The first Vacation Bible School held in the new church building in 1938. Please email Myrtle if you recognize anyone here.

KEY: (1)---; (2)Bill Samuels; (3)Nellie Boyle; (4)---; (5)---; (6)---; (7)---; (8)---; (9)---;(10)---; (11)---; (12)---; (13)---; (14)---; (15)Evelyn Wilkes; (16)Archie Wilkes; (17)---; (18)---; (19)---;(20)---; (21)---; (22)---; (23)---;(24)---;(25)---;(26)---;(27)---;(28)---;(29)Miss Nancy McRae;(30)---;(31)---; (32)---;(33)---;(34)---;(35)---;(36)---;(37)---;(38)---;(39)Florence Boyle McRae;(40)---; (41)---;(42)---;(43)---;(44)---;(45)---;(46)---;(47)Mrs. Janie Taylor; (48)---;(49)Rev. A. T. Taylor;(50)Rev. John Grier;(51)A. P. Williams; (52)---; (53)---;(54)Beulah Terry Wilkes;(55)---;(56)---; (57)---;(58)Hortense (Jean) Terry;(59)---;(60)---;(61)---;(62)---;(63)---;(64)---;(65)Mary Campbell; (66)---;(67)---;(68)---;(69)---;(70)---;(71)Bessie Campbell; (72)---;(73)---; (74)---;(75)---;

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1944 History of Marks Creek Presbyterian Church
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November 23, 2003