The Last Will and Testament of


June 22, 1755-July 1760

North Carolina

Pasquotank County 

Be it know unto all men by these present that I THOMAS PRITCHARD of the place afsd. being sick & weak in body of sound & disposing mind & memory thanks be to God therefore calling to mind the motality of my body & knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die the time when uncertain L& now for the settling of my personal affairs I do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament that is to say princepaly first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it & my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors heareafter named & as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and despose of the following manner & form that is to say I will that all those just debts & contracts as I do owe in right to any manner of person or persons be well & truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid in convenient time & place after my decease by my Executors hereafter named.

Item: I give to my Son THOMAS PRICHARD Three Negro boys one named Jacob, one named Dick and the other called Nedd; also I give to my afsd. Son THOMAS one young mare called Pleasure her and her increase also Two young cows & Two calves and Two sows and pigs and one black walnut ovil table also one good feather bed and furniture three leather chairs, half a dozen new pewter plates Two dishes and basons One two handle silver cup Two young stears about Three years old One middle sized iron pot also all my shoe makers tools also Two young Ews and Two lambs also one small cedar chest and One large white chest with a double dancet? Lock and one Twelves bottle case.

Item: I give to my Son JOSEPH P RICHARD Three Negro boys named Sam, Will and Boson also One young mare colt her and her increase also Two cows and to calves, young ones also Two sows & pigs & Two young ews and lams & Two Three year old stears also One writing desk also One small square Black Walnut table also One iron bound chest and One god fether bed and furniture and Three leather chairs & half a dozen new pewter plates to new pewter dises and Two new pewter basons & four silver spoons and One middle sized iron pot also One Twelve Bottle case red coular.

Item: I give to my Two Sons One brass kettle and the wind mill throes together with the iron works there unto belonging and one hand mill to be equally divided between them.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my dear and loving Wife ELIZ. PRICHARD one negro man named Moses one negro woman called Dinah and One negro woman called Moll to her and her heirs forever, also all the remainding part of my whole estate to my true and Loving ELIZABETH PRICHARD to her and her disposing forever, and furthermore my will is my Wife ELIZ. Have her third in my above mentioned land during the term of her widowhood but if she should happen to marry then my will is that my afsd. Wife ELIZ. Peaceably surrender all her rights of dowry and thirds of all the above mentioned land to my Sons afore mentioned.

Lastly: I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my true and Loving Wife executrix of this my Last Will and Testament & likewise my loving son THOMAS PRICHARD and my loving Cosen JOSEPH PRICHARD and my trusty friend Thos. Nicholson Executors of this my Last Will and Test. Revoking disannulling and making void all former or other wills lagacies bequests & exers. By me before this time made named willed and bequeathed ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament.

In witness wereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Twenty Second day of the Sixth month commonly call’d June in the year One Thosand Seven Hundred & Fifty Five.


Sing’d seal’d published pronounced

And declared by me the said THOMAS PRICHARD

To be my Last Will and Testament in the presence of

Samuel Swann Jur.

John Ferrell

Thos Grandy

North Carolina

Pasquo. County

July Court 1760

Present his Majesties Justices

These may certify that Sam Swann Esq. Appeared in open court and made oath on the Holy Evengelist that he was present & saw THOMAS PRICHARD sign seal publish pronounce and declare the within to be and contain his Last Will and Test. & that he was at that time of sound & disposing memory & that he also saw John Ferrell & Thomas Grandy the other Two evidences sign their names there to at the same time. Then appeared THOMAS PRICHARD exec. Was duly qualified ordered that the Honerable Rich. Speight Esq. ??? have notice that letters issue. 

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Last Will and Testament of


October 9, 1843-December 1850

 Dec. Term 1850

In the name of God Amen! I LEMUEL PRITCHARD of the County of Pasquotank & State of North Carolina being of sound mind & memory blessed be God for the same do make and ordain this Instrument of writing to contain my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz:

First: I give to my Nephew JAMES PRITCHARD the land & the end of the Sextons land next to John Harris heirs beginning on the road near where the house now stands at a cross fence & running to John Harris Sen. Live, also one bofat & crockery ware, one clock & red table & six stool chairs.

I give to my Nephew JESSE PRITCHARD, the balance of the Sexton land next to Ephram Brites land & one blue chest.

I give to my Nephew MILES R. PRITCHARD, the land on the creek called the Murden land, beginning on Adam Staffords heirs road & running as the road now stands straight to the creek between the Two plantations also a piece of swamp that I bought of Wm. Beddle.

I give to my Nephew JOSIAH CARTWRIGHT the Stafford land & improvements and the road above named to be the line from Adams road to the creek & one bed & furniture.

I give to my Nephew WM. B. PRITCHARD one bed & furniture

I give to my Nephew MARTIN PRITCHARD one bed & furniture

I give to my Brother SAMUEL PRITCHARD heirs Ten Dollars out of my estate.

I give my Brother THOMAS PRITCHARD heirs Five Dollars out of my estate.

I give to my Nephew MILES SAWYER Five Dollars out of my estate.

I give to my Sister ELISABETH CARTWRIGHT Twenty Dollars out of my estate.

It is my will & desire  that all the rest of my estate to be equally divided between my Brothers ARTHUR & ISAAC PRITCHARD, it is my will that they take care of my Two Sisters POLLY & SUSAN during their natural life, after paying all my just debts, furthermore I do nominate constitute & appoint my Nephew WM. B. PRITCHARD to be executor of this my Last Will & Testament hereby disannulling all former wills by me made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 9th day of October 1843.

