1853 The following is a list of the number and names in Buffalow District No. 2 which
commenced the 8th day of August and was out the 14th day of Dec., 1853. A term of 4 mos.
(80 days). I certify the following to be correct. James T. Bostick
Robert W. Capel
| John Ewing
| Joseph Ewing
| Jesse Capel
Nathan Bowdon
| Thomas Ewing
| James Chappel
| William Crouch
Hiram Baldwin
| Jenkins Bennette
| John Bowdon
| Calvin C. Covington
Nathan Covington
| M. T. Covington
| Alexander McIntire
| John McIntire
Thomas Tyson
| James Morrison
| Angus Morrison
| Nathan Baldwin
John Elliot
| Calvin Crouch
| John Jenkins
| Luvenia Ewing
Ann Capel
| Eliza J. Bowdon
| Sarah Ewing
| Mary A. Bennette
Sarah Baldwin
| Dizy Baldwin
| Elizabeth Tyson
| Mary A. Tyson
Sarah Baldwin
| Martha J. Tyson
| Elizabeth Morrison
| Elizabeth Elliot
Sarah C. Jenkins
| Jane Jenkins

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