Transcribed and contributed by Myrtle Bridges
April 19, 2006

"Despite the difficulties that may be encountered in the use of unfamiliar terms, the Criminal
Action records, filled with names and dates, are a rich source of interesting comments on the lives of our
ancestors and the communities in which they lived. They provide the historians with data about a cummunity's
view of socially acceptable behavior and general morality." Source: Raymond A. Winslow, Jr.
Criminal Actions. According to the General Statutes of North Carolina: "An Action is an ordinary
proceeding in a court of justice, by which a party prosecutes another party for the enforcement or protection
of a right, the redress or prevention of a wrong, or the punishment or prevention of a public offence". Actions
are of two sorts, criminal and civil.
Criminal Actions involve violations of the law, offences "against the peace and dignity of the state and the
statute in that case made and provided." They are adversary proceedings, since they have two opposing parties,
the prosecutor and the defendant.
Offences included murder, manslaughter, riot, affray, assault, battery, burglary, larceny, receiving and
obtaining goods under false pretences, trading with slaves, retailing liquor without a license, and keeping
a disorderly house; adultery, fornication, bigamy, bastardy, and rape; drunkenness, Sabbath breaking,
disturbing a religious meeting, and breach of the peace; cruelty to an apprentice and killing livestock;
forgery and illegal voting; stopping up a ditch and obstructing a highway; and the multitude of other
things prohibited by law. The serious offences are called felonies, the lesser ones misdemeanors.
Source: North Carolina Research - Genealogy and Local History by Helen F. M. Leary, C.G., F. A. S. G., Editor.

January 1777 - Warrant. Anson County. To the Sheriff of Anson County, you are hereby required in the
name of the State of North Carolina to take in to you safe custody Daniel Vine for passing counterfeit
money of the State of South Carolina and him safely keep till discharged by due course of Law. Given
under my hand this 14th June 1777 Thos. Wall.
March 1780 - State vs. Elija Lockerlar
Recognizance for Stealing and miss marking 12 head of cattle the property of Dugal McBride. To appear
last Monday of June at the Court of Richmond Co. Securities James Ivey & Joseph Ivey. The bail for his
appearance each £250. Taken and acknowledged before John Crawford. Lockerlar also charged with stealing
of 14 cattle the property of Malcom McKinnis. James & Joseph Ivey bound for his appearance £500. Malcom
McKinnis bound to prosecute.£100. Dugal McBride and John McBride, Witness Bond each £100. April 17, 1780
March 1780 - State vs. John Matthews, David Cole & Moses Hurley. Indt. AB Wits Abigail Brice, Jehukil
Crowson, John Crowson. A True Bill, John Cole, Foreman. North Carolina, Richmond County. March Court
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. The Jurors for the State of North Carolina upon their oath do present
that John Matthews, Moses Hurley and David Cole late of the County of Richmond, labourers on the 14th
day of February in the fourth year of Independence of said State, with force and arms at the county
aforesaid to wit, with guns, clubs and staves in and upon one Abigail Brice in the peace of God and
this State then and there being an assault did make and her the said Abigail Brice then and there did
beat wound and ill treat so that of her life it was despaired of and other wrongs and enormities to
her the said Abigail Brice then and there did to the great damage of her the said Abigail Brice and
against the peace and dignity of the said State. Jam Auld, Attorney for State.
March 1782 - State vs. Phill James & James James Indt. Riot. No Bill. Benjamin Covington, Foreman.
Wits. Henry & Elizabeth Covington.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. At a County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions begun and held
for the county of Richmond at the Court therein on the 4th Monday in March in the year of Our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighty two before the Worshipful Charles Medlock, Esq., and the rest of their
companions Justices assigned to keep the peace, as also to hear and determine all petit larcenies,
trespasses, assaults, batteries and other misdemeanors of an inferior nature committed or done in the
county aforesaid.
The Jurors for the State of North Carolina in the county of Richmond upon their oaths present and say
that Phillip James and James James late of the county aforesaid on the 5th day of January last being
in the year 1782 in Richmond aforesaid did with force and arms an assault, commit and ill treat the
said Henry Covington and Elizabeth Covington his wife then and there being in the peace of God and of
our said State, and him did threaten to burn his house and all he had, and all other tongues to the
said Henry Covington & Elizabeth Covington then despaired to his great injury and against the peace
and dignity of said State. John Crawford, Attorney for State.
March 1783 - State vs. Charles Goodon & Wm Cook. Pros, Isaac Brigman A True Bill. Moses Chambers, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that Charles Goodon and William Cook late of the county of Richmond aforesaid, labourers, on the 25th day of
March 1783, in the county afore-said, with force and arms in and upon on Isaac Brigman in the peace of God
and the said State then and there being, an assault did make upon him the said Isaac Brigman and did beat
wound and evil treat so that his life was despaired of and other wrongs to him the said Isaac Brigman did
to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of the said State. Morgan Brown, Atto for State
June 1783 - State vs. Margaret Dickson. Recognizance Executed by Ed. Williams
North Carolina, Richmond County, To Sheriff of Richmond County, Greeting. You are commanded to take the
body of Margaret Dickson if to be found in your Baliwick and her safely keep so that you have her before
one of our Justices of the Peace for our said County, than and there to enter into recognizance with
condition make her person al appearance before us or our successors at the next Inferior Court of Pleas
and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court house therein on the last Monday
in September next, then and there to answer unto the State unto a presentment against her found, for
bearing a bastard child and here in fail not and have you then and there this writ witness William Love
Clerk of our said Court at Richmond aforesaid the last Monday in June in the seventh year of American
Independence. Anno Dom 1783. Wm. Love, Clerk
June 1783 - State vs. John Ezel. Contempt. Informers: John Wall, Lott Stricklin, Burrel Stricklin.
Morgan Brown, Attorney.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that John Ezel late of the County of Richmond aforesaid on the 24th day of April in the year of our Lord
1783 in the county of Richmond aforesaid did knowingly and willfully abuse and continuously disobeyed
the order of this Court, of Richmond held on the first Monday of March last, and other wrongs then and
there did against the dignity of the said State. Morgan Brown, Atto for State.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that John Ezel late of the County of Richmond aforesaid on the 24th day of April in the year of our Lord
1783 in the county of Richmond aforesaid did with force and arms in and upon John Wall, Esq. in the peace
of God and said State, then and there being, an assault did make upon him the said John Wall, then and
there did beat, wound and ill treat, to that his life was greatly despaired, and other wrongs to the
said John Wall, then and there di to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State.
Morgan Brown, Atto for State
August 1783 - Warrant to Thomas Stevens. Executed by Edward Almon, Constable.
State of South Carolina, Cheraw District. By Tristram Thomas one of the Justices of the peace for said
District. To any lawful constable of the same for as much as Patience Stevens hath this day come before
me and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that her father Thomas Stevens did sometime in
December 1782 feloniously against the will of her the said patience have carnal knowledge of her, and
other damage do to her the said Patience did then and there do.
These are therefore to command you to apprehend the said Thomas Stevens and bring him before me or some
other Justice of the peace for said district to be examined whereof he stands charged. Given under my
hand and seal this 7th day of August 1783. (signed) Tristram Thomas.
Sent to State of North Carolina, Richmond County, Charles Medlock, to Edward Aldmon, Constable. Thomas
Stevens the within named person acquitted from this Warrant from its illegality by order of Court, to
be filed in office. Present on the Bench: Henry Wm. Harrington, Benj. Covington, John Bounds, Dudley Mask
and John Sneed, Esquires. (John Sneed crossed out). Test: Wm. Love Clerk.
September 1783 - State vs. Duncan McFarling Indictment.
Assault & Battery. Moses Johnston, Catharine Johnston, Adkinson Johnston, Wits. A True Bill. Darby
Henegan, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that Duncan McFarling late of the County of Richmond aforesaid, labourer, on the 26th day of August 1783
in the county of Richmond with force and arms in and upon Moses Johnston in the peace of God and said
State, there and then being an assault did make upon him the said Moses Johnston , then and there did
beat wound and ill treat to that his life was greatly despaired of and other wrongs to the said Moses
Johnston then and there did to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of the said State.
Morgan Brown, Atto for the State.
September 1783 - State vs. Daniel McKinnis Indt.TAB Moses Johnston, Catharine Johnston, Adkinson
Johnston, Wits. No Bill. Darby Henegan, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that Daniel McKinnis late of the County of Richmond aforesaid, labourer, on the 26th day of August 1783
in the county of Richmond with force and arms in and upon Moses Johnston in the peace of God and said
State, there and then being an assault did make upon him the said Moses Johnston , then and there did
beat wound and ill treat to that his life was greatly despaired of and other wrongs to the said Moses
Johnston then and there did to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of the said State.
Morgan Brown, Atto for the State.
September 1783 - State vs. Daniel McDugal Indict. Assault & Battery. Moses Johnston, Catharine Johnston,
Adkinson Johnston, Wits. No Bill. Darby Henegan, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that Daniel McDugal late of the County of Richmond aforesaid, labourer, on the 26th day of August 1783
in the county of Richmond with force and arms in and upon Moses Johnston in the peace of God and said
State, there and then being an assault did make upon him the said Moses Johnston, then and there did beat
wound and ill treat to that his life was greatly despaired of and other wrongs to the said Moses Johnston
then and there did to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of the said State. Morgan Brown,
Atto for the State.
November 1783 - State vs. William Moody Larceny Daniel Thomas, Pros. Wm. Blewitt, Wit. Pled not guilty.
A True Bill. John Crawford, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and County aforesaid upon their oath present
that William Moody of Richmond County on the 28th of November 1783 with force and arms in the county
aforesaid one barrow the property of Daniel Thomas of Richmond County aforesaid of the price of ten
pence specie of the goods and chattels of the said Daniel Thomas then and there being did feloniously
steal take and carry away to the great damage of said Daniel Thomas and against the peace and dignity
of the said State and against an Act of Assembly in such cases made etc. Morgan Brown, Atto for State.
December 1783 - State vs. Nancy Castlyham John Bethey, Pros. Elizabeth Brewer, John Cook, Witnesses.
