CLARK GENEALOGY By J. N. Keesling (1928)


Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).


JOHN FOURRE (1732 Will)


March 13, 1730

In ye name of God Amen I JOHN FOURRE being Anchant & Old but of perfict sence and memory thanks be to God for same knowing ye uncertainty of his(sic) life here on earth doth think it fitt to dispose of what world ye goods which God of his great mercy hath (torn) onst me I do appoint this my Last Will and Testament first & foremost I bequeave my soul to God my Creater with a shour and sertain hope to receive full pardon of all my Sins through ye death of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ & my body to ye earth from it was taken to be buried (unreadable) such dessent manner is my Ext. hereafter named shall think (unreadable)

Imprimis. I give and bequath to my beloved Son JOHN(?) ISAAC FOURRE ye manner plantation where I now live to him and his heirs and a nego gearll named Darkess with one horse named Roger and three cowes and calves ye he is possessed already.

Item. I give and bequath to my beloved Daughter ELIZABETH FOURRE half of one plantation which I bote of FRANCES DELAMAR with one nego woman named Nan to hir and hir heirs with three cowes and calves

Item. I give and bequave to my beloved Daughter MA??ER FOURRE ye other half
of ye plantation I bote of FRANCES DELAMAR to be equally divided between ye two gearll with a melater gearll named ??? and three cowes & calves to hir & hir heirs.

I give to my beloved Son NATHANIELL FOURRE ye plantation where JOHN MASON now lives att ye mouth of Lettell River with one nego gearl named Hanour with three cowes and calves, two him & his heirs

Item. I give and bequath to my Sister MARY SORRY one young mare

Item. I give & bequath unto my beloved Wife one nego boy named Tom with ye plantation I now live on during her life and all ye movbles with in dors and without that is to say hoses & marse cattell and sheep & hogges two hir (unreadable) dispossing and all so I do appoint my beloved Wife and my well belove Son NATHANELL FOURRE and ordain them my only soule exectors to this my Last Will and Testament as witness my hand this thidteen day of March in year of our Lord 1730 and in the fourth year of ye Reign of King George ye Second King of Great Briton France and Irland Defender of ye faith


Sined sealed and delivered
In ye presente of us



     His x mark

Pasquotank prect. Aprile Co. 1732
The above will was proved by ye Evidences in open Court
Test. WM. ????

Lres grant. 5th May 1732

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)