The Last Will and Testament of


August 10, 1797-July l7, 1798

I JOHN PRITCHARD of the County of Pasquotank and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and disposing memory but calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz:

I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife SARAH PRITCHARD all my whole estate both real and person wherever to be found (after all my just debts are paid) to her and her heirs forever and likewise I do by these presents nominate and appoint her the said SARAH PRITCHARD my sole executrix to this my Last Will and Testament, revoking all other wills, gifts, legacies, or bequeath, heretofore by me made, signed with my own hand and sealed with my seal this the Tenth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven  1797.

                                                                                               JOHN PRITCHARD 

Signed sealed published and pronounced in the presence of

Rew Keaton

T. Freshwater jurat

State of No. Carolina

Pasquotank County

March Term 1798

The Last Will and Testament of JOHN PRITCHARD decd. Was exhibited by SARAH PRITCHARD the executrix therein named, and proved in open court by the oath of Thaddeus Freshwater Esqr. Who declared that he saw the Testator JOHN PRITCHARD sign seal and acknowledge the within writing for and as his Last Will and Testament and that the said JOHN PRITCHARD at the time appeared to be of sound and disposing mind and memory, that he also saw Reuben Keaton sign the same as a concurring witness. The said executrix appeared and qualified by taking the oath by law prescribed ordered that the will be recorded and Letters Testamentary issue.

Test: Will T. Muse Clk

Recorded in Book M.

Folio 6

July 17, 1798

Pr. Will. T. Muse clk 

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Last Will and Testament of


October 20, 1796-July 20, 1800 

I JAMES PRICHARD of Pasquotank County in the State of North Carolina being of sound disposing mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for men once to die, do therefore make and ordain this instrument of writing to contain my Last Will and Testament for the disposal of my estate wherewith it hath pleads God to bless me with in manner and form following.

Imprimis: I leave the use of One third of all my lands with the whole of my buildings to my beloved Wife RUTH PRICHARD, during her widowhood, also One fourth of the clear profits of my water mill, or in liese thereof Twenty Five bushels of corn & Twelve & half bushels of wheat yearly leaving the liberty of choice to my Son DAVID PRITCHARD either to pay the corn and wheat or the Fourth of the clear profits as aforsd. During her widowhood. Also I give and bequeath to my loving Wife aforesaid all the property I had by her with it increase, also my Rhode Island Mare, called Blaze, & her horse colt called Pomprey One mare colt (natural pacer) called Light Foot, One yoke of oxen, One third of my sheep, Ten head of Hogs, her own choice, One large pewter dish, One ditto bason, Six do plates, and all the provisions that is or may be laid in for the families use., Two English Blankets, Two cows and calves, her own choice, one coper tea kettle, Six flagg bottom chairs  her own choice, one half of the beaufat furniture to her and her disposal, also the use of the beaufat during her widowhood.

Furthermore I leave to my loving Wife aforesaid the labour of one negro man named Moses, and one negro woman named Hannah with her increase during her widowhood. Also I give to my Wife aforesaid One Eight gallon iron pot that I bot. At the vendue of Benj. Richardson, One Iron Skillet, One new case knives and forks, her choice of those now in the house, to her and her disposal.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Son DAVID PRITCHARD the land and Plantation whereon I now live as far as a line of marked trees which begins at an oak standing in the head of a Little Branch, then along the said line of marked trees to the back line, so along the back line to the Mill Pond for Seventy acres, be it more or less. Also the land & Plantation whereon he the said DAVID PRICHARD now lives containing One Hundred acres be it more or less. Also a piece of swamp land called the Western Branch containing Six acres be it more or less. Also I give to my Son DAVID PRICHARD aforesd. My water mill and a new pare of Mill stones that I lately bought, Also I give to my Son DAVID PRICHARD aforesd. Eight negroes Viz: old Dick & Tamer his Wife, Judah, Solomon, Nan, Rose, Hannah & Miriam one larg iron pot to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter CHARITY MORRIS One Silver dollar, and one small case with some bottles, to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter PEGGY DOUGE Three negroes viz: Ned, Eady and Fillis, all the pewter branded with the two first letter of her name together with what she has had away to her heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter MARY DAUGE all the remaining part of the tract of land whereon I now live, that I have not given away already, containing One Hundred acres, be it more or less together with the Creek swamp from the horse bridge down to Samuel Prichard’s line with the land called Hacocks and the land I bought of John Bundy containing Forty acres more or less and one negro girl named Jane, one blue chest, one square table, one looking glass, one small iron pot to her Her heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Son JAMES PRITCHARD the land and plantation called Duffy’s it being the land I bought of Thomas Relfe and the land I bought of John Madren and the land and plantation I bought of Reuben Overman whereon Asa Jackson now lives, also a piece of land I hold by a deed of conveyance out of John Jennings patent, also a piece of land I hold by a Sheriffs deed being a part of the aforesd. Jennings patent also I give to my afsd. Son JAMES PRITCHARD seven negroes viz: Isabel, Elijah, Betts, Rachel, Moll, Dick and Ned them and their increase together with all the remaining part of my property not already given of what nature or kind soever or wherever to be found to him his heirs & assigns forever.

