Please feel free to enter a query for your family lines in Pasquotank County. If your lines are not in this county, please do not enter a query here. The family in question must have lived in Pasquotank County or had some event in their lives take place there.
Please enter all names/surnames in CAPS. This makes your query much easier to read, and will catch the eye of others looking for the same families. Please include as much information as you already have to help other researchers identify the person(s) in your query.
For information on how to compose an effective query go to:
ISAAC RIGGS son…JOHN RIGGS of Pasquotank and Onslow. Ctys of NC. A line of descendants as follows….My GGGrandfather and GGGrandmother are…Basil Murrell Riggs (Bazil and Murril are spelled many ways through the years) and Ann Jane Melville Riggs. Had 16 children. Originally from Onslow County, North Carolina. The 16 children are a listed… 1) Edmund B Riggs..lived 10 years. 2) Jefferson Davis Riggs had 7 kids. 3) Sarah Frances Riggs, married a Conway had 9 kids…Im from Sarah Frances line of ancestors. 4) Julia Ann Riggs, married a Stanley had 7 kids. 5) Susan Katherine Riggs married a Conway, had 5 kids. 6) Agnes Jane Riggs married a Morton, had 13 kids. 7) Martha Caroline Riggs married a Bright had 6 kids. 8) Mary Elizabeth Riggs “Mollie” married a Morton had 10 kids. 9) Laura Etta Riggs married a Jones had 10 kids. 10) Emma Elizabeth Riggs married a Riggs had 9 kids. 11) John Calhoun Riggs had 10 kids. 12) George Allen Riggs DOB: 1875 no information. 13) Leah Riggs married a Holland had 1 kids…that we can find listed. 14) Levi Asa Riggs had 10 kids. 15) Viola Riggs DOB: 1881 no information. 16) Daniel Franklin Riggs had 10 kids.
We are working on updates of information to current and many are in the family original area, however in past 30 years family hae spread out toward the North and West from the original family lived area of Pasqontank, Onslow, and Jones Ctys in NC.
If anyone has information/photos of the past or present of the Isaac Riggs other children and son Johns extended family from any direction contact Ann Dudley Meadows @
I am searching for information on GREAVES (Grieves) SPENCE, born abt 1742 in Pasquotank, died 1803 in Camden County. GREAVES was the son of JAMES SPENCE abt 1703-1753 and ELIZABETH GREAVES, also born/died in Pasquotank County. GREAVES was left out of his fathers will and petitioned the court for part of his grandfathers property, left in that will to his son, JAMES, and his heirs. Thank you!
Looking for information on STEPHEN RICHARDSON, who likely came to Pasquotank from England in 1670s-1680s, and who reportedly married MARY TRUEBLOOD around 1700.
STEPHEN and MARY had children ELIZABETH, who m. PATRICK GORMACK, and sons STEPHEN, BENJAMIN, JOSEPH, RICHARD, JOHN, and LEBBEUS. I am descended from STEPHEN “II” and wife; their son JOSIAH and wife RUTH [?]; their daughter RUTH and husband JONATHAN BECK/BECKS; and their daughter ANN JANE BECK and husband HOLLOWELL SAWYER.
*The TRUEBLOOD ancestry is pretty well documented, but I haven’t been able to find much on Stephen’s RICHARDSON ancestors.
*Also, looking for primary evidence that these two were married: a Quaker marriage record, mention of either in a deed, will, or other document that would show their relationship.
Thanks so much for any insight or suggestions.
Hello, I am searching for GODBY/GODBEY/GODBEE brothers CAREY/CARY and HENRY. Per family tree, they both left Chowan county moving to GA around 1779/1780. The family moved from VA to Elizabeth CitY, NC where their mother died; the brothers were last documented as being in Chowan County. Any assistance is appreciated.
Looking for information on MOURNING COOK, who married SOLLEY NASH –marriage bond in Pasquotank County 23 Sep 1774. Saw somewhere years ago that MOURNING’S father was (Dr.?) LEMUEL COOK; that MOURNING was born Nov 1756; and that she died 5 Sep 1832. MOURNING and SOLLY had children including ENOCH, ABNER (m. POLLY BRITE), JAMES (m. POLLY CARTWRIGHTT and ELIZABETH DAVIS), JOSIAH, CHLOE, and others. Otherwise, solid brick wall on this line. Any insight appreciated. Thank you!
RALPH Family Tree 2 2014(1) Jinny. I have the COOK’S and NASH’S in my tree. If you find an error, please bring it to my attention..
Many have been searching for years to find the parents of HANNAH VOYLES/VOILES. HANNAH Born BUNDI/BUNDY 1747-1807. She married WILLIAM VOYLES/VOILES. She died in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Please help in this search….
WILLIAM VOYLES born Wales and HANNAH BUNDI born Italy, and children made a stop off in Kentucky then went to Washington County Indiana. Father is JACOB VOYLES I decend from his brother THOMAS VOYLES/VOILES who married SARAH SHINN.
WILLIAM VOYLES and HANNAH BUNDI had no ties to Pasquotank County, North Carolina. They spent their lives in Cabarrus County North Carolina. THOMAS VOYLES and SARAH SHINN had a daughter JUDAH VOYLES, but they also had no ties to Pasquotank County North Carolina. JUDAH VOYLES married a LOFTON proven by DNA. They died in Indiana. Your JUDAH married someone else. Look on Find a grave. The LOFTONS and VOYLES are intertwined with each other. Also Pasquotank County is 300 miles from Cabarrus County. The Lofton’s and the Voyles have a long history together.
GRIFFITH GRAY was one of the earliest arrivals in Pasquotank. He left was looks like a deathbed will in 1684 naming his wife “HANNER” and son GRIFFITH as administrator, and “all my other children”. Witnessed by SAMUEL DAVIS. His land bordered SAWYERS. At least two GRIFFITHS, also seen as GRIFFEN, appear in the years following. I’m interested in the LODWICK GRAY who was a land owner in the same area in 1729 thinking he may be the LODWICK who appears in Dobbs Co. in the 1750’s.
I have a NATHAN GRAY b. 1760 who I think may be the son of LODWICK Sr. of Dobbs . There is a LODWICK (obviously Jr. and a WILLIAM M. and NATHAN in Lenoir in 1790 I feel sure are brothers.
I am interested in these GRAY’S also; there was a JOHN and THOMAS GRAY in Pasquotank/Camden in the 1740’s-60’s and then they moved to Dobbs as well with the SUTTONS. JOHN GRAY is my 4th GGGF
I am researching MARMADUKE SCOTT, his first wife MIRIAM JACKSON, and his second wife MARY POLLY JACKSON, and the SCOTT families in general. Some descendants moved to Central Indiana in the 1830s.
Email directly:
Hi, If you’re still looking, I have a good deal of info on the SCOTT/JACKSON families, and am descended from those that moved to Indiana.
Hi I am looking for information on PATRICIA MARTHA SCOTT that moved to Randolph county indiana and married JAMES CLARK. Do you happen to have anything? Please
Hi Kitana,
In response to your query from November, I do have PATRICIA MARTHA SCOTTBand JAMES CLARK in my tree. If you’re interested, I’m happy to share what I have. I’ve traced them forward several generations. You can email me at
Hi Shelly – I am also related to the SCOTT JACKSON families but the ones that stayed back here in NC… MARMADUKE SCOTT and MIRIAM JACKSON were my 4 x great grandparents… my email address is – any info or correspondence is welcomed.