A True Bill, John Crawford, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State upon their oath present that Nancy Castlyham
alias Barrantine of Richmond County aforesaid on the 31st day of July 1783 with force and arms in the
county aforesaid half a bushel of salt of the value of ten pence specie of the goods and chattels of one
John Bethey then and there being did take and carry away to the great damage of him the said John Bethey
and against the peace and dignity of the said State and against an Act of Assembly in such case made.
Morgan Brown, Atto for State.
December 1783 - State vs. Andrew Killet. Edward Smith, Pros.
North Carolina, Richmond County. This day John Sneed complained to me upon oath that on Monday the 15th
of this instant he had a bagg and jugg with two gallons of whiskey stolen and that he has manifest reasons
to believe that Edward Smith and Andrew Killett did seal the same. These are therefore to command you that
you take the said Edward Smith and Andrew Killett and bring him before some justice of the peace for the
said county that they may be dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of
December 1783. Chas. Medlock. To Randal Haley or Dempsie Pitman to execute.
December 1783 - State vs. Andrew Killett A True Bill John Crawford Foreman. Hannah Colter, Wit. for State,
Summons. Sworn and Sent by Wm. Love, Clk.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. December Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three.
We the jurors for the State aforesaid upon our oath do present that Andrew Killet of the County aforesaid,
labourer, on the 15th day of December in the year of our Lord 1783, with force and arms, to wit, guns,
swords and staves in the county aforesaid one jug of whisky to the value of ten pence specie current
money of the State aforesaid of the goods and chattels of John Sneed then and there being, did feloniously
steal, take and carry away to the evil examples of all others and to the great damage of him the said John
Sneed, and against the peace and dignity of the said State. Morgan Brown, Atto for State.
Andrew Killett has given me his horse in security for his appearance to the next Court this 16th December
1783. John Sneed bound over to prosecute in £40. Acknowledged this 16th of December 1783. Charles Medlock.
December 1783 - State vs. John Killett Roger McKinsey, Pros, Kenneth McKenzie, Wit. A. True Bill. John
Crawford, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The State upon their oath present that John Killett of Richmond County
aforesaid on the 10th day of September in the year of our Lord 1783 with force and arms in the county
aforesaid a male sheep of the price of two pound specie then and there being did feloniously steal, take
and carry away to the great damage of him the said Roger McKinsey and against the peace and dignity of
the said State and against an Act of Assembly in such case made. Morgan Brown, Atto for State.
December 1783 - State vs. William Moody. David Thomas, Prosecutor. Securities, Edw. Williams, John Wall
North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas David Thomas complains to me upon oath that he has reason to
believe that Thomas & William Moody has stoled and killed some of his hoggs. These are therefore to
require and command you that you take the said Thomas and William Moody and bring him or them before
some Justice of the Peace for the said County to answer the above complaint from under my hand and seal
this 15th 1783. Chas Medlock to any lawful officer. Executed on Wm. Moody by Edward Williams.
February 1784 - State vs. Cloe Mason Recognizance.
North Carolina, Richmond County. Be it remembered on the 20th day of February 1784 Cloe Mason and Daniel
Hicks, both of the said county personally appeared before me John Stephen one of the Justices of said county
and acknowledged them-selves to owe the State the sum of £50 proclamation money of North Carolina. Each to
be made and levied on the goods and chattels and tenements for the use of the State of said Cloe Mason …
March 1784 - State vs. John Long, Jun. in Suit of William Husband. (Of Long's goods and chattels taken
in settlement were: one cotton wheel to Mrs. Long, one pair cotton cards, one pot to Joseph Freeman, one
bedstead to Wm. Hunter, old ladle and flesh fork, five plates, two basins, one dish to Wm. Hunter, the
value of £2.28.1.)
June 1784 - State vs. Edward Smith. Smith accused of stealing one 'jugg' of whiskey the price of ten pence
specie from John Sneed on the 15th day of December 1784 A True Bill. John Crawford Foreman. Morgan Brown,
Atto for State. John Sneed and Mrs. Coulter, wife of William Coulter, summoned to testify in behalf of State.
June 1784 - State vs. Alexander Brownley and Sarah Brownley his wife. Indt. Simon Parker, Pros, Wm. &
Mary Hathcock, Wits. Not a True Bill. Chas. Robinson, Foreman
North Carolina, Richmond County. The State upon their oath present that Alexander Brownley and Sarah
Brownley, his wife, both of Richmond County, on the 17th day of May in the year of our Lord 1784, with
force and arms in the county aforesaid two midloins of bacon of the value of ten pound specie of the goods
and chattels of Simon Parker in Richmond County aforesaid, then and there being did steal, take and carry
away, to the great damage of him the said Simon Parker, and against the peace and dignity of the said State.
Morgan Brown, Atto for State
September 1784 - State vs. Daniel Johnston Indt. TAB of John Hall. Darby Henegan Pros. A True Bill
Larence O'Briant, Foreman
North Carolina, Richmond County. The State upon their oath present that Daniel Johnston late of said
County, labourer, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the
instigation of the Devil, did on the 25th day of September 1784, intending to bring the authority of
the law and the initiative of it into great contempt and scandal make in the following words, to wit,
he damned Darby Henegan being a Justice of the Peace and in the execution of his authority, and said
"Damn him and his authority", and the constable who was executing his office agreeable to the command
of said Justice, the said Johnston upon being commanded to keep the peace by the
said Henegan, Esq., brandished a stick at him which he held in his hand and other wrongs then and there
did to the evil example of all others in like case offending, and against the peace and dignity of said
State, Jno McNairy, CS
September 1784 - State vs. Walter Leak Indt. TAB. Wits. Dudley Mask, Jno Mask, Phill. James
North Carolina, Richmond County. The State upon their oath present that Walter Leak Esq. late of the
County and State aforesaid upon the 28th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and eighty four not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and instigated by
the devil, did make an assault upon Dudley Mask, being in the peace of God and said State and him the
said Mask, did beat wound and ill treat so that his life was greatly despaired of and other wrongs then
& there did against the peace and dignity of the State. Jno McNairy, CS
September 1784 - State vs. Silas Overstreet Indt. Pet Lar. Jos. Hall, John Hall, Wm. Dawkins and Thos.
Summerlin, Witnesses. A True Bill. Larence Obriant, Foreman. North Carolina, Richmond County. The State
upon their oath present that Silas Overstreet of the county and state aforesaid upon the 12th day of
March in the year of our Lord 1783 being moved and seduced by instigation of the Devil and not having
the fear of God before his eyes, did steal, take and carry away a red brindled steer the property of
Thomas Summeral and being of the value of 6 pence thereby feloniously intending to deceive the said
Thomas Summeral of his right to the evil example of all others in like case offending and contrary to
the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, CS
March 1785 - State vs. Richard Hill, Indt. TAB, Stephen Pettis, Witness.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Richard
Hill late of Richmond County aforesaid did on the 26th day of March 1785 in the county aforesaid make an
assault upon a certain Stephen Pettis in the peace of God and said State and him the said Stephen did beat,
wound, and ill treat so that his life was greatly despaired of, to the evil example of all others in like
case offending and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jury, Esqs. Charles Medlock, Walter Leak
and Jno Bounds. Jno McNairy, CS
March 1785 - State vs. River Jordon. Indt. Assault. John Powers, Pros. No Bill. John Cole, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that River
Jordon late of the county aforesaid did on the 31st day of March 1785 with force and arms make an assault
upon a certain John Powers in the peace of God and said State at the courthouse in said county against
the peace and dignity of said State. Jurors, Charles Medlock, Dudley Mask, Joseph Haynes. Jno McNairy, CS.
March 1785 - State vs. River Jordon. Indt. Assault. William Easterlin, Pros., Thos. P. Williams, Witness.
A True Bill. John Cole, Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that River
Jordon late of the county aforesaid did on the 31st day of March 1785 did at the courthouse in said
county make an assault upon a certain William Easterlin being a justice of the peace for said county
and in the peace of God and said State, to the evil example of all others in like case offending against
the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, CS
March 1785 - State vs. Zachariah McDaniel Indt. Trespass Elizabeth Leveritt, Wit.
A True Bill. John Cole Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Zachariah
McDaniel late of the county aforesaid did on the 29th of January in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty four, did in the county aforesaid with force and arms make an attempt upon the
house of a certain John Leverit and broke open the door of said house, to his the said John Leverit's
great damage and to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against the peace and
dignity of said State. Jno. McNairy, CS
March 1785 - State vs. Moses Bowman Indt. TAB Mary McCoy, Witness. No Bill, John Cole, Foreman.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Moses Bowman late
of the county of Richmond aforesaid did on the-day of -in the year 1785 with force and arms make an assault
upon a certain Mary McCoy of the county aforesaid and in the county aforesaid and her the said Mary McCoy
did beat, wound and ill treat so that her life was greatly despaired of and to the great damage of her the
said Mary McCoy and against the peace and dignity of said State. Presented by Charles Medlock, Walter
Leak and Joseph Hynes. Jno McNairy, CS
March 1785 - State vs. Robert Farley. Indicted TAB Lauchlan McCannon, Pros.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Robert
Farley late of the county of Richmond, labourer, in the county aforesaid did with force and arms on the
25th day of December last make an assault in and upon the body of a certain Laughlan McCannin in the peace
of God and said State, and him the said Lauchlan did treat wound and ill treat so that his life was greatly
despaired of to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against the peace and dignity of
said State. Jurors, Esqs., Charles Medlock, Jno Speed and Walter Leak. Jno McNairy, CS.
March 1785 - State vs. George Carter Indt. Pet Lar. Nathaniel Harrington, Pros. A True Bill. John Cole,
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that George
Carter, Jun. late of the county of Richmond aforesaid not having the fear of God before his eyes, but
being moved and seduced by the instigations of the devil, did on the 25th day of March in the year of
our Lord 1785 take, steal and carry away one crow barr of the value of six pence, the property of Thomas
Dockery to the evil example of all in like case offending and against the peace and dignity of the State.
Jno McNairy, CS. Esqs. Charles Medlock, Joseph Haynes, Dudley Mask
May 1785 - State vs. Esau Steelle & Lovick Steele & James Long. Pros. William Colter, Blacksmith.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas as William Colter, Blacksmith complains to Charles
Medlock one of the Justices of the peace for said county that sometime in December last his shop was
robbed and sundry articles was feloniously stoled, taken and carried off, one club ax, one New England
ax and sundry other articles too tedious to mention and that he has just cause to suspect that Esau Steele
and Lovick Steel and James Long was concerned in stealing the said articles.
