"Genealogy Travels Fast", Article written by Dot Brown for the Pensacola Journal, Pensacola, FL
October 13, 1983
This is another treasure found among the research material of Mary Campbell Chappell (1917-2003).
September 29, 2004.
Data added November 28, 2007 Myrtle Bridges
Genealogical clues turn up in the most unexpected places.
A Presbyterian minister, temporarily filling a North Carolina pulpit in late 1928 or early 1929,
told the congregation that he felt at home because the names of the people were the same as those
of members of a church in western Florida.
That tiny bit of 150-year-old information gleaned from old church records prompted Mary Campbell
Chappell of Hamlet, N. C. to hunt farther than her own community for the history of Marks Creek
Presbyterian Church of Hamlet.
Chappell made the connection between North Carolina and Panhandle Florida when she came across
"Holmes Valley - A West Florida Cradle of Christianity," written by E. W. "Judge" Carswell of Chipley.
In his book, the Judge included a history of the Euchee Valley Presbyterian Church in Walton County,
which had been founded in 1827 by Scots who had come from Richmond County, NC., about 1820.
"After reading this book I was sure some of these people were the same people who had started Marks
Creek Church," Chappell wrote in her church history.
The Judge referred the writer to John L. McKinnon's "History of Walton County" and even loaned her
his copy of the out-of-print book.
Sure enough, Chappell found familiar names -McKinnon, McLean, McRae, Williams, McPherson, Morrison,
McDonald, Campbell, McSween and others - in the Judge's and McKinnon's books.
Many of these Scots came to this county via Liverpool, on the English ship, Scotia, between 1808
and 1812. They stayed in North Carolina from 12 to 18 years before migrating to Florida.
Neil McLendon, his brother-in-law, Daniel D. Campbell, and John Folk were the first, or among the
first, to make the trek. Their letters to their kin and friends in North Carolina inspired Col.
John McKinnon, father of author John L. McKinnon and others to follow in 1827.
"It is thought that some of the descendants of the Florida pioneers came back to this area (North
Carolina) about the mid-1800's. It might have been that things were not what they expected in the
old Marks Creek Church. Perhaps this is the reason the church was reorganized at the head of Marks
Creek. This is a matter of conjecture," writes Chappell.
On a trip to Scotland, the Judge found many of the names in the Argylshire district cemeteries.
So if you're a descendant of the Scots who settled in West Florida, look to Richmond County, N. C.
for records of their early years in this country, and to Argylshire, Scotland where many of these
West Florida settlers possibly lived before they set out for a new life in America.
Organized 1827 Walton County, Florida
Transcribed from Historical Records of Mary C. Chappell
Posted March 16, 2005 by Myrtle Bridges
This church was a short time before it was regularly organized supplied by the services of the Rev.
R. W. B. Kenedy & George W. Ashbridge.
These devoted servants of God labored among the people as Missionaries a few months during the spring
of the year A. D. 1827. It was not until June of this same year, that those few Presbyterians was
regularly organized as a church by the Rev. Murdoch Murphy of Ala., consisting of about fifteen members
and one elder, Donald McLean, Sen'r. of S.? Carolina.
At the same time Archibald Anderson (1827) was elected and ordained an Elder. The church consisted
entirely of Schotch [Scottish?] who had a short time previous removed from North Carolina, the greater
part of them emigrants from the Isle of Sky Scotland.
The church was for many years entirely dependent upon occasional visits, or supplies, from distant parts
of the country. The next supplies after Rev. Murphy, was by Rev. George Dunham & Rev. James Martin. About
this time (i.e.) 1829-1830 the present standing old hewn log church was built by the congregation, size…
by …. Previous to this time services were held in a small round log cabin. In the spring of the year
A. D. 1831 the church was supplied by the services of Rev. Thomas Witherspoon & Rev. Neill McMillan of
Alabama, the latter who continued Stated Supply for about two years, visiting the church quarterly and
spending two Sabbaths each visit, after McMillan's time. The next visit or supply, was by the Rev. Isaac
Hadden & Rev. J. C. Baldwin which was in 1833. The next supply was by the Rev. Duncan McCormick of East
Ala. Presbytery who visited the church occasionally for… years. Next in October of the year 1838 by the
Rev. Malcom D. Fraser of South Carolina who labored for several weeks, and the following Feby., of 1839,
the church was supplied by the Rev. Samuel E. Robinson of Tenn., who continued to be Stated Supply until
the year 1849. During this period of about ten years that Robinson labored, the church was visited by
several ministers from Alabama., but the Rev. Robert Wall Mooney, Warnock, M. A. Patterson, McMillan,
McNab & Peter Donan of Pensacola, Fla. In this period too, the church had so … that the present house was
too small to accommodate the congregation so in 1847 the congregation had the present frame church built
which was finished in 1848.