Doris Ann White Younts
Hi, I’m currently searching the SCOTTS, SIMPSONS, and CLARKS. Could we exchange information please?
I am descended from MARMADUKE and his second wife, MARY “POLLY” BAILEY SCOTT. AMMON JAY SCOTT, one of their sons, was my ggg grandfather. His daughter, CASANDRIA SCOTT BURCHER PERSSE, was my gg grandmother who married my gg grandfather, ANTHONY BURTON PERSSE, from Galway, Ireland. (This was Casandria’s second marriage). One of their sons was my great grandfather, JEFFERSON DAVIS PERSSE, who became a pharmacist and moved to Savannah, Georgia. JEFF married MARGARET MADDOCK in Savannah and one of their daughters was my grandmother, HELEN ELIZABETH PERSSE. She married JOHN ZIEGLER RYAN. One of their daughters was my mother, HELEN PERSSE RYAN RICHARDSON. She was married to my dad, Lt. Col. DONALD VINCENT RICHARDSON.
Linda (Nolan) Layman, reference to your inquiry regarding the HENRY MITCHELL Family Tree. My name is Robert E. Mitchell, an 83 year old graduate of Auburn ’64, whose hobby is history. I have confirmed that HENRY is my grandfather, many times removed. I used the search engine WikiTree and went up the ladder rather than down the ladder of family heads. I’d like to help you if interested I’m at
JAMES PEARCE moved from Rhode Island to the South Mills, Camden County, N.C. area in the early 1790s and married SARAH McBRIDE. I think they had at least these children: Poly b 1796, John b. 1800 – d. 1875, Ira b 1805 – d 1876, Samuel b. 1812 – d 1876, Jeremiah Simmons b. 1817 – d. 1869, and Elisha.
I have extensive data on the R.I. PEARCE family as well as John, Samuel and Jeremiah who moved to Tennessee and Arkansas in a Family Tree Maker file that I can share.
My problem is that I don’t have any documentation relating any of James’ children to him as their father. Do you have any data on his children, his death date, or his burial location.
I’m also interested in any other PEARCE or McBRIDE data. I have a large file on Ancestry that I will gladly invite you to.
Warren Pearce
I am researching and proving Rev War Patriots from my North East NC lines. I have documented 5 but have hit a dead end on one line. My Great Grandmother was ISABELLE MILLER. Her father was JAMES MILLER (b 1817) married to NANCY HARRIS. NANCY HARRIS’ mother was DORCAS CLARK (married to STOKLEY HARRIS). I dead end at JAMES MILLER and at DORCAS CLARK. If anyone has this MILLER or CLARK line and could help me, I would appreciate it. Thanks
I think I have found DORCAS CLARK’s father. I believe him to be JOSEPH CLARK. There is a court document naming a guardian for his daughter DORCAS. I am now looking for proof that DORCAS CLARK married STOKLEY HARRIS. Thanks
I am looking for any information on JOHN SANDERS (1710-1761) who had a son RICHARD SANDERS (1740-1779) who married a LOVEY PENDLETON and they had a son MILES SANDERS (1780-1860) all from Pasquotank County, North Carolina. Would greatly appreciate it. I have run into a wall on John.
There are several Pasquotank Co. NC Deeds for a JOHN SANDERS and RICHARD SANDERS. Earlier JOHN SANDERS mentioned in a 1752 deed as Capt. JOHN SANDERS of Suffolk (Nansemond Co.)in Va. In 1761 deed mentions JOHN SANDERS and wife WINNEFRIT. Deeds state Capt. JOHN SANDERS as an attorney.
I too found the same information that you did. It is so confusing to find the correct JOHN & RICHARD SANDERS….LOL
Hello Karen – I’m doing research on my family, and I have some information on JOHN, RICHARD and MILES, all who were my Great x4-6 grandfathers (my mother’s maiden name is Saunders). Would love to share information. Feel free to reach out at – Zack French
I am looking for any information about ENOCH BANKS (?-1829) or his son JAMES BANKS (1815-1856) lived in Pasquotank County. JAMES is my 2nd great grandfather. I have only found Probate records for each of them, but need more to document that this JAMES BANKS of probate record, is the JAMES mentioned as son of ENOCH in his probate record. Looking for deeds, birth, marriage, and anything else. Thank you
Looking for more information on WILLIAM DRAPER who was in Surry Co. VA and then to Pasquotank, NC before 1704.
I am researching PRITCHARD’S from Pasquotank. I have found multiple DNA relatives who have this woman in their trees:
28 Jul 1707
Pasquotank, North Carolina, USA
Does anyone have any information on her parents and/or siblings?
Thank you
MARY PRITCHARD (1707-1791) was the daughter of BENJAMIN PRITCHARD and his wife, SARAH CULPEPPER. SARAH was the daughter of JOHN CULPEPPER and his wife, SARA MAYO.
I just read this and haven’t stopped to look up my information. You might be able to read other letters I have put in the computer on this. My ancestor, CORNELIUS RHODES, had a daughter SUSAN who married ISAAC PRITCHARD, about 1815 or so. She had a sister KEZIAH who married JEREMIAH KING in 1827. A SION CULPEPPER, who bought something at the sale of CORNELIUS’ property in 1835, claimed to be the Uncle of the children of JEREMIAH KING. Another CULPEPPER states his daughter married JEREMIAH KING. Can’t find anything about him having been married twice. This is all very confusing. All these families are intertwined somehow. I might have more information on my books on your MARY, but what is the question?
Hi Linda, I don’t have any questions. I was replying to Jim Pritchard where he asked who Mary Pritchard’s parents were.
Dear Linda (noland) Layman. My name is Robert E. Mitchell, an 83 year old graduate of Auburn U. who over the past year researched the HENRY MITCHELL family (ref. Jim Whitley letter to you on 10/05) my E-mail is please contact me.
I have a SALLIE PRITCHARD who married GOSHEN CLARK from Scotland.
I have your MARY PRITCHARD in my tree. If you’re still looking for info, I’m happy to share.
I am looking for verification that the surname CORP/CORPE in a 1704 deed in the Pasquotank Co. NC deed book is in deed CORSEY/CASEY. 1716 deed abstract for THOS. PENDLETON to his da. ANNE and her husband WILLIAM CORPE with the same witness JOHN CORPE. In another compiled book of the relationships of people mentioned in these deeds the surname is spelled CARSEY. I believe this is an earlier generation of the CASEY/CASSE family in Pasquotank .
Thanks for any help on the matter
I am looking for information (parents, siblings, children) of my GGG Grandfather WILLIAM DAVIS KJ4Y-D1M who was born in Pasquotank Co around 1779 and married to MARGARET ANN POOL LWYF-STZ on 30 Jan 1810. There are many possible Davis candidates but so far I have been unable to find the next generation. Any help or any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have some information about this union. A descendant of WILLIAM DAVIS and MARGARET ANN POOL contacted me. He had a Bible with some information. MARGARET ANN POOL was a cousin of mine. He said that PATRICK POOL and ELIZABETH COMMANDER were the parents of MARGARET ANN POOL. I have the names of the children of WILLIAM DAVIS and MARGARET ANN POOL, if you would like to contact me.
