August 6, 1697

In the name of God the Father, Sonne, & Holy Ghost

I PETER FOURRE of the County aforesd being now in perfect sence & memory though ??firme & sick in my body, considering de certainty of death & not
nowing the time & hour thereof have made appointed & declared this my Last
Will & Testament this 6th day of Agust 1697 as follows——

Imprimis. I recommend & give my Soul unto the mercifull hands of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ & appoint my body to be decently interred at the discretion of my excor. After named firmly believing & hoping the resurrection reuniting of my ?? Soul through the meritt of our Lord & Saviour & of my worldly & temporal estate which God hath given me I will & dispose as follows.

2ly. I give & bequeath unto my loving Wife my lands & livings & all Iam ponen(?) with all during her life time——

3ly. And after her decease I give & bequeath my plantation & land & what belong to it unto my Sonne JOHN FOURRE & for the movables within & without the door that shall be left after my Wife’s decease to be divided as followeth.

4ly I give my Daughter NICHOLE one shiling

5ly I give unto my Daughter MARGUERIT one shiling

6ly I give unto my Daughter MARY one haffer of about three years old

7ly If JOHN FOURRE my Sonne should die without heirs then my plantation & land belongin to it should fall unto my Daughter ESTER FOURRE.

Lastly I will & appoint CATHERINE FOURRE my beloved Wife above named my Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament witness my hand & seal this 6th of Agust 1697

                                                                                    PIERRE FOURRE

Signed sealed & declared
In presence of

His “A M” hand


If it be the Lords will that my Wife & I should dye before that my Daughter ESTHER be of age I will that she should live & stay wth. Her God Mother Mrs. ELIZABETH HUNT untill that she be of age & that also she should look after what soever should belong to my said Daughter ESTHER.

We have heard PIERRE FOURRE speak the words of this g:vh Article & desired FRANC DELAMARE to write it as his will the 15 of ??? 1697


(Note can’t make out this subscribers name)

Transcriber’s note:The County is listed as Albemarle but I believe it belongs with what later became Pasquotank County

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)


JOHN FOURRE (1732 Will)


March 13, 1730

In ye name of God Amen I JOHN FOURRE being Anchant & Old but of perfict sence and memory thanks be to God for same knowing ye uncertainty of his(sic) life here on earth doth think it fitt to dispose of what world ye goods which God of his great mercy hath (torn) onst me I do appoint this my Last Will and Testament first & foremost I bequeave my soul to God my Creater with a shour and sertain hope to receive full pardon of all my Sins through ye death of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ & my body to ye earth from it was taken to be buried (unreadable) such dessent manner is my Ext. hereafter named shall think (unreadable)

Imprimis. I give and bequath to my beloved Son JOHN(?) ISAAC FOURRE ye manner plantation where I now live to him and his heirs and a nego gearll named Darkess with one horse named Roger and three cowes and calves ye he is possessed already.

Item. I give and bequath to my beloved Daughter ELIZABETH FOURRE half of one plantation which I bote of FRANCES DELAMAR with one nego woman named Nan to hir and hir heirs with three cowes and calves

Item. I give and bequave to my beloved Daughter MA??ER FOURRE ye other half
of ye plantation I bote of FRANCES DELAMAR to be equally divided between ye two gearll with a melater gearll named ??? and three cowes & calves to hir & hir heirs.

I give to my beloved Son NATHANIELL FOURRE ye plantation where JOHN MASON now lives att ye mouth of Lettell River with one nego gearl named Hanour with three cowes and calves, two him & his heirs

Item. I give and bequath to my Sister MARY SORRY one young mare

Item. I give & bequath unto my beloved Wife one nego boy named Tom with ye plantation I now live on during her life and all ye movbles with in dors and without that is to say hoses & marse cattell and sheep & hogges two hir (unreadable) dispossing and all so I do appoint my beloved Wife and my well belove Son NATHANELL FOURRE and ordain them my only soule exectors to this my Last Will and Testament as witness my hand this thidteen day of March in year of our Lord 1730 and in the fourth year of ye Reign of King George ye Second King of Great Briton France and Irland Defender of ye faith


Sined sealed and delivered
In ye presente of us



     His x mark

Pasquotank prect. Aprile Co. 1732
The above will was proved by ye Evidences in open Court
Test. WM. ????

