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Person County Deeds - D |
LAWSON- 1815 |
This Indenture made this 16th day of August 1815 between Meredith Daniel of the County of Person State of No. Carolina of the one part & Francis
Lawson of the aforesaid county & state of the other part witnesseth that the sd Meredith Daniel for & in consideration of the sum of six hundred and
fifty dollars to him in hand by the sd Francis Lawson his Heirs Execs Admns & assigns the Rect whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted
bargained & sold & by these presents for himself & his Heirs & do give grant bargain sell & confirm unto the said Francis Lawson his Heirs & assigns
forever a certain tract or parcel of land containing by Estimation two hundred & fifty acres the same more or less lying in the County aforesaid &
bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a corner red oak in Baird’s line running thence South with Thomas Lawson’s line 50 chains to a red oak on
Gabriel Davey’s line thence the said line East 15 chains toa corner on a pine thence south on sd Davey’s lie 39 chains & 8 links to a pine thence East
19 chains & 50 to a post oak thence North on vacant land John WILKERSON & Ben DENNY Decd lines 89 chains & 80 links to a red oak on Bairds line thence
West on sd line to the Beginning with all wood waters mines minerals Hereditaments & appurtenances to the sd Francis Lawson his Heirs & assigns forever
In Witness the sd Meredith Daniel doth hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year first above written Meredith Daniel Signed &C in presence Of Thomas Lawson (Jurat) W. Jeffreys No Carolina Person County August Term 1815 The Execution of this deed is as proven in open court by the Oath of Thomas Lawson a subscribing witness & ordered to be registered Test Jesse Dickins CC |
HENRY DAVIS Apprenticed to
This Indenture made this 14 day of January in the yea of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred & Seventeen between Solomon Graves Chairman of the
County Court of pleas and quarter Sessions in the County aforesaid on behalf of the Justices of Said County and their Successors of the one part,
witnesseth that the said Solomon Graves in pursuance to an order of said County Court made the day of the date hereof and agreeable to the direction of
the Act of Our General Assembly in Such Case made and provided doth put place and bind unto the said Elijah Morton,
Henry Davis ------------of the age
of eleven years with the said Elijah Morton to live after the manner of an apprentice and servant until he shall attain to the age of twenty one years,
during all which time the Said apprentice his master faithfully Shall serve his lawful Commands every where readily obey, he shall not at anytime
absent himself from Master Service without leave, but in all things is a good and faithful Servant Shall behave to words his Said Master. And the Said
Elijah Morton doth Covent Promise and agree to and with the Said Solomon Graves that he will teach and Instruct or Cause to be taught and Instructed
the Said Henry Davis to Read and Write and Arithmetic as far as the ______ ______ also the art of a Black Smith in that he will constantly find and
provide for said apprentice during the term aforesaid, Sufficient did, washing lodging & apparel fitting for an apprentice and all other things
necessary both in Sickness and in health. In testimony whereof the parties to these presents hath interchangeably Set their hands and Seals this day &
year above written. So Graves [seal] Elijah Morton [seal] Executed in open Court |
(Submitted by Steven Denny) |
This Indenture made the 15th day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Sixteen. _______ John Walters and Lucy his
wife of Orange County Charles Eastwood and Sarah Eastwood of Granville County Elizabeth Nancy and Thomas DENNEY of Person County all of the State
of North Carolina of the one part and Josiah Wade of Person County and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration
of the sum of two hundred Dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, granted bargained sold & delivered by these
presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Josiah Wade his heirs and assigns one certain tract of land situate lying and being in the county
of Person on the waters of DONALDSON Creek, Beginning at a ____ oak on Meredith Daniels line running South along the sd line to a Post Oak being
Thomas Persons Corner Thence west along sd line to the beginning containing one hundred Acres more or less with all woods under woods profits and
com______ same belonging with the reversion and reversions together ____ right and title whatsoever of them the said John and Lucy Walters, Charles
Eastwood and Sarah Eastwood, Elizabeth DENNEY, Nancy DENNEY, and Thomas DENNEY to have and to hold the aforesaid Granted ______ premises unto the
Said Josiah Wade his heirs and assignees and they the said John Walters, Lucy Walters, Charles Eastwood, Sarah Eastwood, Elizabeth DENNEY, Nancy
