD, STEPHEN PRITCHARD, PHILLIP PRITCHARD and RICHARD PRITCHARD to be equally divided among their share & share alike. The said PRITCHARD tract formerly belonging to PHILLIP PRITCHARD decd, But it is my Will that all my just debts be charged against the said PRITCHARD tract and that my executor herein after named require my Son to whom the said tract is conveyed herein to rais an amount sufficient to pay the same and fully and entirely pay the same.

Item 5th: After the death of my Wife I give and bequeath to my Sons WM. RILEY PRITCHARD, JOSIAH PRITCHARD, ELIAS PRITCHARD, PETER PRITCHARD, STEPHEN PRITCHARD, PHILLIP PRITCHARD, and RICHARD PRITCHARD, all the balance of land together with all the balance of my property of whatever kind and description.

Item 6th: It is my desire that my Son WILLIAM RILEY PRITCHARD shall have his share of the land herein devised to him in the Thornton tract adjoining the Clark land to extend from Evan F. Pritchard land to the Whitehurst land.

Item 7th: If any of my Sons should die not leaving lawful issue it is my will that his share of my estate herein devised shall be equally divided among my surviving Sons.

Item Eight: I give and bequeath to my Daughter SOPHIA DAILY Two Hundred Dollars to be paid to her within Five years from the time of my death by my Sons WM. RILEY PRITCHARD, JOSIAH PRITCHARD, ELIAS PRITCHARD, PETER PRITCHARD, STEPHEN PRITCHARD, PHILLIP PRITCHARD and RICHARD PRITCHARD or the survivors of them and it is my desire that the lands herein above devised to them be charged with the payment of the said sum of Two Hundred Dollars.

Item 9th: I give and bequeath to the Two children of my Daughter SARAH BRITE, SOPHA and ANNA a bed & cow that I loaned to my said Daughter SARAH and which are now in the possession of the Father of the said SOPHA & ANNA.

Item 10th: I nominate and appoint my Son ELIAS PRITCHARD executor of this my Last Will and Testament March 26, 1867.

                                                                                                PETER PRITCHARD seal

                                                                                                 His x mark

Signed in presence of

Wm. B. Pritchard

James B. Pritchard

North Carolina

Pasquotank County

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

June Term AD 1867

The forgoing paper writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of PETER PRITCHARD decd. Is exhibited for Probate in open Court by ELIAS PRITCHARD the executor therein named & the due execution thereof by the said PETER PRITCHARD is proved by the oath & examination of Wm. B. Pritchard & James B. Pritchard the subscribing witnesses thereto. It is therefore considered by the Court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the Last Will and Testament of the said PETER PRITCHARD and the same is ordered to be recorded & filed, and thereupon the said ELIAS PRITCHARD executor as aforesaid duly qualifies as such by taking the oath required by law.

A.P. White Clerk

By S.D. Whit Debt. 

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)


The Last Will and Testament of


September 2, 1780-March 1781

In the name of God Amen I MAXIMILIAN SANDERLIN of the County of Pasquotank Taylor being in reasonable health of body and in sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I gave and recommend my soul in to the hands of almighty God that gave it and my  body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and touching such worldly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

Item: I gave to my loving Wife DORCAS SANDERLIN one mare bridle and saddle that I now have two cows one fether bed

Item: I gave to my Daughter MABEL SANDERLIN one half of the land where I now live to her and her heirs one cow & her increase one fether bed and furniture.

Item: I gave to Daughter SIDNA SANDERLIN one half of my land where I now live to her and her heirs one cow and her increase one fether bed and furniture

Likewise I gave the use of all the rest of my estate to my loving Wife during her life time and then to be divided between my Two Daughters MABEL and SIDNA only my will is that my loving Wife have the use of my land during her life time.

Likewise I nominate and chose Stephen Stafford and Devotion Sanderlin executers to this my Last Will and Testament disallowing & revoking all and every other will and testament by me made before ratifying this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 2nd day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Siven Hundred and Eighty.

                                                                                         MAXIMILIAN SANDERLIN  seal

Signed sealed & delivered in the presents of us

Test. D. Pritchard

Susanah Cowey juratt

Her x mark

Miriam Pritchard

Her x mark

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

March Inferior Court of Please & Quarter Sessions 1781

Present the Worshipful Justices

This written will was exhibited by Stephen Stafford & Devotion Sanderlin Executors therein proved by the oath of Susannah Cowey one of the subscribing witnesses there to in due form of law, & was ordered to be recorded and at the same time both executors was Qualified agreeable to law.

