Source: Year Book – Volume 2 – Pasquotank Historical Society – Elizabeth City, N.C.
Edited by John Elliott Wood (1958). 

Christ Episcopal ChurchChrist Episcopal Church



Will of

William Rhodes (Rodes)


In the Name of God Amen
I William Rodes of Pasquotank in Albemarle County in North Carolina being Very sick & weak in body but of perfect mind & Memory thanks be given unto God & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye, Do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament. That is to say principale and first of all I give and recommend my Soul unto the hands of God that gave it & …ing Such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this Life, I give Devise Dispose of the Same in the following manner and forme:

Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Eliz. Rodes during her life no longer the Plantation where I now live with the priviledge of the Track of land belonging to it. I give to my wife pt. of that Track of Land which I boug’t of Isaac Jones/ …/ from Isaac Jones Line to the Alewood Ridge.

Item: I give unto my son Thomas Rodes the remaining pt. of that Land I boug’t of Isaac Jones and after my Wifes Decease, the whole Track. I likewise give my son Thomas my Gun & two Cows and one Heiffer.

Item: I give unto my Son William Rodes after my wife’s Decease the Man’r Plantation where I live and one Cow and one Heiffer and yearling.

Item: I give unto my daughter Sarah Rodes Two Cows and Three Heiffers and One Calf and one Puter(sic) Basen and One featherbed after my Wifes decease and one Chest. And to my daughter Dorothy Rodes one featherbed & furniture after my wifes decease and Three Cows one Heiffer and two Calves and one puter Basen.

Item: I give to my daughter Eliz. Rodes Two Heiffers and one puter Basen and one puter Dish.

Item: I give to my daughter Mary Rodes Two Heiffers and one puter Basen.

Item: I give to my son Thomas my Shoemakers Tools.

Item: I give unto my beloved wife Seven Steers for the use of her House and three old Cows.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife all others of my Moveables and Immovables Whom likewise I do Constitute Ordain and make my only and Sole Execut’x With my belov’d. friend William Rolfe one Execut’r. of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby utterly disalow revoke and disanull every other former Testaments & Wills Legacies etc. Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.

In witness my hand and seal

Francis Martin (his mark)
James Biggers (his mark)                                                   William Rodes (his mark)
Comfort Cammill(?) (her mark)

North Carolina                                        At a Court held for the 3rd precinct at Court
Pasquotank                                            House in Broomfield the 14th of January
                                                                 An. Domi.1734

This may Certify that Francis Martin & James Biggers two of the subscribing Evidences to the written Will appeared in open Court and made oath on the Holy Evangelist that they were present and saw William Rodes Sign Seal and declaire the Within to be and contain his last will and Testament and that the said Wm. Rodes was seen at that time of sound and disposing Memory. And that they also saw Comfort Cammill the other subscribing Evidence sign her name thereto at the same time.

Then also appeared William Rolfe Executor & Eliz. Rodes in open court & took
the Executors’ Oath in due form of Law.


By Order
Jos. Smith, Clerk

Transcribed by Mary Maarbjerg and contributed to NCGENWEB Sept. 5, 2008.