I thought I replied to this query before. A DAVIS descendant has a bible showing the following:
WILLIAM DAVIS b. 1779 married MARGARET ANN POOL b. 1779
Their children: MARGARET MCGEE DAVIS b. 1810
JOHN B. DAVIS b. 1818
Looking for MY GGGG Grandfather DELIVERANCE GRAY in Pasquotank NC Born about 1760 or 70s left with the KOENS and SPENCER and SAWYERS and in company with JOHN GRAY in 1787 moving to Tenn…..Looking for GRAY Family DELIVERANCE is Connected with in Pasquotank.
My DNA test connects me with ANTHONY GRAY but DELIVERANCE not found in ANTHONY’S documents or JOHN GRAY’S documents.
Who was ANTHONY GRAY’S Father? Any documents mentioning DELIVERANCE GRAY in NC? I would be eternally grateful for this is my Stone wall finding DELIVERANCE GRAY’S family. Thank you, Jim Gray
Dear Jim,
Unfortunately I do not have any information on DELIVERANCE GRAY. I am from the Randolph – Guilford Counties of the middle NC. I have after much research that my direct relative GILBERT GRAY may have come from Pasquotank, as did several others from that part of NC.
He was born approx. 1770 – 1775, like you relative. Have you heard of GILBERT GRAY from that area?
This is Devin Gray. Direct descendent of ANTHONY GRAY. I am related to several people who have direct ancestors to DELIVERANCE GRAY. I don’t know if ANTHONY is a nickname for NATHANIEL or not. Perplexing. These two must be related.
Also trying to find out who was ANTHONY GRAY’S father, he is my 6th great-grandfather, that’s where it stops, hoping to find more.
Richard Anthony Gray
I believe he is my 6th grandfather also. There is me my Dad, DALE GRAY, then OWEN CHARLES GRAY and then CHARLES FOXWING GRAY, then JAMES WILSON GRAY, JORDAN GGRAY and then ANTHONY GRAY.
This is Devin Gray. We have met online before. I thought your DNA took you to DELIVERANCE but not to ANTHONY?
My GGGG Grandfather was JOHN GRAY. JOHN(work in progress Gray 1730-1794
5th great-grandfather
JOHN GRAY 1786-1842
Son of JOHN(work in progress Gray
Cathy Willenborg Cessna
My two uncles have been BIG Y tested, due back any day now. If you email me, I can give you a ton of information on the GRAY Family from Dobbs/Lenior/Greene, Bertie/Pasquotank.
I have run across DELIVERANCE in my reading, I will see what I can find.
No further info. Nice to talk to you again.
I’m searching for info for the family name FERRELL. I have a gggrandfather WILSON FERRELL, born 1819 in your county and I believe his father was WILLIS FERRELL 1792-1850.
Wanda I went through the Marriage Record book and the two deed books for Pasquotank, found several FERRELLS but no WILSON or WILLIS.
Lot of FERRELLS in my area. Jones County of Maysville. NC
I’m researching the BARCOCK/BARCO family of early Pasquotank Precinct, with a concentration on THOMAS BARCOCK (1643-1721). Would be interested in comparing notes with anyone sharing this research interest.
Source: Three Hundred Years Along the Pasquotank River : Map shows where THOS. BARECOCK’S aprox. residence was located. Index of this book shows: Lt. Baily Barco, Caleb Barco, Edmund Barco, G.C. Barco, Joseph Barco & Barco Island. Under BARECOCK: Thomas & Thomas Jr., & William.
Pasquotank Co N.C. Records of Deeds 1700-1751 only has one Barco-John. Under BARECOCK: Jane,Thomas, & William. Barco’s Island .
In the Pasquotank Deed Book for years 1750-1770 same names but new are: Ann, Anna, Costan, Peter.
If you send specifics or want me to type this info and post, let me know. I volunteer when I have time to help others.
No Connection to Surname
I’m trying to research information for my father regarding his family tree. His grandfather was ALEXANDER LEANDER BARCO. I followed the paternal side of his grandfather and it lead me to WILLIAM BARCOCK illiam, if I traced it correctly. Do you have any information that you found on him that you could share? I found his will but we would love to know more about this side of his family tree. Thank you for any information that you would be willing to share.
I’m familiar with your ALEXANDER LEANDER BARCO, son of JAMES C. BARCO. I’ve published a series of books on the Barco family across America over the past eighteen months. If of interest, look for “Lives Along the Water, The Barcock/Barco Family of Carolina (1666-1782),”Moving On, Barcos and Related Barkers (1783-1829),” “An Expanding Frontier, Barcos and related Barkers (1830-1850),” and “On the Precipice, Barcos and Related Barkers (1851-1860).” Another will come out in December; “Calamity and Liberation, Barcos and Related Barkers (1861-1865).”
I had just sent you an email regarding the BARECOCK/BARCO families. So glad to see some information here! I believe my late husband’s GGGG grandfather’s son was BENJAMIN WEEKS by the way. Many of his relatives lived in Coinjock/Currituck as well- buried in the Coinjock Baptist Church Cemetary. I have traced his family as far as I can go to WILLIAM JENNINGS BARECOCK (BARCO) 1677-1730. Any help will be greatly appreciated( from where they emigrated , Cemetary plots, etc. ) Thank you!
Carol Kinsey
I am searching for information about JANE TUTTLE, Widow who received a land grant from Lord Granville for 124 acres in Pasquotank Precinct on 2 June, 1727. Her last name was spelled TULLE. I want to know who she was married to and who were her children.
Look for a list of families transported in by JOHN UPTON. I will look through my files as well today, but a CORNELIUS & JANE TULLE, John & Mary Casey, Edw. Wharton & other Wharton family members were transported in on the same record. Believe there is refs. to CORNELIUS dying in 1710 but can’t recall that record, think it was a Will. Have to just dig it out. I came found it years ago in my CASEY Research efforts on John & Mary. Will post again if I find it but this will give you a place to start. Good luck!
1708 Warrant to JOHN UPTON for transporting CORNELIUS & JANE TULLE among others into Pasquotank Co. N.C. 1710 Abstract of Will for CORNELIUS TULLY. According to a deposition found in the Pasquotank Co. Deed Records JANE was 52″ or therebouts” years old in 1715. 1720 deed states she is a widow. By 1745/50 I believe she is dead. Deeds refer to TULLY’S corner or land she formerly possessed. I have not been able to find the source doc. in my paper files I have with me, but will continue to look online for the JOHN UPTON transport in 1708 and the 1710 will abstract.
CORNELIUS TULLE Will is in Currituck Co. NC and dated 1708. The warrant was issued with the date 1712 to JOHN UPTON but since these warrants were years from the date of transport, registered, these folks were transported by no later than 1708 due to the death date of C.TULLE.
The link to the digitized version of CORNELIUS TULLY’S will is here
I have a partial transcription written, if you would find it helpful.
I would very much be interested in your partial transcription. I am following TULLY line. Son THOMAS TULLY (which one?) the father of SARAH TULLY SANDERS line.
1)THOS 1700NJ-1717-1746NJ m. NJ to MARY ELIZ. SCOTT1712NJ-1765PA 2)Thos 1717NCorKY-1791NC m.unk. dau. Sarah Sanders 1737VA- Dau. Mary1740-1801NC m.John Sanders1729NC-1783NC 3)Thos 1688NC-1741NC m. Sabra dau.Sarah d1769m.Wm. Wilkinson,dau.Mary Leith
Is there a source that is most trusted? Karen
I am searching for any information on ELIZABETH BAYSE 1787-1869 she marries CARVEL J. PRITCHARD, and later moved to Tennessee.