Recorded August 8, 1783 in Book K Page 53

Test. Enoch Relfe CCC

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Last Will and Testament of


August 1762-January 1765

In the name of God Amen. I MARY SANDERLIN of Pasquotank County and in the Province of North Carolina being in sound mind and memory and knowing the uncertainty of this life do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows.

First of all I give my soul to God that gave it and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter to be named.

Item: I give & bequeath to my Son JAMES SANDERLIN a certain plantation or parcel of land beginning at a poplar in James Doshers line & running up Sawyers Creek Swamp by a line of marked trees to a gum in a ???? then along a line of marked tree a cross Broad Neck and then binding on Robert Morgans line to the first station it being for One Hundred acres of land the same being more or less to him and his heirs forever also Two sows to him and his heirs.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Son JOSEPH SANDERLIN a certain plantation or parcel of land containing One Hundred acres be the same more or less beginning at a gum in Williams Branch and running up the middle of the said branch to a black oak then by a line of marked trees to a hickrey and then running by a line of marked trees to a white oak and from thence to a beach to ye back line then binding on the back line to a beach on JAMES SANDERLINS line then running down a line of marked trees to the first station gum, the same to him and the heirs of his own body & for want of such heirs to my Son MAXIMILIAN SANDERLIN & his heirs also I give to my Son JOSEPH SANDERLIN a set of turning tools & grinstone and all my other tools also three stocks of bees & one sow & pigs to him and his heirs.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Son EZEKIEL SANDERLIN the plantation whereon I now live lying on the North West side of Williams Branch beginning at a white oak Willis Lufmans corner tree and running down the middle of the said branch to the Creek swamp and then up the Creek swamp to Sandy Ridge then binding on Willis Lufmans line to the first station containing Sixty acres more or less to him & the heirs of his one body and for want of such heir to my Son DEVOTION SANDERLIN & his heirs also I give to my Son EZEKIEL SANDERLIN one sow and five shotes, two stocks of bees and two young sows to him and his heirs.

Item: I give to my Son MAXIMILIAN SANDERLIN one horse and saddle, one gun, & one cutley one heifer of four year old, and one heifer of three year old & my dether bed and furniture two pewter dished three plates eighteen spoons one iron pot one frying pan two young sows also one sow & five shotes to him and his heirs.

Item: I give to my Son DEVOTION SANDERLIN one fether bed beadsted & furniture, two young sows one iron pot & one skillet, one hand mill, one square table, one cow & one young heifer, two pewter dishes, one pewter bason, and three plates to him and his heirs: I order my executor after my just debts be paid that the remainder part of my personally estate be sold and the money to buy a mare for my Son DEVOTION not braking in on any legacies in this my will already given or that I am about to give in the latter part of this my Last Will.

Item: I give to my friend WILLIAM WILLIAMS Senior the remainder part of my land contained in my patten that I have not already given, the same beginning at a black oak standing at Sanderlins Horse Bridge, running up a branch and binding Koens line and Thomas Sawyers patten line and from thence running and binding on the patten line of the said land to a beach JOSEPH SANDERLINS corner tree thence by a line of marked trees to a pine and from thence to a white oak and from thence by a line marked trees to a hickory and from thence to the black oak of Sanderlins Bridge it being the first station to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give to my Daughter MARY SANDERLIN one young cow one young heifer of four years old one of two year old and bell mettle morter and also one wollen wheel one linen wheel two young sows one fether bed and furniture and a parcel of earthen and delftware to her & her heirs.

I do hereby appoint my friend Thomas Sawyer Esq. To be executor to this my Last Will and Testament ordering him my just debts to pay & will to execute revoking all other wills by me formerly made. In witness whereof I have set my hand and fixed my seal this day of August Anno Dom 1762.

                                                                                           MARY SANDERLIN  seal

                                                                                             Her x mark

Signed sealed and delivered In presence of us

Isaac Murden

Abner Harrison

Tulle Williams

North Carolina

Pasquotank County

January Inferior Court

A.D. 1765

Present his Majesties Justices

These may certify that Abner Harrison and Tulle Williams two of the subscribing evidences to the forgoing will appeared in open Court and made oath on the Holy Evangelist that they were present and saw the above named MARY SANDERLIN dec. sign seal publish pronounce and declare the afsd. writing to be and contain her Last Will and Testament and that she was at that time of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they also saw Isaac Murden the other subscribing evidence sign his name thereto at the same time. Then apprd. Thos. Sawyer Esq. Executor and was duly qualified. Ordered that the Hon.ble Benj. ????  Secretary have notice that Letters may issue.

Test: Tho. Taylor Jur. CCC

Registered the 5 day of March A.D. 1765

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)