Will of



….George Pendleton of Pasquotank County…
First: …Debts be paid…
Secondly: I give to my Nephew George Pendleton Junior my Plantation whereon I now live, my Negro Man Jack all my Household Furniture, two mares and one coalt, my saddle and bridle, all of my hogs except fivesows & twenty pigs, and half of my sheep, my ( ), three barrels pork and all my corn, one barrel hams, one half barrel fat, one cow and yearling which he choose, all my cattle that are at Thomas Boyd’s except two cows and calves, all my bees, all the money that is due me except a bond due from Elizabeth Boyd, and half the money that shall be raised at the sale of my Estate which in this will is not given in Legacies, and the other half I give and bequeathe to my Nephew Lemuel Pendleton, I also give to my said Nephew Lemuel Pendleton a Bond due me from Elisabeth Boyd, Five sows, and twenty Pigs and half my sheet and my old Horse, I give unto my three Nephews Zachariah, Joshua and Andrew Pendleton, sons of my deceased Brother Timothy Pendleton all my cattle (that are at the Plantation where my said deceased Brother lived except a cow and yearling already given to George Pendleton) they and their increase to be equally divided amongst the said three children at the time of the Eldest arriving to full age (added by Tamara: document includes three blank short lines)

I give and bequeath unto grezil george two Cow and Calfs that are at Thomas Boyd’s her choice of all that are there.

Lastly: I constitute and appoint my trusty friend Thomas Boyd and my Nephew george Pendleton whole and sole Executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disannulling all former Wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 15th day of February 1774.

Signed sealed published                                        George Pendleton     SEAL
…presence of
(Tom A.) Banks
Rob. Jordan
Thomas Boyd

North Carolina
Pasquotank County…Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1774
Present His Majesty’s Justices
The said Will and Testament of George Pendleton was Exhibited by Thomas
Boyd executor…Oath of Robert Jordan…recorded…

Contributed by Robert Pendleton to NCGENWEB August 2006.


EMANUEL LOW (1727 Will)




IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, the Second Day of the First Month in the Year of our Lord, 1726/7. I, Emanuelle Low, of the prec’t of Pasquotanck, & Province of North Carolina, being Sick of Body but or perfect mind & memory, considering that it is appointed for all men once to dye, Do make & ordain this to be my Last Will & Testament, in Manner following:

1st., I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God, my maker; and my body to the Earth to be interred by me Executrix hereafter named, without any funeral pomp, only about Six of my Friends & Neighbours.

2’ly. I Give & bequeath unto my Loving Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, and to her heirs for ever, my Plantation whereon I now Live, w’th five hundred Acres of Land Adjoining to it; also, one negro Girl Called Zilpah w’th her Increase for ever; also, one bed & furniture, to her, the sd. Anna Letitia Low, and her heirs for ever.

31y. I give & bequeath unto my Grandson, George Low, Son of my Beloved Son, Nevil Low, Decd., and now in the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Plantation where my Cousin Robinson now Lives & the Plantation called New Abbey, with four Hundred Acres of Land adjoyning to it, to him, the Sd. George Low, & to his heirs for ever; also, one feather Bed & furniture, & one Negro boy called Pompey; also, my Seal Scutcheon of Arms.

4’ly. My Will & meaning is that either my Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, or my Grandson, George Low, they or either of their Heirs, shall be disposed to sell the Lands by me given, that the same shall be sold and disposed of to one or the other of the partyes aforesd, and to no other person or persons whatsoever.

To prevent any Dispute that may arrise after my Decease, by any pretension my Grandson may make as heir to his father, Nevil Low, to the Lands cmmonly called the Town point, Lying on the mouth of the North West side of Newbegun Creek, & now in possession of Jno. Conner; It is my Will that my Daughter Anna Letitia, her heirs or assigns shall keep in possession all ye before mentioned Legacies, w’th Lands & all other things by me bequeathed to him, ye Sd. George Low, in this my last Will, untill he renounce all Such pretensions in Such manner as the learned in the Law shall think proper: but is my sd. Grandson refuse to comply as before mentioned & offer to Molest the Sd. John Conner, his heirs or assings in his Just Right and Title of the Said Tract of Land by me Sold & conveyed to him & his heirs, Then, I Do revoke all that part of this my Will, unto my sd. Grandson, And Do give & bequeath all that Legacy, as Lands, & other things thereinmentioned, unto my Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, and her heirs for Ever, she paying him Twenty pounds.

Item, My Will is, that all my Estate, both Real & Personal be & remaine in the possession of my Loving Wife, Ann Low, during Life, the personall Estate to be disposed of by her between my Loving Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, & my Grandson George, as shee shall think most proper.

Lastly, I appoint my Loving Wife, my whole & Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament, to see the Same duly Executed.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year afosd.

                                                                                                  EMANL. LOW   (seal)

Signed, Sealed & delivered in
the presence of:


A Codicil:

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, The last Will of the afsd. Emanl. Low as follows: Whereas in the former Words of my Will was omitted my Intentions about my Grandson, George Low, therefore to prevent Disputes, My Will is that my Grandson, George Low, Shall not Enjoy the Legacy by me given untill he come to the age of Twenty one Years & in the mean time to continue in the Hands of my Executrix.

Item, I give unto Johanna Pearce, five pounds.

In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 8th. Day of March, 1726/7.

                                                                                             EMANL. LOW  (Seal)


A Codicil:

Item, Whereas, in my last will & Testament, I appointed my loveing Wife my sole Executrix, I doe now no ways to Abbrogate or make Voyde any part of my sd. Sill, but Joine my Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, Executrix, with my loveing wife Ann Low, to See this my Last Will & Testament duly Executed.

Item, Whereas, I am administrat’r to Wm. Vaughn, Decd. I do appoint my said Executrixes to be Executrix’s or administratr’xs, giving and bequeathing to my Sd. Executrixs all my right or interest in and to my Sd. Administratorships.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal, this 20th. day of Febry. 1726/7.

                                                                                               EMANL. LOW   (Seal)



The Two foregoing Codicile annexed to this Will was proved ye first by the solemn affirmation of Mrs. Filia Chrish Jordan, one of the Evidences thereunto. The other by ye like solemn affirmation of Joanna Pearce, one of ye Evidences thereunto, who likewise attested that she Saw the other Evidences Sign thereunto.

Test. THO: WEEKS, Cl. Cur.


These are to certify, that on this 24th Day of July, 1727, personally came before me Mrs. Anna Low and Anna Letitia Low, Execxs. to the above Will and made their Solemn affirmation to the performance thereof.

Certifyed Pr. Me, JNO PALIN.


The above Will was proved in due Form by the Oath of Edmond Gale,
Esqr., one of the Evidences, Augt. ye 2d. 1727.


Recorded in Will Book 3, page 156.

Contributed by Nola Duffy

Source: NC Wills & Estates – Grimes