These are therefore in the name of said State to require and command you that you apprehend the said Esau
Steele, Lovick Steele and James Long and bring him or them before me or some other Justice of the peace in
and for the said county to answer the premises they now stand charged with. Given under my hand and seal
this 16th day of May 1785. To any lawful officer. Summons James Hunter. Charles Medlock
June 1785 - State vs. John Viner, Robert Rye Solomon Dearman, Pros.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Viner & Robert Rye all of the county of Richmond and State aforesaid on the 1st day of January in the
year of our Lord 1785 very wickedly inclined did feloniously steal, take, carry away and kill one white
cow, the property of Soloman Dearman of the value of six pence at the county aforesaid and to the evil
example of all others in like case offending and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy
CS. Jurors, Esqs, Charles Medlock, Jno Bounds and James Cole.
June 1785 - State vs. Lovick Steely Indt. PL Will Coulter, Pros., James Hunter, wit. A True Bill, John
Cole Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Lovick
Steely, labourer, late of the county of Richmond, State aforesaid did on the 20th day of February 1785 in
the county aforesaid did feloniously take, steal and carry away one club ax and one New England ax, both
the property of Col. Edward Williams, the axes of the value of six pence, contrary to law to the evil
example of all others in like case offending and against the peace & dignity of said State. Charles Medlock,
John Cole, Benj. Covington, Esqs. Jurors. Jno McNairy, CS
June 1785 - State vs. Benjamin Arnold. Capias.
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Recognizance of Benjamin Arrandell. Benj. Arrandell is bound in
the sum of £100 for his appearance at next Court at Richmond County the last Monday in September next.
John Turnege bound in Security in the sum of £100. Isaac Yates, Security in the sum of £100. August 13th
1785 Wm. Easterling, J.P.
October 1785 - State vs. Hendrickson & Rye
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas, Ann Hill complains to Charles Medlock one of the
justices of the peace for said county upon oath that sometime in October last, that she had two head
of cattle feloniously stolen, taken and carried off, to wit, one no horns of a and light red heifer,
the other a red and white pided with horns. Each three years old, and that she has manifest reason to
suspect that Andrew Hendrickson and Robert Rye both of said county, labourers, of stealing said heifers.
There are therefore in the name of said state to require and command you that you take sufficient
assistance with you and that you apprehend the said Andrew Hendricks and Robert Rye and you bring them
before me or some other justice of the peace in and for the said County to answer the above complaint.
Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of September 1785. Charles Medlock
To any lawful office as for want of such. Zachariah Martin to execute and return. Summons Motley Hall,
Elizabeth Mims, James James and John Watkins for the State. Robert Nelson
October 1785 - State vs. Wm. Simpkins Warrant.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas, I am credibly informed that William Simpkins of the
County and State aforesaid is a person of lewd life and conversation and a common disturber of the peace,
and is charged of cutting Lamden Phillips' mares ? (illegible) 'years' off at Richmond County. These are
therefore in the name of the State to command you to take the said Simpkins and bring him before us or
some other Justice of this county to answer unto such matters as shall be charged against him. Given under
my hand and seal this 5th day of October 1785. Edward Williams.
December 1785 - State vs. Edward McFershion. Inst. Misdemeanor. Jno. McAllister & William Welch, Wits.
A True Bill. John Pankey, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Edward
McFershion late of the county of Richmond aforesaid at the county aforesaid on the -day of December 1785
did divulge the States secret to his fellows contrary to the sacred and religious ties of an oath by him
taken, and contrary to the duty every man owes to that society in which he lives, to the evil example of
all others in like case offending and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, County
December 1785 - State vs. Jno Leveret TAB Thos Brown Pros. Sol Gross, Wit.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Leveret, late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid on the 27th day of December in the year
of our Lord 1785 did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Thomas Brown in the peace of God
and said State and him the said Thomas did beat and wound and ill treat so that his life was greatly
despaired of to his the said Thomas' great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State Jno
McNairy, County Solicitor.
December 1785 - Warrant & Recognizance for Andrew Hendrickson, bound over for cow stealing. £50 bond.
Joseph Hall, Jun and William Hunter each £25.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas Thomas Quick this day came before me one of the Justices
of the peace for the said county and made oath that he has lost some cattle, and has just cause to believe
that Andrew Hendrickson has made way with them. These are there in the name of the State to command you
that you take him and bring him before me or some other justice of the peace for said county as he may
be dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand and seal this 28th day of December 1785. Chas.
Medlock. To any lawful officer to execute. Summons River Jordon and Robert Rye.
December 1785 - State vs. Jno. Cain Indt. Pet Lar. Thomas Dockery, Pros. Henry Welsh, Wit. A True Bill,
John Pankey Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Cain late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid on the 20th day of December 1785 did with
force and arms feloniously steal, take and carry away about five pecks of corn of the value of six pence,
the proper goods and chattels of Thomas Dockery to the evil example of all others in like case offending
and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy County Solicitor.
December 1785 - State vs. Andrew Hendrickson. Indt. P. Lar. Thos. Quick, Pros., Robert Rye & River Jordon,
Wits. A True Bill. Thomas Pankey, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Andrew
Hendrickson, late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid on the 1st day of January 1785 did
with force and arms feloniously steal, take and carry away one heifer of the value of six pence the proper
goods and chattels of a person unknown to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against
the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
December 1785 - State vs. Thomas Brown Indt. TAB. John Leveritt, Pros. A True Bill. Thomas Pankey, Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Thomas
Brown late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid on the 28th day of December in the year of
our Lord 1785 did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain John Leverett in the peace of God
and said State and him the said John did beat wound and ill treat so that his life was greatly despaired
of, to his the said John's great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, CS.
December 1785 - State vs. Wm. Beaty, Indt. Misdemeanor. Duncan McFarlin Prosecutor. A True Bill, John
Pankey, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that William
Beaty late of the county aforesaid at the county of Richmond, on the 12th day of December 1785 did sell
and retail spirituous liquors by small and unlawful measures, to wit., half pints and gills, not regarding
a law prohibiting such conduct to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against the
peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
December 1785 - State vs. James Long Indt. PL Ed. Williams, James Hunter, Will Colter, Isaiah Stealy,
Ludwick Stealy, Wits. A True Bill. John Pankey, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that James
Long, late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid on the 20th day of February 1785 did with
force and arms feloniously steal, take and carry away one club ax of the value of six pence the proper
goods and chattels of Edward Williams to the evil example of all others in the like case offending &
against the peace and dignity of said State Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
December 1785 - State vs. Solomon Quick. Thos. Dobbins, Prosecutor, Tabitha Darby, James Darby, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Solomon
Quick late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid on the 20th day of June 1785 did with force
and arms feloniously steal, take and carry away a steer, spotted with white and red spots of the value of
six pence the proper goods and chattels of Thomas Dobbins to the evil example of all others in like case
offending and against the peace and dignity of the said State. Jno McNairy Co. Sol.
December 1785 - State vs. John Covington (Son of Henry Covington) Capias
A Memorandom: This day Solomon Gross acknowledged himself indebted to the State of North Carolina in the
sum of £20 species to pay on condition that John Covington (son of Henry) make his appearance to the next
Court to be held for the county of Richmond on the 2nd Monday in April next, and not depart without leave
of the said Court…. Benjamin Covington
December 1785 - State vs. Thomas Stanback James Smith Pros, James Bostick Wit.
A True Bill John Pankey, Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Thomas
Stanback did on the 30th day of October 1785 at the county aforesaid with force and arms make an assault
upon the body of James Smith, Sr, to his great hurt and damage and against the peace and dignity of the
said State. Jno McNairy
December 1785 - State vs. Benjamin Vaughn A True Bill John Pankey, Pros.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Benjamin
Vaughn did on the 10th day of December 1785 at the county aforesaid with force and arms make an assault
upon the body of John Pankey, to his great hurt & damage and against the peace and dignity of the said
State. Jno McNairy
December 1785 - State vs. Dunkin McFarland Indt TAB Nancy McDaniel, Pros. Isabel McDaniel, Wit. A True
Bill John Pankey, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State on their oaths present that Dunkin
McFarland late of the county of Richmond at the county aforesaid, on the 20th day of July 1785 did with
force and arms make an assault upon a certain Nancey McDaniel late of the county aforesaid and her the
said Nancey did beat wound and ill treat so that her life was greatly despaired of to her the said Nancey's
great damage and to the evil example of all others in like case offending against the peace and dignity of
said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor
January 1786 - State vs. Enock Hall. TAB. Pros. Wits. Jno. Dunbarr, Rolin Dunbarr and Jno McAlister. Jno
McNairy, Atto.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. January Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present that Enock Hall late of the county of Richmond on the 22nd day of November in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and eighty six did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Rolin
Dunbarr in the county of Richmond aforesaid and him the said Rolin did beat, wound and ill treat and to
the great damage of him the said Rolin's great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State.
Jno McNairy County Colicitor.
January 1786 - Blalock vs. Celley
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas Judeth Blalock single woman made oath that she has been
delivered of a child which child is a bastard and may be chargeable to the county, and whereas Judeth
Blalock has confessed that William Celley of this county did beget the said child etc. These are therefore
in the name of the state to command you to apprehend the said William Celley and bring him before me or
some other justice of said county to answer the above charge given under my hand this 12th day January
1786. Benjamin Covington.
January 1786 - State vs. Philip James. Indct. Misdemeanor. William Wall. Joseph Tarbutton, Pros. Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. January Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present that Philip James late of the county of Richmond, yeoman, on the 11th day of January 1787 did at
the county aforesaid with force and arms enter into the sheriff's guard house and interrupt the guard,
and made use of great threats against the sheriff himself, which shewed a desire in the said Philip James
to relieve the prisoners, to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against the peace
and dignity of said state. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor. Jury Foreman, Wm. Thomas.
April 1786 - State vs. John Watkins. Presentment for Fighting. Not Guilty.
October 1786 Session Richmond County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Reasons in arrest of Judgment, that
the term 'fighting' ascertains no crime in legal constitution and of course no punishment. Wm. Latham, Atto.