The ceremony of laying the corner stone of this church was conducted by the above mentioned Peter Donan
and Elders Donald McLean, Sen'r., John L. McKinnon, Daniel S. McLean & Archibald McCallum. There was a
tin box containing a brief history of the church and the … newspaper put in the corner stone, being the
S. W. corner of the house, also a list of the members of the church. The size of the present house is 50
feet long by 35 feet wide.
After Robinson's time the church was again dependent upon supplies from Presbytery or any other visits
of ministers which might chance to travel in this direction. In 1850 by Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Fla.
Presbytery, and in the fall of 1852 was visited by the Rev. W. P. Geady of Ge…. And Rev. Mr. Milakin.
The particulars in regard to the transactions of the session and progress of this church up to this period,
can't at this time be ascertained, from the fact that the book of records (before 1852) has been lost or
mislaid. From Novr. 1852 all the business transacted by the congregation and Session with a list of
members are now in the hands of the Clerk of Session.
This brief sketch has been gathered from different persons who have resided within the bounds of the
church since its first organization.
Respectfully submitted J. Gillis, this 16th of June A. D. 1855.
It is known that many of Richmond County's early Scotch settlers ultimately settled in Walton County, Florida
during the 1820's and '30's. Patty O'Neil's
McGilvray ancestors moved to Florida, and on the 1830 census there is a Daniel Gunn living nextdoor.
Later there was an article written about his son in the following account from
Georgia and Florida Souvenir Sketches, F. A. Battey & Company, Chicago, 1888 . This has been
transcribed by Susan Woodall-Stuckey 30 September 2001. If you see a
name here that you can tell us about please let me know. Thanks! Myrtle Bridges
From page 349:
Wm. C. Gunn, proprietor of the Liberal, of Cuthbert, Ga., was born in Walton County, Fla., June 30, 1844.
His parents were Daniel G. and Margaret (Campbell) Gunn, both born in North Carolina. The father was taken
to Florida when a boy by his parents and settled in Euche [sic] Valley. There he was reared on the farm and
received an academical [sic] education. In early life he was a merchant, but his latter days were spent on
the farm, where he died in 1872, at the age of sixty years. He was quite a distinguished man in his county,
and several times represented his country and district in the Florida legislature, and was a member of the
first legislature that met after the war. He held the position of internal revenue assessor in west Florida
for several years. He was a F. & A. M. and a member of the Presbyterian Church.
Wm. C., the subject of this sketch, is the second of a family of six children. He received an
academical [sic] education in Walton County, Fla. In March 1862, he joined the Confederate service as
a private in Company A, of the Sixth Florida, and served throughout the war. He then taught school for
a year or so in Washington County, Fla., then went to Cuthbert, Ga., and followed clerking and bookkeeping
until 1871. He then filled the position of city editor on the Macon Telegraph for a year, when he
returned to Cuthbert and took his old position, which he held until 1875. After teaching school a
year he carried on the mercantile business at Minneola [Mineola, Wood County], Texas, for a short
time, and then clerked in Eufaula, Ala. [Barbour County], until 1879, when he moved to Shorterville, Ala.,
and keep books for a firm and carried on planting until 1884. He moved to Birmingham, Ala., and entered
the newspaper business again as a local reporter and business manager of the Chronicle, but soon after left
there to accept a similar position on the Pensacola Commercial, which position he held until November 1, 1885.
He then returned to Cuthbert, Ga., and established the Liberal, a Democratic organ, which he is still running.
December 22, 1869, he was married to Miss Neta Callaway, daughter of John H. and Sarah (Douglas) Callaway,
early settlers in Randolph County, Ga. She is the mother of two children, Edwin C. and Little Neta. Mr. Gunn
and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Pensacola Gazette, (Pensacola, FL) Saturday, February 06, 1841, Issue 45, Col B.
