BENONI CARTWRIGHT (b. 1846) Family Bible


Benoni Cartwright the son of Thomas Cartwright and Jane Bright was born 15 November 1846.

Isadora Bright the daughter of Ephriam Bright and Mary Elizabeth Brothers was born November 1854.Benoni

Cartwright and Isadora Bright were married about 1870.


  • Mary Jane Cartwright the daughter of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright his wife was born 24 October 1869
  •  Henry Cartwright the son of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright was born 20 February 1872
  •  Bright Cartwright the son of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright was born 23 October 1874
  •  Lemuel Cartwright the son of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright his wife was born 12 May 1875.
  •  Jesse Cartwright the son of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright his wife was born 15 August 1877.
  • Jerry Cartwright the son of Benoni Cartwright and Isadora his wife was born 2 May 1880.
  •  Elizabeth Cartwright the daughter of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright was born 1 January 1884.
  •  Pat Cartwright the daughter of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright his wife was born 11 September 1887.
  •  Katherine Cartwright the daughter of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright his wife was born 11 August 1894
  •  Benjamin Franklin Cartwright the son of Benoni and Isadora Cartwright his wife was born 28 January 1890.


  • Mary Jane Cartwright married Daniel Bright
  •  Bright Cartwright married Alice James
  •  Lemuel Cartwright married 1st. Daisy Mae Morris, married 2nd. Icaphine Whedbee.
  •  Jesse Cartwright married Fannie White.
  •  Jerry Cartwright married Lucy Mae Whedbee 4 June 1906.
  •  Elizabeth Cartwright married Luther Coppersmith
  •  Pat Cartwright married 1st. William Berry. Married 2nd. Edward Wilson Cowell.
  •  Katherine Cartwright married Joseph Commander Markham
  •  Benjamin Franklin Cartwright married Quennie Luton.


  • Mary Jane Cartwright Bright died 1894
  •  Henry Cartwright an infant 2 1/2 years.
  •  Bright Cartwright died 1942
  •  Lemuel Cartwright died 26 December 1958
  •  Jesse Cartwright died 3 August 1960
  •  Jerry Cartwright died 2 April 1940
  •  Pat Cartwright Cowell died 9 May 1967
  •  Katherine Cartwright Markham died May 1966
  •  Benjamin Franklin Cartwright died 26 November 1957
  •  Alice James Cartwright died 1950
  •  Icaphine Whedbee Cartwright died May 1957
  •  Lucy Mae Whedbee Cartwright Lowry died 4 June 1952
  •  Luther Coppersmith died October 1956?


  • Bright Cartwright son of Bright and Alice
  •  Alice Cartwright daughter of Bright and Alice Cartwright
  •  Ambrose Cartwright son of Bright and Alice Cartwright
  •  Spruill Cartwright son of Bright and Alice
  •  Pearce son of Bright and Alice Cartwright
  •  Gaston Cartwright son of Bright and Alice Cartwright
  •  Wilbur Cartwright son of Ben. and Quennie Cartwright
  •  Beulah Cartwright daughter of Lemuel and Daisy Cartwright
  •  Cordelia Cartwright daughter of Lemuel and Daisy Cartwright
  •  Thelma daughter of Lemuel and Ica Cartwright born 19 July 1905
  •  Georgianna daughter of Lemuel and Ica born 4 February 1908
  •  Ruby Lee and daughter of Lemuel and Ica was born 1 May 1911
  •  Elvyn son of Lemuel and Ica was born 9 Jan. 1913
  •  Burnard son of Lemuel and Ica was born 6 August 1915
  •  Herbert son of Lemuel and Ica was born 8 August 1918
  •  James Carson son of Lemuel and Ica was born 26 April 1920
  •  Marguerite E. daughter of Lemuel and Ica was born 14 Aug. 1921
  •  Leon son of Jesse and Fannie was born
  •  G. Clarence son of Jesse and Fannie
  •  Hazel daughter of Jesse in Fannie
  •  A. Lutrell son of Jesse and Fannie was born 30 May 1914
  •  Burvell son of Jerry and Lucy was born 7 January 1907
  •  Wilma M. Cartwright daughter of Jerry and Lucy was born 22 May 1908
  •  Curtis son of Jerry and Lucy was born 4 October 1909
  •  Edgar Bright son of Mary and Daniel Bright
  •  Clelie daughter of Lizzie and Luther Coppersmith
  •  Vivian daughter of Lizzie and Luther Coppersmith
  •  Luther B. son of Lizzie and Luther Coppersmith
  •  Otis Sohn of Lizzie and Luther Coppersmith
  •  Willie son of Pat and William Berry
  •  Alma daughter of Pat and William Berry
  •  Elizabeth daughter of Pat and Ed. Cowell
  •  Ben F. son of Pat and Ed. Cowell
  •  Ervin son of Pat and Ed. Cowell
  •  Edna daughter of Pat and Ed. Cowell

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).






In the Name of God Amen. 

I RICHARD FERIEL of Pascotank precinct in the County of Albermarle and Province of North Carolina being at this time in health of body and of perfect sence and memory praise be therefore given unto almighty God for the same calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament.

   Imprimis I do give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping through the meriteries death and passion of our blessed savious Jesus Christ to receive full pardon of all my sins and to obtain a joyful resurrection and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor here after named and as to what worldly estate the Lord is pleased to blessed upon me I do give in manned following.

   I will first that all my debts and funeral charges be paid and discharged.

   Item. I do give and bequeath unto my Son ERASMUS FERIEL fifty acres of land be ye land ???? or ????lying or being at ye roofs(?) end of my plantation beginning at a marked gum near my corn field by ye main swamp runing from thence about northeast course to a gum & from thence to ye farthest side of my land to him and his heirs forever.

   Item. I do give & bequeath unto my Son JOHN FEREL all the remainder of my land and plantation to him & his heirs forever.

   Item. And all my porsonal estat I do give to be equaly devided amongst all my children and my Son JOHN FEREL to have ye first choice therein, and I do make and ordain my sd. Son JOHN FERIEL whole and sole executor of this my Last Will & Testament in confirmation whereof I have hereunto set my hand & fixed my seal this One and Thirty Day of Janeuey Anno Dom 1738


                                                                       RICHARD FERIEL


JOHN HOUREN     jurat


   His x mark

WILLIS JAMES     jurat

   His x mark

Pasquotank County

July Court

Present His Majesty Justices 

These may Certifie that JOHN HOUREN and WILLIS JAMES appeared in open Court and made oath that they saw RICHARD FERIL sign seal & publish the within as his Last Will and Testament and that he was of sound and disposing mind & memory at that time. And they ???? Subscribed as Witnesses thereto At the same time JOHN FERRILL took the oath appoi (torn) by law to be taken by



Letters issued Ober 30th 1740  

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)