August 21, 2011   Contact Myrtle Bridges

We learn from a correspondent, says the Cheraw Intelligencer, that Mrs. Sarah Threadgill, wife of John C. Threadgill, Anson County, NC
was killed by lightning while sitting in her own room, on the afternoon of the 18th ultimo. The family had all assembled in the house 
to avoid a slight rain, when the fatal fluid winged its way into the bosom of the amiable and much lamented mother of the family; every 
person present, amounting to nine or ten, were at the same instant prostrated, except Mr. T. who was considerably stunned. In the sudden 
death of this highly respected lady, the family of Mr. Threadgill and his numerous friends sustain a loss that time can scarcely repair.
The lightning descended the chimney and set fire to the apartment in which the family were sitting, which was extinguished before any 
material injury was done to the building.
Raleigh Register, and North-Carolina Gazette, (Raleigh, NC) Tuesday July 12, 1825; Issue 172; col E

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