Multiple Classified Advertisements
Marshal's Sale
Will be sold, at the door of the Court House, at Eucheeana, on Monday, the 22nd day of February next,
within the hours prescribed by law, one gray horse, one yoke of oxen, one cart and two cows and calves;
taken as the property of Daniel D. Campbell to satisfy an execution issued from the Hon. Superior Court
of Walton County, in favor of Norman McQuagge for the use of Norman Morrison, vs. Angus M.A. Crawford
and Daniel D. Campbell. C. Evans, U.S. Marshal, DWF by H.G. Ramsey Deputy. January 23, 1841
The Obituaries below are shared by Rita Bridges November 28, 2007
The people referred to are likely descendants of our Richmond County Campbells, McKinnons, McLeods, McCaskills, ets.
1910 Defuniak Herald-Breeze
4 Aug- Mrs Harrison of Milton has been here visiting her bother Judge Campbell.
Miss Wille Belle MCDONALD was in town visiting her sister Mrs Dan CAMPBELL
15 Sep - Mr and Mrs G.B. CAMPBELL'S daughter Helen died last Friday. The funeral
was held on Sunday and internment being in the family lot at the Valley cemetery.
Dave McLendon, petit larceny, con't.
Ted McDaniel, petit larceny, plead guilty.
Miss Kate MCKINNON died yesterday morning at her home in DeFuniak Springs.
She was the sister of Mrs John L. and Alec MCKINNON. The funeral was held
at Euchee Valley this morning.
1911 Defuniak Herald
MCCASKILL-CAMPBELL - An approaching wedding of more than usual interest to
DeFuniak people is that of Miss Gussie MCCASKILL to Mr Olin CAMPBELL, will
be solominized at the Presbyterian church on the evening of Wednesday
Feb 15. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John J. MCCASKILL and the
groom is the son of Hon and Mrs Daniel CAMPBELL.
1912 Herald Breeze
Miss Jeannette MCKINNON, daughter of Hon. & Mrs John L McKinnon, who passed
away Saturday. Services and burial in Valley cemetery on Sunday Jan 28.
Born: baby girl to Mr & Mrs A D CAMPBELL Saturday.
1914 Herald Breeze
Mrs Geo Cawthon and baby left last Sun for her home in Enterprise after a visit
with her parents Mr and Mrs Campbell
Aug - No Date - Mrs Mary C. McLeod, one of the oldest settlers of Florida died
last Friday at the home of her son N.A. McLeod near Red Bay. For over sixty years
she has been a resident to this section coming here from Scotland and at the
old age of 80 years was called to her final resting place. The funeral services
were conducted at the Euchee Valley Cemetery Saturday, by her pastor Rev R.Q.
Baker. She leaves to morn her loss out of eight children one son N.A. McLeod,
all the other children having gone to their final reward before her.
No Date - Mrs Daniel Campbell died early Monday. The funeral was held on
Tuesday from the Presbyterian Church. Interment was at the Valley Cemetery.
The deceased leaves her husband, four sons and three daughters, and a large
number of more distant relatives to mourn.
26 Mar - Mrs Jennie McLeod died Sunday at the home of her son-in-law-law
D.D. Douglas, with whom she has lived for many years. She was 81 years old.
Three grandchildren survive Clyde, Jennie, and Angus Douglas. Two brothers
Judge Daniel Campbell and Mr John A. Campbell, a sister Mrs C. Harrison of
Milton. Having descended from the Campbells and Morrisons, prominent families
of Walton county. The remains will be buried in Euchee Valley cemetery
1915 Defuniak Spring Breeze
1915 Feb 25 Miss Catherine Gordon, on Feb 14 1915 at the residence of C C Macdonald in Santa
Rosa, Catherine Gordon, of Wick, Scotland, graudate of West Sussex Hospital, England, after a
prolonged illness was called to her final reward. While in Canada she was Lady Superintendent
of the Sanitarium at St Agathe Des Nonte in Quebec.
1916 March 9
Mrs Margaret Campbell of this city died at home of her daughter Mrs Wesley Jones last
Saturday. Body was taken to family burying ground at Euchee Valley where it was laid to rest.
Alonzo Hollowell of Jacksonville died at St Luke's hospital last Friday morning. For some 12 yrs
he was assistant postmaster of DeFuniak Springs. Mr L P Campbell, formerly of this city, now of
Jacksonville arrived in the city with Lonnie's body Sunday morning and in the afternoon he was laid
to rest beside his father.