DENNEY and Thomas DENNY and assigns doth warrant and forever defend the sd land and premises from all claim or demand whatsoever. Witness whereof
we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and date first above written. John Walters Lucy (her X mark) Walters Nancy DENNEY Elizabeth DENNEY Charles (his X mark) Eastwood Sarah (her X mark) Eastwood Thos DENNEY Sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Day and Ambrose Day North Carolina, Person County November Term 1817 This deed being offered unto the Court for probate it is ordered that Robt Vanhook and John
Holloway Esq. be appointed to examine Lucy Walters wife of John Walters and Sarah Eastwood wife of Charles Eastwood separate and apart from their
husbands respecting that their will and consent to the execution and conveyance of the within premises and make report to this term. Jesse Dickens |
WEBB-1801 |
This Indenture made This 12th of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and one. Between Clayborn DENNEY of Persons County & State
of North Carolina of the one Part and Thomas Webb of Granville County & State aforesaid of the other Part Witnesseth that & said Clayborn DENNY for and
in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds Virginia Currency to him in hand & paid by the said Thomas Webb before the in Sealing of Delivering of
these Presents The Recpt whereof he the said Clayborne DENNY Doth hereby acknowledge hath Granted Bargained & sold and by these Presents also bargain
sell and Grant unto the said Thomas Webb his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or Parcel of land & appurtenances Situate lying and being in the
County of Person & State Aforesaid Beginning at a White Oak on Harrises Corner thence south to a red oak on Daniel’s line thence West to & along
Daniels & Persons line to a Willow Oak, thence North to a Black Jack, Thence East to a Black Jack Thence North to a Pine thence East to a Pine on
Harrises Corner. Thence South to a Pine Stump on Harrises Line to the Beginning containing one Hundred acres More or less together with Woods Under
woods Profits Commodities advantages Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any way appertaining and also the revises &
revision remainder & remainders rents _____ & Services thereof also all the Estate right Interest Property Claim & Demand and Whatsoever of him the
said Clayborn DENNY of in & to the said tract or Parcel of land and appurtenances and of in and to Every Part & Parcel thereof to have & to hold the
said tract or Parcel of land and all & Singular the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Webb his heirs or assigns to the only Proper use Benefits &
behoof of the said Thomas Webb his heirs or assigns forever & the said Clayborn DENNY. The said tract or Parcel of Land and appurtenances and Every
Part thereof against him the said Clayborn DENNY his heirs and against all and every other Person or Persons Whatsoever unto the said Thos Webb his
heirs & assigns shall & will Warrant & Defend forever by these Presents Clayborn DENNY hereunto warrants In witness whereof the said set his hand and
offices his seal the Day & year first above written Clayborn (his X mark) DENNY
HARRIS- 1799 |
(Submitted by Steven Denny) |
This Indenture Made this fourteenth Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine Between Zachariah DENNY of the
Granville County & state aforesaid of the other Part Witnesseth That the said Zachariah DENNY for and in consideration of one hundred Pounds Current
Money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Harris Senr the Recpt Whereof the said Zachariah DENNY Doth hereby acknowledge He Hath Given
Granted Bargained & Sold and by these presents Doth Give Grant Bargain & Sell unto the said John Harris Senr his heirs & assigns forever a Certain
tract or Parcel of land Situate lying and being in the County of Person & Granville & State of North Carolina on Aaron’s Creek Beginning at a Pine on
Harris’s Line Runing North to a Pine Thence East to a Hickory Thence south to a Post Ok on Daniel’s line thence West to the first Station Containing
two Hundred acres be the same More or less together with the appurtenances Privileges and Advantages thereunto belonging to the said land & Premises to
have and to hold the aforesaid two hundred acres with the appurtenances aforesaid unto the said John Harris Senr his heirs & assigns forever and the
said Zachariah DENNY for him his heirs Doth Covenant & agree with the said John Harris Senr his heirs & assigns the said Zachariah DENNY his heirs the
above mentioned two hundred acres & land with the appurtenances unto the said John Harris Senr his heirs against all Persons whatsoever will warrant &
by these Presents forever Defend In Witness whereof the said Zachariah DENNY hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his Seal the Day & Year first above
Written Zachariah (his X mark) DENNY Signd Seald & Delivered in Presence of |
©2021 by the NCGenWeb Project, Inc., and/or individual contributors. Last updated 10/29/2021 |