                                                                                           LEMUEL PRITCHARD seal

                                                                                          His T mark 


Stephen Stafford

Seth Morgan

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

Dec. Term 1850

A paper writing purporting to be & contain the Last Will & Testament of LEMUEL PRITCHARD decd. Was produced in open court by Wm. B. Pritchard the executor therin named & the execution thereof proved by the oath of Seth Morgan one of the subscribing witnesses thereto who swore that he saw the sd. LEMUEL PRITCHARD sign the said paper that at the time there of the said LEMUEL PRITCHARD was of sound & disposing mind & memory, that he declared said paper to be & contain his Last Will & Testament & that the same was subscribed by himself & the other witness Stephen Stafford as witness at the request of the said LEMUEL PRITCHARD in his presence & in the presence of each other & that the said subscribing witness Stephen Stafford is now dead. Where upon it is produced by the exec. That the said paper writing is the Last Will & Testament of LEMUEL PRITCHARD & is in law sufficient to pass both real & personal estate. Let the same be recorded on motion Wm. B. Pritchard the executor therein named appeared in open court & qualified as Executor thereto.

Test. W.W. Griffin Clk

Recorded January 22, 1850

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Last Will and Testament of


February 2, 1824-December 1825 

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

I JOSEPH PRITCHARD being in a weak state of health but of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this instrument of writing to be and contain my Last Will and Testament for the disposal of my worldly estate in manner & form following Viz.

Imprimis: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter ABIGAIL PRITCHARD One feather bed & furniture 3rd choice, One trunk, One side saddle, One linen wheel and Fifteen dollars in cash to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter PENNINAH PRITCHARD One trunk, Seventy Five dollars in cash to be applied as far as is necessary to the use of educating her.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter SUSANNAH PRITCHARD One Hundred dollars in cash to be applied as far as is necessary to the use of educating her.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter ARENATH & MARY ANN PRITCHARD each One Hundred & Fifty dollars to be applied as far as is necessary to the use of educating them.

Item: My will and desire is that my boy Joseph Morris (of color) that I bought of George Morris should be hird out for the benefit of my estate until he arrives to a age of Twenty One years on such conditions that the person who hires him shall learn him to read the scriptures.

Item: I give and bequeath my boy Jonah (who was laid at my door in a state of helpless infancy? To Joseph Parker and Aaron White two of the Trustees of the yearly meeting of Friends of North Carolina for the use of said yearly meeting to them & their success in office, now this ???? that Mary a colored woman with whom I have placed him shall have him until he arrives to the age of Twenty One years if she wishes to keep him and if she should chose to keep him, that he be hired out until he arrives to the age of Twenty One years for the benefit of my estate on condition that he be learned to read the scriptures.

Item: I give and bequeath unto Joseph Parker Aaron White & Morris Nixon Three of Trustees of the yearly meeting of Friends of North Carolina (for the use of Sampson Dozier & family) a small piece of land that I purchased of Josiah Davis & Wife adjoining the lands of Bailey Davis heirs & others as my deed Will show them and their successors in office for the use of sd. Sampson & family.

Item: I give my Executers hereafter named full power and authority to sell all my lands except the small piece I have given away to the best advantage when they may think proper and on such credits as they may deem best, and also to sell my personal estate not given away and the money arising from the sale of both the lands & personal estate I will to be equally divided between my Seven Daughters viz. REBECCA MORRIS, BETSEY, ABIGAIL, PENNINIAH, SUSANNAH, ASENAH, & MARY ANN PRITCHARD to them and their heirs forever.

Item: I give & bequeath unto old Pathena Pritchard (of color) the use of one acre of land (where she is abut to build her house) during her life & I wish my Executors hereafter named if the should effeat a sale of my lands to exapt the use of one acre as aforesaid for her use and that she have the privilege to clear it or not as she may think proper.

Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my Brother BENJAMIN PRITCHARD my Son in Law DAVID MORRIS and my friend Morris Nixon executors to this my Last Will & Testament (torn off) by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and no other, to be my Last Will & Testament.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2d day of the 2d mo in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Four.

                                                                                                JOSEPH PRITCHARD seal 

Signed sealed & pronounced by the sd. JOSEPH PRITCHARD to be his Last Will and Testament in presence of us

Samuel Pritchard jurat

William Pritchard 

In addition to the foregoing Will made the 2d day of 2d mo. 1824 my Will L& desire is that if Cesar & Tishy Morris of color can pay for the land whare they no live I bought of Mary Tomson & her Two children the price of One Hundred & Two dollars with the interest from the date of the deed which is the cost that my executor before named should give them a deed for the same L& if they cannot purchase the land that they should pay at the rate of Twelve dollars for each & every year for the due rent L& to keep the same in good repair, the rent to commence the first of 1825 & when my executors shall think proper that they should sell the same in addition to the rent of my lands and apply the money arising therefrom with the rest of my estate as before mention this the 30th of 10th mo. 1824

                                                                                                   JOSEPH PRITCHARD seal


Samuel Pritchard (jurat)

Alfred White

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

December Term 1825

This Last Will and Testament of JOSEPH PRITCHARD dec. was exhibited and proved in open court by the affirmation of Samuel Pritchard one of the subscribing witnesses thereto David Morris one of the executors therein named appeared in open court and qualified to the same as the law directs. Ordered that the will be recorded and Letters Testamentary issue.

Test. Charles Grice Clk

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)