April 1786 - State vs. Randolph McDaniel. On the 13th day of April 1786 Randolph McDaniel did make an
assault upon a certain Dan'l McFersion. Ezra Bostick, Jury Foreman.
April 1786 - State vs. Thos. Brown. Misdemeanor. Will Arnold, Ben Arnold Pros.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. April Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present that Thomas Brown late of said County and State on the 20th of march one thousand seven hundred
and eighty six not being a citizen of this State, but a citizen of South Carolina, did undertake to
execute the office of a constable and did execute a ---- to the great damage of a certain Benjamin
Arnold and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
April 1786 - State vs. James McDaniel (a witness against Wm. Jenkins). Made known to James McDaniel
in presence of George Gowers. Wm. Wall, Sheriff
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To the Sheriff of Richmond County, Greeting. You are hereby
commanded that before good and lawful men of your bailiwick you make known unto James McDaniel a witness
against William Jenkins that he make his personal appearance before the Justices of the County Court of
Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County aforesaid at the Court House therein on the 2nd
Monday in July next, to shew cause if any he have why his recognizance should not be forfeited he being
bound to appear and failed when called and have you then and there this writ together with the names of
those in which presence you made know the same witness William Love, Clerk of said Court at office the
2nd Monday in April in the 10th year of American Independence. Anno Dom 1786. Wm. Love Clk
April 1786 - County Treasurer vs. Solomon Gross & Charles Metlock.
Executed four Negroes and ten half acre lots in the town of Rockingham which are not sold by reason of
the Negroes being removed after having been left with Mrs. Gross on her particular desire for her being
answerable for the forthcoming of the said four Negroes to me when called for. Nicholas Stone, Constable.
Wm. Wall, Sheriff.
April 1786 - State vs. William Mims Pet. Lar. David Snead, Pros. Wit.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. April Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present and say that Will Mims late of the county aforesaid and at the county aforesaid on the 12th day
of December in the year of our Lord 1780 did feloniously steal, take and carry away one cow of a brown
couler branded DSA and a white face of the value of six pence, the property of a certain David Snead,
Sen. and other wrongs then and there did to the evil example of others in the like case offending &
against the peace and dignity of said State. Ezra Bostick, Jury Foreman. Jno. McNairy, County Solicitor
April 1786 - State vs. Elizabeth Harrey. Indt. Adultery. Pros. Wits. Ezra Bostick, Richard Powel,
Thos. Usher and Samuel Usher.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. April Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present and say that Elizabeth Harrey late of said county and state did on the 20th day of March one
thousand seven hundred and eighty six and at sundry other times before, commit the heinous and shameful
crime of adultery by cohabiting with a certain Richard Pope contrary to all law by both human and Devine,
to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against the peace and dignity of said State.
Jno McNairy, Atto
April 1786 - State vs. Will. Wall TAB. Pros. Wit. Israel Snead, Jr. & David Snead.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. April Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present and say that William Wall did on the 14th day of April, 1786 with force and arms make an assault
on a certain David Snead, Jr. etc.
May 1786 - A Warrant. State vs. Solomon Gross
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. It appears by the oath of William Hunter, Jun. said Solomon
Gross has feloniously stoled, taken, carried off an old sundry irons that came of our gaol belonging
to the good people of said County contrary to law. These are therefore in the name of said State to
require and command that you take the body of the said Solomon Gross so that you have him before me or
some other Justice of the Peace in and for the said County to answer the premises he now stands charged
with. Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of May 1786 and in the 10th year of our Independence.
To any lawful officer to execute. Summons Thos. Dockery, Wm. Hunter Jun, John Long, Matthew Strickland
& Wm Husband. Chas. Medlock
Richard Leveritt did agree to find the iron and Robert Smith agreed to make the irons set for the gaol.
Wm. Wall.
July 1786 - State vs. Jesse Dickson. James Gibson, Pros. Thos Gibson, Wit.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. July Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present and say that Jesse Dickson late of the county of Richmond aforesaid, yeoman, on the 13th day
of August 1785 with force and arms one twilled bag marked with a needle & thread, with the letters J.G.
of the value of six pence of the goods and chattels of James Gibson then and there being found did then
and there feloniously steal, take and carry away to the great damage of the said James Gibson and against
the peace and dignity of the State. Christopher Reaynolds summonsed to "testify and the truth to say" in
behalf of the State. Jno. McNairy, Atto.
July 1786 - Officers vs. Daniel Curry in Suit of Solomon Dearman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. July Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their oath
present and say that Solomon Dearmon late of said County and State on the 25th day of September in the
year of our Lord 1783 did with force and arms at the county aforesaid feloniously steal, take and carry
away one heifer of a black couler and marked with a crop and slit in the left ear, and a slit under the
right, being the value of six pence and the property goods and chattels of Daniel Curry late of said
county and state to the evil example of all others in like case offending and against the peace and
dignity of said state. John Viner, Wit. John Cole, Jury Foreman. Jno McNairy, Atto for State.
July 1786 - State vs. Duncan McFarland Indt. TAB in Suit of Isabel McDonnel. A True Bill John Pankey,
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present and say that
Dunkin McFarland late of said county and State on the 20th of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty six did at the county aforesaid with force and arms make an assault upon a certain
Isbelly McDonnel being in the peace of said State and her the said Isabel did beat, wound and ill treat
so that her life was greatly despaired of, to the evil example of all others in like case offending and
against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, Atto for State.
July 1786 - State vs. Moses Hodge.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. This day came Dugal Blue before me and complains that Moses
Hodge feloniously killed a hog of the property of the widow Blue's. This one therefore in the name of
this State to command you to take the body of the said Hodge and bring him before me or some other
Justice of the Peace to answer the above complaint given under my hand this A. 7 (?) 1786. Summons
George Gin, Mary Lewes . To any lawful officer to execute. John Bound.
This day appeared Moses Hodge before me and acknowledged himself indicted to State of North Carolina
in fifty pound. John Duncan 25, Malcom Blue 25. Witness. George Gin, Witness and Archibald Ray 25.
October 1786 - State vs. Elizabeth Leaton To answer unto State to a Presentment against her found by
the Grand Jury for Bastardy
October 1786 - State vs. James Dunbarr, alias James Hill. Ind't Misdemeanor. Alexander Gordon, Pros.
Enock Hall, Peggy Blue, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. October Session 1786. The Jurors for the State upon their
oath present and say that James Dunbarr, alias James Hill, late of the county of Richmond on the 3rd
day of September, being the day commonly called Sabbath did with force and arms at the county aforesaid
kill and appropriate to his own use one hog of a red colour not marked to the evil example of all others
in like case offending against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, Atto for Co.
John Dunbarr & Silas Overstreet acknowledge themselves indebted to the State in the sum £24 each void
upon condition that James Dunbarr make his personal appearance before our next Court.
January 1787 - State vs. Enock Hall Indt. TAB Jno Dunbar, Pros, Rolin Dunbar and Jno McAllister, Wits.
Sworn to & Sent Wm. Love CC, Jno McNairy, Atto for County
A True Bill William Thomas, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State on their oaths present that Enock Hall,
late of the county of Richmond aforesaid labourer, on the 22nd day of November in the year of our Lord 1786
did with force and arms at the county of Richmond aforesaid make an assault upon a certain Rolin Dunbar
late of the county of Richmond aforesaid and him the said Rolin did beat wound and ill treat so that his
life was greatly despaired of and other wrongs then and there did, to the great damage of him the said
Rolin and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
January 1787 - State vs. Jno Leverit. Indictment. Misdemeanor A True Bill. Wm. Thomas, Foreman. Thomas
Walker, Pro., Sworn to and Sent Wm. Love, Clk. Jno. McNairy, Atto for County.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State on their oaths present that John
Leveritt late of Richmond County, yeoman, with force and arms on the eleventh day of January 1787 at
the county aforesaid did, directfully and wickedly and mischievously cut down and destroy the stocks
of the said county then and there being, by which said evil, wicked, mischievous and scandalous act
and behavior the said county is deprived of the benefit of stocks to punish and restrain the disorderly
and vicious such as the said John Leveritt, all which things the said jurors on their oath aforesaid
present as being to the evil example of all others, to their great damage and injury of the said county
of Richmond and against the peace and dignity of the State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
January 1787 - Thomas Walker. Bond 50. Recognizance.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. January 10th, 1787. Thomas Walker acknowledges himself indebted
to the State in the sum of £50 for his personal appearance on tomorrow of this term to prosecute Jno
Leveritt for a misdemeanor in cutting down the stocks. John Wall.
January 1787 - State vs. Giliam Ezel
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To Joseph Tarbutton, Constable or any lawful officer. Whereas,
Sarah Ann Collins came before Thomas Dockery, assigned to keep the peace for said county, and made oath
that Gilam Ezel had carnal know-ledge of her body by whom she was with child. Therefore, you are hereby
command-ed in the name of the State to take the said Gilam Ezel if to be found in this county, and bring
him before me or some Justice for this County to answer the premises and to be dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of January 1787. Tho. Dockery.
January 1787 - State vs. Edward McAllister. Complaint.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. January 10th, 1787. This day John White complained to me,
one of the Justices of said County, that he lost a big coat and has just cause to believe that Edward
McAlister did take the said coat in a felonious manner in order to convert it to his own use. You
therefore in the name of the State commanded to take the body of the said Edward McAlister and bring
him before some Justice of the peace then to answer the charge against him in so doing fail not and this
shall be your warrant. To any lawful officer. Given Mr. James Cole.
January 1787 - State vs. Edward McAllister Indt. P. L. John White, Pros. Jas. Long, Patrick Downy, Wits.
Sworn & Sent Wm. Love. A True Bill Wm. Thomas, Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State on their oaths present and say that
Edward McAlister late of the county of Richmond, on the 10th day of January in the year of our Lord 1787
did with force and arms in the county of Richmond aforesaid feloniously steal take and carry away one
great coat of a leaden colour, with mettle (metal) buttons of the value of six pence and of the proper
goods and chattels of John White to the great damage of him the said John and against the peace and
dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
January 1787 - State vs. Edward McAllister.