Lres grant. 5th May 1732

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



February 24, 1727

In ye name of God Amen ye twenty forth day of February in ye year of our lord 1727. I CORNELUIS FOREHAND of Northest parish of Pasqutank being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind ye mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into ye hands of God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to ye earth to be buried as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following maner and form .

Imprimis. I give and bequeath to ELIZATH my dearly beloved Wife one bed and
furniture together with all my household goods and moveables.

Item. I give to my well be loved Son JOHN FOREHAND my gun one cowe name ming (?) with all her increes

Item. I give to my well be loved Son CORNELUIS FOREHAND fifty eakers of
land at ye head of my land jining to AMES(?) line

Item. I give to my well be loved Son JAMES FOREHAND my dwelling plantasion with fifty eakers of land belonging to it and one cow named trumpet.

Item. I give to my well beloved Dafter ELIABETH FOREHAND one cow named ????? and a date chare(?)

Item. I give to my well be loved Son THOMAS FOREHAND two cows ???? to my
well beloved Son RICHARD FOREHAND one cowe

I give to my well be loved Dafter MARY FOREHAND (nothing left to her)

Item. I give to my well beloved Wife ELIZABETH FOREHAND whom I likewise constitute make and ordain my only and sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. All & Rest of my eastate by having to be possessed and enjoyed and I do hereby utterly disan(torn) revoke and disanul all and every other former (torn) testaments Wills and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in witness (torn) I have here unto set my hand and seal ye day and year above written.

                                                                                               CORNELUIS FOREHAND
                                                                                                      His x mark

    His x mark

    His “J” mark

This day came befor me ELIZBETH FOREHAND and made oath on ye Holy evangelis to full fill within mentioned Will this 26(?) day of July in 1728


July Court 1728
The within Will was proveth in open Court by the Evidences of ISAAC JONES, WM. PHILIPS and JOHN KIGHT
Test. R. EVERARDE(?)

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



Jeneniry 25, 1758

In the name of God Amen I ELIZBETH TORKSEY being very sick but of perfeck mind and memory thanks be to almity God for it dow make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in ???? and form as folloeth that is to say. I recommend my sole in to the hand of almighty God that gave it and my body to the grave to be buried at the deseceshiun of my Exec. Herto after menthuned—

Itom. I give and bequive to my be loved Son JOHN TORKSEY all my esteate both reel and paneel to him and his harse for ever after debts paid (?)And I apint and consecute my trusty friend ABEL GALLUP my hole and sole Exec. Of this my Last Will and Testament and dow utterly desulot all others wills before by me maid in witness my hand and seal this 25th day of Jinuiry

Jeneniry 25th then upered and FRANCES BROCKET and JUDAH WHITE and took Oath on the Holey Evengliust that the desist the above sd. ELIZBETH TORKSEY is that GELLEP shuld have lie curop her ??? and sd. and that the will as it stands was her bequist and was in her purfet senses ???? before me

(NOTE I see no signature of Elizabeth) 


Her X mark

Her X mark

WM BURGESS (I see nothing that show this person in the probate but I still
believe he was present)

North Carolina
Pasquotank County

March Court Anno Dom 1758
Present His Majestis Justies
These may ????? that FRANCIS BROCKET and JUDITH WHITE came into Opon Court and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist that they ware present and heard ELIZABETH TORKSEY as is within written. Then ABEL GALLOP appeared and took the oath of an Executor ordered that the Hon. RICHARD SPAIGHT Esq. Secretary hereNotree
that letters issued

Test. Tho. Taylor

A Nuncupative Will of Eliz. Torksey
Was proved in Open Court by the Oath
Letter iss’d the first day of April 1758

Book N. 10
Page 139

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)