Will of



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, James Robertson, of the County of Pasquotank, in the Province of North Carolina, being of sound and perfect Memory, Do make this to be and Contain my last will and Testament, in manner and form following; that is to saw:

I Give and bequeath to my well beloved son, Mordecai, my manner plantation whereon I now live, containing fifty Acres, More or less, to him and to his heirs forever.

I likewise give and bequeath to my beloved son, Malachi, my Road Plantation, Containing fifty Acres, to him and to his heirs for Ever.

I also give to my son Mordecai, one Ram and one Ewe, two Sows, two Cows, and one beehive, to him and to his heirs forever.

I likewise give to my son, Malachi, two Sows, one Ewe and Ram, two beehives, and one Cow and Heiffer, to him and his heirs forever.

I Give to my Daughter, Euphan, one Feather bed and furniture, three pewter Basons, and one Dish, one Sow, and one Cow, to her and her heirs forever.

I Give to my Daughter, Salley, three Basons, and one pewter dish, one Fethar Bed and Furniture, one Sow, and one Cow, to her and her heirs for ever. I also give to Each of my Daughters one Chest.

I also give all the rest of Moveable Estate to my Dear and Well beloved Wife, Sarah Robertson, and to her Disposal, whom I Nominate my Executrix, and my Trusty friend, Thomas Taylor, Executor to this my last will and Testament, hereby revoaking all other wills heretofore made,

                                                                          JAMS. ROBERTSON    (Seal)

Signd, Seald and Declared,
this to be my last will and Testa-
ment. the 17th. day of January,
Annoq Dom. 1753, in the pres-
ents of:



PASQUOTANK COUNTY. SS. October Court, Annoq Dom., 1754.

Present His Majestys Justices:

These may Certifie that that William Woodley, one of the Evidences to the Within Will, appeared in open Court, & made Oath, on the Holy Evangelist, that he was present & Saw James Robertson Sign, Seal, publish and declare the within to be and Contain his Last Will & Testament; and that he was at that time of sound and Disposeing memory; that he also Saw the other Evidences Sign their Names thereto att the same time: then appeared Sarah Robertson, Executrix, and was duly Qualified as Such; ordered that the Honorable James Murray, Esqr., Secretary, have Notice that Letters issue, &c., dated at the Clerks office, the 22d. Day of January, 1754.

Test. THO. TAYLOR, ck. Cu.

Contributed by Nola Duffy

Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.



The Will of


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the fift day of october, one thousand, Seven hundred and twenty Eight. Benjamen Bundy, of pascuotank, in the province of North Carolina, being Sick in body, but of Good and perfect memory; thanks be to Allmity God; And Calling to remembrance the uncertenty of this transitory Life, and that all flesh must yeld unto death when it Shall plese God to Call, Do make, Constitute, odain and declare this, my Last will and testament, manner and form following, Rovoking and adnulling by thes presents all and Every testament and testaments, Will and wills, heretofore by me made and declared, Eigher by ward or writing, and this to be taken only for my Last will and testament, and none other, I Do Gieve and dispose the Same in manner and form following: that is to Say,

First, I Will that all those debt and dues as I owe in Right or Conscience, to any manner of person or persons What So Ever, Shall be well and truly Contented and paid, within Convenient time after my decese, by my Executors hereafter named.

Item. I Give and bequeve in witness unto my Loving wife, Hannah Bundy, the plantation whereon I now Lieve, together with a tract of Land Containing two hundred Eakers adioyning unto my Sd. plantation, during her naterell Life: and in Case my wife, hannah, die without Ishue begotten by my own body, then I will and bequeive the Said Land unto my Loving brother, Samuell Bundy, to him his heirs and assigns for Ever.

Item. I give and bequieve unto my Loving brother, Samuel Bundy, a certain tract of land Sirvaid by William Norris, Sinaor, Liing in Griffens Swamp, to him his heirs and assigns for Ever.

Item. I gieve and bequieve to my Sd. brother, Samll, one negro named torn, to him his heirs & assigns for Ever; and allso one young horse; and furthermore, in Case my wife Should marry After my decese, then I will and bequieve to my Sd. brother, Samll., one feather bed and furniture.

Item. After the decese of my now wife, I give and bequieve my negro Jack, unto my Sd. brother, Samll, him his heirs for Ever.

Item. I gieve and bequieve unto my Loving wife all my personable Estate, both goods and Chattles, that Came to me by her; and the Rest of my personible Estate att the decese of my Sd. wife, to go to my Sd. brother Samll., his heir or Assigns.

Item. I Except onn mare Coalt for my Cosen, Mary Ions.

Item. I gieve and beqeieve Unto my loveing Brother, Samill, all my Right and title to a tract of land Survaed by me and Tho.m Jesup, Lieing in griffens Swamp, To him, hie heirs or assigns for Ever.

Item. i do appoint my Loving wife, hannah bundy, and my brother, Samll. Bundy, my Sole Executors.

In wittness I have here Set my Seal.
                                                                                  BENN ± BUNDY. (Seal)
                                                                                        mark of

Signed Sealed and delivered In
the presents of Us:
      mark of

No. CAROLINA, SS. Octbr 26th,

Thomas Woodley & John Phitt, Two of the Evidences to the aforewritten will came before me & made Oath on the holy Evangelists, that they Saw Benjamen Bundy, decd., seal & Execute the same as his last will & Testamt., he then being of perfect mind & Memory.


Contributed by Nola Duffy

Copied from Original Will filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Source: NC Wills & Inventories – Grimes