
1878 September 2. To the Register of Deeds, Richmond County: The County Examiner in Pursuance
of Section 16 of the School Laws, reports for the year ending on the day preceeding the first
Mon. in Sept.,1878, as follows: R. A. Johnson, Examiner.
White Teachers Examined and Approved:
Parks Chappell
| Willis Speight
| Bettie Currie
| William R. Lampley
Thomas E. Morris
| John W. Snead
| David C. Bruton
| F. L. Alsbrook
Andrew McMillan
| Elisha L. Bennett
| Livie Johnson
| L. C. McInniS
William K. Dawkins
| Malcom McInnis
| Kenneth A. McLeod
| Bella McElyen
John R. B.
| Duncan W. McIntyre
| John G. Wilkinson
| William Johnson
Colored Teachers Examined and Approved:
James W. Graham
| Charlotte A. Leak
| Bettie A Russell
| J. S. Stanton
Edward Davis
| William Gibson
| J. L. Quick
| Jas. T. McLauchlin
James M. Simmons
| William Woodard
| Thomas A. Powell
| Martha M. Lee
J. T. Nichols
| R. R. Nichols
| Anthony L. McRae
| Rosa E. Leak
T. A. McEachin
| L. L. Townsend
| William H. Woodard
| A. W. Covington
All records on this page are transcribed from files at NC Dept. of Archives and History, Raleigh, N. C. by
Myrtle Bridges

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