Will of


19 November 1694


In the Name of God Amen. I John Phillpott of the Precinct of Pasquotank in the County afore said being Sick & weak in body but Sound in mind & understanding doe make this my Last will & Testament hereby Revoking all other will or wills at any time howsoever by me made and doe constitute and appoint this to be my Last will & Testament in maner and form following.

Imprimis. I Give & bequeath my Soule to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to be decently Interred according to the discression of Executors hereafter to be named.

Imprimis. I Give and bequeath my Plantation I now dwell on I give and bequeath to John Lawson sonn of Nathaniel Lawson to him & his heirs for ever.

Imprimis. I Give & bequeath tenn Cows & Calves to the Said John Lawson with all their increase for ever as allso Six thousand pounds of Good merchantable porke(?) to buy him a negroe. And my desire is that the Said Child shall be brought up on the Said Plantation and to live with his Grandmother as long as she shall Live or shall he come to the age of twenty one years and then my Executors to possess him with it and in the mean time to continue in the hands of my Executors.

Imprimis. I allso give and bequeath to the said John Lawson one breeding mare with her increase to be delivered(?) to him when he comes to age.

Imprimis. I also give and bequeath to my loving wife Mary Philpott a decent and competent maintenance out of my affares to her yearly payed and allowed to her yearly on every year all long as she shall live to be payed to her by my said Executionery.

Imprimis. My other Plantation aioyning on the Land of Jno. Griffen on the south east and on the Plantation of Jno. Hawkins on the north west I give and bequeath to my Sonn in Law William Woolwood to him and his heirs for ever. And all other my estate reall & personall and all my rights & credits after my just debts are payed and ….. such Legacy as and before bequeathed and hereafter to be bequeathed I doe give and bequeath to my sonn in Law William Woolwood.

Imprimis. My will and mind is that if the above said John Lawson should dye before he comes of age that then the Plantation bequeathed to him and the other Legacies by me above given shall fall to my sonn in law Wm. Woolwood to him and his heirs for ever.

Imprimis. I doe appoint and constitute my loving friends Daniel Alehurst & John Hawkens my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament to whom I give five pounds a peace.

                                                                                                  John Philpott

Signed & Sealed & Declared to be the Last will and Testament by the said John Phillpott in the presence of us the 19th of Nov. 1694.

Thos. Rolfe Daniel Howel (his mark) John Cabe(?)

Transcribed by Mary Maarbjerg and contributed to NCGENWEB Sept. 5, 2008.



May 27, 1694

Albermarl Co.
Pasquotank Precinct

In ye name of God amen. I GEORGE FLEMING being sick and weake of body but of sound and perfect memory praised be the Almighty God for it doe make this my Last Will and testament hereby revokeing all former wills that hath ???? by me made making them null and voyd.

Imprimis. I bequeath my soule to God that gave it trusting that in and through heinds(?) of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to have compassion(?) and ??? pardon for all my sins that at the last day I may appear without spot or blemish.

2dly. I bequeath my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be desently buried ????? to the discrection of my Executor hereafter mentioned and as for my worldly estate I dispose of it as I have hearafter ????? after my just and lawfull debts are paid.

3dly. I give and bequeath unto THOMAS ELIOTT my long gun to him and his heirs for ever and furtner I give unto HENRY BRAY the Sonne of WILLIAM BRAY my ??? Coate briches skipp derpreese(?) and Hatt

4thly I give and bequeath unto JAMES ROBINSON one cow and calf one ??? increase male or female to him and his heirs for ever.

5thly I give and bequeath all the remaining part of my estate both reall & personally to my Daughter ELIZEBETH FLEMING to her her heirs & assigns for ever and she so be brought up at the discrection of my executor but if it shall please the Almighty God to taeke her out of this world before she comes of age or maryed then my will is that my Executor hereafter mentioned shall enjoy this estate he his heirs & assignes for ever.

I nominate and appoint SIMON RICE(?) my whole & sole executor to see this my Will & Testament and formed In witness hearin I have heare unto affixed my hand and seale this twenty seventh day of May 1694

                                                                                      GEORGE FLEMING

Signed seal & delivered in
The presense of us

His “W B” mark

His x mark

Her x mark


Recorded the 31th day of July 1694

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)