Richmond County. To the sheriff or keeper of the gaol we hereby send you the body of a certain Edward
McAllister late of the county aforesaid, charged with taking a big coat in felonious manner from John
White, him safely keep until he is discharged by a due course of law. Given under our hands, James Cole
January 1787 - State vs. Duncan McFarland Indictment for Petty Larceny. A True Bill Will Hunter, Jr.
Pros, Joel Coward and Will. Husbands, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Duncan
McFarland late of the county of Richmond aforesaid, on the 31st day of December in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and eighty six did with force and arms, in the county of Richmond aforesaid,
feloniously steal take and carry away one hog marked with a crop and a half moon in the right ear and a
swallow fork in the left as one, of a yellowish colour, of the value of six pence and of the proper goods
and chattels of Zachariah Johnston to the great damage of him the said Zachariah and against the peace
and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, Co. Sol
January 1787 - State vs. Will Mims
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that William
Mims late of said County, yeoman, on the twentieth of Sept., one thousand and seven hundred and eighty
five, at the County of Richmond aforesaid, did with force and arms feloniously steal, take and carry away
one hog commonly called a barrow of a whitish sanded couler of the price of six pence and of the proper
goods and chattels of John Cole, to the great damage of him the said John against the peace and dignity
of the said State. Andrew Hendrickson. Sworn and sent. Wm. Love. J. McNairy Atto. for County
January 1787 - State vs. Moses Hodge. Adultery. Joel Coward, Duncan McFarland, and John Ray Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Moses
Hodge, yeoman, on the twentieth day of January 1786 and sundry other times both before and after did
live in adultery with a certain Elizabeth Buckhannon of said County, which living aforesaid as the said
jurors do find to the evil example of all others in like each offending and against the peace and dignity
of said State. Sworn and sent. Wm. Love. J. McNairy Atto. for County
January 1787 - State vs. Moses Hodges. John Ray, Pros. John Buie, Sarah Ray, Wits. A True Bill. Wm. Thomas,
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present and say that
Moses Hodges late of the county aforesaid on the 20th day of December in the year of our Lord 1786 did
with force and arms in the county afore- said did feloniously steal take and carry away one hog commonly
called a sow, of black couler of the value of six pence and of the proper goods and chattels of John Ray
to the great damage of him the said John and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno. McNairy,
County Solicitor.
January 1787 - State vs. Jane Brown. Indictment. Not a True Bill. Wm. Thomas, Foreman. Joshua Long, Pro.,
Elizabeth Magby, Rachel Magby , Joseph Tarbutton, Wits. Sworn and sent. Wm. Love. J. McNairy Atto. for County
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Jane Brown
late of the county of Richmond on the 10th day of December in the year of our Lord 1786 did with force and
arms in the county of Richmond aforesaid feloniously steal, take and carry away one hog of a blue couler,
and marked with a slash and a hole in the left and a cross and a 4 under it in the other ear of the price
of six pence and of the proper goods and chattels of Joshua Long to his the said Joshua's great damage &
against the peace and dignity of the said State. J. McNairy County Solicitor
April 1787 - State vs. Silas Overstreet A True Bill. Indt. P.L.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present that Silas
Overstreet of the County and State aforesaid on the 12the day of March in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighty three with force and arms in the County of Richmond aforesaid one
very dark brindle and white marked steer of the goods, chattels and cattle of Thomas Summeral of the
price of six pence then and there being found feloniously did steal take and drive away contrary to
the act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided and against the peace & dignity of the
State. John Cole, Foreman. Joseph Hall, Jno. Hall & Joel Hall, Witnesses. McNairy, Atto.
January 1787 - State vs. Joshua Long Memorandum of a Recognance.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Memorandom of a recognizance taken by Nathaniel Chaires a
Jestes (Justice) for said county Joshua Long Prosecution bound in £30-0-0 to appear at the Court of
said County to be held on the second Monday of January as a witness in behalf of the State against G.
Brown. To be void that he shall appear. Acknowledged before me this 6th day of January 1787. Nathaniel
April 1787 - Officer & State vs. George Ginn Fi fa. Whipped & released by Sheriff Wall . H. Medlock, DS
April 1787 - Officer & State vs. John Viner. Fi fa Whipping. Satisfied. Wm. Wall
April 1787 - State vs. Archibald Ray. Si fa. To give evidence in behalf of State against Moses Hodges.
Made known to said Arch'd Ray in the presence of John McMillion and Wm. Williams. H. Medlock, DS
April 1787 - State vs. James Bounds Jr. Indt . Assault & Battery. Capias . Executed by H. Medlock. Jno.
McNairy, Atto for Co. A True Bill. John Cole, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that James
Bounds, Jun, late of said county of Richmond, yeoman, on the 12th day of April 1787 at the county of
Richmond aforesaid did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Isaac Brigman, and him the
said Isaac did beat, wound and ill treat to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of the
State. John McNairy, Atto for County. Isaac Brigman, Pros. Josiah Bagget, Wit. Wm. Love, Clk.
April 1787 - State vs. Peter Bond. Indt. Misdemeanor. Moses Chambers Pros. Sworn & Sent Wm. Love, Clk
John McNairy, Atto for County.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Peter
Bond late of the county of Richmond, yeoman, on the 28th day of March 1787 at the county of Richmond
aforesaid did sell and retail spirituous liquors, that is to say Rum by the gill (four ounces), in not
having first procured a license as by law enjoined, to the evil example of all others in like case
offending, and against the peace and dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, Atto for County
April 1787 - State vs.. Peter Bond. Indt. Misdemeanor. Moses Chambers, Pros.. No Bill John Cole, Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Peter
Bond late of the county of Richmond, yeoman, on the 23rd day of March 1787 and at sundry other times, did
keep a disorderly house, to wit. both on days set apart for mankind to labour, and on the day commonly
called the Sabbath to the evil example of all others in like case offending, and against the peace and
dignity of said State. Jno McNairy, Atto for County
April 1787 - State vs. George Gun Indt. Petty Lar. John Ray, Pros, John Brice, Wit. A True Bill.
John Cole, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that a certain
George Gun late of the county of Richmond on the 1st day of January 1787 with force and arms at the county
of Richmond aforesaid one black hog of the female kind and one spotted female hog, black and whitish sandy,
of the price of six pence of the goods and chattels of John Ray, then and there being found feloniously
did steal, take and carry away against the peace and dignity of said State Jno McNairy, Atto for County
June 1787 - State vs. Neil Wilkerson. Capias. Executed by Hen. Medlock
This day Neill Wilkerson acknowledges himself indebted to the State of North Carolina in the sum of
fifty pounds specie to be void upon condition that he make his personal appearance at our next Court
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held on the second Monday in July next and not to depart the same
with leave. June 26, 1787. Signed, Mathew Watson and Jno. McAlister.
June 1787 - State vs. James Smith. Complaint. Executed by Wm. Bennett.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas, John Smith complains to me on oath that some time
about April last he lost his horse and that he 'sespects' that James Smith was knowing to the going of
the said horse, etc. These are therefore in the name of the said State to command you to summons the
said James Smith to appear before some Justice of said County to answer the above charge. Given under
my hand this 24th day of June 1787 Benjamin Covington. Summons John Shepherd & Bird Shepherd for the
State. To William Bennet to Execute.
July 1787 - State vs. Philip James Indt. TAB Hendley Sneed, Pros. Richard Leverit Wit. Sworn and Sent.
Wm. Love, CC
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Philip
James late of the county of Richmond labourer, did on the 9th day of July 1787 in the 12th year of American
Independence with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Hendley Sneed at the county of Richmond
aforesaid, and him the said Hendley did beat wound and ill treat to him the said Hendley's great damage
and against the peace and dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for County.
July 1787 - State vs. Hubbard Stephens TAB. Lewis Malone Airs. A True Bill Thos. Blewet, Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Hubbard
Stephens late of the county of Richmond on the 28th day of May 1787 and in the eleventh year of American
Independence did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Lewis Melone Airs, at the county of
Richmond afore-said and him the said Lewis Melone Airs did beat wound and ill treat to the great damage
of him the said Lewis Melone Airs and against the peace and dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto
for the County
July 1787 - State vs. John Pankey & William Pankey. Indt. T.A. James Pickett Pros. Walter Leak, Soloman
Strother, Wits. Wm. Love, Clk. No Bill. Thos. Blewet, Forem.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Pankey & William Pankey late of your county labourors on the 2nd day of July 1878 did with force and
arms make an assault upon a certain James Pickett at the county of Richmond aforesaid to his great damage
and against the peace and dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for County.
July 1787 - State vs. John Pankey A. B. A True Bill. Thos. Blewet, Foreman. Stith Pemberton pros. John
Howard, Wit. Sworn and Sent Wm. Love, CC.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Pankey late of the county of Richmond on the 11th day of July 1787 and in the twelfth year of American
Independence did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Stith Pemberton at the county of
Richmond aforesaid to his great damage & against the peace & dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto
for Co.
July 1787 - State vs. John Pankey A. B. A True Bill. Thos. Blewet, Foreman. John Pemberton Pros. Edward
Williams, Wit. Sworn and Sent Wm. Love, CC.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Pankey late of the county of Richmond on the 11th day of July 1787 and in the twelfth year of American
Independence did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain John Pemberton at the county of Richmond
aforesaid to his great damage & against the peace & dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for Co.
July 1787 - State vs. Peter Cole Indt TAB Ann Hendrickson Pros. A True Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present Peter Cole,
late of the county of Richmond, labourer, on the 5th day of June 1787 and in the 11th year of American
Independence, did with force and arms make an assault upon a certain Ann Hendrickson at the county of
Richmond aforesaid and her the said Ann did beat wound and ill treat, to her great damage and against
the peace and dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for the County
July 1787 - State & officers vs. Richard Leveritt in Suit of Buckner Nance Fi fa Thos. Crawford, Wit.,
Robert Webb, Sarah Leveritt, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Buckner
Nance late of said State & County of Richmond on the 30th day of March one thousand seven hundred and
eighty six at the county aforesaid did with force and arms take and carry away one hogshead of tobacco
the property of Richard Leveritt to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State.
Jno McNairy, County, Solicitor. John Pankey, Jury Foreman.
July 1787 - State vs. James Pickett. Indictment. John Pankey, Pros. Stephen Pankey, Will Pankey, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that James
Pickett late of the county of Richmond on the 27th day of June 1787 did at divers other times before and
after fill up and stop the publick way lead-ing from the Grassy Islands to the Mountain Creek old bridge
to the great injury of the inhabitants of the said county and against the peace and dignity of said State.
