1853 October 15. To Superintendents of Common Schools, B. B. McKenzie. This is a true statement
of the names and number of Scholars in District No. 24 over 5 and under 21 yrs.
Committee: Hugh McLean, Wiley Bounds and Atles J. Dawkins.
John D. Bounds
| James Bounds
| Richard Bounds
| Wiley W. Bounds
Henry G. McLean
| Aaron G. Dawkins
| Warner Dawkins
| Virgil A. T. Gibson
William H. H. Gibson
| James S. Gibson
| Neill T. Currie
| Hector B. Currie
Malcom Currie
| Daniel Currie
| Duncan B. Currie
| John A. Currie
Tyrrel Chance
| William Chance
| Robert B. Wallace
| Tristram L. Wallace
Council Wallace
| Mary Jane McLean
| Frances Dawkins
| Nancy J. Gibson
Mary Currie
| Rachel Ann Gibson
| Sarah Currie
| Christian Currie
Rachel Currie
| Ann Chance
| Sarah Currie
| Isabel Currie
Martha Jane Wallace
| Sarah Ann Driggers
| Mary Driggers
| Abigail Driggers
Frances Lavina Adams

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