I am looking for information on the TRUEBLOOD Family
My mother was a TRUEBLOOD and I have a lot of genealogy I can share if you give me your email address.
Do you have any information on SARAH MUNDEN that married JOHN T. TRUEBLOOD or JOHN T’s father TIMOTHY who married KIZIAH JACKSON?
I have some native american roots and think it may be one of these women.
AGNES PROBY TRUEBLOOD. I am Elizabeth Proby Bright, trying to go back into the PROBY genealogy of Pasquotank Co. Do you have any information upwards of AGNES’ PROBY line? Her parents? Much appreciated.
Im telated to BRIGHT’S through BASIL and JANE MELVIN RIGGS…one of their 16 children married a BRIGHT in the Onslow County area.
My great grandmother was NANCY TRUEBLOOD PRITCHARD (1781-1857). I have heard that there was some Native American in their family. Would be most interested in what you have. Thank you.
ABBY RHODES, sister of my ancestor, MILES, married an AMOS TRUEBLOOD. She was born about 1800, he about 1790. They had at least several children, shown on the 1850 census for Pasquotank Co., NC. I have a little more information on her.
I am researching ROWE name and MILES married one. Does anyone know if CHRISTOPHER ROWE was brother of VALENTINE ROWE? Is he the same CHRISTOPHER that lived in Onslow Co ! CHRISTOPHER and VALENTINE ROWE listed in military in 1755 from Pasquotank Co NC. Did he have children? HEZEKIAH JONES might be related.
My brick wall is JAMES ROWE born 1759. Wife was ANNIE HOWARD of Richlands, Onslow Co NC. Any help appreciated.
I have an ancestor DORCAS SCOTT who married JOSEPH H. TRUEBLOOD 1813
Looking for information on great grandfather, FRIEDRICH CHARLES ENGLERT, married FREDERIKE STAGER (Steger, Styer) Jan. 13, 1858 by E.M.Forbes, Episcopal rector of Christ Church. Cannot find any record of his coming to Elizabeth City, NC from Wurtemberg, Germany sometime before that. He was born September 27,1833, I was told he rented a room in the home of Frederike’s parents. Some time after the marriage the couple moved to Richmnd, VA. I need to find out what ship he sailed on and from where and when. Thank you
Looking for information on JAMES FOX (1814- about 1870) born in Pasquotank, later moved to Arkansas with LAMB and MUSE families, also of Pasquotank. I believe his is the son of JOSEPH FOX JR (?-1859) of Pasquotank, but am looking for documentation.
Please help me find specific information on my ancestor, a French Huguenot, who immigrated to Pasquotank with his brother in the 1690s. Their names were FRANCOISE DE LA MAIRE (or FRANCIS DELAMARE/DELAMAR) and ISAAC DE LA MAIRE (or ISAAC DELAMARE/DELAMAR). The two brothers came to the Colonies by way of London after fleeing their home in Hames (now Hames-Boucre) France, 6 miles southwest of Calais, Pas du Nord. Greatly appreciate any further information once they arrived in the Pasquotank area!
Source:Old Albemarle Co. N.C. Book of Land Warrants & Surveys 1681-1706:#56 1694-ISSAC DELLAWARE has proved three rights whose names are upon Record & are hereunder written namely Isacc DELLAWARE, Francis DELLAWARE, Ephriam COATES, certified ye 20th of April Ano. DM 1694. P: Edw. Mayo Clk. Pascot. A Wart. Given 150 aces. #188 survey on 125 ac. for them Oct. 10th 1694. #206 details property details.According to next source: Three Hundred Years Along the Pasquotank River, FRANCIS DELAMARE is called a substantial settler and refs. is made in the refs that this Pasquotank family land may have ended up in Camden Co. records, so check there also.”The southernmost tip of high land in Camden Co. ends at a point almost opposite of the confluence of Pasq. Riv. and Albemarle Sound, being separated from those waters by a fringe of swamp averaging a 1/2 mile or more in Width. This terminal strip of arable soil is also the site of an ancient plantation, a tract which was included in the 240 acres sold by FRANCIS DELAMERE-son and heir of FRANCIS DELAMERE to Wm. Wright in 1721″. Several Pasquotank Deed references if you need them for FRANCIS, ANNE and STEPHEN mentioned. Let me know if I can help further.
I am looking for info for a DANIEL COOK who I found in the first U.S.1790 Census list. He was living in Edenton District, Pasquotank County, NC. In the 1790 Census it says that he had a male child under the age of 16. This is of interest to me, because my gg-grandfather DANIEL COOK was born in 1790-NC. I am wondering if perhaps my gg-grandfather may have been the son of the DANIEL COOK in the 1790 census ? In the same district and county is also an ISAAC COOK, with one male child under age 16 and a JOSIAH COOK with two male children under the age of 16. I am interested in knowing if they had a son named DANIEL COOK, born in 1790 ? There is also an old handed down story that our KOCH/COOK ancestor given/first name DANIEL and wife and baby were in a shipwreck off shore. DANIEL put their bed mattress in the water and with the wife and baby on it, swam them to shore. Another old family letter states that our COOK name was KOCH in Germany. So that would mean that our ancestor’s name would maybe have been, DANIEL KOCH and changed to COOK under British Rule, in America, before the Rev.War. Our gg-grandfather DANIEL COOK, 1790 later in 1811 married MARTHA BRUMLEY in Mecklenburg County, NC., and also lived in Cabarrus Co, NC., in 1827 until about 1834. That part of Mecklenburg Co, NC., became Cabarrus County, NC., in 1792. He later lived in Rowan Co, NC., until 1847, when he moved to Union Co, IL., with his second wife JANE JEMIMA KENNERLY and their children and lived there the rest of their life. We are trying to find the parents and siblings for our DANIEL COOK, b-1790-NC. Thank you, Lois J. Cypert
DANIEL WHITE, Body Road Elizabeth City N.C. 1900 and D.W. WHITE could be both persons DOB:5/1947 DOD:8-16-1924. Also Looking for Estate .
My ROSS ancestors migrated from Virginia to North Carolina then to South Carolina. South Carolina in 1784 GEORGE ROSS died in 1772 place unknown could have been North Carolina.
ON the 1770 map their is the name ROSS, is their any information on this family? He is to the right of Dismal Swamp
on anther 1730 map he is between the Pasgutank River and the north river. The map is hard to read so is the spelling. Family history says his widow NANCY ANN ROSS then married ISAAC MORGAN her maiden name was PEARSON Thank you for your time
JAMES ROSS – Denver Colorado
Between the Pasquotank River and North River was WILLIAM ROSS and son ABEL ROSS. WILLIAM ROSS transported my 7x great grandparents JOHN and AGNES TRUEBLOOD to Arneuse Creek which runs off the Pasquotank River. WILLIAM ROSS was a Quaker. However, he is not found in Quaker records of the area.
Hi Gordon. I’m interested to know if you have more information on the WILLIAM ROSS who knew your TRUEBLOODSs. Can you point me to some of the sources you have used to identify this WILLIAM ROSS and connect him to your family?