1917 May 3 Master Guy Davis, son of Mrs Annie McKinnon Davis, suffered a sad accident. The little
boy abt 10 yrs of age was play about the barn and found some dynamite cap and fuse and lit the fuse
and blew off the first 3 fingers and half of thumb of his left hand and bruised his face.
1917 July 12
Sarah Addie, the baby of Mr & Mrs John McLendon died last Saturday.
1918 Apr 18 George Lawrence died Tuesday while helping in the Odd Fellows Lodge meeting,
administrating final charge to Judge A R Campbell who was being initiated into the order.
He complained of shortness of breath, medical help was sent for, but he gasped and died.
Mr & Mrs Lawrence came here from Carthage S. D. December 8th of last year and expected
to leave for their home next month. The remains left here this morning for S D where
burial will take place. Mr Lawrence was nearly 76 yrs of age and leaves a family of 2
girls and 2 boys.
*1919 Jan 9 J D C Newton, died at Pensacola Thursday morning. Services at Valley Church
on Friday afternoon, the remains brought from Pensacola to Argyle and from there taken
to the cemetery. Mr Newton was a nephew of Judge Daniel Campbell and a cousin to Mrs C B
McKinnon, Judge A G Campbell, Mrs John McKinnon, Miss Emma Campbell, Mr Bowers and Mr Ralph
Campbell. He was readed in the Eucheeana Valley, his father being Rev. John Newton. Mr
Newton was 45 was survived by his wife Miss Ria Baker, daughter of Rev R L Baker and young
son Robert, 2 sisters Mrs G Axelson and Miss Christian Newton, aunt, Mrs Harrison, and uncle,
Judge Daniel Campbell.
Note: Argyle is a city in Florida between Defuniak Springs annd Ponce De Leon
1921 Feb 24 Alexander Douglass McKinnon was born in Walton Co on May 6 1842, one of 13
children born to his parents, John L & Catharine McKinnon. Only one brother survives,
Daniel L McKinnon of Marianna. Mr McKinnon was twice happily married, first to Miss Ella
D Speight of Washington Co on March 13, 1873, this marriage resulted in 4 children, Dr
Clarence McKinnon of Jacksonville, Mr Curtis McKinnon of Atlanta, Mr Joseph A McKinnon and
Mrs Annie McKinnon Davis of this place. On Jan 17 1907 he was married to Laura Hannah of
Pensacola who also survives him. He was a Confederate soldier and passed away suddenly on
Saturday Feb 19, 1921 in Pensacola where he spent most of his time in the past months.
Services held Monday Feb 21 in DeFuniak with burial in Euchee Valley cemetery.
Hon. Daniel Campbell passed away last Thursday at his home. Services on Friday and
interment was made in Valley church cemetery. Daniel Campbell was 80 yrs and is survived
by 3 daughters; Mrs (Dr) C B McKinnon, Mrs John L McKinnon, and Miss Emma Campbell; 3 sons
Judge A G Campbell, G B & W O Campbell. Disceased was CSA veteran and for many years attorney
for the L & N Railway. (see next week's paper)
1925 Apr 2 Judge Daniel Campbell was born near Knox Hill in Walton Co Fla on July 27 1844 and
was the younget son of Angus & Mary Catharine Campbell. He peacefully passed away on March 19th
1925 in 81st year of his age. At age 17 enlisted in Confederate Army. After the War, he went to
Marianna, FL where he worked in store of Mrs Merritt and read law under Judge Bush. He was admitted
to the bar abt 1869 or 1870 when about 25 yrs of age. Soon he returned to Walton Co, where he married
Miss Emma Bowers in Feb 1871 and became the father of 8 children, 2 sons Newton & Ralph preceded the
father as did his wife who died on Dec 7 1914. Survivors are 3 sons, Judge A G Campbell, G Bowers Camp-
bell and W O Campbell; 3 daughters, Mrs C I McKinnon, Mrs John McKinnon and Miss Emma Campbell all of
DeFuniak Springs. Services on Mar 20th with interment in Euchee Valley cemetery. (2 long articles)
15 yrs ago from Mar 12 1920 Breeze: Death of popular and well liked DeFuniak boy Ewart McKinnon assistant
cashier of the First National Bank occurred. 10 yrs ago from Mar 12 1925 Breeze: John Wesley Smith 83 yrs
old, a Confederate veteran, and an almost lifetime resident, died.