John McNairy, Atto for County. Sworn and Sent Wm. Love, Clk
July 1787 - State vs. John Craven. Misdemeanor. No Bill. Thomas Blewet, Foreman. William Robeson, Pros.
Duncan McFarland & John White, Wits. Wm. Love, Clk
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Craven late of the county of Richmond on the 11th day of July 1787, at the county of Richmond aforesaid
did sell and retail brandy by the small measure, to wit., by the half pint and less measure than the
quart, against the peace and dignity of the State. John McNairy, Atto for the County
August 1787 - Warrant. Peter Hall
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To all lawful constables, sheriffs and other such people of
the State. Whereas, Anguish McAlester complains to me Darby Henegan on oath that about the first of
April last he lost a red cow and her calf and has just cause to suspect, and doth suspect, that Peter
Hall did steal and sell said cow and calf. William Welch says on oath that he saw Peter Hall take and
sell a red cow from near said McAlester's plantation, which he believes according to McAlester's
description to be the very same cow and calf the property of said McAlester. These are therefore in
the name of the State to require and command you to make hue and cry from county to county, from place
to place whilst you find said Peter Hall and him apprehend and take him and have him before some Justice
that he may be dealt with as the Law directs in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand this
13th day of August 1787. D. Henegen. Alex McNeill
Entered as securities for the appearance of Peter Hall at Squire McAlester's on Saturday the 26th of
this Instant. Duncan McFarlain and Malachia Dees in the penal sum of £50 currency. August 15th 1787
Alex McNeill. August 27th 1787 This day Peter Hall acknowledges himself indebted to the State of North
Carolina in the sum of £50 specie void upon condition that he make his appearance at our next Court
and not to depart the same without leave. (signed) John McAlester. John Dunbar and James Duncan in
the sum of £25 each as security.
August 1787 - Warrant. William Welsh
North Carolina, Robeson County. To all lawful constables, sheriffs and other such people of the State.
Whereas, Peter Hall hath this day complained to me on oath, that on the 25th of July last in the night
time, he was robbed of sundry wearing clothes, and that he has just cause to suspect that William Welsh
& others committed the said robbery, who are since fled for the same, and not yet apprehended. These
are there-fore in the name of the State to command you and every of you, in your several precincts to
make diligent search for the said William Welsh, and to make hue and cry after him from town to town
and from county to county, as well by horsemen as footmen, and if you shall find the said Welsh, that
then you apprehend and bring him before a justice of the peace for the county where he shall be taken,
to be dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand & seal this 22nd August 1787. Samuel Bridgers
September 1787 - State vs. Dudly Mask, John Mask and John Howard. Indictment. Assault. Robert Martin,
Wit., Clerk, To Salisbury Sup. Court March Term 1787.
September 1787 - Leveritt in behalf of the State vs. John and Wm. McDonald.
October 1787 - State vs. Peter Hall. Indt. T.A.B. Wm. Walsh, Pros, A True Bill Wm. Thomas, Foreman.
John McNairy, Atto for County
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present Peter Hall
& James Duncan late of the county of Richmond labourers, on the 7th day of August, 1787 and in the 12th
year of American Independence, with force and arms at the county of Richmond aforesaid did make an assault
upon a certain William Walsh, and him the said William did beat wound and ill treat to his great damage &
against the peace & dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for County.
October 1787 - State vs. Wm. Walsh. Indt. P. T. A True Bill, Wm. Thomas, Forem.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that William
Walsh late of the county of Richmond yeoman, on the twenty fifty day of July, in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, and in the twelfth year of American Independence with force and
arms at the county of Richmond aforesaid, one jacoat [jacket] then & there being, did feloniously steal
take and carry away, of the value of six pence and of the proper goods and chattels of Peter Hall, to his
the said Peter's great damage and to the evil example of all others in lake case offending and against the
peace and dignity of the said State. John McNairy, Atto for County. Peter Hall, PW. James Duncan, Duncan
McFarland and John Picke. Sworn & Sent. Wm. Love, Clk.
October 1787 - State vs. John McDonald & Wm. Bennet. Indictment. A True Bill. Wm. Thomas, Foreman. James
Smith, James McDonald, Sarah McDonald & Charles Robinson, Wits. Sworn to and sent. Wm. Love. John McNairy,
Attorney for County.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
McDonald & William Bennet late of the county of Richmond, yeomen, on the seventh day of October, 1786,
with force and arms at the said county of Richmond, ten pounds weight of tobacco then and there being,
did feloniously steal, take and carry away, being of the value of six pence, of the proper goods and
chattels of James Smith, Sen'r and James Smith Jun, to their great damage and against the peace and
dignity of the said State. John McNairy, Atto for County.
October 1787 - State vs. John McDonald Indt. Pet. Lar. Joseph Hains, Pros. James McDonald, Sarah
McDonald & William Bennet. A True Bill. Wm. Thomas Foreman
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
McDonald late of the county of Richmond, yeoman, on the 12th, day of January 1785 with force and arms
at the county of Richmond aforesaid two hogs marked with a crop in the left ear, and a slope in the
other, then and there being, did feloniously steal take and carry away of the price of six pence and
of the proper goods and chattels of Joseph Hains which felonious stealing is contrary to the statutes
in such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the State. John McNairy, Attorney
for County.
October 1787 - State vs. Gilbert McNair A True Bill. Indt. F.A.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Gilbert
McNair late of the County of Richmond, labourer, on the twelfth day of October one thousand seven hundred
and eighty seven, and in the twelfth year of American Independence with force and arms at the County of
Richmond aforesaid did make an assault upon a certain John Cole, Jun., to his damage and against the peace
and dignity of the State. John McNairy, Atto for County. John Cole, P. W, Neil Martin, Witness. Sworn to
and sent Wm. Love.
October 1787 - State vs. Wm. McDonald & John McDonald. Indictment. A True Bill, Wm. Thomas Foreman. James
Bostick, Pro., James McDonald, Sarah McDonald, Charles Robinson. John McNairy, Atto for County. Sworn to
and sent Wm. Love.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that William
McDonald & John McDonald late of the County of Richmond, yeomen, on the sixteenth day of February one
thousand seven hundred and eighty five, with force and arms at the County of Richmond aforesaid did one
piece of steel formed into a cold chisel, then and there being feloniously steal take and carry away of
the value of six pence and of the proper goods and chattels of James Bostick, to his great damage &
against the peace & dignity of said State. John McNairy Atto for Co.
October 1787 - State vs. Peter Hall. Indictment. A True Bill, Wm. Thomas, Foreman. Anguish McAllister,
Wm. Walsh & John Picke, Wits. John McNairy, Atto for County
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Peter
Hall late of the county of Richmond, yeoman, on the tenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and
eighty seven, and in the eleventh year of American Independence, with force and arms at the county of
Richmond aforesaid one cow of a red couler, marked with a crop in the left ear, and an under square in
the right ear, then and there being, did feloniously steal take and carry away, of the value of six
pence and of the proper goods and chattels of Anguish McAllister to his great damage and against the
peace & dignity of said State. John McNairy Atto for County.
October 1787 - State vs. Wm. McDonald. Indt P L Edward Chambers, Pros. James McDonald, Sarah McDonald,
James Bostick, Wits. True Bill Wm Thomas Foreman.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that William
McDonald and John McDonald late of the county of Richmond, yeoman, on the 16th day of February 1785 with
force and arms at the county of Richmond aforesaid, two pounds weight of Iron, then and there being did
feloniously steal take and carry away, of the value of six pence and of the proper goods and chattels of
Edward Chambers, to the evil example of all others in like case offending, and against the peace and
dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for Caounty.
October 1787 - Duncan McFarland vs. Zachariah Johnston. Fi fa
Richmond County, To any lawful officer greeting. You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels
of Zachariah Johnston in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of fifteen pounds five shillings &
ten pence which Duncan McFarland recovered against him for debt also the further sum of eleven shillings
cost. Given under my hand and seal this first day of October 1787. John McAlester. Satisfied October 14,
1787 by executing one horse and saddle, sold to Dugal McFarland, two cows and calves sold to Archibald Dove.
$18.6.9. Jas. Smith, DS
October 1787 - State vs. Wm. McDonald. A True Bill. Wm. Thomas, Foreman. Solomon Phillips and Nathaniel
Chears, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present that William
McDonald late of the County of Richmond, yeoman, on the sixth day of October one thousand seven hundred
and eighty seven did with force and arms at the county aforesaid make an assault upon a certain Solomon
Phillips, to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State. John McNairy, Atto for Co.
October 1787 - State vs. Richard Pemberton. Indt. T.AB. A True Bill. Wm. Thomas, Foreman. John Panky
and Sam'l Usher, Wits. Sworn to and sent Wm. Love, John McNairy Atto for County.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the County and State upon their oaths present
that Richard Pemberton late of the County of Richmond, yeoman, on the eighth day of October one thousand
seven hundred and eighty seven, with force and arms and at the County of Richmond aforesaid did make an
assault upon a certain John Pankey being one of the Grand Jury for this term, and him the said John did
beat, wound and ill treat to his great damage against the peace and dignity of said State. John McNairy,
Atto for County.
October 1787 - State vs. Wm. McDonald & John McDonald. Indictment. A True Bill. Wm. Thomas Foreman.
Robert Leveritt, James Bostick, James McDonald, Sarah McDonald & Richard Powel, Wits.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the County and State upon their oaths present
that John McDonald & William McDonald late of the County of Richmond, yeomen, on the 16th of February 1785,
with force and arms of the county of Richmond aforesaid, one barr of iron, then and there being, did
feloniously steal, take, and carry away, being of the value of six pence and of the proper goods and
chattels of Robert Leveritt to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of said State. John
McNairy. Atto for County.
January 1788 - State vs. James McDaniel. Indictment - Petty Larceny. A True Bill.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the County and State upon their oaths present
that James McDonnal late of the County & State aforesaid on the 25th day of December in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven at the County aforesaid with force and arms one hog
unmarked of the value of six pence of the proper goods and chattels of John Jenkins then and there being
found did feloniously steal, take and carry away to the great damage of him the said John Jenkins against
the peace & dignity of said State. Andrew Jackson Atto. for County. Ezra Bostick, Foreman. John Jenkins
Prosecuting Witness, Edw. Williams & Wm. Bennett, Wits. Pled not guilty.