Looking for information on (CAPTAIN) ELISHA GREGORY born In 1753 in Pasquotank. He was a man of the sea and ended up marrying and living in Freetown, Massachussets at 20 years old. Rumor is he and brothers were transporting (rice) from Carolinas to New England and he fell in love and didn’t return to North Carolina.
My 7x great grandfather RICHARD MILLER, a Quaker who died in 1719 age about 56 years, was married in London, England in 1689/90. In the entry for his marriage he is written down as “son of THO. MILLER of Pascotanck river in North Carolina” I live in Australia and have to rely on the internet and was wondering if the Quaker vital records for Pasquotank are available on line. Failing that, where can North Carolina Quaker records for this time period be found? I did notice in both your list for names in “Abstract of North Carolina wills” on page 248, for July 16, 1694 there is a THOMAS with four sons, WILLIAM, RICHARD, NATHANIEL and THOMAS. I had hoped there might be a connection to this family, because among the witnesses to “my” RICHARD’s marriage were WILLIAM, RICHARD and NATHANIEL MILLER. Could my Richard perhaps have been THOMAS Jnr.’s son?
Source: Old Ablemarle Co. NC Book of Land Warrants & Surveys 1681-1706:#252-Oct. 8, 1694 mentions RICHARD MILLER as a witness I believe to a warrant for Thos. Stanton. #253 it reads more like Thos. Stanton was given this land for transporting in RICHARD MILLER among others. No other MILLERS were mentioned in these records.
#193 awards THOS. MILLER Oct. 23, 1694 for transporting in THOS SR. and JR. among the 13 people transported. March 6, 1793 Anthony Markam transported in 7 persons, one being a MARY MILLER. Says all were Sprouse family names but MARY MILLER and all assigned by Jerimiah SPROUSE. Could be MARY’S maiden name was SPROUSE.#220-THOS MILLER on May 1, 1668 (planter)granted 640 acres. Gives description of land & says he was given 50 acres per person he transported in.JR. & SR. both counted in transport and it states “3 times transported”. If you want full transcript, contact and I will post them. SOURCE: Pasquotank Co. Record of Deeds 1700-1751 pg xv lists THOS. MILLER 640 acres on Portohunk Creek. In a Thos. STANTON deed dated July 1715 BENJAMIN MILLER witnesses the deed. Several deeds for THOS. MILLER. Only other MILLER was BENJ. witnessing the STANTON deed. SOURCE: Three Hundred Years along the Pasquotank. pg 5/5 ” William Jennings first appears in 1677 in one of the most spectacular episodes, the so-called Culpeper Rebellion, as the custodian of THOMAS MILLER, collector of customs and representative of the govenor, and who had been imprisoned by the “rebels””. Goes on into details if you want. Pg. 10 states THOS. MILLER was among gentlemen found in Perquimans Co. NC. Hope something here helps in your research. I will check what Quaker records I have on file mention any MILLERS. I am not a Miller surname researcher. Just volunteering time to help others this week.
Im looking for information on LELAND WILLIAM BUNDY SR. As far back as I can go I’m looking for a few reasons of interest, also I noticed a SCOTT HALL. I would like to know about EARL VIRGINIA HALL BUNDY LELANDS Wife. I’m Mr. and Mrs. Bundy’s grandson.
Pasquotank Co marriage book as a WILLIAM BUNDY but no LELAND. this WILLIAM m. MARY GUY April 9, 1857. Several listings for a WILLIAM but no LELAND in the Albemarle Co. NC Book of Land warrants 1681-1706. Same applies in the Pasquotank Co. deed books from 1700-1770. Do you have a better time frame when these people of yours lived?
Researching LOW (EMANUEL and son, JOHN)
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Dorothy, here is the 1755/1759 Will of John Low that you wanted.
London 2 Feb. 1712: JOHN ARCHDALE of Wickham in the County of Bucks deed gift to his grandson NEVIL LOWE and to his father EMANUEL and mother ANNE LOWE.
Source: Pasquotank co. NC Deed Book 1700-1751 compiled by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman. If you will contact, I can type out the deed abstract for you. Another deed mentions NEVIL m ANN WENSLEY in London Aug, 22, 1713. Another deed mentions NEVIL’S son GEORGE and that NEVIL and his parents are all dead dated 1737. No JOHN listed until 1740 and nothing connecting him to EMANUEL.
There was a LOW who married a ROWE ina.
I am looking for info on AMELIA SIMPSON b.1849 Elizabeth City, NC, or her father DAVID SIMPSON b. ?? NC. I have found no info on AMELIA’S mother/DAVID’S wife. Have found David Simpson’s who were African American, this DAVID & AMELIA would be white. Don’t have info on any other family members. AMELIA SIMPSON later (1867-1870) moved to Chicago & married WILLIAM ALCORN.
Very earnest in my search & have tried many avenues.
This is the info I located on Ancestry. NC Death Certicate 1909-1975. DAVID SIMPSON,age 92, race White, dob Jan, 26, 1835, birth place Paskquotank CO, NC. dod Mar,27,1927 in Elizabeth City. Wife LAVINA REID SIMPSON. Father JAMES SIMPSON, mother SALLIE DUNKIN. I think the spelling should be DUNCAN. Informant C L SIMPSON. Is this the correct family? I have info on AMELIA. Would you like it also?
Looking for history on the BRACKETTS. Marriage of DOROTHY LOUISE BRACKETT to a MAURICE FILMORE HOGGE, SR (1956), but working on DOROTHY BRACKETTS family, in I have learned of her family lines being in Asheville area. Father being CARL L BRACKETT
Hi Martin, Have you tried researching the Brackett family in the counties of Buncombe, Burke and Rutherford, etc?
Hello, I’m looking for information about my ancestors, WILLIAM PROBY married to SARAH HOWARD PROBY living in Passquotank in the early 1700s. Would like to know if he immigrated from England. Thanks for any help, Linda
I am looking for a possible connection between my 4th great grandfather, WILLIAM PROBY YOUNG (b. 1793 in North Carolina, later lived in Portsmouth Virginia and Washington,DC) and the PROBY and YOUNG families of Pasquotank in North Carolina. I have an unconfirmed source that says that a DAVID YOUNG married a SARAH PROBY. Were they possibly my 5th great grandparents? Thanks!
Pasquotank Co. Deed Book 1700-1750 has one deed for a Fouster YOUNG Deed dated Jan 5, 1718/19. No further YOUNG surname mentioned in Deeds. 1693 Ablemarle warrant book has George YOUNG with names FFOSTER, PORTHESIA & George Young
In the Port Currituck Mariners Book a William PROBY is listed several times.He was Master Capt for a ship out of NC owned by Jonathon Hearing that hauled loads to Philadelphia in Nov. of 1784 I think it reads. Still Master for same owner in 1786 hauling load to Charleston SC. Oct. of 1786 Wm Proby Master for ship Betsy owned by John Gray & he went to Saint Eustatra? In 1788 Wm. Proby Master of Betsy but owner was Thomas Relfe. load went to St. Thomas. Hope this is your William Proby connection. May need to look in Currituck Co. NC for family.
Ran through the Histories of Currituck Co. NC Families compiled by Jeanie Meekins Murray. #26 on the Crank Family, on pg 60 states the Will of Levi Markham was in the possession of JOE YOUNG jurat on April Court term 1744 recorded in Pasquotank Co. NC. In THE HERITAGE OF CURRITUCK CO. 1670-1985 #332 The Garrenton of Jarvisburg on pg 237 ” John Foushee a son of Christopher “Garlington” IV was born dec. 4, 1789 and married a “Miss Young”. Hope something here adds or eliminates for you.
