1873 October 1. To the Register of Deeds: The Board of Examiners of Richmond County
report according to Section 15 School Law, the names and number of Teachers to whom
they have given Certificates during the year ending October 1st, 1873. Committee: H. H. Crowson
There are 10 white male Teachers and 1 white female Teacher and five colored male Teachers.
Following are names of Teachers to whom Certificates have been granted:
White teachers:
Parks Chappell
| James H. Morrison
| Duncan McIntyre
| Jacob Perkins
H. H. Crowson
| Frank Sandford
| Christ. C. Gibson
| Daniel M. McNair
John G. Wilkiner
| Mary McNeill
| James S. Watson
Col. male teachers:
Stafford Calhoun
| Daniel M. Gibson
| John S. Lewis
| James M. Simmons
N. W. Harlee

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