1856 January 21. A list comprising the names of Children in Goober Hill District between
the age of 5 and 21. Committee: Alexander B. Covington and Calvin A. Everett
( West of Big Branch )
John Covington
| Thomas Covington
| William Covington
| James Covington
V. B. Covington
| Samuel Covington
| L. T. Everett
| Joseph C. Everett
John F. Everett
| William Covington
| Willis Watkins
| Thomas Terry
Richmond Bristor
| Thomas Bristor
| William Dawkins
| James Dawkins
James L. Watkins
| William Watkins
| Richmond Lasiter
| John Lasiter
Nancy W. Covington
| M. A. Everett (f)
| L. F. Everett (f)
| Hellen Covington
Mary Covington
| Susan Covington
| H. A. Ellerbe (f)
| N. J. Terry (f)
May Terry
| Nancy Bristor
| S. A. Dawkins (f)
| Martha Dawkins
Elizabeth Dawkins
| Rebeca Yates
| Patsey Yates
| Eliza Watkins
Mary Watkins
( East of Big Branch )
John T. Thrower
| William Thrower
| Jesse Thrower
| Matthew Thrower
James Covington
| William Covington
| S. A. Thrower (f)
| Martha Thrower
Ellen Thrower
| M. J. Covington
| Decimar Northam
| Rebeca C. Northam

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