I am researching RHODES (several spelling), RAPER, ROWE, DUFFY, and WEEKS who lived in early Pasquotank and Persimmon Counties. My ancestor CORNELIUS RHODES was born in what is now Camden Co., about 1754; need to know his parents.
AMOS TRUEBLOOD son of JOSEPH and LETITIA (WILLETTS) TRUEBLOOD, born Pasquotank Co., N.C., circa 1790 (Census 1850), married two times: (1) ABBY (ABIGAIL) RHODES, daughter of CORNELIUS and SUSAN RHODES,(2) Mrs. ABI DOZIER 11 July 1850. AMOS TRUEBLOOD died in Pasquotank Co., N.C. in 1853. ABBY (DOZIER) TRUEBLOOD died in 1879. For more detailed information go to:
Yes, your AMOS TRUEBLOOD was married to the daughter of my ancestor CORNELIUS RHODES. His wife might have been SUSAN. If you have further information on CORNELIUS, such as his parents, I would love to have it. I might have more info on the TRUEBLOODS, but you probably already have it. I believe some member of the family went to Indiana, as my ancestor, MILES, did about 1830.
CORNELIUS and SUSAN RHODES are my ancestors. I do not know who his parents were, and do not know her maiden name. ABBY was the sister of my ancestor, MILES RHODES, who went from Pasquotank Co. to Randolph Co., Indiana, about 1830. My personal e-mail address is
Thanks; I have the original book which contains that information. I believe I bought it in Elizabeth City years ago.
Are you kin to NOLAND who married HARRIS?
Kin to family of JAMES HENRY ROWE and sister MARY ROWE MCDANIEL.
Might be spelled HARRISS.
The WEEKS family is kin to my aunt LOUISE ROWE.
The ROWE family and SPENCE family intermarried, ALEXANDER SPENCE 1669, was son of DAVID 1639, and ANN ROWE, daughter of JOHN EDWARD ROWE and ANN INGLIS 1604. ANN ROWE 1640, daughter of EDWARD, married JOHN SPENCE. EDWARD married ELIZABETH PATTISON.
Some went to Pasquotank, but ELIZABETH ROWE, daughter of EDWARD 1620, went to MD . Some spelled name ROE.
I’m seeking any records pertaining to HANCE (born about 1825) (sometimes spelled HANC, HANE, HANA, HANSE) POYNER (sometimes spelled POINER, POYNTER). He appears to be a Captain sailing out of Elizabeth City. He was married twice (MARY A. PERRY and MARINDA EVERETT) He only appears on the 1850 and 1860 census and appears to have passed between 1877-1880. I’m seeking information about his parents specifically. Any nugget of information would be greatly appreciated!
TWO ZACHARIAH JACKSONS’S – One died 1806 and one died 1801
1. Looking for the parents of (or any info on) ZACHARIAH JACKSON, Pasquotank County. Will dated 1802; probated in 1806. Wife Miriam. I believe his son, MAXEY JACKSON, may be my ancestor.
2. FYI: Years ago I sent off for the above ZACHARIAH JACKSON’S WILL and PROBATE records. After fishing through about 100 pages, I finally realized that ANOTHER ZACHARIAH JACKSON’S PROBATE records were mixed in. This ZACHARIAH JACKSON SEEMS TO HAVE Died without a will in 1801. His administrator was JOSEPH BANKS. It seems that this ZACHARIAH JACKSON was an administrator of JAMES JACKSON’s estate. WINIFRED JACKSON is mentioned in connection with JAMES JACKSON but the relationship is not stated. HEIRS OF ZACHARIAH JACKSON is constantly repeated but they are not named. Don’t know if these two Z. JACKSONS’ estate records are still mixed together on Family as I haven’t had time to check.
I will work on an ABSTRACT for this Z. JACKSON (d 1801) but feel free to email me in the meantime if you have any questions re: this ZACHARIAH JACKSON or if you have any questions or info about ZACHARIAH JACKSON (d 1806). The will of ZJ who died in 1806 is already on this website.
You might take a look at SIMON JACKSON’S will and estate papers. He had a son named ZACHARIAH. There may be some clues there.
Looking for parents/siblings of a FREDERICK BURNHAM b abt 1780 in NC. He is in Duplin Co. later and abt 1808 moved with others to western Kentucky. Believe he may have married ELIZABETH STANLEY of Duplin Co. He may have been in Pasquotank earlier. Some believe FREDERICK is the son of a WILLIAM and ANN BURNHAM. Thanks!
Hello. I’m searching my WOODLEY Ancestry. I have a ANDREW WOODLEY b 1717 married to ANN BARCLIFT b 1725 in Perquimans North Carolina. She was also married to a JAMES WOODLEY, WILLIAM WOODLEY and a MOSES STONE.The places I’m most interested in are Perquimans North Carolina and Pasquotank North Carolina During the time of the Revolutionary War. My main interest is the WOODLEY name.
Irene Barker
Looking for information on the ZACHARIAH JACKSON whose will of 1802 is posted on this site. I am almost sure that the MAXEY JACKSON listed as his son is my ancestor, but I can’t find the “proof positive”. My Maxey died about 1844. (The Maxey/Maximillian son of ARTHUR JACKSON does not quite fit). Does anyone else descend from Zachariah or the RIGGS family or have information on either?
Looking for any information on BLESSINGALE WOOD and ELIZABETH PAGE. Any help would be greatly appricated. Thank you for any help. BLESSINGDALE b 1802, ELIZABETH b 1895. Everett Soots
There’s a possibility of a link between my SYLVESTER lineage and those living as slaves in the residence of SYMONS. I would appreciate any information about the SYLVESTER family. Because they were mulatto, it’s nearly impossible to find records about them.
Thank you.
I have been researching THOMAS SYLVESTER/JOANNA JOAN SYMONS SYLVESTER of Pasquotank County, N. C. THOMAS SYLVESTER is shown as a Free Man of Color (shown as Free Black in 1797 in an official petition “to manumitted JOAN, by owner, her husband, a free man of color named THOMAS SYLVESTER” and JOAN is shown as black.
I have the mother of JOANNA JOAN SYMONS as being AMERETHA SYMONS (1750-1825) who was a “taxable slave” in the household of JEREMIAH SYMONS. I do not have a record of the father of JOANNA JOAN SYMONS.
Details reveal they had a son, THOMAS H. SYLVESTER, born 1808 who married MARY MERRELL. All of this information is taken from census reports and marriage records. I have THOMAS H. AND MARY living in Giles County, TN. My linage is from this portion of the SYLVESTER family.
Young THOMAS H. is where I have questions about what I’ve found. He is shown Free White in the 1840 Census.
Did you find out any more about your part of the Sylvester family?
Rhonda, It’s exciting for me to see that you, too, are researching the Sylvester/Symons families. Thomas H. is my 4th great grandfather. I’m also delighted that you are a descendent from his wife Mary Merrell because it’s on my ‘to do list’ to track children from his marriage to Mary in hopes of learning more about him. My first question is when did he die, and where is his grave? Did he serve in the Civil War? As for his family history, it appears we both have the same information. Mine has come directly from courthouse records. I wrote a story entitled “We Were Black Before We Were White” which published just this month in the quarterly issue of CAROLINA TREES & BRANCHES – Family Research Society of Northeastern North Carolina, Inc. I would love to share & compare more information with you.