Furthermore my Will and desire is that in case my Son JAMES PRITCHARD should die without heir of his body lawfully begotten that all I have given him shall be equally divided between my Son DAVID PRITCHARD and my Daughter PEGGY DOUGE.

Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my loving Son JAMES PRITCHARD and my friends Thomas Jordan and John Price whole and sole executors to this my Last Will and Testament, revoking and disannulling all former wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and allowing this only to be my Last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenteth day of October in the year of our Lord 1796.

                                                                                           JAMES PRICHARD

Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said JAMES PRICHARD to be his Last Will and Testament in presence of us

Willis Casse jurat

Sally Casse

Marey Casse jurat

Her x mark

Last Will and Testament of JAMES PRICARD

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

June Term 1800 

James Pritchard

Thos. Jordan      Qual’d. 

The Last Will and Testament of JAMES PRICHARD deceased was exhibited in open court by JAMES PRITCHARD and Thomas Jordan two of the executors therein named and proved in open court by the oaths of Willis Casse & Mary Casse two of the subscribing witnesses thereto who declared that they saw the Testator JAMES PRITCHARD sign seal and acknowledge the within writing for and as his Last Will and Testament, and that the said JAMES PRITCHARD at the time appeared to be of sound and disposing in mind and memory, that they also saw Sally Casse sign the same as a ?????? witness. The said executors appeared and qualified by taking the oath by law prescribed. Ordered that the will be recorded and letters Testamentary issue.

Test. Will. T. Muse Clk

Recorded 7th July 1800

In Book M. folio 39

P. Will. T. Muse

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Last Will and Testament of


February 21, 1871-November 12, 1872

In the name of God Amen!

I ISAAC PRITCHARD being at this time of sound and disposing mind though weak in body do make publish and declar the following to be my Last Will and Testament & hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me.

Item 1st: I give and devise to my Daughter MARY PRITCHARD during the term of her natural life all that certain tract of land whereon I now live which includes as well the Old Place as the parcel or lot which I purchased from Emily Albertson some year ago. And it is my desire and I hereby will that after the death of my said Daughter MARY my Grandson MARTIN PRITCHARD (son of my Son MARTIN PRITCHARD dec) shall have and enjoy the use and benefit of the said described tract of land during the term of his natural life and should my said Grandson MARTIN leave at his death children or the issue of such, then, I give it fee in the said tract to such children or their issue, but should the said MARTIN PRITCHARD my Grandson not leave at his death him surviving any child or children or the issue of such then it is my desire that the tract of land described shall best and be in my Grandson CHARLES MARTIN PRITCHARD (son of my Son MILES R. PRITCHARD) and his heirs forever.

Item 2nd: I give and devise to my Son MILES R. PRITCHARD and to his heirs forever all that tract of land, both highland and swamp whereon the said MILES R. now lives.

Item 3rd: I give and bequeath to MARY PRITCHARD widow of my Son MARTIN PRITCHARD decd. One Hundred dollars in good notes that may have belonging to my estate the balance of all notes and money that I may leave belonging to my estate after the payment of all my just debts, I give to my Daughter MARY, my Son MILES and my Grandson MARTIN  (Son of MARTIN) to be equally divided among them share and share alike.

Item 4th: Al the balance and residue of my estate of whatever kind I give and bequeath to my Daughter MARY PRITCHARD and her heirs.

Item 5th: I hereby nominate and appoint my Son MILES R. PRITCHARD to be my executor of this my Last Will and Testament.


His X mark 

Signed, sealed, published and declared in our presence by the testatory at his request, we within the same in his presence and in the presence of each other February 21st 1871

Frank Vaughan

Wm. B. Pritchard

North Carolina

Pasquotank County

In the Probate Court

November 12, 1872

A paper writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of ISAAC PRITCHARD decd. Is exhibited before me the undersigned Judge of Probate for Pasquotank County by MILES R. PRITCHARD the executor therein named and the due execution thereof by the oath and examination of Frank Vaughan and Wm. B. Pritchard the subscribing witnesses thereof, who being by me duly sworn doth depose and say and each for himself deposeth and sayeth that he is a subscribing witness to the paper writing now shown him purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of ISAAC PRITCHARD that he said ISAAC PRITCHARD in the presence of this deponent subscribed his name at the end of said paper writing which is now shown and which bear date of the 21st day of February 1871 did in the presence of this deponent subscribed his name both said paper writing and the deponent further sayeth that the said ISAAC PRITCHARD the Testatory aforesaid did at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid declare the said paper writing so subscribed by him to be his Last Will and Testament etc…..

ISAAC PRITCHARD was of sound mind and memory of full age to execute this will and was not under any distress to the knowledge information or beliefs of these deponents and further the sd. deponents say not.

Frank Vaughan

Wm. B. Pritchard

Sworn and Subscribed

November 12, 1872

W.E. Vaughan

Probate Judge   

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)