1788 - State Vs. William Bradshaw
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc. You are hereby
commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands tenements of William Bradshaw in your Bailiwick be made
the sum of two pound, nine shillings specie which lately before the Justices of Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions the State recovered against him for charges in his said suit in that behalf said out laid besides
other endorsed fees, whereof the said Bradshaw is convicted and liable as to us appears and have you the
said money before our said Richmond aforesaid at the Court House the second Monday in October next, then
to render unto the said State damages and cost aforesaid and have you there this writ witness and Court
at office the second Monday. William Love, Clerk of Court at office the second Monday in December the
twelfth year of American Independence 1788 Test: Wm. Love, Clk. (No goods found. Signed Mat. Covington,
Wm. McIntosh and Wm. Wall)
1788 - Officer Vs. Solomon Strother in Suit of Wm. Pankey - Convicted, charged sum of thirty seven
shillings and nine pence.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc. You are
hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Solomon Strother in your
Bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of thirty seven shillings and nine pence which lately in our
County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Wm. Pankey and Officer recovered against him for cost &
charges in that behalf laid out and expended besides other endorsed fees whereof the said Solomon is
convicted and liable as to us appears of record and have you the said moneys before our said Court at
Rockingham on the second Monday in October next then and there to render unto the said Officer their
costs aforesaid and have you then and there this writ witness. William Love, Clerk of our said Court
at office the second Monday in July in the XIII year of American Independence Anno Dom 1788. Test: Wm.
Love, Clk Received in full Mat Covington.
1788 - Officer and Dudley Mask Vs. Solomon Gross
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc. You are
hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Solomon Gross in your Bailiwick
you cause to be made the sum of three pounds five shillings and three pence sum which lately in our
County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Dudley Mask Esq. and officer recovered against him for cost
and charges in his said suit in that behalf laid out and expended besides other endorsed fees whereof
the said Solomon Gross is convicted and liable as to us appears of record and have you the said moneys
before our said Court at Rockingham in the County aforesaid on the second Monday in October next, then
and there to render unto the said Dudley Mask, Esq., his debt damages and cost aforesaid and have you
then and there this writ witness William Love, Clerk of our said Court at office the second Monday in
July in the XIII year of our Independence Anno Dom 1788. Test: Wm. Love, Clk. No goods found. (signed)
W. Wall, W. McIntosh, John Cole and Mat Covington
March 1788 - Officers vs. John Long Jr.
In satisfying his debt of £3.12.9, the following items were taken from Long's possessions: 1 bed and
one short quilt and bolster to Wm. Love, 1 small bed to Mrs. Long, 1 table to Wm. Hunter, 1 hammer to
Wm. Love, 1 candle to Edward Williams, 1 candle mould to Wm. Love and 1 ax to Edward Williams.
April 1788 - Officer of Anson Vs. Wm. Hunter, Jun'r in Suit of Thomas Stanfill
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc. We command you that of the
goods and chattels, lands and tenements of William Hunter, Jr. in your Bailiwick you cause to be made
the sum of thirteen pound current money besides other endorsed fees which lately before the Justices of
Anson County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions were adjudged to the Officer of Anson County Court for
costs of certain suits he there brought against Thomas Stanfill, James Jamison & John Smith wherein he
became non suit, etc. and have you the said monies before the said Court at Wadesborough on the third
Monday in July next, then and there to render to said Officer as aforesaid. Herein fail not and have
you then and there this writ witness M. Auld, Clerk of the said Court at Office the 17th day of April
1788 and 12th year of American Independence Test. M. Auld, CCC.
July 1788 - State Vs. Patrick Downey. Assault.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Defendant appeared before me and charged with the within
charge gave William Love & Thomas Blewitt, Securities for his appearance to Court, etc. Patrick Downey
in the sum of fifty pound and Wm. Love & Thos Blewitt each fifty pound. Acknowledged before me Thos.
Dockery. At the same time Benjamin Long and Wm. Hunter, Jun acknowledged themselves to stand indebted
to the State of North Carolina the sum of twenty five pounds lawful money, each to be void on condition
that they make their personal appearance at our next County Court to be held at Rockingham the second
Monday of this next July to have testimony in behalf of the State against Patrick Downey. The date above
acknowledged before me Thos. Dockery
North Carolina, Richmond County. To any lawful officer: Whereas Wm. Hunter Jun. complains on oath that
on the 20th of this Inst. he was assaulted and ill treated by a certain Patrick Downey yeoman, and that
he is still afraid of future ill treatment and personal injury from said Downey. Therefore you are commanded
in the name of the State to apprehend the said Downey and have him before some justice of this County to be
dealt with as the law directs, and this shall be your warrant given under my hand and seal this 30th day of
June 1788. Thos. Dockery. Securities, John McDowell and Benjamin Long.
April 1788 - Officer Vs. Hubbard Stephens in Suit of Lewis M. Ayers
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings. We command you that of the goods and
chattels, lands and tenements of Hubbard Stephens in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of four
pound and three pence which lately in our County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Lewis M. Ayers
recovered against him for cost and charges in that behalf laid out and expended besides other endorsed
fees whereof the said Hubbard Stephens is convicted and liable as to us appears of record and have you
the said moneys before our said Court at Rockingham on the second Monday in July next then and there to
render unto the Officer of Richmond County their costs aforesaid. Herein fail not and have you then and
there this writ witness. William Love, Clerk of our said Court at office the second Monday in April in
the XII year of American Independence Anno Dom 1788. Test: Wm. Love Clk. July 15th 1788. Then received by
the hands of John Speed the within sum in full on behalf of Hubbard Stephens. Received by me Henry Medlock.
1788 - Officer vs. Abner Vaughn in Suit of Ed. Williams. Witnesses: Thos. Ussery, Robert Leveritt and
Jesse Jones.
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings. We command you that of the goods
and chattels, lands and tenements of Abner Vaughn in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of four
pound and one shilling and a penny which lately in our County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Edward
Williams and Officer recovered against him for cost and charges in a certain suit he there failed to
prosecute besides other endorsed fees whereof the said Abner is convicted and liable as to us appears
of record and have you that said moneys before our said Court at Rockingham in the County aforesaid on
the second Monday in July next then and there to render unto the said Edward and Officer their cost and
charges aforesaid and have you then and there this writ witness. William Love, Clerk of our said Court
at office the second Monday in April the XII year of our Independence. Anno Dom 1788. Test: Wm. Love, Clk.
1788 - Officer & Edwin Ingram Vs. John Leveritt
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc., You are
hereby commanded to take the body of John Leveritt if to be found in your Bailiwick and him safely keep
so that you have his body before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held
for the County aforesaid at the Court House there in on the second Monday in October next, then and there
to satisfy Edwin Ingram and Officer the sum of four pound four shillings and one penny which lately in our
County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Edwin Ingram and officer recovered against him for cost and
charges besides other endorsed fees in that behalf laid out and expended where of the said John Leveritt
is convicted and liable as to us appears of record. Herein fail not and have you then and there this writ
witness. William Love, Clerk of our said Court at office the second Monday in July in the XIII year of our
Independence Anno Dom. 1788. Test: Wm. Love, Clk.
April 1788 - State vs. Duncan McFarland
State of North Carolina, Montgomery Co. To any sworn officer to execute and return. Whereas John Long
complains to me on oath that Duncan McFarland on the 16th day of April in the year of our Lord one
thousand and seven hundred and eighty eight did with force and arms beat, wound and evil treat the
aforesaid John Long to his great damage and against the peace and dignity of the State. These are
therefore to command you to take the body of the aforesaid Duncan and him bring before me or some
other justice that he may be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal this 17th day
of April 1788. Walt Leak.
April 1788
State of North Carolina. To the Coroner of Richmond County, Greeting, etc., You are commanded to make
known unto William Driggers, Rachel Grooms, Daniel Ivey and Ann Quick, that they appear at the next
County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County aforesaid on the second Monday
in July next to shew cause if any they have why their recognizances should not be forfeited they having
been solemnly called and have failed to appear as they ought to have done agreeable to the tenor of their
recognizances, and have you the names of them by whom you make known the same, together with this writ
witness. William Love, Clerk of our said Court at office the second Monday in April in the XIII of
American Independence Anno Dom 1788. Wm. Love.
April 1788 - State vs. Moses Chambers No Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. April Session 1788. The jurors for the State upon their oath
present that Moses Chambers late of Richmond County, did on the sixteenth day of April in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight at the County of Richmond with force and arms an
assault did make on Richard Farr, then and there being in the peace of God, and him the aforesaid Richard
did ill treat so that his life was greatly despaired of and other enormities to him the said Richard did
to his great damage to the evil example of all others in such case offending against the peace and dignity
of the State. Wm. Cupples Atto. for County.
June 1788 - State and John Cole vs. John Parr
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas, John Cole (son of Mark Cole) came before me one of
the Justices of the said county and complains that John Parr of Anson County did fall on him and assault
him, beat and ill treat him contrary to the peace and dignity of the said State. These are therefore to
command you to cause the said Parr to be brought before me or some other Justice to answer the above
complaint or to be dealt with as the Law directs. Given under my hand and seal this 30th day of June
1788. Jno. Wall
July 1788 - State vs. Dunkin McFarland
State of North Carolina Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present that Dunkin
McFarland late of Richmond County yeoman at the county of Richmond on the fifteenth day of July in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight and in the thirteenth year of our Independence
with force and arms and assault did make on William Kelley, then and there being found in the peace of God
and him the aforesaid William did beat wound and ill treat to his great damage & against the peace and
dignity of the State. Wm. Cupples, Atto for County. Walter Slaughter, Wit. Sworn and Sent. Wm. Love, Clk.
July 1788- State vs. Thomas Waters. Assault Jno. Husbands. Frances Husbands, Jno. Husbands, Snr., wits,
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. July Session 1788. The jurors for the State upon their oath
present that Thomas Waters late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the fifteenth day of July in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight at the county of Richmond with force and arms
an assault did make on John Husbands, Snr., then and there being in the peace of God and him the aforesaid
John did evilly treat to his great damage to the evil example of all others in such case offending against
the peace and dignity of the State. Wm. Cupples Atto. for County.