If agreeable, contact me:
My name is Bette and I just recently found out about this part of my SYLVESTER line and the JOANNA and her mother, AMARITHA SYMONS. THOMAS would be my 4th. gr. grandfather. A cousin I found said they were listed as Mullato in the first couple of census but then it changed to white. I don’t have much more info than you but I will check and be glad to share what I have. I am in Tennessee.
Bette: Out of frustration I put the SYLVESTER/SYMONS research on the back burner but now I’m ready to face the challenge again. I’m very interested to know what, if any, information you have to share with me. Two years of researching THOMAS SYLVESTER provided several enlightening court documents but there certainly is more to learn about him. As for AMARITHA SYMONS, apparently she, as a slave, had a special relationship with her owner JEREMIAH SYMONS. Their son DAVID was heir to the estate of JEREMIAH, therefore, this fact proves JEREMIAH had no other son by a legal wife, or at least a son older than DAVID. Looking throughout Quaker records, no entry for marriage of this JEREMIAH. I’m willing to share the documents I have on file.
I’m trying to find out if AMARITHA SYMONS was DEBORAH’S mother with JEREMIAH as well. I would appreciate any info you had. Thank you.
I am looking for the family of ELBERT and DELLA BARROW-SPRUILL. They were married in Pasquotank County sometime in the early 1900’s. I wanted to seee if I could locate DELLA BARROW-Spruill. Her mother married a WHITE and she had 3 half-brothers. I know of 1 brother (RICHARD WHITE). For ELBERT SPRUILL I know that his family may have moved to Pasquotank County from Caswell County, NC.
I am attempting to do some research on my linage and have traced things back to ENOCH RELFE, who was the Clerk of the Court in Pasquotank, NC. He was born 1750 and died in 1797. Family records suggest his grandfather was THOMAS RELFE, who once owned Enfield Farm (location of Culpeper’s Rebellion). However, I have been unable to confirm that and would be most grateful if you can offer any help in tracing our family history back beyond ENOCH RELFE.
William Relfe
I am also working on the RELFE family. Have tons of information. I am also looking for the parents of CHARLES RELFE (abt 1810-1847) who married CORDELIA DAVIS in 1841 in Perquimans, NC. Anyone seeing this, I would appreciate any information.
Hi I am researching the same RELFE family….have been for 20 years. I have a tree on Ancestry and have been looking for my 3X great grandfather, CHARLES RELFE 1800-1847 who married CORDELIA DAVIS from Perquimans. You have my email.. Fran
I am searching for information on JEHU JOHN BUNDY 1748-1798 of Pasquotank NC where he was disowned March 16, 1785. I have reason to believe he is the Father of THOMAS W. BUNDY. I would appreciate any information on him you may be able to send me.
Email directly at: Sibyl Bundy
I am trying to trace my family tree. I have run into a dead end with my Great Great Great Grandfather, his name was ELIJAH HALL born 1804 in Pasquotank, North Carolina. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Email directly at: Scott Gregory
I am still looking for ISAAC BENJAMIN WILSON’S [c1833- D.6-1-1880 [parents ] ISAAC was married to REBECCA HUBBARD born abt 1846,dau of MARTIN HUBBARD and SARAH. SARAH was probably a SPENCE. Also who reared his son CHARLES MARTIN WILSON [8-28-1878-6-24-1968 ] This ISAAC WILSON has been extremely hard to trace. He lived in the Old Tray area when my grandfather JOHN WILLIAM WILSON was young.
Patricia Wilson Norris
Is anyone researching the JACKSON family name for 1600 and 1700 in Pasquotank Co., NC? If so, let’s have a chat. Please respond to for prompt reply.
David Jackson
A number of us have traced our family lines back to one ancestor, GOSHEN CLARK, in Pasquotank County. His birth or immigration date may be around 1768 and he is said to have come possibly from Goshen Scotland or England and have been a sailor along the eastern seaboard. He may have also had a brother named CORNELIUS. We have GOSHEN’s children, and have even found him in early censuses. Birth, death, marriage information, even a christian name would be wonderful. He seems to have been in or around Elizabeth City.
Although most of the well-known history written about the Clark family in the 1920s seems to be quite accurate, I have long believed that the part about Goshen Clark coming to Pasquotank County, North Carolina from Scotland or England in 1768 did not seem to fit with either historical or geographical facts. For example, there is no such place as Goshen, Scotland or Goshen, England. Additionally, while it is possible that Goshen may have been a nickname and not his real name, he used the name Goshen in pubic records, such as the federal census, possibly lending some credibility to Goshen being his real name rather than a nickname. Some further evidence that Goshen may have been his real name and not a nickname named after the place that he came from is that Goshen is a Bible reference, and Pasquotank County was filled with Quakers who loved to use Old Testament Bible names. That addresses the geographical aspect of the myth of his emigration from Scotland or England, but what about the historical aspects of it? If we look at will and probate records for the Clark surname in Pasquotank County, we see wills and probate records with the name Cornelius Clark generations before Goshen’s generation, and at the same time as his generation, and we know that Goshen named one of his sons Cornelius. Yes, this could be a coincidence, but when we consider the other facts that I am about to present, it will become clear that it is likely no coincidence, and that although the Clarks we descend from were not Quakers, they clearly had a Quaker connection of some sort, possibly by marriage. In 1782, a Micajah Clark petitioned the Pasquotank Monthly Meeting for permission to join a Quaker meeting in the West Indies. The petition was denied, due to the vessel he would travel aboard carrying guns, however, it does establish that there was a Quaker Clark with the first name Micajah who had a connection of some sort to the West Indies. This is not without great importance, because today we have a new tool that genealogists before us never had. We have DNA analysis. My DNA matches three different people who trace their ancestry back to the marriage of Micajah Clark and Sally Ann Moorman. This is an earlier Micajah Clark, and not the one who was a Quaker. This Micajah is the son of Michael Clarke and Margaret Yarrett of Barbados. This earlier Micajah Clark was not a Quaker; the Clarke family of Barbados were English planters who owned a very large sugar plantation in Christ Church parish, Barbados. However, the Moorman family were Quakers, which explains the Quaker connection.
The Clarke and Moorman families both left Southampton, England for Barbados in 1669 on the ship Glasgow. The Moorman family and Michael and Margaret Clarke’s son, Micajah, traveled on from Barbados to South Carolina the following year, being forced to land north of South Carolina due to a storm, which caused them to find the area of Nansemond County, Virginia, where they all ended up settling. Micajah Clark married Sally Ann Moorman, and is confirmed to have had one son who came to Pasqutoank County, North Carolina. Meanwhile, the family of Margaret Clarke and Margaret Yarrett remained in Christ Church, Barbados, and built one of the larger sugar plantations in Christ Church parish, but they are rumored to have had bad luck, having their plantation destroyed by hurricanes numerous times. I found a land transfer document mentioning the names of the adjoining land, and was able to use an old map to establish that their plantation was just barely northwest of the area of Christ Church now called Searles on modern maps. It is impossible to tell the exact location on modern maps, but it was very likely where the intersection of Hwy R and Hwy Q are today on modern maps. Micajah Clarke died in 1678 and his burial record is in the parish book for Christ Church parish. Margaret (Yarrett) Clarke appears to have lived a while longer, as she was still alive in the 1679 list of inhabitants as a widow, and land transfer documents show her transferring approximately 500 acres (about half of the Clarke plantation) to the Kingsland family a few years later. The Kingsland family owned another large sugar plantation in Christ Church.
