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Person County Deeds - W |
WALKER- 1847 |
To All people to whom these presents shall come I Moses Walker of the County of Person and State of North Carolina Send greeting Know ye that I the
said Moses Walker for and in Consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved son James Walker of the same county
and state and for divers other Good causes and considerations me have unto moving have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto
the said James Walker all and singular the following portion of my property viz One Negro man known by the name of
Harry and one Negro boy known by the
name of Joseph and also five hundred Dollars in hand paid to have hold and enjoy all and singular, the said property and personal estate aforesaid unto
the said James Walker his heirs administrators executors & assigns to the only proper use and behalf of him, the said James Walker his executors
administrators and assigns forever and I the said Moses Walker, all and singular the aforesaid property to said James Walker, his executors
administrators and assigns against all person what _______ shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this the 14 day of March AD 1847 Moses Walker [seal] State of North Carolina } Person County ] Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions March Term 1847 The execution of the foregoing deed was duly acknowledged in Open Court and on motion was ordered to be registered. Charles Mason Clk |
WOODY - 19 Dec 1843 |
(Submitted by Joyce Harrison) |
Know all men by these presents that I Moses Walker of the County of Person and State of North Carolina for and in consideration of the natural love
and affection which I bear unto Matilda Woody and also in consideration of the sum of one dollar to me paid by my said daughter at or before the
sealing and delivery of these presents the right whereof I do hereby acknowledge hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents do give
grant bargain and sell unto my said daughter Matilda Woody and her heirs the following slave property (to wit)
Agnes, Milley, Maria, Elmira, Susa and Levi
to have and to hold all and singular the slave property together with the increase of said Negros hereby given and granted unto the said Matilda Woody
and her heirs forever conditioned as follows that if the said Matilda Woody shall here after Marry that then and in that case the above described
Negros and their increase to be divided among her and his then surviving children share and share alike in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal This 19th of December 1843. Moses Walker [Seal] Witness Josiah Bumpass State of North Carolna ] Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessons Person County ] December Term 1843 The execution of the within bill sale was duly acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be registered. Charles Mason, clerk This bill Sale is Duly registered in Book P page 246 |
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