1864 July 16. We, the School Committee in District No. 21 do hereby report the number of white
Children six years old and under twenty-one to be 25 and their names are as follows: Committee:
John McKay, John White and Archibald Johnson.
J. B. McNeill
| Franklin McNeill
| Angus Gilchrist
| William Gilchrist
R. A. Johnson
| Charley Johnson
| William Johnson
| Leevey Johnson
Judsen Conoley
| Daniel Monroe
| Dockery Johnson
| William McLauchlin
Arch. A. McLauchlin
| Florah McNeill
| Sally Gilchrist
| Christian A. Johnson
Mary A. Johnson
| Catharine Johnson
| Liser Johnson
| Rebeca Conoley
Effy Johnson
| Frances Johnson
| Andrew McLauchlin
| Florah A. White
Catharine Monroe

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