Clark(e) is a common name, and it is always a possibility that it could just be a coincidence that my DNA matches those who are descendants of the marriage of Micajah Clark and Sally Ann Moorman. Or, considering the well established history of Goshen Clark taking his son Barnabus to sea with him to the West Indies, the 1782 Quaker Micajah Clark wanting to go to the West Indies and sharing a name with the earlier Micajah Clark (who’s parents resided in Barbados), and me sharing a DNA match with Micajah Clark and Sally Ann Moorman, is it possible that, just maybe, the Scotland story might be a myth, and we might really be the descendants of Michael Clark and Margaret Yarrett? That is what I believe is probably really the case. That raises a very interesting question, though, which is what generations and individuals are we missing between the generation of Goshen Clark and the generation of Micajah Clark? Again, DNA provides some very interesting clues, but we have to be very careful in how we interpret those clues, as DNA only points us in the right direction, and doesn’t necessarily tell us the direct answer. I have found that in addition to my Clarke, Moorman, and Pritchard DNA matches, I also have Mayo and Overman DNA matches, both families that came to Pasquotank County quite early in its settlement, and both of which are often associated with the Quaker faith. Interestingly, one of the people who took an early list of inhabitants of Barbados was a Mayo, and just east of the where the Clarke plantation used to exist in Christ Church is Pritchard Hill, named after the Pritchett family that used to reside there on only 1600s maps. That may be a coincidence, but then again, maybe it might not. I hope that helps you in better understanding our common ancestor Goshen Clark’s possibly history, but if anything, I think it still raises more questions than answers at this point.
Meanwhile, the family of Margaret Clarke and Margaret Yarrett remained in Christ Church, Barbados
Meanwhile, the family of Michael Clarke and Margaret Yarrett remained in Christ Church, Barbados
Micajah Clarke died in 1678 and his burial record is in the parish book for Christ Church parish.
Michael Clarke died in 1678 and his burial record is in the parish book for Christ Church parish.
Joshua, I posted that query so long ago, I had nearly given up! Thank you for sharing this very valuable information. I have come across much of the documentation you mentioned and wondered myself if this CLARKE(E) line could have the Barbados connection. The family lines also make a great deal of sense, but having the genetic matches is a whole new ball game. If GOSHEN married SALLIE PRITCHARD, that may be a derivitive of Pritchett, but that too is another early family in Pasquotank. I would love to discuss this further. Feel free to contact me by email (
I am also a descendant of GOSHEN CLARK. His daughter KESIAH married HARVEY SCOTT. They moved to Indiana in the early 1830s. I have seen GOSHEN CLARK in the civil actions papers in the 1780s which offers some possible evidence that was his name.
I have GOSHEN CLARK in my tree also. HARVEY SCOTT was son of MARMADUKE SCOTT. BARNABUS CLARK also married one of MARMADUKE daughtrts, NANCY RANIER SCOTT. The majority of them moved to Indiana.
Hi Christopher,
Thanks for your post regarding GOSHEN CLARK. I’ve not seen any actual paperwork about himself. If you’re willing to share, I’d be very grateful.
Hi I as well traced that do you happen to have any more recent ancestors? Thank you
Researching the surnames:
Barbara, I am researching these same names. I’m trying to find parents for MARY ANN GUYER who married NATHAN DRAPER. Please contact me if you have any information.
Researching the surname: PEED (1750’S-1850’S)
Email directly at: Edward B. Peed
In an exchange with another TUTTLE researcher from NC, he told me there were TUTTLE families in the tidewater counties, Pasquotank, Jones etc, that favored the Benjamin name.
Email directly at: Bill Tuttle
Yes, I found a TUTTLE in Pasquotank County, NC, who was named WILLIAM BEN TUTTLE, born around 1800. He is a direct ancestor of mine.
On, I found that my DNA matched with TUTTLE descendants from New Haven, CT.
Donna, Are you still around? I am interested in any TUTTLE
Families from NC, SC and GA. Have been to Edenton and Elizabeth City several times but could not find too much on any TUTTLES!
Appreciate any help!
Chip Tuttle
Donna Turner
See Reply
Chip, I am from Elizabeth City and have quite a few TUTTLES in my tree. Let me know who and where you want to start.
Just found your e-mail
Love to talk Tuttles
Chip Tuttle
I am just now reading this post. It has been five years since you posted. I don’t know much about the TUTTLE family. My great-grandmother was MARIAH ANTONETTE TUTTLE born 1873. You can e-mail me for more information.
Chip, I have quite a few TUTTLE’S in my tree. MARIAH TUTTLE (1873- 1957 married HEPTHA WINSLOW is where the family the families joined. I go back to JOSEPH TUTTLE (1785-1855). Email Fran
A ROWE married a TUTTLE in ct or MA.
Researching the surname MUNDEN
Email directly at: Larry Munden
I am researching a JOHN SIKES/SYKES (born 1733-Died 1826).
I am hunting any info that he may have moved to Bryan County, Ga.
Before his death and had a son, Edward (born 1774 in Bladen, NC)
Email directly at: Bob Sikes
Posted October 2, 2007
Researching the surname WRIGHT
Email directLY at: Harry Schoettle
I am looking for information on GILBERT SAWYER born 1818 in NC he was married to MARIAM LEARY, I am searching for GILBERTS Parents names, If you would have any ideas, I would appreciate it. I have a death certificate of one of their children DEMPSEY MONROE SAWYER that lists his mothers maiden name as SPENCE, that would mean MARIAM wasnt his mother. Help these SAWYERS are tricky little suckers.
Email directly at: Kim Sawyer
I’m a decendent of DEVOTION DAVIS b.1727 parents THOMAS DAVIS b.Abt. 1686 & ANN PENDELTON b.abt 1689 Pasquotonk. THOMAS’ Father came from the Chowen Precinct THOMAS DAVIS b.abt 1656 wife BLU ? THOMAS and two brother listed on the Chowen Tax Records 1712. This is about all I know; a Doctor who had been studying the Natives of that region told me once, that since I had such a large forehead that I might be Lumbee. What do you know about this? I also remember my Father stored roots of all type in case of hard times they were very good.
Email directly at: Bobby Davis
Bobby, I have THOMAS DAVIS as living in Pasquotank County and being the son of SAMUEL DAVIS also of Pasquotank. The Lumbee Indians were not from Chowan County, they were from the Robeson County area, which is quite a ways from Chowan County.
Bobby, DEVOTION DAVIS was my 5th Great Grandfather. Last week I got him approved through the Sons of the American Revolution as a Revolutionary War Patriot. I descend through his son BAILEY then through Bailey’s daughter to the RAPER’S then HARRIS’. I haven’t proved beyond DEVOTION but I’m following a chart that has THOMAS JEFFERSON DAVIS as his father, SAMUEL DAVIS as his Grandfather and another SAMUEL DAVIS as his GGrandfather. Dennis Harris
WEEKS (1650-1830)
Email directly at: Christine Weeks-Bates