July 1788 - State vs. Sarah Poston
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Richmond County, Greeting. We command you as we have heretofore
commanded you to take the body of Sarah Poston (widow) if to be found in your Bailiwick and her safely keep
so that you have her before some one of the Justices of the Peace for said county to enter into recognizance
with condition to appear before us or our successors at the next county court of pleas and quarter sessions
to be held for the county aforesaid at the court house therein on the second Monday in January then and
there to answer unto the State to a charge of Bastardy by presentment of the grand jury and herein fail
not and have you then and there this writ witness William Love, Clk of our said Court at office the 2nd
Monday in July in the XIII year of our Independence. Anno. Dom 1789. Wm. Love, Clk.
July 1788 - State vs. John Cain. A True Bill
The jurors for the State upon their oath present that John Cain late of Richmond County, Planter, on the
14th day of July in the year of our Lord 1788 at the county of Richmond with force & arms at the county
aforesaid one black hog commonly called a sow of the proper goods and chattels of William Hunter, Sen.,
then and there being found did take and carry away to the great damage of him the said William to the
evil example of all others in such case offending and against the peace and dignity of the State. Wm.
Cupples, Atto, for County.
July 1788 - State vs. John Pankey
North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John Pankey
late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the 15th day of July 1788 at the County of Richmond with force
and arms an assault did make on the body of Thomas Everett then and there being in the peace of God
and him the said Thomas did beat, wound and ill treat to his great damage to the evil example of all
others in such case offending & against the peace and dignity of the State. Israel Watkins, Wit.
Defendant acknowledged the bill and submitted to the court. Test Wm. Love, Clk. Wm. Cupples Atto. for County.
July 1788 - State vs. John Peak A True Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State upon their oaths present that John
Peak late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty eight at the County of Richmond with force and arms an assault did make on the
body of Jesse Dees then and there being in the peace of God and him the said Jesse did beat, wound and
ill treat to his great damage to the evil example of all others in such case offending and against the
peace & dignity of the State. Jno. Bounds, Esq., & Jno. Williams, Wits. James Bostick, Foreman. Deft.
acknowledged the bill & submitted to the Court. Test Wm. Love, Clk. Wm. Cupples Atto. for County.
July 1786 - State vs. Ann Skipper. To appear at next court to be held 2nd Monday October to answer unto
the State a Presentment against her found by the Grand Jury for Bastardy
July 1786 - State vs. Jno Watkins Ind't FAB. William Wall, Pros., Dan'l McKaskil, Jno Stokes, John
McCadley, Wits. John Watkins, Gambler, charged with assault upon William Wall, Esq. Sheriff.
October 1786 - State vs. Neil Wilkison. Ind't Misdemeanor. Peter Hale, Prosecutor.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State and county aforesaid upon their
oath present that Neil Wilkison late of the County of Richmond, labourer, at the county aforesaid
not regarding the laws of this State, did on the 10th day of August last, pass, sell, retail and
dispose of one half pint of Rum for pay by the small gill to the evil example of all others in like
cases offending, not having obtained a license as the law directs, and against the peace and dignity
of said State. Jno McNairy, County Solicitor.
October 1786 - State vs. James Meredith Indt. TAB William Gordon, Pros. Charged with assault on
William Gordon 10th October 1786
September 1788 - State vs. Archibald Dickson
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas Benjamin Long this day hath complained to me James
Cole one of the Justices of said County that he has just cause to suspect that Archibald Dickson did
feloniously did steal and carry off from the house of Elias Gardner a twenty shilling bill the property
of the said Elias Gardner contrary to the laws of said State. These are therefore in the name of said
State to command you to take the body of the said Archibald Dickson if to be found in your County and
his safely keep until you have him before some Justice of said County thereto answer to the above charge
given under my hand and seal. James Cole. To any lawful Officer to execute and return. Sept. 18th, 1788.
Summon Elias Gardner.
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. Whereas the Defendant being brought before me and confest
gilty in the crime charged and bound in the sum of fifty pounds and given Richard Dickson and Rubin
Dickson bale in the sum of twenty five pounds eatch for his appearance at the next County Court without
leave. William Robinson. (Signed) Archibald Dickson, Richard Dickson and Rubin Dickson (x their marks)
October 1788 - State & Officer Vs. Lovick Steely
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc. You are hereby commanded to
take the body of Lovick Steely, (if to be found in your Bailiwick and him safely keep so that you have
his body before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County
aforesaid at the Court House there in on the second Monday in January next, then and there to satisfy the
Officer in behalf of the State, the sum of four pounds and one penny which lately in our County the said
Officer recovered against him the said Lovick Steely for their cost and charges in that behalf laid out
and expended besides other endorsed fees, where of the said Lovick is convicted and liable as to us appears
of record, herein fail not and have you then and there this writ witness. William Love, Clerk of our said
Court at office the second Monday October the XIII year of American Independence Anno Dom. 1788.
Test: Wm. Love, Clk.
October 1788 - State vs. Moses Pettis. A True Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Moses
Pettis, late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the thirteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighty eight at the county of Richmond with force and arms one snaffle bridle
of the value of six pence, and of the proper goods and chattels of Thomas Gibson, Jun. then and there
being found feloniously did steal, take and carry away to the great damage of him the said Thomas Gibson
against the peace and dignity of the State. Wm. Cupples, Attorney for the County. James Long, wit. John
Cole Sen., Foreman. James Long, wit. Sworn to and Sent. Wm. Love, Clk.
October 1788 - State vs. Moses Pettis, Alias Moses Eates. A True Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The Jurors for the State upon their oaths present that Moses
Pettis, alias Moses Eates, late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the first day of August in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight at the county of Richmond with force and arms one
ax of the proper goods and chattels of John Coleman then and there being found feloniously did steal,
take and carry away to the great damage of him the said John Coleman against the peace and dignity of
the State. Wm. Cupples, Atto. for County. John Cole Sen. Foreman. James Long, witness. Sworn to and
Sent. Wm. Love, Clk.
October 1788 - State vs. Jonathan Wright. A True Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County - October Session 1788. The jurors for the State upon their
oath present that Jonathan Wright late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the sixteenth day of August in
the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight at the county of Richmond aforesaid
with force and arms an assault did make on the body of James Chivers, then and there being in the peace
of God and him the said did beat wound and evilly treat so that his life was greatly despaired of and
other wrongs then and there did to the great damage of him the said James Chivers and against the peace
and dignity of the State. Wm. Cupples, Atto for County.
October 1788 - State vs. Archibald Dickson. A True Bill
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present that Archibald
Dickson late of Richmond County, yeoman, on the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty eight at the county of Richmond aforesaid with force and arms one bill of current
money of the denomination of twenty shillings emitted in pursuance of an act of the general assembly
passed at Newbern the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and eighty five, of the value of six pence of the proper goods and chattels of Elias Gardner then and
there being found feloniously did steal take and carry away to the great damage of him the said Elias
Gardner to the evil example of all others in such case offending and against the peace and dignity of
the State. Wm. Cupples Att. For County. John Cole Senior Foreman. Sworn and sent. Wm. Love, CC.
October 1788 - State vs. Jonathan Lambert Kidder
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present that Jonathan
Lambert Kidder housekeeper in the town of Rockingham in the county of Richmond on the first day of October
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight and at divers other days before as well
as afterward in the town of Rockingham aforesaid keeps and entertains in his house riotous and disorderly
persons as well men as women with force and arms the nuisance doth yet continue to keep up to the common
nuisance of all the good subjects of this State to the evil example of all others in such case offending
and against the peace and dignity of the State. Wm. Cupples, Atto for County. John Cole, Sen'r Foreman.
Wm. Hunter, Jr. Daniel Sneed and John Crowson. Sworn and sent Wm. Love Clerk.
October 1788 - State vs. Alse Bond
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. The jurors for the State upon their oath present that Alse Bond
late of Richmond County spinster on the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and eighty eight at the county aforesaid with force and arms an assault did make on the body of
Sarah James, then and there being in the peace of God, and other wrongs then and there did to the great
damage of said Sarah James and against the peace and dignity of the State. Wm. Cupples, Atto for County.
Phillip James, Pro. John Cole Sen'r Foreman Sworn to and sent. Wm. Love, Clk.
December 1788 - Officer vs. River Jordon, Thos. Brown, Bail of Robert Speed
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings, etc. We command you that of the
goods and chattels, lands and tenements of River Jordon and Thomas Brown in your Bailiwick you cause to
be made the sum of two pound seven and a penny specie which lately in our Inferior Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions the Officer recovered against him for debt damages and cost in the suit the State
against Robert Speed in that behalf laid out and expended where of the said River Jordon and Thomas
Brown is convicted and liable as to us appears of record, and have you the said money before our said
Court to be held for the County aforesaid at the Court House there in on the last Monday in March next,
beside other endorsed fees, then and there to render unto the said Officer their debt damage and cost
aforesaid. Herein fail not and have you then and there this writ witness William Love Clark of our said
Court at office the last Monday in December in the eighth year of American Independence Anno Dom 1788.
Test: Wm. Love, Clk. Satisfied, Williams.
December 1788 - State vs. Charles Collins. Convicted and charged £ pence of this amount to go
to sheriff for whipping.
December 1788 - State vs. John Shephard
State of North Carolina, Richmond County. On the sixth day of December 1788 John Shephard, Jacob
Cockerham Jun, & Bird Shephard of the county aforesaid personally came before me one of the justices
for said county and acknowledged themselves indebted to the state of North Carolina, viz, the said
John Shephard, in the sum of one hundred pounds and Jacob Cockerham and Bird Shephard each in the sum
of fifty pounds to be levied on their goods and chattels, land and tenements respectively to the use
of the said State to be good on condition that the above John Shephard make his personal appearance at
the next court to be held for the said County of Richmond on the second Monday in January to answer
such matters and things wherewith he stands charged in behalf of the State and that he do no depart
without leave of the said Court acknowledged by me Benj. Powell. John Shephard stands accused of stealing
and taking away one turkey the property of Pleasant Mask on 23rd of October 1788.
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