1935 July 4 Mrs Flora Campbell widow of the late J W Campbell occurred at her home on Sunday.
Services were conducted Monday at 4:00 at Presbyterian church, internment was in Magnolia
cemetery. Miss Flora Dixon was born in Cuthbert, Ga 62 yrs ago, but had been a Defuniak
resident for 35 yrs. Survivors: 3 daughters, Mrs Clark Scott, Misses Hazel & Lorene, all of
this place, one step-daughter Miss Mary Gunn of Marianna, one step-son Donald of Chapman,
Ala. One step-daughter Mrs Nita Hurston and one son Morris preceeded her in death.
1939 Jun 22 Came the word Friday night that Judge Angus Graham Campbell had dropped dead on the
stage of the Pensacola High school auditorium while delivering the graduating address. The deceased
was son of Daniel & Emma Campbell, born Nov 19 1874 at Euecheeanne. Survivors: wife, son, A G Campbell
Jr, 2 daughters Mrs Leo Andrews and Miss Carrie Mae; 2 brothers, G B & W O Campbell, 3 sisters, Miss
Emma Campbell, Mrs C B McKinnon and Mrs Mary Campbell McKinnon. Funeral was held Sunday from Presbyterian
church. (long story & Picture)
Feb 20 G B Campbell died Monday night at the home of his sister, Miss Emma Campbell. Services were
held on Wednesday with interment in the old family burial ground at Eucheeanna cemetery. Survivors
are his widow, (nee Hattie L Henry.) His bride was the daughter of the late Dr. G P Henry, pioneer
physician of DeF and this city's first mayor. A daughter Mrs Starlus Ridgell and 2 grandchildren
of the Ridgell household. A brother W O Campbell, 3 sisters Mrs C B McKinnon, Mrs Mary Campbell
McKinnon and Miss Emma Campbell, and aunt Mrs C D Monroe. Giles Bowers Campbell was forn at Eucheeanna
on Mar 25 1877 and came to DeF abt 1899. (long obit)
1943 May 13 The death of Mrs Mary Campbell McKinnon occurred Friday May 7 at her home. She
was the daughter of the late Judge Daniel L Campbell and sister of the late Judge A G Campbell and
is survived by two sisters Mrs C B McKinnon and Miss Emma Campbell, brother W O Campbell. Services
at the Presbyterian church and interment at the family plot in Euchee Valley cemetery.
John Duncan Anderson of Walton Co passed away at his home in Eucheanne Sunday night, Jan 9th
after an illness of 2 yrs. Mr Anderson was 63 yrs and live an entire life-time in this county.
Services conducted at the home Monday and interment was made in the Valley Cemetery. Survivors
include widow and foster son Emory Campbell who is in the Army stationed at Eglin Field.
1946 Feb 21 L P Campbell 83, died Thursday. He was born in Euchee Valley. Services were
heldFriday of last week. Mr Campbell's father Dr D L was a physician with Dr Angus Gillis,
were county's first two physicians. Interment was in Magnolia by the side of his wife
who preceded him in death abt 2 yrs ago.
Miss Ione Campbell died at Lakeshore Hospital, New Orleans, last Friday. Service held
at home of her sister, Mrs M O Brawner, Pensacola Sunday morning. The remains were
brought to Euchee Valley Cenetery for interment. She was the youngest child of the late
Dr & Mrs Daniel L Campbell and was born and reared in Walton Co and had made her
home in Pensacola with her sister for last several years. She held a posistion at the Pen-
sacola Public Library. Survivors include the sister, a brother Wallace Campbell and
several nieces & nephews.
1946 Mar 20 Mrs Hattie Henry Campbell, widow of the late G Bowers Campbell died at her home
Monday morning. She was the daughter of the late Dr G P Henry, first Mayor of De-
Funiak Springs. Mrs Campbell had 4 children, three of whom died in infancy, and only
a few months ago the death of her daughter, Mrs Starlus Rigell of Georgetown, S C was
a great shock to Mrs Campbell, who had been invalid for several years. Survivors include
a sister, Mrs Mamie Sowell and a brother Dr Gordon Henry and several nieces and nephews.
Services were held Wednesday with interment in family plot at Euchee Valley Cemetery
1947 Nov 13 The infant son of Mr & Mrs James E Camptbell of Pensacola died at the Maternity
hospital Tuesday and funeral services were held at Cluster Springs Cemetery Wednesday.
The baby is survived by the parents, and one brother, John Marion, grandparents, Mrs
Charlie Ward and Mr & Mrs John Winn.
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September 29, 2004