WEEKS Bible (JOHN WEEKS 1791-1842)


  • Charles R. Weeks – the son of John Weeks and Elizabeth his wife the 5 of January, 1822.
  • John Q. A. Weeks, son of John Weeks and Elizabeth his wife borned Oct. 4, 1826.
  • Elizabeth Weeks departed this life Oct. 19, 1826.
  • Ann Weeks departed this life April 25, 1833.
  • John Weeks departed this life July 13, 1842.
  • Julia Ann Jackson departed this life May 16, 1843.
  • Charles R. Weeks departed this life Dec. 18, 1843 aged 21 years, 11 mos. and 13 days                                           


  • John Weeks married Margaret Jackson (widow) Jan. 13, 1837.
  • Elvira Isadore was borned Sept. 5, 1837.
  • Little Jerry, son of Emmaline borned Nov. 16, 1846.

Old Bible printed by D. Fanshaw, Printer, New York, 1829, now owned by Miss Preston Weeks, 3520 T. St. N. W., Washington, D. C.

Tombstone Records taken from the Old Weeks Burying Ground near Woodville (Pasquotank County):

  • Sacred to the memory of John Weeks and family.
  • John Weeks died July 13, 1842, age 51 years.
  • Elizabeth his wife died October 19, 1826, age 35 years.
  • Ann died April 25, 1833, age 18 years.
  • Julia died May 16, 1843, age 22 years.
  • Charles R. died Dec 18, 1843, age 21 years.

(The above all on one stone. I was told by my Aunt Dora Weeks Spence that her father, James Elliott Weeks had this whole burying ground moved to this place, which accounts for the record being on one stone).

  • John Q. Weeks died Dec 10, 1853, age 27 years (Separate stone)
  • Family monument marked James E. Weeks.

Also buried here is Risden Bennett Weeks, child of James Weeks and Callie Perry, buried here also are James Elliott Weeks and wife, Mary Louisa Mullen Weeks who married second Andrew Pendleton.

Source: Memories and Records of Eastern North Carolina by Mary Weeks Lambeth (1957).


The Last Will and Testament of


February 8, 1777-March 1777

North Carolina

Pasquotank County 

Be it known unto all men by these presents that I MARY PRITCHARD Wife of THOS. PRITCHARD being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and for the settlement of my temperol affairs with respect to my land and tenement do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following:

I give and bequeath unto loving Husband THOMAS PRITCHARD One Hundred and Fifty acres land whereon he now lives to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto my Five children viz. ELIZABETH, JOSEPH, THOMAS, JOHN and RICHET PRITCHARD and all the remaining part of my land to be eqully divided between them to them and ther heirs forever reserving the use of my said children land for my husband aforesaid during his natural life and in case either of my said children should die in minority my will is that his or her part deceased shall be divided among the rest.

Lastly I constitute and appoint my loving Husband THOMAS PRITCHARD executor to this my Last Will and Testament revoking and making void all former will by me here to fore made ratifying and confirming this and no other as by Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Eight day of February 1777.

                                                                                               MARY PRITCHARD  seal

                                                                                                    Her x mark

Signed and sealed in the presence of

Ann Pendleton

Susanh Price    (Her x mark)

May Lackey    (Her x mark)

State of North Carolina

Pasquotank County

Mch County Court

And Session of the Peace 1777

Present the Worshipful Justices

This may certify that the aforesaid Will was proven in open Court by the oath of Susanah Price one of the subscribing witness thereto who saw the testator sign seal and deliver the same to be and contain her Last Will and Testament at the same time appeared to be of sound mind and disposing memory and she also saw Ann Pendleton and Mary Lackey the other subscribing witness sign at the same time ordered to be recorded

Test: Enoch Relfe Clk

Recorded 11 June 1782

Enoch Relfe CC

Transcribed Aug. 6, 1875

Miles Commander C.S.C

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)